1938-Ordinance-Calling the September 29, 1938 Water Works Revenue-08/26/1938O INANCE CALLI_TG AN ELECTION TO BE HELD ON 29th DAY OF SEPTE M A. D. 1938, TO DETERMINE THER OR HOT THE CITY OF SANGER SHALL ADOPT THE PROVISIONS OF THE ACTS OF 1934 OF THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, 43RD LEGISLATURE, 4TH CALLED SESSION, PAGE 490 CHAPTER 181, AS AMENDED BY THE ACTS OF 19370 45TH LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, 2ND CALLED SESSION, HOUSE BILL NO. 164,.. THAT IYHMUAS,, the City of Sanger, Texas, is a City of less than 12,410 inhabitants, according to the last preceding Federal census, and owns and operates an electric light plant or system; and system anal sewer system, and in all other respects comes ��rithin the provisions of the Acts of 1934, 43rd Legislature of the State ,of Texas, of the 45th Legislature of the State of Texas, 2nd Called Session.., Mouse Bill No. 164; N07I, Tfl`EREFO BE IT 0 ' NED BY THE BOARD OF ALD N OF THE CITY OF SANG ° ;; That an election be held on the 29th day oa" Septer,�bsr A. D. 19332 at which election the following proposition shall be submitted: benefits of the Acts of 1934, 43rd Legislature of the S'-sate of Texas, 4tsa Called Session, Page 49, Chapter 18, as amended by the Acts of 1937, 45th Legislature of the State of Texas, 2nd Called Session, House Bill N®. 164, said Act providing in substance that in Waking up the annual appropriation of the income and revenue of any water works system, electric light plant or system., surer system or other public utility system, service or enterprise, now or that may hereafter be owxted and operated by any city or town having_a population of 120410 inhabitants or less,. according to the last preceding Federal census, and owning and op®rating its municipal light system and municipal water works system in this State, the governin body thereof sha11 first make provision for the maintenance and operating expenses of such system, service or enterprise, and shall then make s�rovision for payment of principal and interest of any indebtedness outstanding against such system, service or enterprise, and may then make such appropriations as the remaining income and. revenue os' such system.., service or enterprise mar justify, to be appropriated among the respective departments of the municipal -goverment, or otherwise appropriated for public uses as such governing body may deem best, provided said Act shall not apply to municipally owned utilities or enterprises, the income from which has heretofore been pledged to secure .. a a u..:: •. • .... c • s... town to issue bonds, notes or rrants payable from revenues other than taxation, for the purposes, and isi the nner and under the restrictions and such obligations, and all the provisions of such laws shall apply to and govern such city or town and the governing authorities thereof, except as therein otherwise provided. by la�sr, at the City Ball, i.u. the Cit,r of Sanger, Texas, and the following officers of said election, tti-wi.t: N. C. Batis, Presiding Judge. We Do Said election shall be held as nearly as -possible in compliance th the laws with reference to regular municipal elections in said city or town, and all voters who favor the proposition to adopt the provisions and benefits of the Acts of 19340 43rd Legislature of the State of Texas,Lth Called Session, Page 49, Chapter 18,, as amended by the Acts of 1937, 45th Legislature, 2nd Called Session, House Bill No. 164, shall have eWKM • a 4th Called Session, Page 49, Chapter 16, as amended by the Acts of .• Called Session, House Bill No. And thoss_opposing shall have printed upon their ballots the "ACtAINST the adopti.an of the pr-ovision.s and benefits of the Acts of 1934, 43rd Legislature of the State of Texas, 4th Called Session, Page 49, Chapter 18, as amended by the Acts of 19379 45th Legislature, 2nd Called Session, House Bill No. 164." 3. A copy of this order, signed by the Mayor of the City of Sanger, attested by the Seoretary of said City, shall serve as proper i.n.eompliance with the lags with reference to regular munieipai elec- lions in said City, and the mayor of the City of Sanger, Texas, is hereby authorized and directed to cause said notice of said election to be po�te+cl m.�, th®.City �.l.l of the City --of Sanger, and at twa other public places in said City for not less than thirty {30) days before the election. 4. Such proposition shall be submitted to be voted upon only by t3:ose who are qualified electors, and who own ta�.ble property iri said City. of Sanger, Texas, and who -have duly rendered the same for -��cation, and no person who is not a qualified e3,eetor, or who does :zot o taxable property in the City of Sanger, Texas, or who has not duly at said election. this the �644r% day of P.ugust A, T), 1938. ./G.. Hurd Mayor, City of•Sanger, Texas.