78-7-Ordinance-Paying the Ad Valorem Taxes-10/02/1978ORDINANCE NO. 78-7 AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE TIME AND MANNER OF PAYING THE AD VALOREM TAXES LEVIED FOR THE USE AND BENEFIT OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANDER, TEXAS: SECTIOT 1 1. That the ad valorem taxes hereafter levied by the governing body of the City of Sanger, Texas, each year shall, become due on the first day of October of the year for which the levy is made and may be paid up to and including the fol- lowing January 31st, without penalty, but if not so paid such taxes become delia_uent on the following day, February lst, and the following penalty shall be payable thereon, to wit; if paid during the month of February, one percent (10); during the month of Tlarch, two percent (.2 ); April, three percent (30), M,aIF _four FFI I nt (-a° - ; ,Tune, five percent ( 5°) ; and on and after the first day of July, eight percent (8%). Such unpaid taxes shall bear interest at the rate of six percent (6%) per annum from February lst of the year next succeeding the vear for which such taxes were levied or assessed. SECTION 2. t.Tnpaid taxes for the assessment year and all prior_ years shall be considered. deliquent as o.f_ Februaryy 1-st of the _yeas next succeeding the year for which such taxes were levied or assessed and shall be subject to a penalty of eight percent (80) and interest at the rate of six percent (60) per annum from the date of their deline;uencv. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE ATTEST: cretary 2.nd day of October 1978.