79-4-Ordinance-Regulations for Platting and Development of Subdivision-07/02/1979ORDINANCE N0. 79-4 AN ORD INANCE IL IEIEAD ING ORDINANCE NO 1-20s72 OF THE CITY. OF SANGER, TEXAS, PROVIDING FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF REGULATIONS FOR THE PLATTING AND DEVELOPMENT OF SUBD IV IS IONS WITHIN THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AND ITS ESTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION, BY A14END ING ARTICLE 2 -26 OF SAID ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE LOCATION OF WATER AND SEWER MA INS WITHIN SUBDIVISIONS., AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE® WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, has determined that the existing Article 2-26 of Ordinance no. 1®20-1972 of the City of Sanger,, Texas, which has heretofore required water and sewer system mains to be placed and located within the 15 foot public easement strip at the -rear of lots within subdi®is ions, should be amended to authorize the location of such water and sewer system mains as may be approved by the City Council; THE CITY C OUNC IL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, A MUN IC IPAL CORPORAT ION, HEREBY ORDAINS THAT Article 2®26 of Ordih ero® 1-20-72 of the City of Sanger, shall be and the same is hereby amended tc hereafter e location of all water and sewer system mains shall be shown o' improve ents within the subdivision submittedto be to the City Council under Article 1 8 (B) of this Ordinance as a prerequisite to ^consideration • . •uncil • r approval of the final plat of the subdivision, and such location of said water and sewer system asubject - approval • EFFECT I TE DATE This Ordinance shall take effect, and be in full force and effect, from and after the date of its passa.6e. APPROVED this the _ day of July, A. D. 1979. ATTEST: AS TO FORM: iSl