12/18/2017-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularBANGER *TEXAS AGENDA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2017 7:00 PM 502 ELM STREET SANGER, TEXAS 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Citizens Input: (Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues brought up during this section). 3. CONSENT AGENDA: a) Approval of Minutes: 1. City Council Work Session, December 4, 2017 2. City Council Regular Meeting, December 4, 2017 b) Disbursements 4. Consider any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. REGULAR AGENDA 5. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Act on Approving and Authorizing the Acting City Manager to Sign Change Order #1 Between the City of Sanger and Felix Construction Regarding the Contract for the Wastewater Treatment Plan Construction. 6. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Act on Approving and Authorizing the Acting City Manager to Sign Change Order #2 Between the City of Sanger and Felix Construction Regarding the Contract for the Wastewater Treatment Plan. 7. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Act on Approving and Authorizing the Mayor to Sign Change Order #1 with Pavecon Construction. 8. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving the Fourth Amendment To Option To Lease and Water Tower Lease Agreement Between the City of Sanger and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC.; and, Authorize the Mayor to Sign Contract. 9. INFORMATION ITEMS: a) Financial Investment Report b) All American Dogs Update 10. ADJOURN. I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the ge ral public at all times, and said notice was posted on the following date and time:,/r� atr3_. M. and shall remain posted until meeting is adjourned.- ,., ... s Cheryl Pri e, City Secretary _ �. City of Sanger, Texas This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible pftking ito3 ices ai•e available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. L911111•1� MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION December 4, 2017 — 6:00 PM 502 Elm Street, Sanger, Texas COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir, Councilman Bill Boutwell, Councilman David Clark, Councilman Allen Chick, Councilman Lee Allison, Councilman Gary Bilyeu All Council Members were present constituting a quorum. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Acting City Manager Alina Ciocan, City Secretary Cheryl Price, Director of Public works Neal Welch, Deputy City Secretary/HR Coordinator Jeriana Station. 1. Call Meeting to Order. The City Council Work Session was called to order at 6:03 P.M. by Mayor Muir. 2. Update on Active Capital Projects Presented by Director of Public Works, Neal Welch. Public Works Director Neal Welch presented a power point presentation of photos he took related to capital projects. He asked the Council to feel free to ask questions as he goes through the presentation. Photos of the East Section of McReynolds Road were presented. One of the photos was of the last 1100 feet of the section where the slope was wrong. The engineers checked the slope to make sure there were no problems with the drainage and met with staff. He noted that if you drive it you don't feel it, you don't notice it and that it would not affect the drainage on the adjacent property owners. This is where the agreement to do the improvements on Bolivar Road came up. They offered to do the improvements on Bolivar in lieu of tearing up the road. Another photo he presented showed how much they are cutting down the hills,. and noted that the power poles would have to be re -dug in these areas and it is being done by the City Electric Department. Councilman Clark asked what is wrong with it, which way it is supposed to flow. Mr. Welch noted that the road is supposed slope from the middle so the rainwater runs off of both sides and one side of it is all running to the north on this portion at a 3% slope. He noted a portion of the road is actually designed that way but not this part of it. Councilman Clark asked if there would be any problems with flooding from the amount of water running off to the one side. Mr. Welch stated there would be the same and would not change anything. Mayor Muir asked which side the future expansion would go on. Mr. Welch noted future expansion would go to the south side opposite the telephone poles. Mr. Welch noted that we had hoped that we would not have to do anything with our utility poles; however, because of the hills being cut down so much, our Electric Department is going to have to go in and lower some of our utility poles. Councilman Clark noted an offset of the road and Mr. Welch noted it was an offset where they moved the road over to give more room for the utility poles and noted it was in the plans. Councilman Boutwell asked what the estimated completion time on the project was. Mr. Welch advised they said it was a 600- day project and they are going to try and finish it in February. This is the reason that the road was closed so the construction could get completed faster. They have a little concrete work around Ranger Creek Bridge and some sidewalk from Pleasant Valley up to Jones. Concrete crews should be back working this Wednesday. Mayor Muir noted that Council had some questions on the project to remedy the slope issue on Bolivar. Questions about the base prep and the choice of structures and whether we had to be involved with the railroad and requested any updates he could offer. Mr. Welch advised that the cross section is the same thing we have on the east end of McReynolds. The base is thick and they are going to pull it up pulverize it and lime stabilize it and put in the asphalt cross section. The Railroad has said they want to raise the west side up a bit. We are going to level it up and make it safer for all of the trucks. It is planned to be long enough so that an 18-wheeler can go across the tracks and not hang up. This would be the best choice for safety. Councilman Clark asked what the cost of the trade -out is for the Bolivar Street improvement. Acting City Manager, Alina Ciocan advised that basically from what she has seen, Pavecon's estimate for this improvement was about $150,000. Eddie Piercy, Street Superintendent got another estimate for $120,000 for the same project. Mr. Welch noted they were a little bit high but it was not worth enough to tell them not to do it. Councilman Bilyeu noted that there is still a $88,900 price tag on it. Mr. Welch noted that John Henderson in Streets has spoke with railroad personnel and they said would not charge for the flagger that they usually require, if we give them enough time they will work with us. Mr. Welch noted that this was the best choice for safety reasons. For the Wastewater Treatment plant expansion, Mr. Welch presented photos and explained the progress of the construction of the plant. Mayor Muir noted that he felt it was a good time to visit on the wastewater plant regarding the problems we have been having with the dumping and the smell. He noted that a few weeks ago he met with some people he knows at Upper Trinity and they discussed their Doe Branch Plant on 380 and they shared their data with us. He noted, Ben Hodges who runs that plant told him that you can see the days where they were hit with stuff at their plant. It is a brand new efficient plant and when they are hit there is a huge difference, it is just slimy black sludge. Even though our plant is not a newer plant we believe this is a broader issue, a regional issue, Mayor Muir and Alina Ciocan, Acting City Manager, Jim Bolz, Water and Wastewater Superintendent met with Heather Goins, Denton's Pre-treatment Specialist last Thursday. She wanted to see the data and had the ability to look at the chemical make up and tell whether it is food waste, actual septic, oil or chemical base. We are going to try to do some sampling, possibly by the hour. Jim Bolz is working on some quotes to look at getting it done for about $3000 to $5000. We have three main trunk lines and should be able to narrow the problem and know when it is hitting and what trunk line it is hitting, and narrow it down with the process of elimination. This way we would be able to tell if it is industry dumping or if it is a truck driving around and dumping into our system. As discussed previously, this has become a problem because the City of Denton shut down taking Septic Waste in April 2016, which is exactly when we started having our problems, in the summer of 2016. We are going to do some routine data sampling and spreadsheet work based on her recommendations. We are actually going to go back and try to retest a sample that we took after the incident on September 26t" which may give us an idea of what we are dealing with whether it is food waste, septage, etc. We have also called on other municipalities and got confirmation that they have also had dumping incidents within the same timeframe. The Police Department is monitoring this closely and staff has been notified to have their people out in the field. We will also on the verge of a press release to the citizens to get the word out. He noted that the reason that Denton shut down having the septic trucks come in is because of what it was doing to their plant. They actually tested them before they let each truck dump, and they know what those trucks carry. We were curious if there was enough of a fingerprint in the testing to narrow down the culprit. This is what we are looking into. He noted that Doe Branch has been overwhelmed, they didn't breach, but they were close and were working like mad men to keep up and had men out in the field looking. The Mayor noted that he has spoken to TECQ regarding this issue. Staff is working on a timeline and acquiring factual information. We don't know what it is and we may be in better shape if we get the knowledge from the sampling. Alina Ciocan noted that the meeting with Heather Goins in Denton was very productive and they came back with a lot of information. Neal Welch presented a summary of sidewalk projects. He also provide a summary of the water and sewer improvements from North of FM 455 down to Lois Road. This project is almost complete. Phase III water and sewer lines go across and up 1-35 to View Road Lois Road for future business expansion. This project has been bid, let, and the contractor ordered all of the supplies they need and should begin construction as soon as they get the materials and should be under construction in January or February. Cowling Road Lift Station is still in design. They have been working with the pipeline shifting it to various places trying to get the best design and working with the property owners to get to a point where everybody can agree. Mayor Muir noted if we can get the easements lined out and get the easements worked out with the property owners we should do that sooner than later. He noted that the Nitrification project is also in process. Councilman Allison asked if the project of the way finder signs has been pursued. Mr. Welch noted that he has sent out e-mails and made phone calls and has received zero response, so he is going to attempt to go and meet with them in person. Councilman Boutwell asked what the expected completion of the Nitrification project was. Mr. Welch advised he did not know a completion date. The contractor has ordered the materials and they hope to get started in early 2018. He noted that they really need to be finished by April 2018. Councilman Clark noted he thought there were some issues with Upper Trinity. Mr. Welch noted that Upper Trinity was not pleased and wanted a more expensive device for air gap and the Engineers said that all they needed was an air gap, the engineer found it in the rules and sent it to them and they finally agreed. Councilman Clark noted that he has never seen a sidewalk plan and wanted to know if we have one. Mr. Welch advised that last year we went down Keaton to the school. He noted there were some plans for to tie neighborhoods and schools together, mainly to get to schools. He noted that if the Council knows of locations for sidewalks to let him know. Councilman Boutwell asked if we have exhausted all of our funds for sidewalks. Mr. Welch advised that for 2016-17 we have. There additional miscellaneous discussion regarding sidewalks. Councilman Bilyeu noted that it would be a good idea to put one in from Marion and Sanger Circle to FM 455. For safety. Councilman Allison noted the State used to have a program, "Better Safer Roads" for sidewalks. Mr. Welch advised they still do have that program. They will pay for the actual construction of the sidewalk but will not pay for any engineering or anything else. We would have to obtain easements and provide a full set of engineered plans and then apply for the grant. Mayor Muir noted that we may want to do a comprehensive plan for sidewalks for the future. It was noted that we may get a sidewalk to go under 1-35 when the expansion of 1-35 occurs. 3. Overview of Items on Regular Agenda. There was no overview of items on the Regular Agenda. 4. ADJOURN. There being no further business, Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 6:55 P.M. MINUTES: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 4, 2017, 7:00 p.m. 502 Elm Street, Sanger, Texas COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir, Councilman Bill Boutwell, Councilman David Clark, Councilman Allen Chick, Councilman Gary Bilyeu, Councilman Lee Allison COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: None The Mayor and all Council Members were present constituting a quorum. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Acting City Manager Alina Ciocan, City Secretary Cheryl Price, 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. The Regular City Council Meeting was called to order by Mayor Muir on Monday, December 4, 2017 at 7:04 p.m. The Invocation was given by Councilman Boutwell and The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Bilyeu. 2. Citizens Input: (Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues brought up during this section). Sue Allison, was recognized. She advised that she has an idea for the sewer system with regard to all of the dumping that we suspect is going on. She suggested it would be a good idea to get the manhole covers and put a limit switch on the manhole covers in the outer areas; and, as soon as they lift the lid, a light comes on at city hall that tells you somebody is out there, but you don't go out there right away. You watch and see how many of these go off and watch for a pattern and then you get them. It wouldn't be that much money to put a switch on them. 3. CONSENT AGENDA: a) Approval of Minutes: 1. City Council Work Session, November 20, 2017 b) Disbursements c) Approve Resolution No. R-09-12-17 Appointing Alina Ciocan as the City of Sanger Representative to the Upper Trinity Regional Water District Board of Directors to Fill in Unexpired Term Ending May 31, 2019. Councilman Boutwell asked about some of the disbursements. For Imprint- which is one of the Companies that we use for promotional giveaways at parks and recreation events. Pavecon — payment for $367,896. (Page 14) Do we have an idea of how much we have paid them and of what the total is. Acting City Manager Alina Ciocan advised she does not have those figures tonight, but will be happy to e-mail that information to him. Boulder Monument signs — Alina Ciocan noted that it is a project that is being done by the Parks Department and is for monument signs, one at City Hall and one at Switzer Park. Councilman Clark asked Alina Ciocan, Acting City Manager if she was familiar with the Upper Trinity Board and if she has the time. He asked if the Council was stacking too much on her. She stated that she will make the time, that this is important enough, as the Mayor stated, we need to have a presence and make sure that our opinion is heard. Councilman Clark noted that it does not have to be the City Manager. Mayor Muir noted that he was correct and explained some past history. He noted we may find someone else that can take her place, but we need to get someone appointed timely and we can address it later. A motion was made by Councilman Bilyeu to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The motion was seconded by councilman Clark. Motion carried unanimously (5-0). 4. Consider any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. None. REGULAR AGENDA 5. Consider, Discuss and Act on the Final Plat of the R. L. Carriers Addition Being 83.225 Acres Generally Located East of IH-35 and North of View Road. Acting City Manager, Alina Ciocan summarized. This is a company that is looking to relocate north of Walmart. The engineer Will Sisco is here to present the project if we have questions. They are platting the entire tract of approximately 83 acres. The tract is zoned industrial so it is meeting all of the requirements. Will Sisco with Turley and Associates, 301 North 3rd Street, Temple, Texas, was recognized to present the plat. He advised it is a basic plat and they are turning it into one lot so they can develop it. The company, R. L. Carriers is an Air Freight and Common Freight Carrier company. They have been pretty aggressive in building new projects all over the country They have about 10 projects going on right now. They are going to develop about 45 acres of the 80-acre site, most of which will be concrete paving. It is an exciting project and at full build -out it could be about 250 jobs. They have submitted 60% plans on the civil side and expect to 100% plans in the next few weeks and plan to start construction at the first of the year. Mr. Sisco noted that the company is a freight carrier, and will have truck traffic similar to Walmart, which is adjacent to the property. Councilman Bilyeu asked Public Works Director Neal Welch, Director of Public Works if all of our water and wastewater commitments would meet the timeline. Mr. Welch advised they were ahead of the schedule. Councilman Allison noted he would like to see more information on the utilities and also questioned the dedication of View Road. Alina Ciocan noted that the agreement for view road precedes her and was made with Mike Brice. Will Sisco stated that his understanding from prior meetings was that View Road was a joint project with the City and the County at the time it was put in and assumed it was a public road, but the actual dedication of it was never completed.so this is to clean it up because it is a road that was put in by the city and the county. Mayor Muir noted that he remembers it was put in to encourage development. Councilman Allision questioned if we want to be responsible for maintaining it or let them have the road and maintain it. Ms. Ciocan noted that this was an agreement that Mike Brice had made with them. Councilman Allision noted that in the future he would like to see more of what is going to happen with the infrastructure. Councilman Boutwell asked where the city limits end going north. It was noted the City Limits go to the Cooke County Line. A motion was made by Councilman Allision, to approve the Final Plat of the R. L. Carriers Addition being 83.225 Acres generally located east of IH-35 and north of View Road. The motion was seconded by Councilman Bilyeu. Motion carried unanimously (5-0). INFORMATION ITEMS: None. 6. ADJOURN. There being no further discussion, Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 7:21 P.M. 12/11/2017 2:26 PM PACKET: 09262-12.11.17 ACH EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/20/2017 VENDOR NAME 99-24050 AEP ENERGY PARTNERS, INC 1756000661 CITY OF SANGER D I R E C T D E P O S I T L I S T ACH LISTING *** BANK ACCOUNT TYPE 021000089 30646208 CHK PER 111911321 2693585 CHK HASH 0013291140 IMMED. DEST 101000048 FED OF KC ACCOUNT NO# 2693585 IMMED. ORIG 0111911321 FIRST UNITED BANK TOTAL AMOUNT 342,241.22CR ORIG. DFI# : 111911321 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/20/2017 COMPANY ID 1756000661 TOTAL ENTRIES : 1 COMPANY NAME CITY OF SANGER PAGE: 1 AMOUNT TRACE 342,241.22CR 0000001 342,241.22 0000002 12/11/2017 2:26 P14 D I R E C T D E P O S I T L I S T PAGE: 1 PACKET: 09262-12.11.17 ACH EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/20/2017 VENDOR NAME 99-24050 AEP ENERGY PARTNERS, INC 1756000661 CITY OF SANGER - ACH LISTING - RANK ACCOUNT 021000069 30646208 111911321 2693585 TYPE AMOUNT TRACE CHK PER 342,241.22CR 0000001 CHK 342,241.22 0000002 HASH 0013291140 IIMED. DEST 101000048 FED OF KC ACCOUNT 1101 2693585 IMMED. CRIS 0111911321 FIRST UNITED RANK TOTAL At AUNT 342,241.22CR OPTS. DFI# : 111911321 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/20/2017 COMPANY I❑ 1756000661 TOTAL ENTRIES : 1 COMPANY NAME CITY OF SANGER 12/11/2017 2:26 PM D I R E C T D E P O S I T L I S T PAGE: 1 PACKET: 09262-12.11.17 ACH EFFECTIVE ➢ATE: 12/20/2011 VENDOR NAME 99-24050 AEP ENERGY PARTNERS, INC 1756000661 CITY OF SANGER - ACH LISTING - BANK ACCOUNT 021000089 3064620E 111911321 2693585 TYPE AMOUNT TRACE CHK PER 342,241.22CR 0000001 CHK 342,241.22 0000002 HASH 0013291140 I443ED. DEST 101000048 FED OF KC ACCOUNT N09 2693585 IIIIED. ORIG 0111911321 FIRST UNITED BANK TOTAL AMOUNT 342,241.22CR ORIG. DFI$ : 111911321 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/20/2017 COMPANY ID 1756000661 TOTAL ENTRIES : 1 COMPATIY NAlIE CITY OF SANGER 12/11/2017 2:20 P14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 1 PACKET: 09260 12.11.17 AM VENDOR SET: ._ RA21K POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE ❑ISCOUNT AMOUNT N0q AMOUNT 21260 TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF STATE HEALTH SERVICES I-8030-10711 RE14EW E14S PROVIDER LICENSE D 11/30/2017 870.000R 000000 870.00 25070 ALL A14ERICAN DOGS INC I-3266 DECE14BER SHELTER SERVICE R 12/11/2017 4,080.000R 067916 4,080.00 02610 ANIXTER INC. I-3744765-00 PAINT -DEAD END SHOE -CAP R 12/11/2017 950.45CR 067917 950.45 22620 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE I-1157056367 MATS CITY HALL R 12/11/2017 20.17CR 067918 I-1157195231 MATS/CITY HALL R 12/11/2017 20.17CR 067918 40.34 02460 AT&T MOBILITY I-019592694X11282017 CELL PHONE 10/23/17-11/22/17 R 12/11/2017 626.19CR 067919 826.19 12680 BAILEY ENVIRONMENTAL, CORP I-30-31-17 HEALTH INSPECTIONS R 12/11/2017 4,600.000R 067920 4,600.00 31450 BETSY GRAY CREATIVE GROUP I-2017-029 COVER DESIGN R 12/11/2017 112.50CR 067921 I-2017-031 POWER POINT TE14PLATE R 12/11/2017 150.000R 067921 262.50 00420 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC I-82665911 EMS SUPPLIES R 12/11/2017 313.26CR 067922 I-62685912 EMS 14EDICAL SUPPLIES R 12/11/2017 165.58CR 067922 I-82693888 EMS SUPPLIES R 12/11/2017 504.68CR 067922 983.52 23790 TERRY WEST I-201700320 LIGHT FIXTURE CONVERSION R 12/11/2017 130.000R 067923 130.00 21100 COLE14AN LAW FIRM I-201712057010 NOVEMBER- 14UNICIPAL PROSECUTER R 12/11/2017 775.000R 067924 775.00 18190 DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION RESOURCE I-1810102311 OCTOBER LONG DISTANCE R 12/11/2017 32.77CR 067925 32.77 17640 DOLLAR GENERAL - CHARGED SALES I-1000689919 CHRISTMAS DECOR RANGERS R 12/11/2017 10.00CR 067926 10.00 32310 EMERGICON LLC I-7705 MONTHLY COLLECTION R 12/11/2017 8,459.98CR 067927 8,459.98 12/11/2017 2:20 P14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 2 PACKET: 09260 12.11.17 A14 VENDOR SET: __ BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR IIAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE ❑ISCOUNT AP:OUNT NO# AMOUNT 23820 FERGUSON WATERWORKS 1-0908002-1 CLAIMS R 12/11/2017 111.61CR 067928 I-0910361 CL7,14PS R 12/11/2017 516.10CR 067928 627.71 31340 FIRST CHECK APPLICAIIT SCREENING I-875B BC ON CHRISTOPHER HAbACONS R 12/11/2017 34.50CR 067929 34.50 18790 FUELI4AN I-ITP52020062 FUEL 11/27/17-12/03/17 R 12/11/2017 1,815.05CR 067930 1,815.05 25560 GARY DILL BACKHOE SERVICE I-2233 NEW WTR SVC BORE R 12/11/2017 8,000.00CR 067931 8,000.00 24580 HOLIDAY CHEVROLET I-1483 NEW DETECTIVE VEHICLE R 12/11/2017 34,277.00CR 067932 34,277.00 23760 KEEPITSAFE, INC.-LIVEVAULT I-3363602 NOVEMBER STATEI4ENT R 12/11/2017 600.000R 067933 600.00 08210 KIIIK EAR I-76709 TRAILER INSPECTION LIC19034157 R 12/11/2017 7.000R 067934 7.00 32370 RYAN LOFTIN I-201712077017 2 DAY HEALS FOR 12/18-12/19 R 12/11/2017 50.000R 067935 50.00 01570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC. C-926345 REFUIID ON TAX R 12/11/2017 9.08 067936 I-67989 TOILET PLUNGER R 12/11/2011 30.36CR 067936 21.28 31130 VIRGINIA MORROW - DBA - D:ORROW FENCE CO I-1001 FENCING R 12/11/2017 2,500.000R 067937 2,500.00 08690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS I-1959-410341 GAL MICK OIL R 12/11/2017 0.38CR 18.61CR 067938 I-1959-410600 4PC FLOOR 14AT '14 TAHOE BUT 15 R 12/11/2017 0.80CR 39.19CR 067938 I-1959-410849 BRAKE PADS '13 TAHOE UNIT OS-2 R 12/11/2017 1.37CR 67.12CR 067938 124.92 02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-982121441001 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES R 12/11/2017 187.04CR 067939 187.04 22760 PRICE, CHERYL I-201712117024 TCNA TRAVEL VOUCHER R 12/11/2017 20.000R 067940 I-201712117025 TCI'IA TRAVEL 141LEAGE R 12/11/2017 56.71CR 067940 76.71 12/11/2017 2:20 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 3 PACKET: 09260 12.11.17 A14 VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR KATIE / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NOR AMOUNT 12820 RICOH USA, INC I-5051340508 SERVICE CONTRACT OCT a NOV R 12/11/2017 182.28CR 067941 182.28 09520 ACP INTERNATIONAL INC. I—S17-3002 72" PARKING CURBS R 12/11/2017 295.12CR 067942 295.12 29420 SAMA11TRA SPRINGS BOTTLING C-482080 CREDIT 11 12/11/2017 6.00 000000 I-483722 MONTHLY DEC FEE 1I 12/11/2017 6.000R 000000 0.00 29400 SA4ANTHA SPRINGS BOTTLING C-482083 RETURN DEPOSIT R 12/11/2017 6.00 067943 I-483894 MONTHLY DEC CHARGE R 12/11/2017 6.000R 067943 I-484423 ENERGY SURCHARGE R 12/11/2017 2.90CR 067943 2.90 30050 SPMUITHA SPRINGS I-482082 WATER a ENERGY SURCHARGE R 12/11/2017 17.90CR 067944 I-484035 DECEMBER 14O11THLY CHARGE R 12/11/2017 6.000R 067944 23.90 25020 SANGER HARDWARE C—B91408 LIGHT BULBS RETUIUN R 12/11/2017 8.98 067945 I—B90747 TINIER R 12/11/2017 7.59CR 067945 I—B90868 DIARKING PAINT R 12/11/2017 45.54CR 067945 I—B90897 LIGHT BULBS R 12/11/2017 8.98CR 067945 I—C26986 WRENCH PIPE R 12/11/2017 26.99CR 067945 80.12 11810 SPECIALTY RESCUE a FIRE I-14216 HYDRO —BOTTLES R 12/11/2017 1,462.50CR 067946 1,462.50 29190 STITCHIN' AND LORE CUSTOM GRAPHICS LLC I-201712077020 F24PLOYEE COATS R 12/11/2017 2,500.000R 067947 2,500.00 32030 GILLIAM IITVESTMENTS: DBA: VANGUARD CLEANING SYS I-19126 CLEANING CITY OFFICES R 12/11/2017 2,493.000R 067948 I-19601 CLEANING CITY 0£FICES R 12/11/2017 2,64E.00OR 067948 I-20019 CLEATING CITY OFFICES R 12/11/2017 150.00OR 067948 I-20090 CLEANING CITY OFFICES R 12/11/2017 2,648.00CR 067948 I-20493 CLEANING CITY OFFICES R 12/11/2017 263.58CR 067948 I-20494 CLEARING CITY OFFICES R 12/11/2017 247.32CR 067948 I-20495 CLEANING CITY OFFICES R 12/11/2017 247.32CR 067948 I-20496 CLEATING CITY OFFICES R 12/11/2017 247.32CR 067946 I-20498 CLEANING CITY OFFICES R 12/11/2017 186.94CR 067948 I-20499 CLEA21IITG CITY OFFICES R 12/11/2017 257.16CR 067948 I-20500 CLEANING CITY OFFICES R 12/11/2017 169.48CR 067948 9,558.12 12/11/2017 2:20 P14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 4 PACKET: 09260 12.11.17 A14 VENDOR SET: ._ BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR N)WE / I.D. DISC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT N08 AMOUNT * . T 0 T A L S ' 1104 DISCOUNTS CHECK MIT TOTAL APPLIED REGULAR CHECKS: 33 2.55 83,576.90 83,579.45 HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRE-F]RITE CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 1 0.00 870.00 870.00 VOID CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 11011 CHECKS: 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 CORRECTIONS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 REGISTER TOTALS: 35 2.55 84,446.90 84,449.45 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 TOTAL WARNINGS: 0 12/11/2017 2:20 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 5 PACKET: 09260 12.11.17 A14 VENDOR SET: 99 „ BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR MIE / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE ❑ISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# A14OUITT " POSTING PERIOD RECAP FUND PERIOD AMOUNT ___________________________________________ 001 11/2017 870.000R 001 12/2017 60,501.85CR 008 12/2017 10,015.85CR 160 12/2017 12,736.70CR 41 12/2017 262.50CR ALL 84,446.90CR 12/04/2017 11:24 AM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 09243 12.04.2017 P14 VENDOR SET: 99 MIR E14P B EMPLOYEE BENEFIT MID CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAIIE / I.D. DISC TYPE DATE 10610 LEADERSLIFE INS. COMPANY 1-74913 DEC 2017 LIFE INS COVERAGE R 12/04/2017 30560 MUTUAL OF OM4AHA I-000679428569A DEC 2017 LIFE INSURANCE R 12/04/2017 30590 UNITED HEALTHCARE INSURANCE COMPANY I-093339941945 HEALTH 6 DENTAL INS DEC 2017 R 12/04/2017 i* T O T A L S REGULAR CHECKS: HAN➢WRITTEN CHECKS: PRE -WRITE CHECKS: DRAFTS: VOID CHECKS: 11011 CHECKS: CORRECTIONS: REGISTER TOTALS: TOTAL ERRORS: 0 TOTAL WARNINGS: 0 PAGE: 1 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT AITOU14T IT04 AMOUNT 86.66CR 000493 86.66 1,344.29CR 000494 1,344.29 45,683.16CR 000495 45,683.16 NOs DISCOUNTS CHECK A14T TOTAL APPLIED 3 0.00 47,114.11 47,114.11 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 0.00 47,114.11 47,114.11 12/04/2017 11:24 AM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 2 PACKET: 09243 12.04.2017 AM VENDOR SET: __ RANK EMP B EMPLOYEE BENEFIT FUND CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUTIT AMOUNT NO$ AMOUNT - POSTING PERIOD RECAP " FUND PERIOD AMOUNT 110 12/2017 47,114.11CR ALL 47,114.11CR 12/04/2017 11:18 AM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 1 PACKET: 09242 12.04.17 VENDOR SET: „ BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 30600 TASC C-201711277006 TASC D 11/22/2017 41.66 000000 1-201711207003 TASC D 11/22/2017 30.48CR 000000 I-FSCPY10.27.17 FLEX D 11/22/2017 208.33CR 000000 I-FS14PY10.27.17 FLEX D 11/22/2017 2,002.86CR 000000 2,200.01 00600 CITY OF SANGER I-NOVEMBER 2017 ELECTRIC 10/16/17-11/17/17 D 12/04/2017 39,419.84CR 000000 39,419.84 07860 ACT PIPE SUPPLY, INC I-S100138929.001 CLAMPS, NUTS, AND BOLTS R 12/04/2017 612.10CR 067876 612.10 28710 AFFORD -IT TIRES I-1760 265-70-17 FUTURA TIRES R 12/04/2017 500.00CR 067877 500.00 25940 ALAN PLU1114ER ASSOCIATES, INIC I-000000041499 SEWER PLANT ENGINEERING R 12/04/2017 18,579.56CR 067878 18,579.56 25070 ALL APMRICAN DOGS INC I-3260 SERVICES FOR SEPT/OCT/NOV R 12/04/2017 1,025.000R 067879 1,025.00 22620 ARAMARK UIIIFOR14 SERVICE I-1157160712 UITIFOP14S 3 SHOP TOWELS R 12/04/2017 29.88CR 067880 1-1157160713 UNIFORMS R 12/04/2017 23.16CR 067880 1-1157160714 MATS S UNIFORMS R 12/04/2017 55.55CR 067880 1-1157160715 UNIFORMS R 12/04/2017 26.73CR 067880 I-1157183539 SHOP TOWELS S UNIFORMS R 12/04/2017 29.88CR 067880 I-1157183540 UNIFORMS R 12/04/2017 23.16CR 067880 I-1157183541 MATS 5 UNIFORMS R 12/04/2017 55.55CR 067880 I-1157183542 UNIIFOR14S R 12/04/2017 26.73CR 067880 1-1157183543 MATS CITY HALL R 12/04/2017 20.17CR 067880 2P0.81 25610 AUSTIN LANE TECHNOLOGIES, INC I-161229 TECHNICAL SUPPORT R 12/04/2017 6,123.000R 067881 6,123.00 32340 BELCHEFF E ASSOCIATES INC I-170420.0101 FLOG➢PLAIN REV R 12/04/2017 2,439.000R 067862 1-170420.0301 FLOGDPLAIN REV R 12/04/2017 2,400.00CR 067882 4,839.00 31670 BOOT BARN I-IVC0118664 BOOTS R 12/04/2017 100.000R 067883 100.00 12/04/2017 11:18 A14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 2 PACKET: 09242 12.04.17 VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NNIfE / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO% AMOUNT 20410 CARE NOW CORPORATE I-1009310 SARA SEXTON: IS fi ALCOHOL TEST R 12/04/2017 70.00CR 067884 70.00 00590 CITY 0£ DENTON I-10/13/17-11/18/17 TESTING R 12/04/2017 160.00CR 067885 160.00 22650 D&S ENGINEERING LABS, PLLC I-17-10-000168 MCREYNDLS MATERIALS TST R 12/04/2017 6,540.88CR 067886 6,540.88 26410 DENTON COUNTY CLERK I-INT123632 MOW LIEN 108 FREESE 58431 R 12/04/2017 30.00CR 067887 I-INT138235 MOW LIEN 600 11. STE12-DIIS 57269 R 12/04/2017 30.00CR 067887 I-IlIT2012-96198 MOW LIEN 600 11. STEM!ONS 57269 R 12/04/2017 30.000R 067887 I-INT2013-94585 MOW LIEN 600 N. STEM{ONS 57269 R 12/04/2017 30.000R 067887 I-IlIT2014-115151 MOW LIEN 600 N. STEMMONS 57269 R 12/04/2017 30.000R 067887 I-IlIT2014-121273 NOS) LIEN 600 11. STEM21ONS R 12/04/2017 30.000R 067887 I-IlIT2014-97874 MOW LIEN 600 N. STEI410ITS 57269 R 12/04/2017 30.000R 067887 210.00 26920 DISCOUNT TROPHIES 1-1781 KICKBALL TROPHIES R 12/04/2017 22.000R 067888 22.00 23820 FERGUS014 WATERWORKS I-0908002 CLAMP, COUPLING, VALVE, NIPPLE R 12/04/2017 557.16CR 067889 557.16 18790 FUELMAN I-ITP51909261 FUEL 11/20/17-11/26/17 R 12/04/2017 1,441.82CR 067890 1,441.82 01070 GALLS INC. I-008708341 TCKT HLDR, LAPEL MIC - 780 R 12/04/2017 114.10CR 067891 114.10 29620 GOODYEAR COMMERCIAL TIRE I-233-1018579 GY 265/60R17 TIRES UNIT 10 R 12/04/2017 288.81CR 067892 288.81 19480 HUTHER 6 ASSOCIATES, INC I-5783 TESTING R 12/04/2017 2,975.000R 067893 2,975.00 31660 L.H. CHANEY MATERIALS, INC. 1-0000140929 EMERGENCY SLUDGE HAUL R 12/04/2017 5,367.50CR 067894 5,367.50 25060 LEMONS PUBLICATIONS INC I-5969 AtRNAL SUBSCRIPTION-SANGERNEWS R 12/04/2017 522.000R 067895 I-6208 SANGER NEWS R 12/04/2017 295.000R 067895 817.00 12/04/2017 11:18 P24 A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 3 PACKET: 09242 12.04.17 VENDOR SET: 99 RAHK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VE14DOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AIMUNT 1100 A140UNT 01570 L051E'S COMPANIES, INC. I-67453 PARK SUPPLIES- CHRIST14AS DECOR R 12/04/2017 119.12CR 067896 I-67470 HANDICAP RAMP SUPPLIES R 12/04/2017 21.32CR 067896 I-67471 OFFICE REMODEL - FLEET R 12/04/2017 39.83CR 067896 I-67682 CON WEASEL EDGER CHOPPER R 12/04/2017 43.66CR 067896 I-67972A SHORT PAYI4EIlT 11/13/11 R 12/04/2017 0.20CR 067896 1-70483 BLDG 1311T HANDICAP RAMP R 12/04/2017 2,830.42CR 067896 3,054.55 30560 14UTUAL OF OMM I-000679428569 DEC 2017 LTD R 12/04/2017 705.39CR 067897 705.39 31690 1IE'EGEN STRATEGIES d SOLUTIONS I-5940 UTILITY RATE STUDY R 12/04/2017 870.00CR 067898 870.00 25580 NORTH TEXAS GROUNDWATER CONSERVATION ➢ISTRICT I-128 NTGCD WATER FEES 6/15-9/30/17 R 12/04/2017 6,867.40CR 067899 6,867.40 08690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 1-1959-408367 HEADLIGHT UNIT 10 2014 TAHOE R 12/04/2017 0.29CR 14.13CR 067900 1-1959-410376 4" AXLE SOCKET R 12/04/2017 0.59CR 28.90CR 067900 I-1959-410636 OIL/AIR/FUEL FILTERS R 12/04/2017 2.39CR 117.06CR 00900 I-1959-410816 BATTERY R 12/04/2017 2.46CR 120.48CR 067900 280.57 02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-978941600001 CUPS/PLATES/PAPA/LETTER OPENER R 12/04/2017 53.66CR 067901 I-97B942404001 LETTER OPENER R 12/04/2017 3.49CR 067901 I-979015107001 POCKET FILE R 12/04/2017 47.99CR 067901 I-980368765001 CREAMER, COUNTERFEIT DET PENS R 12/04/2017 16.57CR 067901 I-980855036001 TONER AND DRUM FOR PRINTER R 12/04/2017 143.000R 067901 I-980855467001 FLAGS, POST -IT R 12/04/2017 5.99CR 067901 I-981028438001 COUNTERFEIT PEN R 12/04/2017 12.99CR 067901 283.89 22760 PRICE, CHERYL I-201712017009 TCMA-LONE STAR CHAP I-IE14BERSHIP R 12/04/2017 25.00CR 067902 25.00 25020 SANGER HARDWARE I-B90645 FASTENERS -GUARDRAIL REPAIRS R 12/04/2017 4.80CR 067903 I-C27053 CAPS GALV 2" R 12/04/2017 6.49CR 067903 11.29 29190 STITCHIN' AND MORE CUST014 GRAPHICS LLC I-7 UIIIFOP145 R 12/04/2017 535.000R 067904 535.00 12/04/2017 11:18 A14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 4 PACKET: 09242 12,04.17 VENDOR SET: 99 RANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT MOUNT E70@ A140UNT 30600 TASC I-I171153853 FSA ADMIN FEES 1/1/18-3/31/18 R 12/04/2017 630.00CR 067905 630.00 02690 TECHLINE, INC. I-1476516-00 CONt7ECTORS, SLEEVES, COVERS R 12/04/2017 357.48CR 067906 I-1476516-01 COUPLINGS R 12/04/2017 197.60CR 067906 I-14765-4-00 15KV POTHEAD TERMINATOR R 12/04/2017 305.1OCR 067906 860.18 06930 TEXAS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVES I-201711136993 SAFETY CLASSES R 12/04/2017 5,141.000R 067907 5,141.00 20480 TD94RA I-81270 J STATOIT M fBERSHIP RENEWAL R 12/04/2017 75.00CR 067908 75.00 00100 THItS I-R£TPY11.10.17 Tt4RS R 12/04/2017 18,374.28CR 067909 I-RETPY11.22.17 TMRS R 12/04/2017 18,122.25CR 067909 36,496.53 30980 TWO CLOVER SERVICES INC I-17-10 M= CONSULTANT R 12/04/2017 1,685.26CR 067910 1,685.26 27190 TXFACT I-2516 BASIC CRI74 RBIT. 785 DODSON R 12/04/2017 545.00CR 067911 545.00 11430 USA BLUEBOOK, INC. I-413847 STIRRING BAR, COVERALLS, BAROM R 12/04/2017 686.51CR 067912 686.51 k * T 0 T A L S * ' NO$ DISCOUNTS CHECK A14C TOTAL APPLIED REGULAR CHECKS: 37 5.73 109,386.31 109,392.04 HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRE -WRITE CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 2 0.00 41,619.85 41,619.85 VOID CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NOR CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CORRECTIONS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 REGISTER TOTALS: 39 5.73 151,006.16 151,011.89 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 TOTAL WARNINGS: 0 12/04/2017 11:18 A14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 5 PACKET: 09242 12.04.17 VENDOR SET: __ HANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT 1I0@ AMOUNT - POSTING PERIOD RECAP - FUND ___________________________________________ PERIOD AtAOUNT 001 11/2017 1,037.33CR 001 12/2017 35,125.41CR 004 12/2017 6,540.88CR 008 11/2017 338.72CR 008 12/2017 66,644.82CR 180 11/2017 823.96CR ISO 12/2017 16,038.94CR 41 12/2017 1,037.54CR 840 12/2017 23,418.56CR ALL 151,006.16CR BANGER * T E X A S COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE: ® Regular ❑ Special Reviewed by ❑ Yes ® Not ❑ Consent ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive Finance Applicable ❑ Public Hearing Reviewed by Legal ❑ Yes ® Not Applicable Council Meeting Date: Submitted By: December 18, 2017 Neal Welch, Public Works Director City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials z 1 (-I Date OI Y ACTION REQUESTED: ❑ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION ❑ APPROVAL ® CHANGE ORDER [-]AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑ REAPPOINTMENTS AGENDA CAPTION Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving and Authorizing Acting City Manager to Sign Change Order #1 Between the City of Sanger and Felix Construction Regarding the Wastewater Treatment Plan Construction. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ®N/A ❑GRANT FUNDS ❑OPERATING EXPENSE ❑REVENUE ❑CIP ❑BUDGETED ®NON -BUDGETED PRIOR CURRENT FUTURE FISCAL YEAR: YEAR YEAR YEARS TOTALS Expenditure Amount -Proposed Encumbered Amount BALANCE FUND(S) TO BE USED: General ❑$ Utility ❑ $ Special ❑ $ BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM Modification to the provision of the contract for the Waste Water Treatment Plant construction have been made as construction moves forward. Additions have totaled $41,796.78, deductions have totaled $106,610.85, for a return of $64,814.07. The changes are listed on the Change Order. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval. List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Attached: Commissions or Other Agencies: 0 Change Order #1 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS SANGER WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT REHABILITATION AND IMPROVEMENTS CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 INTENT OF CHANGE Pursuant to the provision of Article 11 of the General Conditions of the Contract, the intent of this Change Order Is to modify the provisions of the Contract entered into by the City of Sanger, Texas and Felix Construction Company for construction of the Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and Improvements. 11, DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE ORDER a. Per PCM No. 3, Contractor shall use the geosynthetic clay liner Bentomat CLT with 23-mil thick textured geomembrane by Cetco instead of Bentomat CL by Cetco for the 3:1 slopes for the peak flow storage basin. b. Per PCM No. 4, Contractor shall provide a preliminary abrasive grit blast for structural inspection of Plant 1. Various parts of Plant 1 have corroded and may require repairs. C. Per CMR No. 1, Contractor provides credit for cost savings due to electrical building supplier savings, underground ductile iron pipe hardware change and deletion of engineer's job site trailer and associated items. d. Per CMR No. 2, Contractor provides a credit for cost savings associated with the use of flowable fill in lieu of concrete allowing for the deletion of rebar cages in the electrical duct banks. e. Per CMR No. 3, Contractor shall provide a new entrance gate along with location modifications to the new fence and deletion of the 3 foot fence around the peak flow storage basin. f. Per CMR No. 4, Contractor shall provide a credit for cost savings provided by clarifier supplier related to late bid reduction. g. Per CMR No. 5, Contractor shall provide a credit for cost savings due to reduction in peak flow basin berm width. F:I,orojoo1sll4161002-otlConOudonAdOnlConlractModAcaGonslChange0rdets1COI%Sanger ChangeOrdettQot.doo III. EFFECT OF CHANGE Item Description Unit a. PCM-3: Peak Flow Storage Basin Liner Lump Sum b. PCM-4: Plant 1 Abrasive Grit Blasting Lump Sum c. CMR-1: Miscellaneous Cost Savings Lump Sum d. CMR-2: Electrical Value Engineering Lump Sum e. CMR 3: Entrance Gate and Fence Lump Sum f. CMR-4: Clarifier Supplier Credit Lump Sum g. CMR-5: Peak Flow Berm Width Reduction Lump Sum Subtotal IV. AGREEMENT This contract is modified as follows: a. Amount Extended Additional Cost Days $ 10,633.37 0 $ 27,769.96 15 ($ 32,170.85) 0 ($ 36,940.00) 0 $ 3,393.46 0 ($ 33,000.00) 0 ($ 4,500.00) 0 ($ 64,814.07) 15 Original Contract $ 10,992,845.00 Previous Change Orders $ 0.00 This Change Order ($ 64,814.07) Revised Contract Amount $ 10,928,030.93 b. Time Original Contract Date for Substantial Completion May 28, 2019 Previous Change Order 0 days This Change Order 15 days. Revised Contract Date for Substantial Completion June 12, 2019 Original Contract Date for Final Completion June 27, 2019 Previous Change Order 0 days This Change Order 15 days Revised Contract Date for Final Completion July 12, 2019 F,.Vrojeciskl4l6\W"I\ConsW cgon AdminlConUacl MoNoVonslChenge Otdets= IlSanger ChanpOldeftl doc CONTRACTOR'S OFFER FOR PROPOSED CHANGE FELIX CONSTRUCTION COMPANY By: Koontz raject Manager ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATION OF ACCEPTANCE ALAN PLUMMER ASSOCIATES, INC. By: .� JeffreO: Ca ey, P.E, Project Manager Date:_ 906 Date: t i CONCURRENCE WITH ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATION CITY OF SANGER By: Neal Welch'* Director of Public Works APPROVAL BY OWNER CITY OF SANGER By: Mike Brice City Manager Date:_ Date: F:tprojects\1A181002-OS1Constracllon AdminTonlract Mod1f=1ons1Ch9nge 0rders1C011Sanger_Change0fderM1.doc Contract Modification Log PROJECT NAME: Sanger W WTP Rehabilitations and Improvements PROJECT NUMBER: 1416-002-01 Contract Amount and Days Starting Date (Notice to Proceed): May 8, 2017 Time Used to Date: 211 days Substantial Completion Phase I: June 12, 2019 Substantial Completion Time: 750 da Final Completion: July 12, 2019 Final Completion Time: 780 dysays Contract Amount: $10,992,845.00 Percent to Substantial Completion: 27.6% Change Orders: ($64,814.07) Percent to Final Completion: 26.5% Total Amount: $10,928,030.93 Bid Proposal -Allowance Items Item Cost Charged Remaining Allowance for furnishing complete in place plant signage per Section 9 10431 "Identifying Devices" and $5,000.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 safety signs per Section 10432 "Safety Signs" ordered in writing by the OWNER. Allowance for additional potable water 10 pipe and connections to unknown existing pipes. $5,000.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 Allowance for reconditioning and 11 relocating the plants existing $40,000.00 $0.00 $40,000.00 generator 12 Allowance for Unanticipated $100,000.00 $0.00 $100,000.00 Problems during construction. 13 Contingency Bid Item for furnishing $23,000.00 $0.00 $23,000.00 and installing additional gowable fill. Last Revision: 12/5/2017 Change Orders (CO) CO# AMOUNT TIME 1 ($64,814.07) 15 2 3 4 5 TOTAL ($64,814.07) 15 Proposed Contract Modification Log Item Item Description Unit Extended Cost Additiosnal Y Status Status Date CO # PCM-01 Delete RPR Trailer LS - - Voided - Included in CMR-01 6-19-17 - PCM-02 Peak Flow Storage Basin Length Reduction LS $ (15,000.00) 0 Disapproved 7-5-17 - PCM-03 Peak Flow Storage Basin Liner LS $ 10,633.37 0 Approved 9-1-17 1 PCM-04 Plant 1 Abrasive Grit Blasting LS $ 27,769.96 15 Approved 9-1-17 1 PCM-05 UV Structure Redesign Credit LS - - Pending Proposal PCM-06 Deletion of Pump Spare Parts LS $ (1,915.00) 0 Disapproved - SUBTOTAL $ 21,488.33 15 Contract Modification Request Log Item Item Description Unit Extended Cost AdditionalDas Y Status Status Date CO # CMR-01 Miscellaneous Cost Savings LS $ (32,170.85) 0 Approved 7-25-17 1 CMR-02 Electrical Value Engineering LS $ (36,940.00) 0 Approved 7-25-17 1 CMR-03 Entrance Gate and Fence LS $ 3,393.45 0 Approved 9-1-17 1 CMR-04 Clarifier Supplier Credit LS $ (33,000.00) 0 Approved 9-1-17 1 CMR-05 Peak Flow Berm Width Reduction LS $ (4,500,00) 0 Approved 9-1-17 1 CMR-06 Clarifiers and Dewatering Building Select Fill LS $ 35,580.41 15 CMR-07 Fence Grounding LS $ 5,898.84 0 CMR-08 Peak Flow Basin Floor Valves LS $ 28,317.16 5 CMR-09 12" Plug Valve EMO LS $ 12,555.28 2 CMR-10 Four Channel Rotary Press LS $ 55,443.55 0 SUBTOTAL $ 34,577.84 22 Contract Modification Log PROJECT NAME: Sanger WWTP Rehabilitations and Improvements PROJECT NUMBER: 1416-002-01 Cost Deducts Item Item Description Credit Additional Days CMR-01 Miscellaneous Cost Savings $ (32,170.85) 0 CMR-02 Electrical Value Engineering $ (36,940.00) 0 CMR-04 Clarifier Supplier Credit $ (33,000.00) 0 CMR-05 Peak Flow Berm Width Reduction $ (4,500.00) 0 0 SUBTOTAL $ (106,610.85)1 0 Includes deletions to come Anticipated Deducts PCM-06 UV Structure $ (35,000.00) CMR- Reduced Bypass Costs $ (20,000.00) Last Revision: 12/5/2017 Cost Additions Item Item Description Credit Addition al Days PCM-03 Peak Flow Storage Basin Liner $ 10,633.37 0 PCM-04 Plant 1 Abrasive Grit Blasting $ 27,769.96 15 CMR-03 Entrance Gate and Fence $ 3,393.45 0 CMR-06 Clarifiers and Dewatering Building Select Fill $ 35,580.41 15 CMR-07 Fence Grounding $ 5,898.84 0 CMR-08 Peak Flow Basin Floor Valves $ 28,317.16 5 CMR-09 12" Plug Valve EMO $ 12,555.28 2 CMR-10 Four Channel Rotary Press $ 55,443.551 0 SUBTOTAL $ 179,592.02 37 ' Includes additions to come BANGER * T E X A S COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE: ® Regular ❑ Special Reviewed by ❑ Yes ® Not ❑ Consent ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive Finance Applicable ❑ Public Hearing Reviewed by Legal ❑ Yes ® Not Applicable Council Meeting Date: Submitted By: December 18, 2017 Neal Welch, Public Works Director City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials KDate �QV1 07 ACTION REQUESTED: []ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION ❑ APPROVAL ® CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑ REAPPOINTMENTS AGENDA CAPTION Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving Change Order #2 between the City of Sanger and Felix Construction Company for Construction of the Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and Improvements. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ON/A ❑GRANT FUNDS ❑OPERATING EXPENSE ❑REVENUE ❑CIP [-]BUDGETED ®NON -BUDGETED PRIOR CURRENT FUTURE FISCAL YEAR: YEAR YEAR YEARS TOTALS Expenditure Amount -Proposed Encumbered Amount BALANCE FUND(S) TO BE USED: General ❑$ Utility ❑ $ Special ❑ $ BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM Modification to the contract have been requested for the Waste Water Treatment Plant construction as construction moves forward. Felix Construction has requested modifications to backfilling the clarifiers, the dewatering building, added additional grounding rods and bonding jumpers for the fence near overhead power lines. They also have added pressure relief valves and a gravel layer in the Peak Flow Basin, replacing the rock anchors as originally designed. Included is an electric motorized operator for a 12-inch plug valve and upgraded the two -channel rotary press to a four -channel rotary press. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval. List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Attached: Commissions or Other Agencies: • Change Order #2 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS SANGER WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT REHABILITATION AND IMPROVEMENTS CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 INTENT OF CHANGE Pursuant to the provision of Article 11 of the General Conditions of the Contract, the intent of this Change Order is to modify the provisions of the Contract entered into by the City of Sanger, Texas and Felix Construction Company for construction of the Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and Improvements. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE ORDER a. Per CMR No. 6, Contractor shall excavate and backfill with select fill for the Clarifiers and Dewatering Building. b. Per CMR No. 7, Contractor shall provide six additional grounding rods and bonding jumpers required for fence grounding at overhead electrical power lines. C. Per CMR No. 8, Contractor shall use pressure relief valves with a gravel layer for groundwater movement to protect the structure from hydraulic uplift in lieu of using rock anchors. d. Per CMR No. 9, Contractor shall provide and install an electric motorized operator for the 12-inch plug valve to control flow from the peak flow storage basin to the influent pump station. e. Per CMR No. 10, Contractor shall provide a four channel rotary press in lieu of a two channel rotary press. C:\Users\cprice\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\F4UMVZHB\Sanger_ ChangeOrderNo2_A= III. EFFECT OF CHANGE Extended Additional Item Description Unit Cost Days a. CMR-6: Clarifiers and Dewatering Building Lump Sum $ 35,376.44 15 Select Fill b. CMR-7: Fence Grounding Lump Sum $ 5,898.84 0 c. CMR-8: Peak Flow Basin Floor Valves Lump Sum $ 28,317.16 5 d. CMR-9: 12" Plug Valve EMO Lump Sum $ 12,555.28 2 e. CMR-10: Peak Flow Berm Width Reduction Lump Sum $ 55,443.55 0 Subtotal $137,591.27 22 IV. AGREEMENT This contract is modified as follows: a. Amount Original Contract Previous Change Orders This Change Order Revised Contract Amount b. Time Original Contract Date for Substantial Completion Previous Change Order This Change Order Revised Contract Date for Substantial Completion Original Contract Date for Final Completion Previous Change Order This Change Order Revised Contract Date for Final Completion $ 10, 992, 845.00 ($ 64,814.07) $ 137,795.24 $ 11,065,622.20 May 28, 2019 15 days 22 days July 04, 2019 June 27, 2019 15 days 22 days August 3, 2019 C:\Users\cprice\AppData\Local\Micros oft\Windows\I N etC ache\Content.Outtook\F4U MVZH B\S ang er_C hange 0 rderNo2_. doc CONTRACTOR'S OFFER FOR PROPOSED CHANGE FELIX CONSTRUCTION COMPANY By: Ryan Koontz Project Manager ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATION OF ACCEPTANCE ALAN PLUMMER ASSOCIATES, INC. By: Jeffrey E. Caffey, P.E. Project Manager Date: Date: CONCURRENCE WITH ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATION CITY OF SANGER M Neal Welch, P.E. Director of Public Works APPROVAL BY OWNER CITY OF SANGER By: Alina Ciocan Interim City Manager Date: Date: C:\Users\cprice\AppData\LocalWlicrosoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\F4UMVZHB\Sanger_ChangeOrderNo2_ doc ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS 1416-002-01 November 28, 2017 Mr. Neal Welch Public Works Director City of Sanger 502 Elm Street Sanger, Texas 76226 Re: City of Sanger Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and Improvements Contract Modification Request No. 6 (CMR-06): Clarifiers and Dewatering Building Dear Mr. Welch: This is a letter of recommendation for approval of CMR-06 for the above -referenced project. CMR-06 addresses the use of select fill in place of site fill under the Clarifiers and Dewatering Building. The Clarifiers were over -excavated roughly three feet below grade on the outer edges and eighteen inches below grade towards the center and backfilled with select fill. The clarifiers' center sludge hoppers were over -excavated four inches and backfilled with select fill. The Dewatering Building was excavated to a depth of one foot and re -compacted with select fill. The Contractor's proposal for CMR-06 is a cost of $35,580.41 with 15 additional calendar days requested. However, a math error was discovered with concurrence from the Contractor. Therefore, I recommend that this item be approved for the cost change of $35,376.44 with 15 additional days and be included in a change order. If you should have any questions regarding this proposed change, please contact me. Sincerely, ALAN PLU ER ASSOCIATES, INC. J r E. affey, P.E. TX P.E. 81896 JEC/parr cc: 1320 SOUTH UNIVERSITY DRIVE SUITE300 FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76107 PHONE 817.806.1700 FAX 817.670.2536 F:\projects\1416\002-01\Construction Admin\Contract Modifications\CMR's\CMR-06 Clarifiers and Dewatering Building Over Excavation and Select FiIRCMR- 06 RecommendationLetter.docx www.apalenv.com TBPE Firm No. 13 J ENVIRONMENTAL 6z: ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS 1320 SOUTH UNIVERSITY DRIVE SUITE 300 FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76107 PHONE 817.806.1700 FAX 817.870.2536 1416-002-01 November 28, 2017 Mr. Neal Welch Public Works Director City of Sanger 502 Elm Street Sanger, Texas 76226 Re: City of Sanger Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and Improvements Contract Modification Request No. 7 (CMR-07): Fence Grounding Dear Mr. Welch: This is a letter of recommendation for approval of CMR-07 for the above -referenced project. CMR-07 addresses grounding of the new fence perimeter per RFI-015. The Contract Documents included grounding rods at a total of four locations; however, an additional six locations have been identified as necessary for the overall grounding plan for the perimeter fence. In addition, bonding jumpers are to be provided across the main gate. The revised cost from the Contractor includes the additional six grounding rods and bonding jumpers required for fence grounding. The Contractor's proposal for CMR-07 is a cost of $5,898.84 with 21 additional calendar days requested. The cost for this work seems reasonable and fair. However, this work is not on the critical path for completion of this project and can be done at any time. Therefore, I recommend that this item be approved for the cost change of $5,898.84 with no additional days and be included in a change order. If you should have any questions regarding this proposed change, please contact me. Sincerely, ALAN PLUMMER ASSOCIATES, INC. e J� r E. Caf ey, P. . TX P.E. 81896 J EC/pam cc: F:\projects\1416\002-01\Construction Admin\Contract Modifications\CMR's\CMR-07 Fence Grounding\CMR-07_RecommendationLetter.docx w .apaienv.com TBPE Firm No. 13 1320 SOUTH UNIVERSITY DRIVE SUITE 300 FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76107 PHONE 817.806.1700 FAX 817.870.2536 www.apaienv.com TBPE Firm No, 13 ♦ a � ♦ •Mimi ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS 1416-002-01 November 28, 2017 Mr. Neal Welch Public Works Director City of Sanger 502 Elm Street Sanger, Texas 76226 Re: City of Sanger Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and Improvements Contract Modification Request No. 8 (CMR-08): Peak Flow Basin Floor Valves Dear Mr. Welch: This is a letter of recommendation for approval of CMR-08 for the above -referenced project. CMR-08 addresses the installation of pressure relief valves and a 6-inch gravel layer per the Engineer's response to RFI-018. The use of the pressure relief valves is in lieu of drilling and installing rock anchors. This is needed due to the inconsistent depth to the rock layer under the structure. A credit of $1,647.20 is included in CMR-08 for the rock anchors no longer being installed. The Contractor's proposal for CMR-08 is a cost of $28,317.16 with 5 additional calendar days requested. I recommend that this item be approved for the cost change of $28,317.16 with 5 additional days and be included in a change order. If you should have any questions regarding this proposed change, please contact me. Sincerely, A?ryyR ASSOCIATES, INC. Jy, P. . TXP.E. 81896 JEC/pam cc: F:\projects\1416\002-01\Constmction Admin\Contract Modi1ications\CMR's\CMR-08 Peak Flow Basin Floor Valves\CMR-08_RecommendattonLeller.docx 19 wo ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS 1416-002-01 November 28, 2017 Mr. Neal Welch Public Works Director City of Sanger 502 Elm Street Sanger, Texas 76226 Re: City of Sanger Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and Improvements Contract Modification Request No. 9 (CMR-09): 12" Plug Valve EMO Dear Mr. Welch: This is a letter of recommendation for approval of CMR-09 for the above -referenced project. CMR-09 addresses the cost of an electric motorized operator (EMO) for the plug valve 100- FCV-02. The Contractor is to provide and install an EMO on the 12-inch plug valve and a concrete pad for the actuator to sit on. The Contractor's proposal for CMR-09 is a cost of $12,555.28 with 2 additional calendar days requested. I recommend that this item be approved for the cost change of $12,555.28 with 2 additional days and be included in a change order. If you should have any questions regarding this proposed change, please contact me. Sincerely, ALAN PLUMMER ASSOCIATES, INC. rey E. affey, P.E. TX P.E. 81896 - JEC/pam cc: 1320 SOUTH UNIVERSITY DRIVE SUITE300 FORT WORTH.TEXAS 76107 PHONE 817.806.1700 FAX 817.870.2536 F;\projects\1416\002-01\Construction Admin\Contract Modifications\CMR's\CMR-09 12-inch Plug Valve EMO\CMR-09_RecommendationLetler.docx v ..apaienv.com TBPE Firm N. 13 olo ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS 1320 SOUTH UNIVERSITY DRIVE SUITE 300 FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76107 PHONE 817.806.1700 FAX 817.870.2536 v"m.apafenv.com TBPE Firm No. 13 1416-002-01 November 28, 2017 Mr. Neal Welch Public Works Director City of Sanger 502 Elm Street Sanger, Texas 76226 Re: City of Sanger Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and Improvements Contract Modification Request No. 10 (CMR-10): Four Channel Rotary Press Dear Mr. Welch: This is a letter of recommendation for approval of CMR-10 for the above -referenced project. CMR-010 addresses the addition of two channels to the dewatering Rotary Press. A four channel Rotary press will now be provided and installed. This increases the capacity of the press unit and will eliminate the need to add the two additional channels at a later date. The Contractor's proposal for CMR-010 is a cost of $55,443.55 with zero additional calendar days requested. I recommend that this item be approved for the cost change of $55,443.55 with zero additional days and be included in a change order. If you should have any questions regarding this proposed change, please contact me. Sincerely, ALAN PLUMMER ASSOCIATES, INC. Je rey E. Caffey, P.E. TX P.E. 81896 JEC/pam cc: F:\projects\1416\002-01\Construction Admin\Contract Modifications\CMR'MCMR-10 Four Channel Rotary Press\CMR-10_RecommendationLeller.docx H 1320 SOUTH UNIVERSITY DRIVE SUITE 300 FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76107 PHONE 817.806.1700 FAX 817.870.2536 NA NA ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS 1416-002-01 November 28, 2017 Mr. Neal Welch Public Works Director City of Sanger 502 Elm Street Sanger, Texas 76226 Re: City of Sanger Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and Improvements Proposed Contract Modification No. 6 (PCM-06): Delete Pump Spare Parts Dear Mr. Welch: This is a letter of recommendation for approval of PCM-06 for the above -referenced project. PCM-06 addresses the deletion of spare upper and lower bearing sets and seals from the spare parts to be furnished for each size of the following pumps for a credit to the Owner. 1. 11061 — Pump, Dry -Pit Closed -Coupled Centrifugal 2. 11075 — Pump, Submersible Centrifugal The spare parts for 11065 — Pump, Submersible Sump were already in the Supplier's possession and cannot be returned for credit. The Contractor's proposal for PCM-06 is a cost savings of $1,915,00. 1 recommend that this item be approved for the cost savings of $1,915.00. If you should have any questions regarding this proposed change, please contact me. Sincerely, ALAN PLUMMER ASSOCIATES, INC. J r*Eaffey, P. . TX P.E. 81896 JEC/pam cc: F:\projects\1416\002-01\Construction Admin\Contract Modifications\PCM's\PCM-06 Deletion of Pump Spare Parts\PCM-06_RecommendationLetter.docx w .apaienvxom TBPE Firm No. 13 BANGER *TEXAS COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE ® Regular ❑ Special ❑ Reviewed by ❑ Yes ® Not Applicable Consent Finance ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ❑ Public Reviewed by Legal ❑ Yes ® Not Applicable Hearin Council Meeting Date: December 18, 2017 Submitted By: Neal Welch, Director of Public Works City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials Date WA � 7 ACTION REQUESTED: ❑ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION ❑ APPROVAL ® CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑ REAPPOINTMENTS AGENDA CAPTION Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Change Order #1 with Pavecon Construction. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ❑N/A ❑GRANT FUNDS ❑OPERATING EXPENSE ❑REVENUE ❑CI P [—]BUDGETED ❑ NON -BUDGETED PRIOR CURRENT FUTURE FISCAL YEAR: YEAR YEAR YEARS TOTALS Proposed Expenditure Amount Encumbered Amount BALANCE FUND(S) TO BE USED: General ❑$ Utility ❑ $ Special BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM One of the concrete sections on McReynolds road was poured sloping in the wrong direction. Staff met with the contractor and our engineer to discuss the issue. Pavecon would like to avoid the expense in tearing it out and re -pouring. The city would like to avoid the delay it would cause in the project. The engineer estimates that it would cost around $100,000 to repour that section. Pavecon originally offered a $30,000 deduction to leave it as it is. We countered by proposing they do some additional roadwork instead. Staff and Pavecon have come to an agreement for them to reconstruct Bolivar Street from Railroad to Second Street. This section of roadway is in poor condition and, since the railroad elevated the crossing, it has become problematic for trucks crossing the tracks. Pavecon estimates the cost of the project at $158,969.04. They are willing to give us a $70,000 credit on the project making our net cost $88,969.04. The additional cost will be paid for from street reconstruction funds. The engineer has looked at the issue and believes it will not materially affect the project to leave it as it is. Staff believes that this solution is a win -win for both parties and that the stated cost is significantly lower than it would be to reconstruct Bolivar as a stand-alone project. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION Staff Recommends Approval List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions • Change order #1 or Other Agencies: • This Item was on the City Council Agenda November 20, 2017 — No Action was taken. DISTRIBUTION TO: CHANGE OWNER ORDER ENGINEER CONTRACTOR AIA DOCUMENT G701 FIELD OTHER ^ PROJECT: McReynolds Road Reconstruction (Job No. 1603511) Sanger, Texas TO (CONTRACTOR): Pavecon Public Works, LP PO Box 535847 Grand Prairie, Texas 75053 YOU ARE DIRECTED TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING CHANGES IN THIS CONTRACT: CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 'I INITIATION DATE: September 20, 2017 ENGINEER'S PROJECT NO: CONTRACT FOR: CONTRACT START DATE (PER NTP): NA CONTRACT TIME: SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION 720 DAYS FINAL COMPLETION 750 DAYS ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZED TIME: 0 DAY$ COMPLETION DATES: SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION NA FINAL COMPLETION NA DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT RECONSTRUCTION OF BOLIVAR STREET SECTION 1 Reclaim Existing Pavement with Lime 3064 SY $14.00 $42,896.00 2 Lime Material (36 Ibs/sy) 56 TON $162.59 $9,106.04 3 4" Type B HMAC Binder 674 TON $104.00 $70,096.00 4 2" Type D HMAC Surface 337 TON $106.00 $35,722.00 5 Traffic Control 1 LS $1,150.00 $1,150.00 NOTE: Railroad Insurance & Supervision Waived by BNSF 8 CREDIT FOR CONCRETE PAVING - McREYNOLDS ROAD LS 470,000.00-$10,000.00 TOTAL $88,909.04 Not valid until signed by both the Owner and Engineer Signature of the Contractor indicates his agreement herewith, including any adjustment in the Contract Sum or Contract Time THE ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM WAS _ __n_—.__ _.,,_____,_,Y._,,._..__,.._.�__ $6275,331,67 NET CHANGE BY PREVIOUSLY AUTHORIZED CHANGE ORDERS IS _ .�._. $0.00 THE CONTRACT SUM PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER WAS _ _.. __ _—__..—._ ___ _ __.. _ ... -_.. - ___. $6,275,331 .67 THE CONTRACT SUM WILL BE: (INCREASED) (DECREASED) (UNCHANGED) BY THIS CHANGE ORDER IN THE AMOUNT OF _ $88,969,04 THE NEW CONTRACT SUM INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER WILL BE _._. __.__�.e. $6,364,300,71 THE CONTRACT TIME WILL BE: (UNCHANGED) BY THIS CHANGE ORDER IN THE AMOUNT OF 0 DAYS Pavecon Public Works LP ENGINEER CONTRACTOR PO Box 535847 Grand Prairie. Texas 75053 ADDRESS ADORES - BY BY ss A Harris DATE DATE: 9/21/2017 City of Sanger OWNER 201 Bolivar Street Sanger, Texas 76266 _ ADDRESS BANGER * T E X A S COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE ® Regular ❑ Special ❑ Consent Reviewed by ❑ Yes ® Not Applicable ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ❑ Public Finance Hearing Reviewed by Legal ® Yes ❑ Not Applicable COUNCIL MEETING DATE: SUBMITTED BY: December 18, 2017 Alina Ciocan, Director of Economic & Community Development City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials Date JA 1 ACTION REQUESTED: [-]ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION ® APPROVAL ❑ CHANGE ORDER ® AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑ REAPPOINTMENTS AGENDA CAPTION Consider Approval of the Fourth Amendment to Option to Lease and Water Tower Lease Agreement Between the City of Sanger and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC; Authorize the Mayor to Execute the Agreement. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ®N/A ❑GRANT FUNDS ❑OPERATING EXPENSE ❑REVENUE [:]CI P ❑BUDGETED ❑NON -BUDGETED PRIOR CURRENT FUTURE FISCAL YEAR: YEAR YEAR YEARS TOTALS Proposed Expenditure Amount Encumbered Amount BALANCE FUND(S) TO BE USED: General ❑$ Utility ❑ $ Special ❑ BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM On January 15, 1998 the City of Sanger and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC entered into an agreement to lease space on the water tower located at 303 Acker St. Subsequently, the agreement was amended several times (June 1999, July 2008 and September 2012). This proposed amendment provides for new term, modification of rent and expansion of the premises. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending approval. List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or Other • Fourth Amendment to Option to Lease and Water Tower Lease Agreement Agencies: N/A Cell Site No.: DX3308 Cell Site Name: SANGER (ACKER STREET) Fixed Asset No.: 10078026 Market: N. TX Address: 303 Acker Street FOURTH AMENDMENT TO OPTION TO LEASE AND WATER TOWER LEASE AGREEMENT THIS FOURTH AMENDMENT TO OPTION TO LEASE AND WATER TOWER LEASE AGREEMENT ("Fourth Amendment") dated as of the later date below is by and between The City of Sanger, a Texas municipality, having a mailing address at P.O. Box 1729 Street, Sanger, TX 76266 (hereinafter referred to as "Landlord") and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, having a mailing address at 575 Morosgo Drive NE, Atlanta, GA 30324 (hereinafter referred to as "Tenant"). WHEREAS, Landlord and Tenant (or their predecessors in interest) entered into an Option to Lease and Water Tower Lease Agreement dated January 15, 1998 ("Original Lease"), as amended by First Amendment to Lease Agreement dated June 24, 1999 ("First Amendment"), as further amended by Second Amendment to Lease Agreement dated July 28, 2008 ("Second Amendment"), and as further amended by Third Amendment to Option to Lease and Water Tower Lease Agreement dated September 14, 2012 ("Third Amendment") (the Original Lease, First Amendment, Second Amendment and Third Amendment are collectively referred to herein as, the "Lease"), whereby Landlord leased to Tenant certain Premises, therein described, that are a portion of the Property located at 303 Acker Street, Sanger, TX 76266; and WHEREAS, Landlord and Tenant desire to extend the term of the Lease; and WHEREAS, Landlord and Tenant desire to modify, as set forth herein, the Rent (as defined below) payable under the Lease; and WHEREAS, Landlord and Tenant desire to amend the Lease to provide Tenant the right to enlarge the Premises; and WHEREAS, Landlord and Tenant, in their mutual interest, further wish to amend the Lease as set forth below. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Landlord and Tenant agree as follows: 1. Term. The term of the Lease shall be amended to provide that the Lease has a new initial term of five (5) years ("New Initial Term"), commencing on May 1, 2018 ("New Term Commencement Date"). As of such New Term Commencement Date, all remaining Renewal Terms in the Lease except as set forth herein shall be void and of no further force and consequence. The Lease will be automatically renewed for up to five (5) additional sixty (60) month terms (each an "Extension Term") upon the same terms and conditions of the Lease, as amended herein, without further action by Tenant, unless Tenant notifies Landlord in writing of Tenant's intention not to renew the Lease at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the New Initial Term and the then current Extension Term. Landlord shall notify Tenant, in writing, of Landlord's intention not to renew this Lease at least 180 days Amendment — Rent Reduction Cell Site No.: DX3308 Cell Site Name: SANGER (ACKER STREET) Fixed Asset No.: 10078026 Market: N. TX Address: 303 Acker Street prior to the expiration of the term or any Extension Term. Hereafter, the defined term "Term" shall include the New Initial Term and any applicable Extension Term. Landlord agrees and acknowledges that except that as such permitted use or other rights may be amended herein, Tenant may continue to use and exercise its rights under the Lease as permitted prior to the New Initial Term. 2. Modification of Rent. Commencing on May 1, 2018, the rent payable under the Lease shall be Nineteen Thousand Five Hundred Eighty -Six and 03/100 Dollars ($19,586.03) per year (the "Rent"), and shall continue during the Term, subject to adjustment, if any, as provided below. 3. Future Rent Increase / Extension Term Increase. The Lease is amended to provide that commencing on May 1, 2023, Rent shall increase by ten percent (10%) and at the beginning of each Extension Term, as applicable 4. Expansion of the Premises. Landlord grants, to the extent practicable and on a space available basis, the Tenant the right to enlarge the Premises or the Landlord shall make space available on the Property for Tenant so that Tenant or its authorized subtenants may implement any necessary modifications, supplements, replacements, refurbishments, or expansions to the Communications Facility or to any equipment related thereto, or for any other reasons, as determined by Tenant in its sole discretion. Should Tenant exercise the right to expand the Premises, Tenant will pay and Landlord will accept as additional Rent under the Lease an amount equal to the then current Rent calculated on a per square foot basis as multiplied by each additional square foot added to the Premises. Upon notice to Landlord, a description and/or depiction of the modified Premises ground will become part of the Lease without any additional action on the part of Tenant and Landlord; however, at the request of Tenant, the parties will execute a Memorandum of Lease in recordable form memorializing the modification of the ground space of Landlord's Property, which either party may record at its option. 5. Termination. Section 10(f) of the Option to Lease and Water Tower Lease Agreement dated January 15, 1998 is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: "upon twelve (12) month written notice by Landlord in the event Landlord determines, in its sole discretion, to discontinue its use of the Water Tower, or if Landlord determines after thirty (30) days' written notice to Tenant and a public hearing that it is essential to the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the City to terminate the Lease." 6. Acknowledgement. Landlord acknowledges that: 1) this Fourth Amendment is entered into of the Landlord's free will and volition; 2) Landlord has read and understands this Fourth Amendment and the underlying Lease and, prior to execution of this Fourth Amendment, was free to consult with counsel of its choosing regarding Landlord's decision to enter into this Fourth Amendment and to have counsel review the terms and conditions of this Fourth Amendment; 3) Landlord has been advised and is informed that should Landlord not enter into this Fourth Amendment, the underlying Lease between Landlord and Tenant, including any termination or non -renewal provision therein, would remain in full force and effect. Amendment — Rent Reduction -2- Cell Site No.: DX3308 Cell Site Name: SANGER (ACKER STREET) Fixed Asset No.: 10078026 Market: N. TX Address: 303 Acker Street 7. Notices. Section 14 of the Original Lease, Section 3 of the Second Amendment, and Section 6 of the Third Amendment are hereby deleted in their entirety and replaced with the following: "NOTICES. All notices, requests, demands and communications hereunder will be given by first class certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, or by a nationally recognized overnight courier, postage prepaid, to be effective when properly sent and received, refused or returned undelivered. Notices will be addressed to the parties as follows: If to Tenant: New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Attn: Network Real Estate Administration Re: Cell Site # DX3308 Cell Site Name SANGER (ACKER STREET) (TX); Fixed Asset No.: 10078026 575 Morosgo Drive NE Atlanta, GA 30324 With a required copy of the notice sent to the address above to AT&T Legal at: New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Attn: AT&T Legal Department Re: Cell Site # DX3308 Cell Site Name SANGER (ACKER STREET) (TX); Fixed Asset No: 10078026 208 S. Akard Street Dallas, Texas, 75202-4206 A copy sent to the Legal Department is an administrative step which alone does not constitute legal notice. And as to Landlord: The City of Sanger Attn: City Manager P.O. BOX 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 Either party hereto may change the place for the giving of notice to it by thirty (30) days prior written notice to the other as provided herein." 8. Charges. All charges payable under the Lease such as utilities and taxes shall be billed by Landlord within one (1) year from the end of the calendar year in which the charges were incurred; any charges beyond such period shall not be billed by Landlord, and shall not be payable by Tenant. The foregoing shall not apply to monthly Rent which is due and payable without a Amendment — Rent Reduction -3- Cell Site No.: DX3308 Cell Site Name: SANGER (ACKER STREET) Fixed Asset No.: 10078026 Market: N. TX Address: 303 Acker Street requirement that it be billed by Landlord. The provisions of this subsection shall survive the termination or expiration of the Lease. 9. Memorandum of Lease. Either party will, at any time upon fifteen (15) days prior written notice from the other, execute, acknowledge and deliver to the other a recordable Memorandum of Lease substantially in the form of the Attachment 1. Either party may record this memorandum at any me, in its absolute discretion. 10. Other Terms and Conditions Remain. In the event of any inconsistencies between the Lease and this Fourth Amendment, the terms of this Fourth Amendment shall control. Except as expressly set forth in this Fourth Amendment, the Lease otherwise is unmodified and remains in full force and effect. Each reference in the Lease to itself shall be deemed also to refer to this Fourth Amendment. 11. Capitalized Terms. All capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the salve meanings as defined in the Lease. [NO MORE TEXT ON THIS PAGE - SIGNATURES TO FOLLOW ON NEXT PAGE] Amendment — Rent Reduction -4- Cell Site No.: DX3308 Cell Site Name: SANGER (ACKER STREET) Fixed Asset No.: 10078026 Market: N. TX Address: 303 Acker Street IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused their properly authorized representatives to execute and seal this Fourth Amendment on the date and year below. LANDLORD: The City of Sanger, a Texas municipality By: Print Name: Title: Date: Amendment — Rent Reduction -5- TENANT: New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company By: AT&T Mobility Corporation Its: Manager By: Print Name: Title: Date: Cell Site No.: DX3308 Cell Site Name: SANGER (ACKER STREET) Fixed Asset No.: 10078026 Market: N. TX Address: 303 Acker Street LANDLORD ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF SS. COUNTY OF I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that said person signed this instrument, on oath stated that said person was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the of The City of Sanger, a Texas municipality, to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. DATED: Notary Seal Amendment — Rent Reduction (Signature of Notary) (Legibly Print or Stamp Name of Notary) Notary Public in and for the State of My appointment expires: -6- Cell Site No.: DX3308 Cell Site Name: SANGER (ACKER STREET) Fixed Asset No.: 10078026 Market: N. TX Address: 303 Acker Street TENANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF SS. COUNTY OF I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he/she signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the of AT&T Mobility Corporation, the Manager of New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. DATED: Notary Seal Amendment — Rent Reduction (Signature of Notary) (Legibly Print or Stamp Name of Notary) Notary Public in and for the State of My appointment expires: -7- Cell Site No.: DX3308 Cell Site Name: SANGER (ACKER STREET) Fixed Asset No.: 10078026 Market: N. TX Address: 303 Acker Street Amendment — Rent Reduction Attachment 1 Memorandum of Lease - 8 - THIS DOCUMENT PREPARED BY, and WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Michael Fraunces, President Md7, LLC 10590 W. Ocean Air Drive, Suite 300 San Diego, CA 92130 PARCEL #: R57071 ABOVE FOR RECORDER'S USE Re: Cell Site #: DX3308 Cell Site Name: SANGER (ACKER STREET) (TX) Fixed Asset Number: 10078026 State: TX County: Denton MEMORANDUM OF LEASE This Memorandum of Lease is entered into on this day of , 201_, by and between The City of Sanger, a Texas municipality, having a mailing address at P.O. Box 1729, Sanger, TX 76266 (hereinafter referred to as "Landlord") and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, having a mailing address of 575 Morosgo Drive NE, Atlanta, GA 30324 (hereinafter referred to as "Tenant"). Landlord and Tenant (or their predecessors in interest) entered into a certain Option to Lease and Water Tower Lease Agreement dated January 15, 1998, as amended by that certain First Amendment to Lease Agreement dated June 24, 1999, as amended by that certain Second Amendment to Lease Agreement dated July 28, 2008, as amended by that certain Third Amendment to Option to Lease and Water Tower Lease Agreement dated September 14, 2012, and as further amended by that certain Fourth Amendment to Option to Lease and Water Tower Lease Agreement dated 201_ (hereinafter, collectively, the "Lease") for the purpose of installing, operating and maintaining a communications facility and other improvements at Landlord's real property located in the City of Sanger, County of Denton, commonly known as 303 Acker Street. All of the foregoing are set forth in the Lease. 2. The New Initial Term will be five (5) years ("New Initial Term") commencing on May 1, 2018, with five (5) successive five (5) year options to renew. - 1 - The portion of the land being leased to Tenant (the "Premises") is described in Exhibit 1 annexed hereto. 4. This Memorandum of Lease is not intended to amend or modify, and shall not be deemed or construed as amending or modifying, any of the terms, conditions or provisions of the Lease, all of which are hereby ratified and affirmed. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this Memorandum of Lease and the provisions of the Lease, the provisions of the Lease shall control. The Lease shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective heirs, successors, and assigns, subject to the provisions of the Lease. [NO MORE TEXT ON THIS PAGE - SIGNATURES TO FOLLOW ON NEXT PAGE] -2- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Memorandum of Lease as of the day and year first above written. LANDLORD: The City of Sanger, a Texas municipality By: Print Name: Title: Date: TENANT: New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company By: AT&T Mobility Corporation Its: Manager By: Print Name: Title: Date: -3- LANDLORD ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF SS. COUNTY OF I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that said person signed this instrument, on oath stated that said person was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the of The City of Sanger, a Texas municipality, to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. DATED: Notary Seal (Signature of Notary) (Legibly Print or Stamp Name of Notary) Notary Public in and for the State of -4- TENANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF SS. COUNTY OF I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he/she signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the of AT&T Mobility Corporation, the Manager of New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. DATED: Notary Seal (Signature of Notary) (Legibly Print or Stamp Name of Notary) Notary Public in and for the State of -5- Exhibit 1 to Memorandum of Lease Legal Description Street Address: 303 Acker Street, Sanger, TX 76266 Parcel #: R57071 That certain Premises (and access and utility easements) on a portion of the real property described as follows: All that certain tract or parcel of land lying, and being situated in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241, Denton County, Texas, and being part of a (called) 6.645 acre tract described in a deed from E. M. Acker, et ux, to Gene Hughes on April 3, 1972 , recorded in Volume 642, Page 485, Deed Records of said County, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a steel pin in the middle of a North -South Road at the Northeast corner of the above mentioned tract; THENCE S. 2 degrees, 39 minutes, and 40 seconds W, with the East Boundary Line of said Hughes tract in the middle of said road 132.42 feet to a found steel pin at the Northeast corner of a tract described in a deed from John Inmon, et ux, to L. E. Tarver, et us, on January 7, 1950, recorded in Volume 358, Page 269, Deed Records of said County; THENCE N. 88 degrees, 29 minutes, 35 seconds W. with the North Boundary Line of said Tarver tract 410.88 feet to a steel pin near a X tie corner post at the Northwest corner of said Tarver tract; THENCE S. 0 degrees, 15 minutes, 54 seconds W. with the West Boundary Line of said Tarver tract 100.0 feet to a steel pin near a X-tie corner post at the Southwest corner of said Tarver tract; -6- THENCE N. 88 degrees, 29 minutes, 35 seconds W. with the South boundary Line of said Hughes tract 442.48 feet to a found steel pin at a fence corner at the Southeast corner of a (called) 3 acre tract described in a deed from Donald A. Edwards to Beatrice M Edwards on October 3, 1972, recorded in Volume 659, Page 681, Deed Records of said County; THENCE N. 2 degrees, 07 minutes, 54 seconds E. with a fence on the East Boundary Line of said Edwards tract 231.71 feet to a steel pin at a fence corner at the Northeast corner of said Edwards tract; THENCE S. 88 degrees, 32 minutes, 40 seconds E. with a fence 851.36 feet to the Place of Beginning, containing in all 3.5909 acres of land, more or less, being a part of property conveyed by Warranty Deed dates 4/3/72 by E. M. Acker and wife, Alice Acker, to Gene Hughes in Volume 642, Page 485, Deed Records, Denton County, Texas. ME BANGER *TEXAS October 31, 2017 GENERALFUND For the one month ending October 31, 2017 (8% of the fiscal year), the General Fund has collected 6% of projected revenues. All revenues are performing within projections. Property taxes are historically very low in October, as 90% of all property taxes are collected from December 1 st through February 28th. For the one month ending October 31, 2017, General Fund expenditures are 10% of budget. All expenditure categories are within projections. A purchase order was issued in October for a police vehicle budgeted in the 2017-18 annual budget. Expenditures for some departments and classifications are higher because some annual purchase orders are issued in October for the entire year. ENTERPRISE FUND For the one month ending October 31, 2017 (8% of the fiscal year), the Enterprise Fund collected 9% of projected revenues. All revenue categories are performing within projections. For the one month ending October 31, 2017, Enterprise Fund expenditures are 9% of the annual budget. All expenditure categories are within projections. A purchase order was issued in October for an Electric Department service truck budged in the 2017-18 budget. Expenditures for some departments and classifications are higher because some annual purchase orders are issued in October for the entire year. Combined General & Enterprise Fund Expenditures by Classification Category Annual Budget Expenditures & Percent of Budget Encumbrances Salaries & Benefits $ 5,833,653 $ 399,409 7% Supplies & Materials Maintenance & Operations Contract Services Utilities Capital Expenses Debt Service Other Department Expense Transfers Total 546,480 66,150 12% 7,155,074 655,155 9% 1,597,519 411,048 26% 528,750 33,363 6% 686,504 176,693 26% 1,758,581 - 0% 49,126 6,787 14% 986,800 36,038 4% $ 19,142,487 $ 1,784,643 9% Page 1 of 9 REVENUE -GENERAL FUND Property Taxes Sales & Beverage Taxes Franchise Fees Solid Waste Licenses & Permits Fines & Forfeitures Department Revenues Interest & Miscellaneous TOTAL REVENUE ACTUAL % OF BUDGETED REVENUE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS GENERAL FUND REVENUE & EXPENDITURES October 31, 2017 YTD ACTUAL BUDGET OVER (UNDER) BUDGET $ 20,636 $ 3,181,000 $ (3,160,364) 73,712 905,000 (831,288) 89,928 827,800 (737,872) 66,806 770,500 (703,694) 39,925 206,070 (166,145) 7,707 112,000 (104,293) 40,636 676,900 (636,264) 60,162 81,500 (21,338) 399,512 6,760,770 (6,361,258) 6% (OVER) UNDER EXPENDITURES - GENERAL FUND YTD ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Administration 111,092 701,876 590,784 Police & Animal Control 158,704 1,710,856 1,552,152 Fire & Ambulance 72,906 1,263,624 1,190,718 Municipal Court 12,276 223,715 211,439 Development Services 20,726 277,159 256,433 Streets 35,076 667,966 632,890 Parks & Recreation 158,110 727,977 569,867 Library 18,970 271,890 252,920 Solid Waste 60,985 700,000 639,015 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 648,845 6,545,063 5,896,218 REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES (249,333) 215,707 (465,040) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Transfer In 7,083 292,999 (285,916) Transfer Out - (460,000) 460,000 TOTAL OTHER SOURCES (USES) 7,083 (167,001) 174,084 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE (242,250) 48,706 (290,956) FUND BALANCE - BOY 1,745,609 1,745,609 FUND BALANCE - EOY $ 1,503,359 $ 1,794,315 $ (290,956) ACTUAL % OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES 10% GENERAL FUND REVENUE -i YTD Actual PERCENTAGE OF ACTUAL TO ANNUAL BUDGET a Budget Property Taxes 1 Sales & Beverage Taxes 8% Franchise Fees 11% Solid Waste 9% Other Revenues II 14% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% a Administration GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES -YTD Actual PERCENTAGE OF ACTUAL TO ANNUAL BUDGET o Budget Page 2 of 9 16% 9% 9%0 6% 5% 7% 5% 22% 7% . R REVENUE -ENTERPRISE FUND Water Wastewater Electric Penalties & Fees Interest Miscellaneous TOTAL REVENUE ACTUAL % OF BUDGETED REVENUE EXPENDITURES - ENTERPRISE FUND Administration Water Wastewater Electric Debt Service TOTAL EXPENDITURES REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Transfer to General Fund Transfer to 4A Transfer to WW CIP Reserve Transfers to Storm Recovery Fund Transfer to General Fund - PILOT TOTAL OTHER SOURCES (USES) CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE- BOY FUND BALANCE - EOY ACTUAL % OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ENTERPRISE FUND REVENUE & EXPENDITURES October 31, 2017 OVER (UNDER) YTD ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET $ 179,756 $ 1,890,000 $ (1,710,244) 157,537 1,850,000 (1,692,463) 708,634 8,122,500 (7,413,866) 20,214 210,000 (189,786) 1,472 15,000 (13,528) 4,123 52,000 (47,877) 1,071,736 12,139,500 (11,067,764) 9% (OVER) UNDER YTD ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 259,216 1,362,711 1,103,495 147,089 1,291,512 1,144,423 59,223 667,849 608,626 634,233 6,715,785 6,081,552 - 1,572,767 1,572,767 1,099,761 11,610,624 10,510,863 (28,025) 528,876 (556,901) (100,000) 100,000 - (25,000) 25,000 (15,417) (156,800) 141,383 (13,538) (160,000) 146,462 7,083 (85,000) 77,917 (36,038) (526,800) 490,762 (64,063) 2,076 (66,139) 3,982,069 3,982,069 - $ 3,918,006 $ 3,984,145 $ (66,139) 9% Page 3of9 ENTERPRISE FUND REVENUES UYTD Actual PERCENTAGE OF ACTUAL TO BUDGET o Budget Water 10% Wastewater 9% _.. _.. Electric 9% Other Income 9% E -- 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% ENTERPRISE FUND EXPENDITURES UYTD Actual PERCENTAGE OF ACTUAL TO BUDGET ® Budget l Administration r- Water 11 °/a Wastewater 1 9% Electric 91 e Debt Service 0 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Cash for Operations Contingency Reserves for Operations TOTAL UNRESTRICTED RESTRICTED: Debt Service Water Deposits Equipment Replacement Electric Storm Recovery Hotel Occupancy Tax Grant Funds Keep Sanger Beautiful (KSB) Library Court Security Court Technology Child Safety Fee Donations TOTAL RESTRICTED CAPITAL PROJECTS: General Capital Projects Enterprise Capital Projects TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS Total Cash & Investments CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS CASH AND INVESTMENTS October 31, 2017 General Fund Enterprise Fund Debt Service Fund Capital Projects Fund Total $ 2,036,287 $ 10,888,547 $ $ $ 12,924,834 1,012,617 1,010,042 2,022,659 $ 3,048,904 $ 11,898,589 $ $ $ 14,947,493 $ - $ 693,074 $ 464,076 $ $ 1,157,150 - 446,535 - 446,535 210,975 111,656 322,631 - 817,154 817,154 29,343 - 29,343 4,326 4,326 5,526 5,526 87,691 87,691 8,127 8,127 (399) (399) 18,904 18,904 8,483 - - $ 372,976 $ 2,068,419 $ 464,076 $ $ 2,896,988 $ $ $ $ 377,203 $ 377,203 6,965,559 6,965,559 $ $ $ $ 7,342,762 $ 7,342,762 $ 3,421,880 $ 13,967,008 $ 464,076 $ 7,342,762 $ 25,187,243 Unrestricted Contingency Reserves for Operations,14°/a ash for Operations, 86% Restricted Equipment Water Replacement Deposits 11% a Electric Storm DobtScrvice Recovery Enterprise Capital Projects 95% 40% Other 28% Capital Projects- 5% General Capital Projects... Page 4 of 9 Name Pooled Cash Employee Benefits Cash Employee Benefits MM Internal Service Fund OPERATING ACCOUNTS' GF Contingency Reserve MM 2487969 GF Contingency Reserve CD Prosperity GF Continaencv Reserve CD 674907 F Equipment Replacement MM 2376237 F Eauipment Replacement CD 719706 Hotel Occupancy Tax Police Grant Fund Fire Grant Fund Library Grant Fund Beautification Board - KSB Library Restricted for Building Expansion Library Building Expansion CD 702994 Parkland Dedication Fund Roadway Impact Fee Fune Court Security Restricted Fund Court Technology Restricted Fund Child Safety Fee Fund Police Donations Fire Donations Banner Account for Parks Library Donations Acct. # 001-00-1000 110-00-1000 110-00-1010 180-00-1000 001-00-1031 001-00-1039 001-00-1043 001-00-1032 001-00-1033 050-00-1000 320-00-1000 324-00-1000 342-00-1000 432-00-1000 442-00-1000 442-00-1035 450-00-1000 451-00-1000 470-00-1000 471-00-1000 475-00-1000 620-00-1000 624-00-1000 632-00-1000 642-00-1000 Cash and Investments October 31, 2017 urity Yield* 0.05% $ 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% $ 4/26/2018 0.55% 7/13/2018 0.45% 0.20% $ 7/6/2018 0.45% 1/22/2018 0.45% Prior Period 1,944,826 $ 20,802 76,869 171,507 2,214,004 $' 594,054 $ 207,817 210,175 1,012,046 $; 147,341 $ 63,160 210,501 $' 21,744 $ 4,326 $ 20,293 $ 14 $ 5,526 35,854 51,068 8,107 24 18,904 (228) 4,800 2,536 1,375 Current Balance 1,748,931 20,802 81,021 185,533 2,036,287 594,155 208,210 210.252 147,791 63,184 210,975 29,343 4,326 20,293 14 5,526 36,604 51,087 1,370 12,000 8,127 (399) 18,904 (228) 4,800 2,536 1,375 Restricted Y Y Page 5 of 9 ENTEPRISE FUND Cash and Investments October 31, 2017 Name Acct. # Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance Pooled Cash 008-00-1010 0.05% $ 9,689,315 $ 10,888,547 OPERATING ACCOUNTS $ , 9,689,315 1 $ 10,888,547 Pooled Cash Water Deposit CD 2375850 008-00-1010 008-00-1041 1/3/2018 0.05% 0.45% $ 128,632 300,000 $ 146,535 300,000 WATER DEPOSIT REFUND ACCOUNT $ 428,6321 $ 446,535 Combined EF Debt Service MM 2376113 008-00-1039 0.20% 1,815,849 693,074 BOND FUNDS $ 1,815,849 $ 693,074 EF Contingency Reserve MM 2809753 EF Contingency Reserve CD 787860 EF Reserve CD 642541 008-00-1012 008-00-1014 008-00-1040 2/17/2018 3/25/2018 0.20% 0.45% 0.45% $ 592,586 311,809 105,393 $ 592,686 311,924 105,432 CONTINGENCY RESERVES $ 1,009,7881 $ 1,010,042 EF Storm Recovery MM- 2% Electric Rev EF Equipment Replacement MM 2376202 008-00-1033 008-00-1034 0.20% 0.20% 803,482 $ 111,280 $ 817,154 111,656 Restricted Y Y Page 6 of 9 Cash and Investments October 31, 2017 DEBT SERVICE FUND Name Acct. # Yield Prior Period Current Balance Restricted Pooled Cash 003-00-1000 0.05% $ 402,170 $ 407,045 Y DSF Money Market 2376105 003-00-1010 0.20% 57,021 57,031 Y GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Name Acct. # Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance Restricted )oled Cash 004-00-1000 0.05% $ 60,156 $ 377,203 Y TOTAL RESTRICTED $ 60,156 $ 377,203': ENTERPRISE CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Name Acct. # Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance Restricted Sewer Capital Improvements MM-10% Rev Sewer Capital Reserve MM 2380226 Tap Fees 840-00-1020 840-00-1038 0,20% 0.20% $ 555,158 1,744,848 $ 570,667 ` 1,775,125 Y Y SEWER CAPITAL RESERVE . TAPFEES $, 2,300,0061 $ 2,345,7921 Y Water Capital Reserve MM 2376156 Pooled Cash General CIP Money Market 2674823 840-00-1037 840-00-1000 840-00-1013 0.20% 0.05% 0.05% $ 925,443 2,063,876 2,052,838 $ 951,885 1,614,957 2,052,925 Y Y Y TOTAL RESTRICTED $ 7,342,163 $ 6,965,559> Page 7 of 9 4A FUND Cash and Investments October 31, 2017 Name Acct. # Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance Restricted Pooled Cash 41-00-1000 0.05% $ 247,422 $ 268,099 Y Cash NOW 900020693 Prosperity 41-00-1010 0.05% 443,053 437,985 Y 4A MM 902551273 Prosperity 41-00-1012 0.20% 469,081 469,207 Y Sanger TX Ind Corp CD 486639 41-00-1013 10/2/2018 0.25% 94,483 94,502 Y TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS $ 1,254039 $ 1,269,793;' 4B FUND Cash and Investments October 31, 2017 Name Acct. # Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance Restricted Pooled Cash 42-00-1000 0.05% $ 539,584 $ 570,723 Y Cash MM 2379694 42-00-1010 0.05% 189,618 189,626 Y 4B CD 653500 42-00-1013 4/3/2018 0.45% 21,716 21,724 Y 413 CD 659924 42-00-1014 5/12/2018 0.45% 21,472 21,480 Y 46 CD 664243 42-00-1015 6/5/2018 0.45% 21,560 21,568 Y 413 CD 673277 42-00-1016 7/9/2018 0.45% 21,509 21,517 Y 413 CD 686115 42-00-1017 8/4/2018 0.45% 21,461 21,473 Y 413 CD 689521 42-00-1018 9/11/2018 0.45% 21,375 21,386 Y 4B CD 694371 42-00-1019 10/14/2018 0.45% 21,452 21,460 Y 4B CD 697230 42-00-1020 11/17/2017 0.45% 21,570 21,578 Y 4B CD 699934 42-00-1021 12/18/2017 0.45% 21,490 21,498 Y 4B CD 702285 42-00-1022 1/31/2018 0.45% 21,300 21,308 Y 413 CD 706078 42-00-1023 2/19/2018 0.45% 21,207 21,215 Y 46 CD 720097 42-00-1024 2/9/2018 0.45% 20,972 20,980 Y 413 CD 720119 42-00-1025 11/9/2017 0.45% 20,996 21,004 Y TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS $ 1,007,282 $ 1,038,540 Page 8 of 9 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS INVESTMENT REPORT October 31, 2017 The Monthly Investment Report is in full compliance with the objectives, restrictions, and strategies as set forth in the City of Sanger's Investment Policy and Texas Government Code 2256.023, the Public Funds Investment Act (PFIA). The City only invests in Money Market accounts and Certificates of Deposit. Interest is paid monthly on all accounts. Therefore, book value and market value are the same and the City does not have accrued interest on its investments. Ethics Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest In accordance with the PFIA, investment officers are required to file a disclosure statement with the Texas Ethics Commission and the governing body if: a. the officer has a business relationship with a business organization offering to engage in an investment transaction with the City (as defined in 2256.005 (i) (1-3); or b. the officer is related within the second degree by affinity or consanguinity, as determined under Chapter 573 of the Texas Government Code, to an individual seeking to transact investment business with the entity. PFIA 2256.005 (i). Clayton Gray Finance Director Page 9 of 9 Alina Ciocan Acting City Manager Cheryl Price From: Sara Sexton Sent: Monday, December 11, 2017 8:09 AM To: Cheryl Price Subject: FW: Report Hello, Numbers are not adding up.He is suppose to get me copies of all the paperwork. Sara -----Original Message ----- From: Bob Matthews [mailto:rmmjr@outlook.com] Sent: Friday, December 08, 2017 2:13 PM To: Sara Sexton <SSexton@sangertexas.org> Subject: Report Here you go Sara. Here are the raw numbers. I have found the report that steve was submitting. I have not found the unlocked version yet. I will send over the updated sheet once complete. Total Animals: 30 Dogs: 5 Cats 18 Surrenders: 7 Have a great weekend, :.• 1