80-12-Ordinance-Establishing a Police Reserve Force-10/20/1980ORDINANCE NO. 80-12 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING A POLICE RESERVE FORCE, PRO- VIDING FOR ITS MEMBERSHIP, ORGANIZATION, DUTIES AND PENALTIES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS: SECTION 1. An auxiliary force to be known as the Police Reserve is hereby established, such force to be separate and distinct from the police department. SECTION 2. The purpose of this chapter is to provide a trained group of civilian volunteer personnel which will be available to supplement the regular police force of the City of Sanger directed by the Chief of Police; to be available in periods of emergency declared by the Chief of Police when the regular police is not sufficient in number to control such emergency, and to assume and carry out the responsibilities of the city. SECTION 3. The Chief of Police shall be the head of the police reserve and the members of the reserve shall be under the authority, control and command of the Chief of Police, subject to all of the statutes, ordinances of the city and provisions of this article. SECTION 4. The City Council shall establish qualifications and standards of training for members of the police reserve force and may prescribe an oath of office for members of the reserve. SECTION 5. (A.) The police reserve force shall be composed of personnel who have volunteered to join the organization and whose applications for memberships have been accepted and who have complied with all the rules, regulations and orders for the conduct and control of the members thereof. It shall be composed of not more than six (6) members. (B.) All applicants for membership shall be finger- printed and the Chief of Police shall fully investigate and be responsible for satisfactory proof of the good character, sober habits and adequate physical ability of each applicant. SECTION 6. Application for membership in the police reserve shall be filed with the Police Department. Such application shall be on a form prescribed by the Chief of Police and approved by I Council, and shall state the residence of the applicant. SECTION 7. The Chief of Police shall prescribe the uniforms and badges for the members of the police reserve force and direct the manner in which the same shall be worn. The Chief of Police may issue identification cards and police reserve badges which shall be returned upon termination of membership in the police reserve. SECTION 8. Reserve Police Officers must comply with the minimum training standards established by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards, as now in effect and as shall be amended from time to time, and education minimum standards established for all reserve law enforcement officers identical to the standards so established which must be fulfilled before a person appointed as a reserve law enforcement officer may carry a weapon or otherwise act as a peace officer. SECTION 9. No person appointed to the police reserve force may carry a weapon or otherwise act as a peace officer until he has been approved by the governing body. After approval, he may carry a weapon only when authorized by the Chief of Police and when discharging official duties as a duly constituted peace officer. SECTION 10. Members of the police reserve force shall have no power to arrest beyond that of a citizen except when on official authorized duty to assist the regular police department. SECTION 11. No member of the police reserve force shall break into or otherwise forcefully enter upon private property or enter the dwelling or habitation of another person without the consent of a member of the police department, who then and there requests his aid in the enforcement of the law. SECTION 12. Reserve police officers shall act only in a supplementary capacity to the regular police force and shall in no case assume the full time duties of regular police officers -2- rr x without first complying with all requirements for such regular police officers. SECTION 13. (A.} Membership of any person in the police reserve may be terminated by the Chief of Police at any time for any cause deemed sufficient by the Chief of Police, and any member may resign from the police reserve at any time, but it shall be his duty to notify the Chief of his resignation. (B.} In addition to the penalties provided by law, any violation of law under color of the performance of his duties as a member of the police reserve force, and any breach of rules and regulations established by the Chief of Police shall subject any member to summary expulsion and the fact thereof may be published at the order of the Police Chief with the approval of the City Council. SECTION 14. All commissions for membership in the reserve shall expire automatically at midnight on the 31st day of December of each year. A renewal of such commission for any next ensuing year may be had by filing an application. The application shall consist of a letter properly filled out by the applicant, giving his full name and address and the number of his existing commission. Said application to be filed with the Chief of Police. If appli- cation for renewal is not presented on or before January 31st of each year for which renewal is sought, then anyone desiring a commission as a member of the police reserve shall make application as in the first instance where an applicant did not hold a commission. SECTION 15. No person shall represent or identify himself as a member of the Sanger Police Reserve Force unless such person is, in fact, a sworn member of the Sanger Police Reserve Force aId has complied with all sections of this ordinance. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction in Municipal Court, shall be subject to a fine not less than $1.00 nor more than $200.00 for each offense. SECTION 10. This action does not limit the power of the Mayor to summon into service a special police force as provided by Article #995 of The Revised Civil Statutes of Texas. SECTION 17. If any portion of the chapter be in conflict with any part or portion of Article 998a, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas as amended, or any other laws of this State, the terms and provisions of those laws will govern. SECTION 18. THIS ORDINANCE IS DECLARED TO BE FOR THE GENERAL WELFARE. PASSED AND APPROVED by THE CITY COUNCIL of THE CI 'Y OF BANGER, TEXAS, ON THIS THE /j d , day of yL , 19800 xalp.tvt . c:ole Mayor - City of Sanger, Texas ATTEST: City Secretary