1940-1-Ordinance-Regulating Domino Halls-01/01/1940NO. 1940-1 ORDINANCE REGULATING THE OPERATION OF DOMINO HALLS aection 1. It shall hereafter be lawful. far and persoax, fi , corporation. or association of person to run or operate a domino hall kith' the limits of the city of Sanger, Texas, without complT4 g with the terms of this ordinance® deflimed to be an7 place within the limits of the city of Sanger Lominoes, checkers or other like games, where there is made a harge of money or other thing of value for playing, or where here is a donation or gift Im money or other thing of value for he privilege of playing in such games, or where there is an dmission fee charged, or donation or gift is made for enterdng uch domino hall. Sectioaa 3® I ® domino hall shall be "operated. or run within. the 1 its of the said city of Sanger, only in the business district of saki city, of Sanger, said business district being here defined to be within the following boundaries; from street to street, and from C street to street, and froze street to street and from street to g street, the place of beginning® I r' is • a •' he operation of or running of any domino hall within the limits /.:f thecity • -'Sanger,and t each .. the sameto be paid dv[ [ c / J or -.7jLy part thereof by the said city of Sangez.A .' ! 1 J / ;, • l..1 i / / 1. 0 domino hall shall be run or operated later than J,, 1 1 .: / l J t D'a7 1 T. 1 .; •-- [, 1 J ' • . / 1. 0 IU LO LVLJL ID 0 imely person, rirm or corporation or association of persons •011ars or more •r. seventy f ive dollars,•,,• each • v seperate offende and the offender be i punished,, Lnd in addition thereto the said city of Sanger may on violation f any of the provisions of this ordinance file an 3"Mjunction •roceeding in the proper / (t enj6jj2 the. running or operating courtL e /nstitut ional ionor contrary1. the laws of /` the same shall notother 0 is provision -i ordinance, f ordinances In conflict herewith are hereby repealed* running and operating thereof,, and the said city of Sanger not having an ordinance regulating the operating and running of domino halls with3OM its liMIts,, creates an emergency and public necessity that the rule that this ordinance be on a reading for three several days be and the same is hereby suspended, and this ordinance shall be placed on its three seiseral readings to its passage® Passed this 1 day of - 19 0 .pproved this day of 19 Chairman, City Council City of Sanger,