12-20-46-Ordinance-Regulating Plumbing-12/20/1946PLUMBING ONDINNANCE AIN ORDIINA.NGE R:r'GUIaA'T'ING Pl_IUIViBIING A:ND T:ET1) OCCUPATION OF I'LUIVI.0 t NG TN THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXASa Cl?FA.TTNG THE EXAMINING AND SUPERVISING BOARD OF .PLUMB)M A ND PRESCRIBING ITS DUTIES P.ROWEDTNG THE NUMBER _ND THE QUALIFICATIONS OF ITS MEMBERS A.ND THE MANNER OF THEIR. SET.,t,C'PION AND THE DUTIES OF SUCH: BOARD ANT) ITS MEMBERS 1'ROVTDTNG ){OR THE REMOVAL OF A M1IJIBER OR IVICMBERS AND I'11C)VTDTIVG FOR THEIR IVIEETING A.ND A. SECRL;TARY PROVIDING FOR MEETINGS OF SAID BOARD AND THE ORGANIZATION OF SAME AND FOR THE LICENSING OF PLUMBERS OF EVERY GRADE AND KIND FOR THE PURPOSE OF CARRYING OUT THIS SAID PLUMBING ORDINANCE AND PRESCRIBING T)-IE POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE EXAMINING AND SUPERVISING BOARD OF PLUMBERS FIXING TIME AND )?')?ES FOR EXAMINATION AND PRESCRIBING REGULAR MEETINGS OF SAID BOARD A.ND PROVIDING FOR MASTER OR EMPLOYING PLUMBERS OR L)OURNEWIA-N PLUMBERS AND PROVIDING, REGULATIONS FOR APPLICANTS WHO HAVE FAILED TO PASS SAID EXAMINATION, SECTION 29 AND PROVIDING FOR THE DISPOSITION OF' SAID FEES AND THE ISSUANCE OF LICENSE TO .APPLICANTS WHO PASS SAID EXAMINATION AND FOR RENEWAL OF LICENSE AND .T_+EE FOR SAME, AND PRO VIDTNG THAT SAID LICENSE IS PERSOINAll TO ` lffi4 HOLDER AND FOR THE REVOCATION FOR LICENSE UNDER CERTAIN CTRCUIVISTANCES9 AND PROVIDING THAT ONLY CITY SUCCESSFUL APPLICANTS WHO PASS EXAMINATIONS SHALL E"JOURNEYMAN" PLUI13E1 Jig LIC?NSD dINlF rIvIA AND PROVIDING FURTHER WHO MAY APPLY FOR LICENSE AND FOR THE REN){,WAL AND TESTS AND FOR THE INSPECTION FEES OF ALL PLUMBING WORK DONE, T)NDER AND TN ACCORDANCE WITH 'C)-I:I:S ORDINANCE, AND PROVIDING FOR. A. PLUMBING T_NS?EC 1'OR AND DEFINING HIS QUALIFICATIONS .AND DUTIES AJ,SO PROVIDING FOR .PERMITS TO BE ISSUED AND INSPECTIONS OF PLUA11.E3ING AND FIXTURES AND FOR. THE LOCATION OF SAME AND FIXTURES INSIDE BUILDINGS; AND PROVIDING FOR CERTIFICATES OF .ACCEPTANCE AND FOR PHE REINSPECTION IF OBJECTIONS HAVE BEEN ATTEMPTED, ANT) PROVIDING FOR FEES FOR INSPECTION OEM' .ANY WORK AFTER THE SECOND INSPECTION .AND DEFINING WHAT PLUMBING SHALT, BE' REJECTED BY SAID INSPECTOR OF PLUMBING .AND FOR THE INSPECTION OF PLUMBING IN TWO STORY BUILDINGS AND MORE, AND DEFINING A VIOLATION OF 'T'1-I:IS ORDINANCE, A.LL OJT W}-ITCH IS SET OUT IN SECTION 6 HEREOF; PROVIDING THAT THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM OF EVERY HOUSE FOR PLUMBING TO BE INDEPENDENTLY CONNECTED WITH. CITY SEWER AND FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF PRIVATE wSEWER WHEN NECES� SARY, PROVIDING OPTIONS TO OWNER, MASTER QR EP�F.,OYING�r UMBER TO SELECT SEWER MATERTAL FROM THREE FEET OUTSIDE BUILDING,BY PRO® VIDING THAT CAST IRON SEWERS BE TESTED WITH WATER AND THE LAYING OF AND TAMPING OF SEWERS, AND PROVIDING FOR THE GRADE OF FALL, PROVIDING FURTHER THAT THE CITY MAY CONNECT WITH AND USE PRIVATE; SEWER IN ANY PUBLIC STREET, ALLEY OR PARKWAY, AND PROVIDING FOR THE ALIGNMENT AND AT UNIFORM GRADE FOR SAID SEWER., AND PROVIDING FOR CLEANOUTS AT THE END OF A.L.0 .PIPE LINES AND :PROVIDING THE KIND QF CLEANOUTS AND ACCESSIBLE TO MA.N HOT,E OR CUTOUT, AND PROVIDING THE KIND OF VENT PIPE IN BUILDINGS OF TWO STORIES HIGH IN WHICH NOT OVER TWO FAMILIES RESIDE AND THE KIND OF WASTE AND VENT PIPES Mn LAVATQRY FIXTURES AND FOR. T1-IE USE' QF DU1�I�IRON IN CONNECTING TO SEWER, :PROVIDING FOR THE USE OF THE TEE WYES OF ALL KINDS .AND HUBS, AND FURTHER PROHIBITING THE USE OF CERTAIN MATERIALS AND CERTAIN,HUBS AND VENT PIPES, SECTION 13 HEREOF, PROHIBITING' PERSONS, ASSOCIATIQIVS, .AND CORPORATIONS OR LEGAL SUBDIVISIONS TO DISCHARGE COMMERCTAL OR INDUSTRIAL, WASTE OR SEWAGE; INTO PUBLIC SEWER. SYSTEM WITHOUT OBTAINING A PERMIT THEREFOR; AND PRESCRIBING SPECIFICATIONS FOR DRAINS INSIDE THE WALL AND UNDERNEATH BUILDINGS AND THE AN� CLIORAGE OF SAME PROVIDING FOR SIZE AND FIND OF DISCHARGE SOIL PIPES, AND PROVIDING KIND OF JOINTS AND MANNER OF' CONNECTIONS AND CLEANING OF SAME AND FOR VENTS AND MANNED OF INSTALLATION AND REGULATING DISTANCES AND SIZE OF VENTS IN REFERENCE TO ADJACENT BUITaDINGS, SEE ALCM OF SECTION 189a PROVIDING FOR THE SIZE AND CLASS OF rH�IX'.T'iJRE TRAPS IN IAC1i KIND OF BUILD GNG AND RA'['ING SAME , SEE A.LLOF SECTIONS I.90 200 21, PROVIDING FOR GROUP WATER. CLOSETS AND MANNER AND KIND OF CONNECTIONS, SEE SECTION ?_.?_,, AS WELL .A.S ALI, FIXTURES IN SAME AND LOCATION, SIZE OF DRAINS AND MANNER OF IN� STALLA.�i'ION, -AND .iROVID- NG MATERIALS AND KIND OF FIXTURES, SEE ALL OF SECTION _?.S, ALSO PROVIDING FOR FEES, DEFINING CER`7:'A.INTFRIVIS SUC1-I A.S "CLOSE' C'OI�INECTION'° , BACi� SIPHONAGE" , „F'LtJS1-I VALVES'° , AND PROVIDING FO.R NEW MATERIAL TO BE USED TN NEW BUILDINGS AND FUR HER PROVIDING .A. LICI�,NSE FOR THE PURPOSE OF ENGAGING IN TFE3 BUSINESS OF GAS FTTTTNG AND NO OTHER PLUIVl13TNG WORK .AND APPLYING �[0 THE EXAMINING AND SUPERVISING BOARD OF PLUMBERS FO):t SANE, AND PROVIDING THE FEE AND NAMING .THE FEE AND FIXING THE TIME FOR HOIJD� DING EXAMINATIONS, PROVIDING THE KEEPING OFR1?CORD FOR LICT3NSE OF PERSONS QUALIFYING AND GIVING SAID BOARD TIIE RIGHT TO REVOKE ANY LICENSE AND, ALSO FOR THE RENEWAL OF LICENSE AND FOR THE REGISema TRA'T'ION -AND IDENTIFICATION OF JOURNEYMAN PLUMBERS, AND PROVIDING FOR THE SIZE OF .A.)q,L GAS, PIPES, AND FITTINGS AND GIVING TA-13LE STIES, AND PROVIDING FOR INSTALLATIONS NOT SET OUT IN ABOVE TABLE AND NAMING SIZES OF PIPE AND DESIGNATE PIPE LOAD AND FOR :INSTALLATION BEYOND DOMESTIC CONSUMERS AND PROVIDING FOR PERMITS IN CERTAIN INSTANCES NAMING FETES WHEN PERMITS ARE REQUIRED AND REQUIRING PER NITS IN CERTAIN INSTANCES AND REQUIREMENTS FOR. SUCH PERMITS AND 1=,'OR INSPECTIONS AND REINSPECTIONS FOR WATER HEATERS AND FURNACES AND FOR THE CONDEMNATION OF DANGEROUS FITTINGS OR PIPES BY THE C1.TY PLUIVIT3INC1 INSPECI,OR A.ND THE FEES FOR SAM_f AND NAMING REQUIRE, P1EINTS AND DESCRIBING THE INSTALLATION AND CONNECTION OF A.PPLICANCES AND FOR APPLICATIONS TO THE CITY PT,UMBING INSPECTOR FOR PER.NITS, AND PROVIDING FOR A. FEE FOR SUCH SERVICE, SEE A.LL OF SECTION 272 PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF ANY DIVISION OF THIS OR� DIIVANCIE ANI� NAIviING THE PENALTY .AND I- URTHER PROV I DING THAT ANY SECTION OR SUBSECTION, PARAGRAPH, PROVISIONS SEI'VTENCE, CLAUSE, PHRASE OR WORD OF THIS ORDINANCE SHOULD BE HELD INVALID, THE SAME SHALL NOT AFFECT THE VALIDITY 01" THE REMAINING PORTIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE AND FURTHER PROVIDING `[HAVI" THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CONSIDERIED ACCUMULATIVE TO ALL OTHER ORDINANCES NOW IN FORCE IN THE CITY OF SANGER, WTTI-I RELATION TO PLUMBERS AND PLUMBING AND PROVIDING THAT ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLTC'T, HEREWITH ARE IIEREI3Y EXPRESSLY REPEALED4 13E IT ORDAINED BY 7'IIF' CITY CONIMISS_T.OIV OF TIIF, CITY OF SANGER, TEXASas SECTION 19 (a) There a_s hereby created the Examining and Su.pe.r_ �_sa,nU I3oa.r, cT o.f' P1r,��nbe:�^s 'T'he sa.�ud .-Board sh.a.7.1, r,onsTs-t ovF -l;k�.e (3.) fo 1 l.owin.g five members, IGO be selected a.nd serve for such terms is are hereinafter set out, TO�WTT, A. member of the Board of Iiealt.h, to be selected by the Mayor and City Counc'Ll. of the City of Sanger, The City Eangineer,p the City Tnspee for of Plumb _nge such -three members to serve on such Board wh.I lae holding 'their respect'L.ve office, and unt'Ll their respective successors in oEf.i.ce shall, have been. selected and qual.i.f led. In- addition, -the Mayor and City Council shall. appoint to said Board a Master Plumber of not less than ten (1 O) years active and continuous experience as a Con=tra.cting Plumber, and one Journeyman Plumber of not 1..e9.s than five (5) years active and continous experience as a, plumber, such two members to serve for a period of two years from their appointmen-t and until their successors shall have been appointed and qualified, Pr_ovided,however, that If any of the :Give mem� bets .provided for shall. die, or become unable -to act for any reason, or shall resign from their respective positions, or shall be removed :for any cause, as hereinafter provided, then the Mayor and City Commission shall appoint a successor or successors, who shall fill out the unexpired term or terms, and until their res� pect.ive successors shall have been appointed and qualaified, and provided. that the present members of said. Board shall remain in office dttr:i_ng; their respective -terms unless sooner removed as provided herein® The members of said. Board shall perform the duties hereinafter set out without any compensation whatever as members of said Board. (b) The Mayor and City Council of the City of Sanger may remove any of the appoi_n-ted members of said Board, provILdedq however, that such removal_ shall be upon complaint and hearing. Such complaint may be made by the Mayor or any member of the City Council, or any person residing) in the City of Sanger, and must be In wr.i.ting anal under oath, and fi.l,ed with. the City Clerk by the Person making the Complaint., Such complaint shall set forth ful:l.y the facts upon. wha_ch such r,ompl_aa.nt a_s based., anri wh.a r,h a.re �bela_.eved to be �,roun.ds :r"o.r suc.ka. :removal Upon F7�1v�.ng of a.ny compJ_aint, the City Couno i_�I_ sha:l�l se�i; a :_reasonable P(,ime a,nc� place for �l;he hea:n:%ng ta.pon surh comp�ma�.n�� anal ��he C::i.�y C�.er�k shall. thereupon nota_fy the person mal�a_ng suc11 complain�fi: and suc�a other persons as he deems inte.rested., of the time and place o:f suc.l� :hea.ring� A,.fter fulll hearing of a,11� parties ini;erested a.n such complaint, the PJ[ayor and Carty C©r(In'liSSi©n shad make sta.c,h da.sposition o:f.' su.ch compl�a,int as �l;o tJ�tem shall. "be deemed proper,, a.nd. 'their decisa.on upon stxch compleaa.nt sl�ail be fawnal.® (c) Tt shall be the duty of the duly appointed members of said Board. to meet as soon a. ter their. appointment as is pra.o�l;ica.l_ and organa.ze by selaecting one of their members as Chairman and another as Serr. eta:ry, the 1 a.tter of whom shal.,l keep a full reco.r. d oF' the proceedings of the saa_d Boa.rd� The sa°t.d Board sha1. hhold at least one meeting during every 30 days period subsequent to the date off' -i_ts organ_�,at:i,on� a.nd dura,ng each 3c� days period shal_1_ conduct at 1_east one exama.na,ta_ort for the .'Licensing of p7�umbers, shotxl_d there be any a.pplWicants i'or such examination® For -tkte purpose o. carrying ou�l; the :provisions o:F this Qrda.nance � such Board shall provide i-I;sel�f w::%th necessary and proper 'gooks off' :record, blank forms, stata_ortery, supplies a.nd ma,teraea.ls adequate for oon.duct7.ng examina.tion.s a.nd -rhe ca.rrya.ng au.t n� the duties oT surh Board, to be paa.d for ou't; of tkt.e �'e2s o:� exarna�nation hereinaf-f�er, provided fors It sh.al_1 be the further duty of surh. Board, from �l,�.me to ta_,me, to subma�t to the T.�Iayor and Carty Counc,a_1 of the Ca ty of Sanger its writ��ert su.gges���ion.s and recomrnendation.s for the impro� vemen�t; of tYte plumbing orda_n.ance o�F the Carty of Sanger® (d) The following shaJ_1. 'be the powers and du�i;ies oi' the L:�r.ama.na.ng and Supervising Board oi' pl,uataber�;, herea_n provided fors (l) To adopt rules and regu�lation.s r"or ��he conduct o� the business of tkt.e exa,tnina.tiort of ap;pl_'t.oanias, and for � is won government and and in properl;�l and thoroughly a.dma.n.a.ste��ri ng its clu'hi es anal the p�rova.sa.orts a:C �i;rte Or_dina.n.ce � provided, 'E.ha.t �i;he same sha.li. not be inconsis�t;ent wa_-th the laws of th.e S°ua�t:e of Texas or a.ny ordinance (5) of the C:i.ty o: Sanger, (�) To provide proper forms in .ts discreti on.� .for app::l_icar�ts for e�amina�i,ion as N[aster or 'mpl_oying plYamber. or Journeyman S'1u.mber, anal to requ.ni_re allu a,ppl_ican�i;s to properly �i'ill out such Forms and file them with said .Board® (3) To �'�_� reasonable times for t1�e e�arnina,tions o,�i" app.`1 �.ca.nts under the terms of this Ordinan.re, and to r,larify ei;he-'ra.me and puce oaf such e�:aminat�.ons� (�) To canduc�t sui.ta.bl.e examinations for i'1laster or �i,mpleoy�.n.g and Jou7��.neyman. plumbers to eonsis�t; of wr�etten cha.r�i, ar7d practa,ce tes'i;s w:ha.c;h array a.n part be oral_® The examinat�.on wi�Ll cover the theory and praotice of plumbing � `the interpretati.o.n. of cka.arts and blue pr�i.nts and plans of pluurnbabng �_nsta.11.a.tion and such other �F,es-i`;s a.s the commit��ee may deem necessary in order to properly pass upon. th.e ei_ual.a fications o: the eandida.te � fin. general, the exama.n�- a.tions w.11 consist; of � (l) Tx.perience paper9 (2) written worl_r based on Ordin.a.nce (3) cha.r�i; work based on Ordin.arrce, (�) pract�_c;al worl�® lil_1 a.ppl_ica.n�Gs a.re expec-ced to furnish the n.ecessa.ry tools9 solder pot and solder for the practical exam�enation ® The Board wall furnish gasoline anal other ma,ter�_al necessary to conduct suoh exarnina�ci.on® (�) `l�o provide such rzal.es a,nd regula.ta.ons conaerni_n.g re-�e�amzna'l�..on o:f' ap,plicants wh.o �f'a 1_ such examination. as a.re deemed just and proper SECTION 2� (a� every person. desir��ng to engage in�-ache business of pl_umgira.g a.n rtl:he City of Sanger e� �;►.�.c�r -to contra,ot :f.'or �h;.he install or rep��dr of pl.umb.ng or to perform the acti,tal work of ins t all�i.n.g or repaira,ng a.n sand c�.�i�y, sl�a.alld� be�f'ore so doing, be l'roensed in �i;he case he desires to cor��.-i;ract or ��nsta,.l_1_ or repair plumbing as a Master or l,tnployl,n.g Plu:mber� or .,n. case' he desa_���es �Lo per�f orrn the aotual worl� o:i i stalling or repairing plumbi�ng� as a jou.rneyrrtan pl�umbe.r., in the manner provmi_ded a.r�t. �i;h.a.s ord�.ra.ancew Such persran shall, first apply to tYae Ez�am�.ning Board or Superv.�.sei.ng Board o�. plumbers fo.r a.n exama_n.at7_on. to engage in such business ei the.r_ a.s I�2aster or I�mpl.oy:�ng pl.umbe.r o. Jolr.rrreyrnan plumber, as i,k�e case may be � and shall , at the ta.rrre of f i1.,ing h�_s appl i.ca,taaon� pay to the Secretary of the Board the sum of fa,ve (1�5�00) dol,:l�ars if he is (6) ,� a"� — ,� -,.,., b applying �'or a.n exam:ina.t�i_an as a Joazrneyraara plunaber� h.e sk'aa�.l, at the -%ime o:. f �i i.i,n,g h,is appJ.,i_cai;yorr� pay t�o ��he Sec�ei:a.x�y o:f:' the �3oard �Lhe sazm o%' �i�t'aree (�S� � 0�) do7_iars, wh.i ch. sa.:a.d :r"ees shall. be used by �t;he �oa.rc� �ho pay ���Ls necessary expenses as 1'aercinaf�i;er pro���.rled :f'orp a.nd any excess o:i such a"ees sha�.l, �be paid �%o �l:hc Treasurer oJ' the Ci�f;y omf' Sanger• n.ot la.-i;er than',th.e 15th clay off' T�'ebruary oT each ,yearn (b) The examining grad superv�.sin.g boarr_l shal_J �ossu.e to each success�'ul applicant a al_icense which shah. entitle ha_m to engage in or carry or�� or work at -Lhe bu��iness of plumbing in. the Cit�r o_f_ Sanger as a Master or Fmp7_oyin.g dumber or a �Tourneyrnaa.n l'1_umber, a.s the case may be which 1.icen,se sh.ali, continue in Force �'or the ;period o�, one year :irorrr i he date o:� �_ss�tzan.ce �ihereof: grad skaa.1.� be renewable on a;pp1_i cation off' �;�ae ho�pde:r' a.� any 't7.me within �f;hi,��t,y (3q) days prior to the expirat.a.on o:C' said year, wha_cl�a renewa.7_ tnay be by endorsement off' that, r�a,ct on the original license signed lay th.e -t;hen Chairman and Seer, etary oeF' the T3oard� A oha.rge off' l.� ii't;� Gents (�� � 50) shall_ be made o-� or each. renewal � Any Nas�t,er or Employing l?]_azmlaer or Journeyrna.n who :i:'ails rtLo renew h`�_s .i,lecen.se annually as provided sha�_`i_ be x•egu�.red I,o submit; -t;o anew exa.rn� i.nation by �Lhe �3oard bei'or_e eraga.gi.ng in such worlt� (c) Such �..icense is personal only to the holder, a,nd .i�s not in a,ny manner-t;r•a.ns�:r-,rrab7_e and alai_ such 1.i.censes are revoka.7_be by the _Board :_For su��'icien-� cause, ino.lud�.ng wa.i1.:('u.l o.r. repeaJi,ed. vola,LLt;%ons o:f' the pr. ovi,sions off' tkaa. _� tJrdinarar, e , 'I'kae revooa�i,%on. off' such 7.i_censc� shall be only a�'�f:e:r cotnplain�'r and hearings such cornpla�nt to be _n w�r•a.t�.ng and under oa�i;h and :r.i �.ed. �va,t�tt. Secre�cary o tl�ae I3oa.r. d by any rYaembe:r. thereat" � or an.y person desir. Mng to malc.e such. cornpl.aini, ��ga:.rasa <3.ny such l_censeho.l.der grad 1:,h.e 13oarcl sha.1.1, se:�t: sazcl� laear�ng, tt7.e Secr:•e�ta,r,,�� s:Paa:1.1. issue n.o�L:.ce� anal Ft;he hearing sl�aa,7.'l.. be t�a,d in i�he same rna.nn.er as he.re.na.bave provi..ded :� or remova.7. off' rnertrbers oaf`_' �l,:he l3oa.rd, 1:I' �%h.e t":i.na�l. de i;errn-l.nat..on off' �t;.h.e 13oa..r,d a._a �i;er sazc3� l�.ea,ring �_s �Lla.e revocat:i.on, of; sucYa 1.�..cense� the ho�_der• �i•;hereo:l' may appea,'I. 'fo �t;he Na,yo:r and �f;he City Co�anc.:1. � `������A��"��. Vie. ,� by .�i1_ing w_'�t'rt. i,:h.c C.].f,��r Cl°e�"lc wt i,b.:i_n. ��h.i,;r�i,y (3�) dsya a.:a �i;er no��a.ce o.f' such dP ,er-•rn.'�.raa�i",,i.o7� 1�.�.s a�7pyl..ca�l,i.on �: ar. r. e�v�i.ety c�,. suc;kz k�ea.r, a r�. by ..Lhe i�rla.yor and. Ci �y Cou.nc:_l_� Tl�.e T3oat�s shall �Lh.ereupon. rer �t;,�i��'y to �iPte .N_fayor ara.d C_i;y Cotxnc,.i_.1. �z �s �fi.ndwi..ngs a.n. su.ch hoa.r7.ngs9 and �Lh.e P;1a.yot:� and Ci�i;y Counca_l� sha,l�l. review surh a ��n,cl��.ngs� and de�t;crrn�l.na.�;�.on. o r f;he P��ayoa� axed C7_i�y Coun.c.�.l u-:pon such ma�;�r,e�r sha.l_l, be ��.na.l (d) J�to l�.cen.se s�a.all be issued. �o a.ny ;person. 'to engage in ahe business or" '�a7�uml:tin,g as PJia.s�er ot: ��'rnp=Loyi.n�, or �Tou.rneyma.r� P�Lu:nl�k>er. u�t�i;il.. such person. _Pta.s appeared be��'ore 6i✓he Boat'"d a,nd has succress� fu�l.l.y passed 'i;he required e��ami na�;'r.o�n. a,r�td pa-�d �f;kte 1�_cense :fee _req.ui�red under" �chi.s Orda,n.a.n.re � The 1.3oa,t•d shall keep a. :r."er.ord i�n a vve_1_:l_ borxrad book. o ea.cPt, license �.ssu.ed� he da.iAe or ��he a_sstxance ofi saute � �;l.�.e name and place o�. bus�_n.ess o� 'fi,�.e per. soxt i o whom l_a.cense is �_ssued� whe-Ghe:e" such J.°�cense .is � or a, i�'Ia.ster or .Emp� loyaeng pl_�u'm�ber or Journeyman �='lumber �itogd-i,,hex" wa.i;}� such o�rher E'ac�t;s a.s 'may be deer-ned pe.r"�i,anert�� sucb. book %o be a public anal. perma.rten�� rer,orcl o:i `i;he C_i_�;y o.(' r�a��ger® (e) I'�to pez�son sh-a,1.1 engage in �i�he :13t.�s�.n.ess o:" Pl txrnb,7�n<� as 1_'ICaslaer or 1•Jmpl oy�l.ng �letxrnber w.a.%h�.r�. �i,he C i �y l_�.ma.�cs oz -f;�l�.� ' C �i;,y o:P' Sanger un. c�.l such person. l�aa.s secured a l.a,certsF. �t;o engage irt. such business ira. acco�•dan.ce wi�ch Jche •f;e.rrns o��' ��hei.s C)rd.na.nce e�cep� C7..�y ti�Va.•t,er �epa.r�i,men•'c employees wha ray run wa�;e:z" and sewer e��t;ensions from s��ree�; mains �f�o c;ttrb w:i_�i,bou.�t; a license® I��rery persons par'f:n.ea:"sh.�i,p� corpora�f;a_on or indi_va_dua_l carrying on anal ptar� u.��_ng a, plumbing business a_n •the Ci�L,y o:F Sanger Texas shall.. �'urn.�.sh a, S1a,re�t;y 73ond in 'the sum oa One `1_'housar�.d Dol.l_ars (�l_,00©®00) paya.bl..e �o �t;he P1layor off' �;Pte C�_�y off' Sanger, guaran�ee�.rtg tha � such person w%.l.l_ per.To.r_m _n. goody worltman-sba.p ma.n.ne:r a.nd pa,y a,l..l damages ;.For .r a i..lure to do so �� or �tl'te bene:f'a.�'r, o�� persons da.ma.ged �t;her�byo (:F) The pi��.r, a.se "ertga.ge in �ijh.e bu.sl_ness o:F pl_umb.i_ng" shall. be helad �a a_nclra.de �i�rte per,. orrna.n.ce o� at�y pltarnbi,ng worl�: art.d sh,a.11 be held. i�o .include the c ort�;��a,c i ing by a person a"or �t;he awn.s-�,a1..1_a-lion or repaa_r off' a,ny �p1.u�mbing and ��;l�a.e ac;l;u.al per orma,n.ce or repair off' s . L.}.f It tQ-. pr l,..✓,,.i �{' plumbing® Any person wh.o contracts to install_ or repair plumbing, or who performs the actual work of installing or repairing any plumbing wi.-th:_n. the city l..i.mi.ts of the City of Sanger, on one or more occasions for himself or for a third party, sh.al..l be deemed to be. engaged in the business of plumbing within the meaning of this Ordinance, (g) "Person", except where otherwise specified, shall, be held to i ncl ude and mean every i ndivi dual., firm, association or corporation, (h) "Hoard" when used. .herein, unless othewi�se specified, shall be held to mean the ExaJriining and Supervising Board of Plumbers. Jj'or the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Ordinance, such, Board shall provide itself with necessary and proper books o:f record, blank forms, stationery, suppla7 es and materials adequa-Le for conducting examinations, (i ) "Master plumber" or "Employing Plumbers", shall_ be 'held to mean and include one who has the knowledge of the strength., dura� bi.lmi ty, andquality of the material and devices for work in tanks, pipes, traps, fi.-ttIngs and fiNk Lures, making taps and connection., in such manner as will prevent th,e escaping of noxious vapors, gases, odors, etc®, for conveyance of gas, water and sewage, but. who does not hold himself outas int.lendi,ng to actually do the work of such :ienstall_ations, but proposes to make and carry out contracts fi or, and to properly supervise the work of all plumbing, i_n.stal_l a,ti_ons ofpipes, fixtures, fittings, etc., of gas, water and sewage, Provided, that If a Master or Employing plumber, as herein defined, shall intend to personally do the work of plumbing, or contracts made by hi®m or others, lie shall pass the exa.m7_nati.on as Journeyman plumber as herein. defined, (j) "Journeyman Plumber" shall_ be held to mea.n and include one ski,.l_led and experienced In. the actual physicallabor ofi.nstalling tanks, pipes, traps, fittings and fixtures for _,asp water and sewage, making taps, and connections in su.ch manner as will prevent the escaping of noxious vapors, gases, odors, or the mixing of water, sewerage, etc®, M a-11 buildings, and In making proper and sanitary connections for. same; and who holds himself out as intending (9) FMY to actually do such work under the employment and supe rvisi.on of a Wlas i,er or ] rnployi.ng Plumber, as her. e:i n � defined, but not as n� ten.din.g to contract for and cause to be done such work as a. ]VIaster or Employing Plumber as herein defined, SEC�.1'T ON 3 ® (a.) Nothing herein shal.lbe held to prevent a.ny person above the age of 20 years from applying for an examination. before the examining and Supervising Board of Plumbers for a license to engage as a, Master, employing or journeyman plumber, SECTION �!-(a) Minor Fixtures Minor Fixtures mean all.. f:i,.xtu.res except wa:i;er closets, (b) Gas Fittings a Gas Fitting, is the running or connecting of gas piping for heating, cooling, cooping or i ll.umi_nating purposes, SF,CT_ION 5 ® (a) Inspeci;i_ons anal Fees, A.ny person engaging ir� the business of plumbing as Master or Employing plumber, after the effective date of this ordinance, shall, when the first permit is applied for as required under this o.rd.lnance, pay to the plumbing i_n.spector of the City of Sanger, a fee of Fifty (,h50,00) dollars, which fee is charged for defrayi.:ng expenses incidental to the establishment oaf proper accounts and records to be kept of such pe rsons engaging in such bu.si.ness in accordance with the terms of this Ordinance, Such sum shall be deposited °Ln a special_ fund to Do, known as the Plumbing Fund, together with all fees payable under the terms of this Ordinance, which fund shall be devoted solely to the purpose of enforcing the regulations and provisions of this Ordinance. The above fee shall not be held to apply to, nor to be :required of any person duly licensed and engaged in the business of Master or Employing Plumber on the effective date of this Ordinance, The above fee shall_ not linmi.t orrestri..ct the City from collecting any other fees that are required for plumbing, sewering or gas fitting installations. (b) Each year, on or before the first day of March, every person engaged in the business of p1.u.mbing as Nfaster or Employing Plumber, shall pay to the Plumb, Inspector of the City of San.ger., a fee of Fifteen, (f 1.5,00) dol.,la:ris FI a� yy,�$z r.,54 tS„, V which shall.. be used for the purpose of defraying expenses .lnci.den- tal to ma.inta.i..ning the accounts and records of such persona required by and in connection with the enforcement of the terms of this )*,rdinanoe; such sum shall be deposeieted in saa_d Plumbing Fund and devoted exclusively to -the purposes aforesaid, The aforesaid ees are estimated and fixed to cover the expenses Incidental to the esta.bllshmenand maintenance of such records and accounts as aforesscild, and the Plumbing Inspector Is d.ireoted to tnai.nta.i„n an accurate record of the costs of such service, and if from said record, It should appear -that the fees herein provided for are t.in-reasonable report thereof shall be made by the Plumbing Inspector to the City Council, so that such fees may conform to the actual coast incl.dental_ to the accomplishing of this Ordinance, Failure to pay renewal :fee when due automatically cancels the license of I Master, Employing, or JOIA]Cneyman Plumber, (c) There shall, be three Inspections on any and all pl_umbing work in the G�i,ty of Sanger, State of Texas, as follows; (1) t;oug:hi,ng� in®test® (2) Sewer (3) When *ork� i_s completed, a. final i.nspecti on, Upon approval, he Plumbing .inspector shall issue a certif i cage to the INlaster or Employing Plumber that the work inspected conforms to this Ordinance, Inspection fees shall be One and no/100 (�.1,00) dollar for the first f i.xture ei�nspeclued and Twenty®five (25 0) cents for Cacti a.ddi�'r;i on.al. flxtureo for final 'Inspecti_on a fee of Twenty five cents (250) for the first fixture and fifteen. cents U .15) for each add.]. ti onal f i.xture up to terse All over ten vvi:ll. be Teri Cents JO) each., An inspection fee of One and 50/100 (((1)41®50) shall be charged for insepeting house sewer, M. outsi_de hydrants shall be supplied with 3/4 inch pipe or larger. There shall be an Inspection fee of OC Dollar (fi'3l, 00) for plumbing work inspected that involves an expenditure of Fifteen DoLla.rs ('1.5,00) or more when same does not include fixture:inspection fee. For each alr®cooling unit that Is connected to City Water. Supply there shall. be a fee of Two Dollars (fr)2, 00) for the fi_.r_lst unit and fifty cents (50(fl fox, each addi.t1.onal1 unit i_n. any building, This al bo to apply to all. units which have water supply but; not water u _scha.rge, For each.. Lawn. Spr:i.,nkl,er th.e�e sh.a.11 be an, i.re PCc,ti.on (11) k �(RET � x S y t' a�� Y'. kA RY GINAL COPY fee of Two Dollars (kP2 ®00 ) (d) :ft, is .Hereby made the duty of the Plumbing Inspector to secure the properenforcement of the Plumbing Ordinance in the City of Sanger, Texas, and to i_nvestiga.te promptly a.ny complaints of such violation, and only such. work as is in compli_ance w-i..th -th.e 0rd� inance shall be approved by himl. , That in order to perform his dutie.� more effi.ci.entl�y, said T'1_t;t�Tib.mg Inspector shall have -the right during all reasonable hours, to enter any premises or building in the discharge of his official duties, or for the purpose of making an inspection, and shall have the authority, should he deem it necessary for the protection of the health of the CA. t y, or the protection of property, to cause the water service to be discontinued and disconnected, From defect i_ve plumbing, if any, and said Inspector shall, also have the authority to order the occupant or owner of such premises, wherein he fends the defective plumbing work_, to corprect the same, and anyone fall to do so wi thi.n. ten (10) days after said notice shall. be guilty of violating th_Ls Ordinance, It shall be the duty of the employees of the City 'Water Department; to notify the Plumbing Inspector. prior to reconnecting any serv;i_ce so discontinued, and it shall be the duty of said inspector to enter said property and inspect the same, and if he finds the same in proper condl Lion, he shall_ issue to -the said Water Department, a cep ti_ficat;e that the plumbing i,s i_n a safe condition, and until said certificate is I ssued i.t shall be the duty of the employees of said Water Depart® meat to refrain from reconnecting such service so ordered di_s,� connected® (e) All Master Plumbers or Employing Plumbers must obtain a written permit from the Plumbing Inspector and i nspecti on fees must be paid 'before st;�a:rt' any work; provi__ded, however, no permits s.a,:lle be required for clearing stoppages or repairs of leaks in. pipes, valves or .fi,x-Lures whensuch repairs do not involve or require the replacement of rearrangement of pipes or fixtt;uresw (f ) No person. shall, install any plumbing what soever without first obtaining a. written permit from th.e ..Lumbi ng Inspector. �to perm corm such work and any person who installs any plumbing without ob� aini�ng a written permit shall, be deemed guilty of a mims� demeanor and upon conviction thereof shall., be :fined not; less than '1'wen.ty� ive ( "2 j ®00) dollars or more than two hundred dollars,o provided, however, no permits shall be required. for clearing stoppage or repairs of leaks in pipes, valves or fixtures when snob repairs do not involve or require the replacement or rear.r.a.ngeme.nt of pipes o,r. fixtures. (g) Where addI ti_onal_ fixtures are required, or special conditions arise or alterations are to be made on buildings constructed prior to the tirfie this Ordi.nance becomes effective, which cannot be constructed within. the provisions ofthis Ordinance, a specia.lb written permit may be issued by the plumbing Inspector sub jecJt to the approval of the Examining Board :for such work, 'If i_n the opinion of a. majority of the members of the said Board, the oondi_.tions require it (h.) When roughing�in i.s completed, that is to mean all soil and waste piping extending through roof and (2) feet outside building and clean out tec with four (4) i.nch brass clean out plug on the end of house drain, Water piping cut offs drains, water_ meter Loop, gas piping completed through walls and/or floors, gas meter l..00po .fter inspect.:i_on, if i_nstalla,t.ions are in accordance with this Ordinance, he will issue the ce:rt:M Bate of acceptances bu. t If not .in accordance w°*.th Ordinance, he shall not; approve the nstallations. Notify Master or Employing plumber and he shall. make installations comply with. this Ordinance and notify Plumbing Inspector he has corrected same, and call for a second inspection® !'or the second inspection the same fee shall be charged as for the first :inspection® Tf installations fail. to meet -the require rrrents ofthis Ordinance on the third :inspecti.on, the .fee will be double the first This applies to the sewer, gas, oughing�1, TO a.nd final i_nspect:ion on any bui_l,di.ng It shall. be the duty of the Plumbing Tnspector to inspectthe same wi_ tt�isn a period of twenty four (24) hours From the time he is notified at the Water to Light Office that same is ready for inspection, Saturdays, Sundays, and holi_da.ys excepted, All, so:° l and waste stacks shall be filled watt) water to the highest point and all., joints made watertight. Any defects, or split pipe or fittings shall be condemned All piping must be left exposed until approved. by the Plumbing Inspector, When. the fixtures have been installed and connections completed, i t shall be the duty of the Plumbing Inspect or to inspect the job after notification same is completed. All defects shall upon has order be corrected, Buildings higher than. two sto:raes may be tested in. sections, SECTTOTV 6� No plumbing work or fixture of any nai:,urre shall be placed, erected or installed by anyone contrary to the terms and p,rovisionse of thIs Ordinance Q but all. work must, be done according to the provisions thereof, and anyone placing, erecting, construct® ing or installing plumbing fixtures or parts -thereof, in any manner other than herein ;provided for shall be deemed guilt�r of vi_ola.tion of this Ordinance, SECTION 7, The drainage system of every house or building shall be separately and independently connected with the City Sewer, where sewer exists, except that fixtures in outhouses and auxin 11_1ary buildings may be connected to main building sewer, Where there is no sewer in the streets or alley and it becomes necessary to construct a, private sewer. in, the street or alley, such plans must comply with all lawful k.oequa retnents and be approved by the Plumbing Inspector before the sewer is laid® SECTION 8, House sewer from 2. :feet outside building to city sewer main may �be optional to owner, Master orEmploying Plumber to use ea Cher standard cast .iron. X , H, C , I , soil. pipe, Terra Cotta Glazed sewer tile, or Orange Burg sewer pipe. All cast iron sewers to be tested wiJffi water, All. Terra. Coi,ta sewers to be lai.dby l."icensed t a 14',llI plumbers with every joint properly ctaade with an approved cement sewer joint mixture. .every joint must be passed by Plumbing inspector before covering up, same to apply to Orange Burg sewer pipe or equal. All sewer pipe to be laid to a minimum grade, uni � Corm and equal to 1/81, fall per foot, (a) The city shall at all times have the right to connect with and use any private sewer built upon any public street, all or park way® SF'CTZ:ON 9, A.11 horizontal. soil and waste piping shall be run in practical a.lighriment and at uniform grade of riot less than' i inch per foot, i:r possible, and shall be supported or anchored at int� erva.ls not to exceed five (5) Feet, All stacks shall be supported at their bases, and all pipe shall be rigidly secured, A. test tee cleanout shall be placed at the end of each soil pipeline that ex* ends outside building and before entering house sewer and shall be accessible, ijk.ne cleanouts which may be rodded both ways shall be used whenever possible® Cleancleanouts shall be„ l)rass plugs with standard pipe threads tip to and including V i.nch, All kitchen s%nk lines on ground floor shall have a 211 cleanout plug extended< outside building and In accessible place® STCMT01NY lO, All soil., waste and 1ven ft pipe shaa_1 be of cas+; iron, Lead or., brass of iron pipe size. Joints on cast iron pipe shall be made with picked Oakum and molten lead or screwed fittings or connections, Galvanized steel pipe will be permitted to be used for vent pipes only in residences not over two stories high and in which. not over two families reside. All. waste and vent pipes from laboratory fixtures or any fixture receiving acid wastes shall. be acid resisting pipe and fittings, and a, grade of pipe and Fittings known. as Di r. i�'Fron or equal, carried to outside of bu.i ld� Mg before connecting to sewer, SECTION 11, .All changes In direction shall be ma.d.e by appropriate u.se of A l'ee V'lyes, �5 degrees V�yes, Nall' UJyes, long sweep qu.a,rter bends, sixth, eighth or s.i.x teen th bends, except that sanitary crosses and single san.i.tary tees may be used on vertical soil or waste stacks and short quarter bends may be iA3ed on soil or waste Lines where the change in direction of flow. is from hori.zon.tal to vertical, Double Hubs, Straight Tees, and Crosses may be used on vent pipes, only SECTION l 2 ® PL o Ji Al fa it ti.ngs No double hubs or s traiIL—D crosses shall. be used on soil or waste lines, The drilling and Lapping oaf house drains, soul., or waste or vent pipes and the use of saddle nubs and bends are prot;iibi.ted. All pipes, valves, fit ti.ngs, and other material used in new construction shall_ be new nRterial, SE�'CT:Tt)N l3No person, a.ssocaf;_on o� persons, oorrvporati_on. or' Legal subdivisions shall be permitted to discharge commercial. or industrial waste, :refuse or sewage into the public sewer system wi,t:hou.t f l.rs� obtaining from -the Dl umbi_ng Inspector a. permit whlbh shall be used sul)ject to -the approval of the City Engineer and the City .Health .Department who shall, before giving their approval, a.scertai_n whether or not such connections will 'be detrimental to the sewer system® No commercial or .in.dustri.al waste, refuse, or sewage shall be discharged into the public sewer system until. the July qualified representatives or agents of the City of Sanger have determined beyond reasonable doubt that such waste, refuse or sewage do not contain ingredients, chemicals or other matter of such a nature -Lha.t wil1 not permit the proper, efficient, success :rul and continuous operation, and. functioning of the sewage dls� posal works 'in a cono ti.nuous and efficli ent manner. m SECTION l4, The por, t.ion of house drain or building inside of t.l"ae wall a.nd uridernea th buil:dl ngs, f :rom two fee 'r; ou. ts:i.de of founda ti_on walls or area,�ways, or between bull dings, shall, be of what, i.s r.omrnercla.11y known. as cast iron soil_ pipe tar dipped, with cast iron fiAt:i.ngs, -t;ar dipped, and sha.l.l be anchored to the walls every f..-i,ve feet or laid i_n. trenches of uniform grade or suspended to floor timbers by strong iron hangers, and have a uniform grade )f not less than. 1/4'"e per food;® L � E �3 C.;.Ei 3%J&�e "�&� 9 ��������i�1�3f.� 3�� �� "i'.rOS�! �,j® SO:I..t_ 1, Je raoc'i�r1,n.�7; d`.s�ha�i^{;e a: C�.ase`�S sha.1.7.. na"t; be >CC, p' I �l.ess �tha,n. It, :�n.ckt c��s L .:i_:ron� 7_ead or Coppe:r a.nd st'�.a.l_7. be Corti 7.nued. 1�hea.r a 1,r1_�i� s,�.2ae �.ns�.de of bu.i J d_rz{s and r,cp t:o and ��t�.rot;t"h -t�t�.e :rc7o:f'� a-� I.eas�t; or]e f'oo�� a,�bo��e sarne� grid rnr.zs�t :_n ��.1_`t� c��,ses �i;er�m�t.raa.t;e ��, ' 7 2 ee`t; ��,w��.y :c rom ar above w:,rrd.ovvs a.n "Ch.e sa.m.e sr� a.d jo�_ni.so ��L e a, s "i; _, �bt,ti�di.n.�s� A.�.1.. s�i,7_ p7.pes �reCe��.in� d,i..schar.�re wig:earn o�'r�hcr 'Fi..�'i,r:r`r'es rnusr ��e a. p%pes rTtus`i� be pu�l; �to.�e it'�.c�.r. by means o' pa_ciced oal�:u_m a.ra.d rrro�l.�i�en 1_ead and :hand ca,u%.1�ed u_n`t;7,:1_. per.° ec tl:Ly Vvst,er' �t;�i,Gh�f; ;Jo�t.n.�i,s are ser.,u.a^ed S:EC�t'TON �.G� A�1.1� joi.r�`i;s an. �.ead pa_pe or be�;ween .7_en.d arrd_ �br�7,ss :f'errul.es musi; 'be wiped jc�.i.n��s� Sweat a� bot„�t;ed jain.-t;s w.�i.1. no�L be per°n>>.�;�f;ed� A� _1_ ends o:i" �b�rass o:r copper pipes sh.a�_7. be _r,�ee.rned a.nd "I �_ bu.r_r. s x�c�ra.o�rr d. A1.�1_ sc���c,w r"": =i.`l; r�:.n. _ s � , '�` h d�.�a,_na���o slrr.�a.1.1_ be cast, i_r'on, ss7.�:� d.ra:i_nage a7^ recessed :f�_'t,�ta_n�;sq al_.�t_ Connec�l;l.ons k7e t;ween 1_ea.d and. Cas c a ron p_;pe rnus � be made w.i.�i;b. s�i✓an� da.r•d �b:r.�ass .'er�ruat.es ter°�_ped on �o �.ead p:i.`pe ��:tzd Ca�:i�l_lred �r.r��l;o pipe r.onner,i;�.n.�� `t;h,er�va.�tt�., or r.amba.r�a;i an 7_ead and a_r�ora :f'er�rLt:t.es xnay b;C used® On, a,1.1. ne�rr coral"t�:�uC`c�.on., aJ..1. �v:r.pe join t;s sk�a.1�1_ be +�v�aa. � is ]mown �i;o "t;he pl_.urnb7.n.� �i;rade as :r_•a�;rnd o.r. l�:r�ncb.ed pipe jo-i,n`Ls� I�Jo w:i.pe cup jo ian.`cs wa..1__l_ be pe:rm.S_ t��t,ed w W11a"� .s known. as wipe � ��a.n� jo 7_n�;s wa��1.1_. be per,rn:°a.�L�ted _f' same i.s p:rova_ded w.%11 sepa:ra e 7.ead. r:::i.n pro��er°ly p7.aced� ST�CT:COIlr J_"jm r�]t�r.e:re c;op�>e•r=' ;pipe a_s used �'or was`le veni; or' wa�t;er 1:.n.es, �c:ka.e same r°ul__es a.re t,o be a o]_1_awecJ as {o�e.rn st;t�.e:r,� rna�i,eria�.s� ��i.�l. joinJ,s on. copper pa.pe rrrlasJi� tie j �_`t�cLed. �a.rid C.7_.ea.necJ be: o:r.�e sol_d� cr_.%.n.�;� �1.�1�1_ ends oC j�7.pe ttnzs�t; be Cu`t; scJua„r,�e anal :rearned� Coppe:r p:..pe comrrrerc7_a7_l;y ]cno+fin a,s "t;,ypes K� �,® anal NI® w�.l.l_ be perm%.`t;�c�d� �I�,C7'�C �N .1_.�39 A7.1_ ven`i;s �.nd. .r, everr.i;s rraus`t; Cons:a,s�t; o:f Cas�i: �_ran� l..e<�,d � brass, r,opper or. {a.1_`rari.�ed 1,:con. p_.pe anal must, ri.o t �i�e.rrn�.na�t�e 1.n. ar 1_ead. hrou{fib. sh.mney : 7_ues bu1:, r7>u.s be o�a.r•ra.ed up `t,karou..�l�r. a.r�d abo�v�e -i�he 7:°oa:' a`t 1_e��.s% one �oo�t;s and rnus� be :i'1�asFaed wi%kr. a. 7_es.d f 1_a,sh�- in�; a.nd mscle ��va"t;er �:ia�b.�t;® t�to �ren"i, sha.1.�t_ -i,errrr�.na�i,e w� i�h:l_a�. �i;welve (i2) :f:'ee�t; of any doa7�g windows sCu�t; k;l�e � a.irsha:a `t;, ox s�heY• apen�_n, used :�o:r �'enR%„7.atlt;.on� ex.cdPi, a.�'c, be ex`t;e.rrded a'G Leas �, -three (3 ) lt�t°���...`c;l feet above such. open i.rago Revent from on.e or, more fIx.t.ures ea.n be connected together six i..nches, or more, above fixtures they serve, All. vents must, :run, as direct as possible and must be run to nearest par-ti_.tion. and then rase vert:.cal.l.y, �4henever a. new building is erected higher than adjacent building, the other of the new bu:i.ldin.g sil al_l not locate windows wath i n twelve (12) feet of an existing vent stack on the lower buildi.,ng unless the owner of such new bu.:il.ding sh,a.l.l defray the expense or shall hi..Pmself make alterations necessary to conform with this section, In all, cases continuous venting as permattedq waste arms to be allowed, no traps shall, be more than 5 feet from vent to crown or water seal of trap® No vents, revents, or inside drains shallbe covered or concealed until tested, inspected, and approved by the Plumbing INspector, All soil., waste and vent pipes laid underground inside bu.ildangs must be ta.rdi.pped soil pipe, 1 " . verat may be usdd on one f i_xture unit. 1_2'" vent may be used on two fixture un], 2" vent may be used on Fourteen P/11nor fixture unit® Manor fixtures back -to back may be classed as one fixture for vent silae determirnal'J,on where waste enters vertical_ cross, lad" vm..t not to be carried in excess of 18 feet® 1-11 vend.; not to be carried in. excess of 25 feet, 2" vend; not to be carried. in excess of 50 :feet® 3" vent not to 'be ca.rri.ed in excess of 100 feet® In cases of slop sinks having trap standards, and In traps of kindred nature, the same need not be crown vented an'the rough., In toilet rooms where lavatories and bathtubs are adjacent, the lavatory wastes may be carried into the drum traps alcove the water lane and when lavatory :..s vented in the rough, the drum trap need not be further vented, except where bui,ltin or recess tubs are used, lavatory wastes shall not enter drum traps unless drum traps are suspended 6 inches or more below ache floor level. Where they are not suspended below the floor, same must be separ� atel.y vented, Where drum traps are suspended below the ground floor, then'there must be two (2) feet clearance between g.r.oun.d. Level and floor. Solder nipple must not be wiped direct Into drum craps but must have at least one foot lead pipe between drum trap and solder nipple, Where necessary to vent closet bends, same may be wet®ven-t:ed. -t:hrough lavatory, and in toilet rooms where two or more closets are set in a row on a horizontal run of soil. pa..pe, the birds need not be separately oven.ted but a, vent line may be taken from horizontal. run below the closets and carried separately `Through the roof or back into the main stack, above the highest fixture® When a 'battery of more -than two closets is installed on. a, four�lnch drain or soil. branch forming a, circuit not to exceed twenty�flve (25) feet hori® zontally In length, the loop or continuous vend; may be used; pro® vided tha. t when more than six (6) toilets are installed, a relief or revent shall be carried 'back to vent stack so as to prevent back pressure and trap slphonage, all, loop venting to be not less than four (4) Inches, vent, to be taken off hori®zontal line ahead of last fi.xtur_e, No vents, revents, Ins,_de drains, plumbing or piping of any kind or character, whatsoever, prescribed or called for in this Ordinance shall be covered or concealed until same has been tested and inspected and approved by the Plumbing Inspector., Each and every fixture having waste pipe shall be separately and independently -trapped with a, water sealing rap, trap located as near fixture as possible, and each trap shall, be protected from siphonage or air pressure by special vent pipe, Each and every fixture must have a water supply that will.: ' keep full trap seal, connected' to same q in a sanitary manner. Water pipe size will be governed by thee water pressure, but in no class of bu.11Tdi.ng shall it be less tha�z )�4 ofan Inch, ru_n f ul�l. size to the bu:i.ldin.g to be served. SECTION 199 The following table shall be employed to d.eterma.rie the mi r�'�mum diameters of f:i_xture traps, the m n.a:mum dia;me ters of waste pipes from single ,"..ixtu.res and the total. fixture until values to be assigned to fixtures0 ��rx _�h.e r,J as�,�.:1~':.ca`L�_on oar pl.um���,n.g a.ns`(;a�.�.a`t;i.on.s y c�_ass 1 (p:r:i.�a,'i;e ) sh.a�1�1_. ��:p�d�l.y `t;o 'i�;T;u.re�� :a.n x•esa_der�ces or a,par�%men �s a,n.d �to �'.�: `t,ures 7_n pr°�.'�ra �e ba`���xroo:rns o't~ ho`f;eJ_s anal sa_rna_ 1.ar i_n.s`Lalla�a ora.s w1'�.ea:e `1;he .�"A�.x-Mures are ant,exxded .tor �t,l�.e use o:f_ :Eamil..y bu:i�;t.d�X.n�� CJ_a,ss 2, (sema_-��ub�tu�.c) sha�t.l. a;�;p1y �t;o � -i �r�ux�es 7�r� o�'�f':.c;e bu.�.�.d:�.nf�;s 9 ��'ac�i;or%.es� do}:�rn�,°t;or..es� a.rxd sa�m�.lwa�� >>ns1;a�1_ml..aLLt;.�,on �jah,ere 1,he �'�.�� `t;u.res a.re s-..ra`;ended .f'or �t;he t.tse oa' orcu.pan`i�s off' �;he bua.:l�dint�� Cm)wass 3 (pub`1,:�.r.) sha�.:L �:pp"lmy �;o �';a.�-Lures -n gene'ral_ i;o:r.�1.c-� �; rooms o.�f' schools � gymnas_rzrns � ho�e�l.s � ra:il.road s�ca,-1;_orxs � pub�.a�c: c om�ior`t; si�a.�t_ons� anal ovt;her .ns`t;a.l_1_a�h;i.ons (whefi;her_ pay o�^ f:r•ec) where a number o t' .i i.x�t,ures are .a_ns �a7.led. so `i�ha`� -f;�a.e�.r .use 7 s s�:m��larly unres�r�.c`t;ed� F:i.�ture un.-t; x�a�t;i.n-4;s �'oa�� a�.�1_ i�.�`tu�es g�:�.ven �. s.�.ng�.e r_a�'ca_p,U shal_�_ a..t>r�).y �;o `t;hose �'�_x-t;ures a_n a�..1 r1.a.sses o:i 7.xa.s'ta.�.=1..a.��.ons� Fax.•t,ure and C_i.ass o: I=ns�i;al�lat�_on-� 7. �_a�ato�^y or wash basin. 1. "I a.�ra�i;ory or was1� basin J_ wa.`Fer c.7.ase�; 1 water o�1 ose� �. wa`'re-�r close t;: 1 bath �f;ub �i ba`t17. �t;ub �_ shower stall, shcawer lacad only 1 shower s�t;a�_1�, rirl.a7�`t;a_p1_e spr,a J'. �_ shower s���a7�-'�. � s1�lower bead � on.ly _i. shower. s�t,a�.l � rnu7_�ca?;r��_e spra.,y ga.ng srxower or. ea.r.l�. shouter head 1 xzr.S_na��, 1%.p or.� each 2 :ree�t oa �t;..rough or gu-t�Ler �_ ura_rral � s`tall or wa,:J �_ .hung, w�i`t,h `i;ar��xk or :flush oral ire supply 1_ urinal_ pedestal. or bl_owo'u-t 1 ba�;hrooin g�^oup� cons�i.s`ta-ng or 1 :l�j,v�a.� `toryg �_ water.•close�t� _l. ba`tt'x �;ub wa.-r;r�. or w:i.`tl�-au.-t ov'errread. showerhea,d or Corls:�.s i;°� �,ng o�i' l.. l..a.�.a.`'r,o�r��r� 1. wa.�ter c]..ose�,, 1-. s�xow spa l_1 l_ smi_n.l�, ho�;el. or :r�es-tauran�t;� p��t sa.nlc. l., s�..n.l�, Yxo�;el. or .r_es�ta,xzra.n�; ve�;e't;ab_1.e s�..n.1r 1. s�.nlc� ho•i;el. or x�r.s�i;aur_an.`i;� gl_a.ss s n1�. 1+�a,n;,mutn Norn.apn.a.1. NI._n�i,mxzm 1Voana�nal trap T�a�a,rne`i;er I]�.a.tne-t;er Znd_1_ 1?'�..��t;u.re ( �ncl�es) :r.dual >]ra °�mn L1n.a.�s ��,.. �_.i. nc 1� e s) 1. � 1 � 1. 1.� 1 z 2 �r 3 � 6 ,� �. 1 �� z 4 .� �, ?. �-� �� � 3 �� 3 6 J 2 ? 2 2 ? �-� 3 3 5 m � 2 2. � 2 6 ?fixture and Gass of 1Vtin3 mum NomA.naI Nlin Imum lv01�1i.nal. Cnstallati_onm Lraameter Ind' _. ro� i.dual. )ra.ir�_ Fi.xtare inches) Unrts t_ sink, hotel, or resta.u.ra.ni; ;.i.l.ve 3 gAxi,r, lunch counter bar sink 2 2 i_ si_nk, soda fountain. bar sink 2 2 In 5 1_ sink, ordinary slop si_.nk 2 2 3 1_ sink, siphon jet slop sink, flush ri_m or mop 3 3 6 1. sink, bed pan sank or bed pan washed 3 3 6 1, sink, lavatory Gurgeon's medical_ s:r.nk 2 2 1 o 5 1_ steri-lizer instrument, utensil or ^la.'t;er l 22 0 5 1, sterili_zFer, bed pan 3 3 6 L laundry trap 2 2 3 1, c ombi nation f'i xture 2 2 3 t :foot bath or s.-tzF bath 2. 2 2 11 infants or baby's slab bath 2 2 00 j l b:i_det 2 2 3 l d:r .J nIdmg fountain 1.2 l2 005 1_ cuspldor, fountain, ordental 1.2 l2 005 t floor drain, ord:i.nary 2 2 1. 1_ floor drain, flush rira 3 3 3 t floor drain, receiving regular or i.n� I;ermi_ttent discharges from fiXtures shall." be counted as the total of the i.x. t u.r. es Arai.ned in "'Lt. floor drain, receiving over .flow from tanks or discharges from un.rated fixti.tres :hall be rated on the estimated maximura flow for each gallon per minute.. ® 2 1. sewer ejector for, each. 25 gallons per, rain uce di_sbba.rge capacity.... ®.... 50 lump pumps e ject.i�ng stow." or seepage water sh.al I be counted on drained area �00 sq.® :feet .for each 25 gallons per man.u.te dlscha,rge capacity. "1izes of traps of water, closets shall_ be in accordance with manufacturer's _approved standard.® '=TION 201,' Soil and Vda.sl;e stacks, Soi.1. anal. waste stacks shall extend through, r.�oo:f undi.mash.ed in sane as established at; une base -)oi.l. and waste stacks shal_1_ be as direct as poss-Lbl.e and free from sharp angles ).nd tu..rn.sa The •requi_red size of so' and waste stacks sh.al�l he i_r�depen.den'cly d.eterra:iwned by the fixture units connected to the sta.cl� and the total. lengths 1rr ,ccordance with the fol.lowi.ng tables (2,1e) Qax-Im gym. No a )f Fjx ure Units Permit t;ed 1,4 36 a0 300 700 1,0"0 2000 3500 Pl�ax.imum No® of VJate:r Closets 'ormitted 33 80 120 225 00 Diameter, of Staeks FIN a R'I GN A L G Maximum Developed en �IIS _. 50 ._Feet 75 Feet 100 febt 150 :feet 300 :Feet 500 feet Uri li.ralI ed. Unlimited 1:.nlimited T_'h.e di.mensiorls o:f stacks ��, .'z.nches or more ien dt;rneter may be redta.ced one (l.) size r✓hen. they do not receive the discharge of any v✓ater closet® in~ all off:ce build �in.gs lavatory and sink waste lanes shall be prova.ded with a tapped tee cl�ear�� out below inl..et o:f_ trap. >FCTTON 21 � Size of 1louse Sewers. 1-louse Drai_ns and 1lori.zon-i;a,1Branches, The re� juired size of a, sanitary house sewer, sanitary house drain, or branch of the sanitary house drai..n not receiving waste from :fixtures on the same floor or level a,s the branch shalel_ be detertni.ned in accordance with the following tablme a HOUSE DRAINS AND I10iJSE SEWERS Di.a.meter of pipe nc, s l 12 (a) 2 (a.) 22' (a) 3 No. W. C®'s. 3 4 5 6 8 1.0 1.2 15 Fi_� lure Un�ts in, fall Der J, t 1 9,5 21,. 45 36 150 370 720 186o 3600 6300 1.1600 No water closet shall discharge in- Go a, d,r_ain 1,ess than 4 inches S�t[a.xi mum No of 1 8_In. fall_ er f t 1 7 1'7 23 27 1.11"I 2"70 510 1290 2520 4390 8300 �" fa11 der fool 1 3o5 12 27 72 8 210 540 1,050 26�,-o 5250 93 00 16800 in diameter and no tnai.n house dra.i.n, house sewer rer.ei.ving da_scharges From water. closei;s spat be less than four inches in diameter4 No ra.ouse draa_n should be suspended. above a water storage tank used .for domestic purposes, a refrigerator or .a.ny place where food may be stored. ntn � i r RkGIN , ( llhe required si ze of s _opinp san.1. nary dra.ln. in receiving the discharge .f rom f:'i.xtta:re on t;.he same floor of level_ ass the dra:i.n (termed a hori_�ontal branch) shall 'oe de termi.ned in -accordance with the followingt;ab:le z (Sani. Lary Only) Diameter of maximum No. of VIA, t;u'4 t)nits in. fall of �e i rjches) L 8 in, t al l ` er in. fall per ft ® Per foot a l 1. 2 3 (a.) 28 (a,)22 12 l5 18 (a) 3 No®W®C®'s. 24 27 36 3 15 J8 21, 5 180 234 380 5 330 44o 580 8 870 1150 J680 10 1740 2500 3600 12 3000 4200 6500 SECTION 22.. Every water closet or group of waster closet shall be provided with sdpara.te fl iash.i.ng rt n s of not Less t,an. five gallon capacity, or provided wi th. :f lush pipe' of not Jess -than 1_ inch in diameter or approved flushmeter valve. Only s:i phon. jet a.nd. siphon wa.shdown water closet bowl..s shall. be allowed. i_ns.ide residence or other building e:x.cep t where flush.meter valves are used. The wall. type eli�set may be Installed. Every room containing a water closet or u.ri_nal_ i_n_ any bu__'Lld� i.ng of the commercial_ or dwell .ng house class shall. 'be veal i.l,ated by means of a window directly into the open air window to be constructed so that it may be conveniently opened or where Jt ._s impractical because of structural features to obtain such to the open air, the Plumbing. Inspector m.a,y approve a system of venti_1_ati on by means of a, suitable flue to -the outside a.i.r. and If necessary in th.e opinion of -the Plumbing, Inspector, to secure adequate venti_l.ation by a system of forced draft. Where window is used to ventilate a toilet or urinal , i'c shall be of not Less than -two square feet. Where a 'vent;il.ati_ng flue is Used, the opening shall, be of not less than eight (8) inches in diameter, SECTION 23 e any water closet located more than three feet .from vent stack must be revented. If distance ids greater than thirty feet :from main, vent must be tfP LFFTAr Y ei{ it f_ ctp'�F' full size of waste pipe continued on up through roof. All wager closets must be revenged except where they are on top floor, or where ven.-t stack i.s not receiving discharge of fi.xtUres located above same, revent may be omitted, Water closets in yards located not more than thirty feet From main. house sewer can be vented with two (2') In.ch cast iron pipe, 7_f the distance Is more than th:i.r,ty feet, th.event must be full_ si.Z,e of soil Pj..ped I;events of water closets must be not less th�a.n-two (2.) Inches .in 11o;meter and should- be of cast iron, cooper, brass, or lead taken from lead bend or sol. t, pipe, as near fixture as practical , and run to nearest pati.ti..oni.rt no case wi_l_1 more t12a,n four. water closets be allowed on any two i_nc.h rlevent, U1 con.necvti_ons between so:m 1. pipe anwater closets must be of extt;ra. heavy Lead bends or oombination lead ferrules. Corinecg:i_on between closed bowl and lead waste shall be made with an asbestos graphite coated gasket, or spong rubber, The use of putty for thi s joint °LI s opt onal. All screws for water closets setting shallbe brass, Hopper closets with rasa iron enameled inside traps attached may be used in yard where cast iron trap may be ca.rr.l,ked into soil pJ.pe, Such to *(Jets must be maintained in proper working order with flush ing equiprr�ent as designed by manufacturer, All work must be properly braced and .graded in the rough and proper backing provided for all. fi rtuxes, SECTION 21!', All. lead pipe and traps sha,11_. be as olml.ows p Drum Traps at least 8 lb lead L lead pipe, 2 t lb per foot 1.1 lead pi.Pe, 3z 'lb per fooi. 2'° lead pi oe, h[A�314 lb per r".00t 3" lead pipe, 6 lb per, foot, �Y lead pipe, 1b per foot SFC'PL.CJ1�1 2.j, (a) livery occupied buiald.ing shall have sewer and wager connect-i on, Fa,ch occupied bui_1d%ng shal_1_ have a t least one (1) water, close`c, a.ndon.e (1) Lavatory, Large store, factor, es, tenements, e to ® mr.rs t be provided wi.gh proper n1,un.ber of �co i l et rooms to insure sanitary condi_ti.ons as provided for by the C.i_ty� Ciaun-ty Board of Health., (b) Al_l, water service pi..t)es shall be new ga,L.vani,zed. iron pipe, 10 3.d or_ coppe:r o:i' nog less �t:ha.n 3�1�,"inside (24) (�?bryy Ef rii, jzra f insi.de di_ame-ter run full size to .building® All water pipemt.�st have a slope back to stop and waste or drain cock and must not be LLtrapped in. order_ that water will dra., i_ri from pi_pI when water is cut off and bibs are opened. Me stop, waste and dra:fLn cock shall be placed outside building at least, 1 foot and must; be accessible for turning the water off and on and draining the entire s,�stem, and equipped with ley rods No water pipe shall be 'laid nearer than 3 f ee i of the house sewer M water distribution. pipes l.ald under conr,re to .doors shall he of type K, It, or PA copper pipe or extra heavy lead. No branches or couplings shall be permitted nor will any galvanized iron pipe be perrai_tted under any cone ete floor o:r slab, (c) Bathtubs, All bath tuns must be provided with not less than 1m2-" lead "Y" traps of a weight commercla,11y known as "1leavy" or a x 8" drum trap of either lead or brass, except in cases o " double floor, a �F 10" trap may be used revented from crown or continuous except as hereInbefore provided in the Ordinance, with lead pipe not less in diameter than waste and be provided with trap screw cleanout, located where It will be accessible® No slip joints allowed on tail pieces, on bath wastes, on. built in tubs, (d) Sinks, All. establishments such as restaurants, hotels, clubhouses, boarding houses, publaic i.ns-titutIons, hospitals or sirriil,ar places and bars and soda fountains where foods are served shall be provided with two�compa.rtment sinks with minimum ca.pa� city of -ten (1.0) gallons for each compartment® Sinks must be furnished with an adequate supply of hot and cold running water which discharges at least 3/4 inch above the overflow line of the fixture® Dishwashing machine in restaurants must discharge into grease trap, the same as scullery si.nks0 Wooden sinks shall not be i.nstal.led® All sinks must be of n.onabsorben't material„ A special permit shall be obtained for -that mentioned in this Ordinance pertinent to restaurants, Yaotels and boarding houses® AIT sinks in restaurants and soda fourita.i_ns must have not less than. 2 i.rzches horizontal zon tat waste pi_pF, ro Tn add:iti on, such si.n.ks and all other sinks used for the disposal of kitchen or greasy wastes, wherever located, shall be connected to a grease trap or grease catch basin to be constructed in. th.e following mariner, (e) Grease traps, Grease 'craps or grease catch®basi_ns shall_ be .installed wherever kitchen or other greasy wastes from hotels, restaurar7-t, clubhouses, boarding houses, public; institutions, hospitals or other, similar places are discharged into a house drain or sewer® Grease traps or grease catch basins may be ommi ted .in the or� di nary private dwellings served by a, publ i.c sewer ® Grease traps or grease catch basins shall be constructed in a water�ti,ght and substantial manner of an approved non•®absorbent and non corrosive material. The use of such ma.terial.s as wood, steel, wrought iron, asbestos compounds, -ti_n, etc., will not be permitted, (.f) Laundry Tubs® All laundry tubs shall be provided w:1.11,",h a. trap of bead. or brass, not less than 1 2L II in. diameter. One, two, or three traps.i..n a. battery will be allowed on one trap, Four to si.x trays must have a two (2) ,inch trap with a, -two (2) inch inlet and -two (2) inch outlet® Laundry trays must. be made of nonabsorbent material. Wooden: trays will not be allowed. All trays must be made of non absorbent material. Laundry tray bibs must be above rim o:f tray at least one (1) inch to avoid contamination. of the domestic wa ter supply. (g) All showers muse be provided with two (2) ,inch waste; and 4" x 1.0" drum trap or. 2" 'IP" trap, vented full size of waste. Trap to be of lead, cast brass or cast iron® Shower stalls above first :floor must be provided with safe waste oaf lead turned up six (6) inches high and made water tight below Floor drain® (h) Floor and Area Drains, Basement drains, area ways, boiler. rooms, Floor drains, and all drains where back sewage is poss� ible must be provided with back water valve, Water seal on trap for all. .floor drains must riot be less than four (4) inches® Fn small private garages or laundry rooms of residences, proper floor drains with back water va.l.ve will be permitted for laundry purposes® provided floor of garage is; graded in such manner as not to permit other than laundry waste From entering same, (i_) Sand Traps® Sand traps shall be constructed according to city engiveer®s specifi cations, Waste line shall be m.1nimum of four (4) inches in. diameter, (j) Urinals, All Urinals must be cast iron enameled or porcelain enameled® Wall hung urinal must have trap of either lead or brass, one and one®half (12) inches In diameter, vented with two (2 ) Tench vent® Waste must; be two (2) inches® All urinals must have adequate flush arrangement. Stall uri.rials or urinal stall where waste opening is in .floor must have a two (211 ) inch trap, of cast® iron lead or brass and be vented, Battery of urinals may be pro® vi_ded wi th loop vent same size of waste, :pedestal urinals and battery of urinals in public buil.dings must be provided with auto niatic flushing tank, (k) Soda. Fountains and Bars, Sinks in bars, soda fountains, etc, shall be drained to a common open fixture properly trapped and vented located on the same :Floor and as near as possible to the bar or fountainin such manner that it may be readil.y�Inspected and cleaned. Water supply at all, ba:r.s, soda.fountains, etc, shall dis� charge at a point at least 3/� of an inch above the rim of the fiexture, (1) Dental Fountain Cuspidor. rental Chair cuspidors must be provided w1th a 4,1 x 811 drum trap, extra, heavy Lead or brass, and must have not less than 1� inch connections, These traps, in new work where roughing®in. is done when building -is in course of construction shall be reverted. In old work where 'it is impractical_ to revert, same will be allowed without vents, (m) Drips from Safe Waste, Drips and over .flow from cooling towers circulating wa.ter�cooled jackets, safe waste or any cool:ar.)g conn� ecti on. that is cooled with city water must waste into an open fi.xtu.re above the water line of fixture, or may' be used as a floor drain trap fi..11er provided the discharge pipe i s not 'introduced (2`7) "5 § into the trap and prov.ieded it is not subject to submersion, in case floor drain flow i.s retarded, (n) 1)ri.nlin.g fountains in buildings must be pr�ov.i,ded with inch trap of either lead or brass or integral w:ith .fixture and reven ted with vent not less than size of waste Pedestal drinking fountains set away :from building in yard may be provided with 6" l0" drum -trap not vented.® Drinking fountains that have a possi_bili.ty of cross connection. or bark si,phonage between. safe water supply and contaminated water shall discharge into an open fixture that is properly trapped and vented. Such drinking fountains supply lime -to be provided with siphon breaker® (©) Refrigerator Waste, The waste From any refri gera.tor or other receptacle in which food is stored shall be connected with a drain soil pipe or other waste pipe unless such pipe is provided w:i�th a. 'crap sui tably vented, and in every case there shall., be an open fixture between. such trap and such refrigerator, :In buildings where a system oaf; re,fr:.gerator, waste is run, the waste under each fixture must be pro,v*.ded with a, sul table trap and tl main vent line must 'be carried through -the rood., full s1zee It must di s� charge lento an, open fixture properly trapped a,nd vented as here:in� Def oric provided and have an. open fwi,x Lure between, (p) All public toilet rooms of four or more fixtures shall be p.r_o� vided with. a. floor_ drain and accessible water supply in the form of a hose bib for :flushing or washing the floor and fi_xiures® (q) Drainage Below Sewer Level. When. the whole or pare; of the drainage system lies below the crown level of the draiv.n, such ?art as cannot dra.i, 1 by gravity into the sewer shall be disposed of through a, system of subhouse drains and lifted by approved means into the sewer, The piping of such. systems shall be known, as the sub�hou.se dra.in� age systeme :P1pin.g for subhouse drainage system shall_ be installed in accordance wi.-th the requirements for gravity systems, The lifting equipmen� shall 'be -the equivalent of the house sewer„ (r) City water mai.n.s will be tapped and water service 'pi..pe JUIC" s ,a.11ed by the City Water Department up to and includ _np; the inlet side of water meter, The charge for this work and ma-t, exi.al sl�al..l., be paid for by the tvta.si;er or Employ). P1,1,rrnber according to schedule of pr:._ces set, up 'by the City Eng.i.nee�.r,% he tap.s into the CP01 t;y sewer system ,for sewers and all excavation has been. made ready :for same by the Master or Employing Plumber, the cost to the city in cases where the c.i1ty does the back fall i_ng, replacing pavement, or street Is to be charged to Nlaster or T!;mployi ng 1'l.tambcr. 'In charge of the work. �ECI'T01�1 2G, Water sup'p1.-y and Cross Connect:ion.s, Every conn� ect'ron for fire protection must be independent of all service pe� c (1) Every plumbMg fixture shall have running water pi_,ped uo such fiwx.ture so arranged that such :running water can be discharged into such f ixture a provided, however, that th.i_s provision shall not apply to any Intercept iLng hopper, intercepting sink, floor dra, .n, sand box, area way, refrigerator, JLce box, cooler, pr. e�cool-i.ng cornpartmen.t or steamtable, nor to any other fi.x Lure or place when not considered necessary by the Department of Health, (2) Each. water closet, or toilet bowl i,nsta.11ati.on shall be equip ped or provided wi_-th an approved flushing tank or an approved flush valve complying with the provisions of this section, Every such flusb.ing tank shall have a. waterfl.ush:i.ng capacity of not, Less than five gala Every such f:laush valve shall_ be adjusted to pro vide approximately five (�) gallons of f lush,i.,ng water at each, opera.ti.on at the normal water pressure at such l.oca.til.on, All water supply 1.ines to fixtures must be adequate in size, and the dross seeti_onal area, of any lateral., branch, service, or gai -n must be at least twenty- (20) per cent o:f' the rombi.ned cross sect iorlal areas of the outlets served, .Phe following table shall govern the size of laterals and branches a (29) G'J�a.�t;er C�_osets �vi.ttl. :r�wush vat.ve������������m� �.n c, . . i�V�,�Le.r. C�.osets w.��_r;aYi(c.���,��.�.��.�,��.�„�®.���,.�.���m�,���,����,�.��,.,��®���3 �n.rh :bath mubs�.��.�.���,,m.�,�.���®.����.�,��,���.�,�,��,��,�®,��,�._��„�.��..���i�� a,n.c;k�. 2 ���a,vas:o:ry�,�.��,�,��,��.�.��,�,�.�.�.��.�,��,���..���,��,._��m.���,�,�.��...��..��.�,�,�.��n��.��8 �..ncJ�. S7_nit:�.�.���,�.�,«a..,�..a,�.�.,m.®,���.,..��..�,��gya�,,.b�uH.d,�up�,�,�.��,,��,.��®m�s..�.�.®,�,�.,�.�,r��,�� i_nct'1 7,a.undr�y ��;rays���,����,.��,.��..��„�®���.�.�,��.,��,��,.�.�.���,��..��,��,�,��.���,�i_�2, i.nch t7r.ins.7vs��,,��.��m������,���,�,�,.�.�������.�.�,�,m���,����,�,.���,�.�.��.�.�,�.�.����,��� ? :inch ()ri_n.:l�: .n.g :k' ount a.:i, n s �. �..� .� �, � � .��, �, .�.��. �.� � m � � �, � � �,� �,� ..� �, �e �, .� � �..� � ®� . ��� ._ nc .h. 7 D=i.skz GVashi.ng 1Vt�.ch.roes.���.��.��,��„�.��,.�®,m,�.��,�,�,�,�„�.�.������..��,�.��3��� i.ncka. �,aundry 1Vlachines���,.�,�.�.���,��,��.��.��,.�,��,���,����,��,���,,�.�.�����.i�2 �nck7 :Branch. �.nd 1_ateral to a1.1 ot'ka.e,r. equi pcnen�� shah meet the approval or the T�lurnbi.n.g Tnspertor� (3) Fvery "Cross Connect�i_on" as de�'.ned i.n �l;h.is Ordi.na.nce shall. be protected aga�_ns i� bark: si phonage when and as el.sew:h.ere reclui red provided i.n this Orda_nanceW (b) De�'i.na_ti_or�.s 3'or k3acic Siphona`�,e a,nd Cross Connec�t;i.ons� (��) �'or LL%he :purpose o_t:' thi_s section � th.e �ollowi ng words or te.r. ms shall.. be deemed anal const�ru.ed to have the mear�i.ngs and det'initions gi�ten }�ereto:fore :i_n this sec%i.on unless :.-t; :_�,s pl.a�i_nl..y appa,ren t :Fr. o�n the conl;ex�G that they h�.ve a di`�:Eerent meanings (c;) Fl_ush Va.l.ves ro (�1) .Every :S'lush valve herea�'ter '� ns-ta,1.1 ed shall be prov�i;ded and ec�,u,ipped with an. approved type o:E aaer inlet or vacuum breaker wh.i.ch :i.s a. permanen�ta and component part of sY�oh i'l..ush valve � l.oca�Led be�;ween �t;h.e main valve se��.-t a.r�d i;he w�. t;er ou�'che�t o r th.e :�'1_u.sh valve or the ta,i_1 .p�_ece Tor such �'lusk� valve shall be equipped anal pro'v�.�_ded with a,n. appproved �fi,ype off' air .�i�nlet o:t� vacu�zr�. bre�i,l;er� sa�i_�I;s. a.c��;ory to �l;he Depar.�tment o�F Slea,a_�t;h® (?) -Every such valve shall.. be i.nstal.lcd �.s required by ��;he proms visions of Chas Ord:,nanr�e� k'lumbi_ng opt houses outside Civy limits v�rh:�.ch requia^e sewer ronneo'eions i;o City Sewer or water connec�t;a_ons to City Ntains s:r1a1.1 be i.nstal_1ed accord:i_n.g to this Ord..nanc e a.nd sha.l.l be �_nspec��ed. anal approved by the City Plumbing Inspector anal. pay to th.� Ci,ty off' Denton �t;:{�e a�egra.la.r, .z"ee �(ahe.r_�cfor� ® � 1�J_ p.pes, �ralves ar�d :.%��Tt;.kn.gs used i.n net�r cori �tru�tior� shall be n.ew mate:r��ia.l_o (30) E,- Y 1t A`d?aa ,t r SECTION 2jo (a) Any person who desires to obtain a license for the purpose oaf eengaging ngagng .n the 'business of gas f � c i `r.ng, and no o uh.e.r pl_umbi_ng work shall apply to the Exarn1,ni.ng and Su.pervAsi_n.g Board of :Plumbers for an exarn.7.na,t .on and license as a. gas fitter, and shall. at the time of F.J.1 i.ng such appl i cation pay to t;kro Sec retaxy of the Board the sum of Two (i;2,00) dollars which fee shall be used by Ih.e Board for incidental expenses :.n connecttion with its duties as prescribed in this Ordi..nan.ce m The Examination and Supervising Mard of Plumbers shall provide a suitable exam inati on for persons desiring to be licensed as gas fitters and shall hold such exami nations a-t the intervals required for hold i.ng exami.nat.i,ons for plumbers® Every person before applying .for a license as a ga,s fitter shal..l have at Least two years exper� fence in connection with such work. (b) .A record shall be kept of the license of persons qualifying as gas fitters, and the Board shall have the power to revoke any license under the same conditions as provided for the revocation of license of plumbers and the license shall be renewed each year in the same manner providedfor the renewal of licenses of plumb® ers® Gas Fitters shall be registered and have metal 'Ident.ifi.cation badges as .required of Journeymen 'lumbers® (c) The size of gas pipes shall, not be less than called for in the following -gable Minimum size of oipe� from curb line to meter loop No. of Openings Maximum of feet of ie 2ti t9 1, 11t `3/411 200 180 135 55 ®� 2 l� to 1st, I to 2nd 200 180 1.435 50 3 1 to l.st,A 1 11 to 2nd; 3/4" to 3rd 200 180 ; 35 45 40 4 1� to 1st o 1" to 2.nd & 3rdq 3/4 to 4th 200 180 9935 4o 35 5 14- to Ist & 2nd; 1" -to 3rd & 4th 3/4 to 5th 200 180 135 4o 35 6 1" to 1st, 2.nd & 3rd; l." to 4th & 5th 3/4" to 6th 200 180 135 45 30 7 t. to lst, 2nd., 3_rrd, �� �i th, 1" to 51;h & 61h; 3/4" to 7th 2©0 1.80 1, 5 40 30 8 l2" to is t. 9 V. to 3rd, 4 t:ti, & jtli y 1" to 6th & Mop 3/4" to 8th 200 180 130 40 25 0 1..21t to lst & 2nd; 1- to 3rd & 4th, 5t.h & 6thop 1" to 7th, 8th, 3/4" to 9th 1 200 180 120 35 25 (31) Vo of 0 en%rz s 'rum of _:F'ee�c OF Pjpe 1," "i;o loth 8r. 11.i;11; 3/�" pro J..2th J�jO 1.6s 100 2,� 20 �n compu`�ing 1.eng;'rh.s a�' banes :z"ot 7" add 5" :i'ot eaoh el_ l.. or tee; iot lam" add 3" �'or each. elf_ or tee; �'ot l�." a.dd 3" :�.at each eJa�lw c>t i;eeg :nor ],'° a;dd 2" got each. e]l or tee; :for 3/�" a.dd l" :�,ot ear.h ell o;r %ee � � branch. l�.ne for a. sang]_e space hea. t er apen�.ng ma.y be �" not to exoeed lo" -('ram ma.aen � eed l�_neE'ot insta.l�.ataans no'i� sei; ou.t .in t.h.e a.bo�te -i;abl,e9 use 2." pape up t;o 200" when a total load shal_1. not e�:ceecl r,zzbac Feet of 32j0 per house .11.1`l, jobs re� qu.�.tang more than 3� j0 aul�ac f_ eet per hour shall be regarded. as spec:i_a�i. cases a.n.d exper_c adv:%oe and an:�wotma.roan te�al;ave thereto sh.a,l1. sae ob�aaned® l�or :i_nstal�.�ataons beyond domest,i_a consumers of when. consumers de� ma.nd rs T:'ot 12 j0 cubic �f'eet o:�' gas per bout or more" Ga.s Company must be oonsui__ted (d) Sepa.rate Scr�races sha�_l be IZun to Tach. Tau=i.,ldingThen �wo of mote aonsutners a.te to be supp�.:i ed wi t;h. ga,s a rl T;he sa_rne bu.�.�_d® ing, the Gas Compa.:i�y w�.1.1 set �,n.davadzxalme�fets :i'at ea,ckz consumer" and a sangl.e yard 1_:ine w� ll be an.s�ca:l_1.ed unless ttze mei,ers are placed _i_n tk2e a�.1,ey ar curb a��, whaAch case sepata.te yatd� lanes wiJ_l be irzsta.l.led J�,lbows a,nd rzot t,ees must he used an. a11 meter oon.nec;t�•ons and a� the boT,-i;onr off' rne�ea:.r. _set, anal any unn.ecessa.ty fee o.r o-thet �a�l:ang an. 1�he ya„rd �L.i,n.e or h.ola.se line w:i,ll rzo% be appra�red :Cn deterrninang the m�rza_mum si�ae o:�' yard lanes arzd house 1_.in.es, th.e n.zzrnbet o:f' opena_ngs shal_1 n.ot� be cons:a.dered less than th.e tota�_ nurnbet o:t, rooms :in. t:tzc--: bua`l.di.ng" m:i..nus T�wo® °taf3 r`' (e) Neither shellac nor cement will be approved :for use on threaded joints. Caulking must no`, be done to repair faulty wort; -in pi_ping and all imperfect fit`ti..ngs must be replaced. Bushings are prohibited for gas corinect.ion.s. Running screws, uni.oris or sa.d Res wi_l't not be approved i.n gas lines, but unions must be used to connect appliances where exposed and readily accessible® Righ.ts a.nd lefts will not be approved :i.n gas lines. Ward lines must in no instance be l..a,:i_d an. the same ditch with sewer pipe. When two or more yard lines are run to any one build] ,ng, they must be at, Least 8 inches apart, and come to the same location. When meter sets at the house, house piping must grade to the meter and yard line graded from the meter to -the property line when practical.. (.�: n .1 _I Locations :for me i,ers shall. be de cermined by -the .local Gas Cornpa.ny, Thas location and dI.mensions for meter loop must be obtained from Gas Company by Master or Employing Plumber or gas ,:I* ..-t;ter before starting .instal_lation. Meters will not be set in hallways, kitchens, coal bins, closets, or any place that is not easily accessiblve. The plumber or gas fatter shall be held responsible for a.ny changes r) meter riser installed .in locations n.o% auth0ri.zed by the gas company. The gas company has the pr.iv:lege of inspecting, reins.pecting, rea.diwng or access to the meters at all times. (p-) A.11. house lanes must be strapped securely to jop.sts not over, 101 apart or places provi.ded. for same and be securely su.pportAed to prevent (h) A riser must be used in yard line at the point where at enters the building if me-,er is at c .t b and on the outside and an. extra Heavy brass or i.r. on. body w'L- h brass core stop cock must he installed l.n this ra_ser not less than four (fir) _.n.ch.es above th.e ground when a.n underground me t,e.r. is i.nsta.l..led. The meter loop wIll be a part of the house pi..p,i_ng and must for ordTn.a,ry average sized res:i_den.ces be constructed to the following di.me:ns._ons. The riser pipes must be the same size as the yard wi,l.l issue a.nd deliver proper certi.fleate to such effecte I.J. not in accordance with this Ordinance, he shall turn same down and when same meets the requirem..ents, he shall call again for insp� ec ti.on. for whi_c;h he wi_11_ be requi..red to pay the same fee as for the J i.rst inspect.:i...on. The 3rd inspection. shall. be double the r. r__. �a. x rsA t The piping must hold tight under a pressure column of ten inches of mercury 'for f°i_fteen (1 ) minutes or 1.0 lbs oil. an acc� urate spring gauge. This testy, will. be made before the fixtures are hung and appliances connected and before the pi..pi,ng is dosed in® The use of gas fitters' cement for repairing lea.lrs is stri.c-tly p:roh'IbItedg (1) Any additional piping of outlets Installed after acertificate is granted must be reported for inspection and test and .fee paid as hereto fore provided. No gas .f Itter, plumber or other person doing work in any house or structure shall conceal. any of said gas piping until a. certificate of inspect.J:i.on A.s used and ins.pec� Lion card attached to said piping® (m) -Cf i. t aes shown that any plumber, gas fitter, f.Irm or corpor� ati.on is, :incompetent or i.s not complying with said Ordinance, the rules and regulations therein, reles and regulations set out; i r). foregoing plumbing ordinance shall be enforced. (n) Any and all. gas piping, appliances, fixtures and apparatus or materials which. may at any time become defective and In the opin.i_on. of -the City Plumbing Inspector or hi.s assistants, Likely to cause l,ea,lcs, fires or accidents br to endanger persons or property, shall be condemned by the said City Plumbing Tnspector or his assistants, and when in hi.s opinion it is deemed necessary in order -to prevent such accident or danger, said City Plumbing Tn.spector, h.i.s a,ssi_sta.nt, is hereby authorized to disc or,x�ect such. gas piping appl_ian.ces, :f:.i.xtur.es and a.p,paratus, or to cause the service of gas -to such consumers to be discontinued by notifying Gas Company that such con.di_tlons exist, until the person or persons owning or using such gas p:i.p.i_ g, a.ppl.i_a.nccs, fixtures, apparatus (3�f) WA �DPy or rria,tF r.°i.al_ sha.7..7.. ca.tase the same to be put In sa. F e cond.11don and tested. anapproved by 7a:he Ci l-.%y Plumbing l.nspecl or, (o) When any ga.s piping, app`l_l ances, fix -Lures, apparatus or mat er;ial of any nature whatsoever have been in. any manner disconnected as set forth in the foregoing prov.isi.ons, �.t shall be unlawful for any person or persons to i.n. any manner reconnect the same or cause the same to be recmr.n.ected to any supply of gas, or to use the same as a. part o' any has pipi.nv sys texas until they have been put i.n a, sa.r e condi_t'lLon. and a ce.r. ti.f irate of acceptance has been issued by the City Plumbing Inspector under penalty of this Ordi_narcc q (p) In every gas Installation, all pipIn.g and attachments must be of at least such capacity as w ll supply gas lap to the :Full maxi . mu.m requirements of all appliances comtempl ated to be connected thereon., according to the requirements of this Ordinance, (q) INO gas pip�i.ng, gas water heaters or gas central heating plant instal.la.tion or the installation, construction, reconstruction or repair thero.f' for which a, permit is issued shall be put to use or connected for any supply of gas an-ti l inspected and accepted by the City Plumbing inspector, The Gas Company is forbidden to furnish gas service rinti.l. such work is in accordance with. this Ordinance .All- in.spectlons shall. be made wI'Lthi_n 24 hours after the same a.r•e requested, exreept on Saturdays, Sundays and hol_id.ays, It is required that said individual, firm, ov corporation or his nr Its representata..ves shall_ personally inspect every installation before a request for i.n.spection is asked shall. be complete and in accord.- arice with. this Ordinance, (r) When. any ga.s piping, ga,s water heater or gas centralheating plant installat:i.on is, found to be installed witl;h.out a. proper, per MIA or not i_n accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance, Ule City Plumbin. Tnspector or his assistant is hereby a.uthori_Ved and empowered_ to prevent any supply of gas thereto or to the con surrrer unt-11_ sl.rch permit has been. secured from the said City �GINAL, uORY 'lumbIng Inspecttor and such work inspected or reinspected and approved s Before any such gas piping, gas water heater or gas central heating plant installation, constructed or furnished under permits herea.fte.r, shall be approved, or any certi.fi.cate or acceptance of the same be granted, the said work must; be complete and in com� pli.a.nee witti the provi.si.ons of this Ordinance® Ca.s Company is "orb.Idden to furn.1sih gas until such permits have been. issued by C..ty Pl.umbing� Inspector or his assaas'iant. (s) Pipe fittings used for gas purposes must be of a material commonl..y used For that pt,a.rpose and of new material® (t) Installation and. Connect:i.on. of Appliances ).4o ga.skelt unisons wI ll. be allowed on gas connections of any kind® On the installation of water heaters "a water heater is declared a plumbing fixture a.n.d for public safety must; be Installed or connected under permits issued by Ciaty :tlumbi_ng Inspector, gas fitters will be allowed to connect same provided water lines axle stubbed out For that purpose, 'bu.t in no event will gas Fitters be allowed to run any water lines or out. into water lines for any purpose (u) A.11 water heaters must be vented to a flue provided. for same, and flue to extend to the outside above the roof, flue not to be any smaller or swedged at apy,pl.ace than the flue connection on the water heater and a suitable downdraFt diverter after :Flue leaves water heaters Vlster heaters must not be pl..a.ced in bathrooms, (y) All heating open..i.ngs must have a cutoff at the Mall. or floor where riser ends, It w].l1 not be permissible to veny any appliance into a blind. Flue or 1;b,rou.g.h t:he cewi l_i,ng i..n to the a,tt Ic .All a,,F�pl _ances reciuiri.ng ,vents will be veni;ed On accordance wi_-t:h the a_ns-trticti_on.s or' ven i,i.n.g water heaters® All gas appliance vents must have an approved roof cap, (w) It r'Vi_l..l be necessary before settt_ng or _i_nstal.ling water heater, i.ns;al_la i,i_ons an.d gas central heating plant i.n.stallati.on.s to 'calve out a permit from the City Plumbing Inspector, permit charge to be one Dollar (<i)2, 00) on each in.sttall.atlon and when a,ppli_an.ce .nsia.l_l..a-Lion is complete and in service, the City Plumbingi Inspector wi..11 i spec t same and label the ins4t;al.la Lion accord Ty. (a,a) All pipes, valves and fittings used in new cons'Lructi..on shall., be new material. aL"CTImOIV 28 ® Ecep i where o the.rwi.se spec:i.fi.ca.l_ly prov.:i.deci in Lh.a_s Ordinance, any person vi.ol ati rrg any provision of t11i.s Ord. inane shall_ be deemed gullty of a misdemeanor and upon convi.c ti_on thereof shall be :alned riot less than Ep25,00 nor more than <0200, 00 provided. that any offense defined hereln which has been defined by laws of the sta,e as an offense and .for which a, perm a.lty has been press r•i.bed shall' punished as, provided by said law, and nothing herein shall be held as fi ring a.rry penalty contrary to a penalty f provided by thelaws of the state for the Same offense, at C1IOM 29, If" any section, subsection, paragraph, provis:i.on, sentence, clause, phrase or word of th...s Ordinance :is for any reason held to be Invalid srxch deel,si_on shall not affect the a1_idi..ty of the remai_noi vng portions of th.ls Ordinance, the City Councl.l ' of the C i,ty' o Sanger, Teas. hereby decla.r I th.a.t l t vou1_d have passed this Ordi..nance and each seetlon, sub secti.on, ?aragraph, prov i.slon, sentence-:, clause, phrase, or word therof Lrresper,-i IVe Of ttre fact that anyone or more of the sections, srxb sectiions, Para{;ra.plxs, provisions, sentences, clauses,ph.ra.ses, or words be declared uncons-ti.tut, oral. or i.nval' d for any reason., LC`I'1 ON 0 Th.i_s Ord3_nance shall be considered as supercedin. g a.1.1 other Ordinances now :in force i_rr the CItw of Sano er with relait,i_on to plumbers anal pl.urabi.ng a.nd speci,flcall,y provides that all. Ordinances or parts of Ord:i_narrces 'n con.fl,lct h.erew.ith are hereby expressly repealed, t'he fact `i h.at; the City Commission . i.nds there is an. irnrnodi.a,to n.ocessliy for the passa<<>e of Ll're above ordlna.nce, creates an, emergency and a public necessity that ct;he rule requIrTrrg an o.rdi.nance t.o be read on three separate days be suspen.ded & sald rule Ts hereby suspended arid th.' s ac: is s u)3.1, hereby become eff ect.iwve i..rnmediately from da.li e after It's passage And fNAblIcatlon accord i ng to law and :i,-t is so enacted, 1'ASSI_{,Il (7t`JA.IdIMOUSLY TItIS 20t4h. day of Dt?,CEP1(1H1D., 1.9469