1954-2-Ordinance-Abandoning a portion of Pecan Street-04/29/1954NO 1954-2
;ITT /`i i i 1 ! _ ', J .. l T z i l^i i l I\ i i. 'ri ^! T
CITY SECRET Y c v ., `D1 `'-' -
1 8 6 a f 7 9
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.; . r , pecan Street, a-cublic street .n tine it; or e .n:er,
1`exas, a municipal corporation, iron. its i ntersection v, itn lvorth
Second .street to the -';pest 'coL2ndar r line of the uli, Colorado aid
Santa ii'8 ailv.ay COlnpan,Z,T right-oi-Z vay, is an eighty 8C) i00t street,
and said street dead -ends at the west boundary line of said railway
company right-of-vvay, ar_d_ the pri iicipa_l and racticalljr exclusiv e
use of said_ portion of saicl street is by tl e Denton Till and ale -valor
Con Ja 1jr, a corporation, v rno se pro erti es abut on the T , ortn `side of
said , ortion of s=:id_ street, and there elLists no reason or necessity
for ubli c ease or r aintenance o ' said -tort i on of said ecan 8tree
as an eight;; (8C) foot street, but fifty {5Cj Feet is an ad_eauate
and sufficient ° i dlh i or said portion of said street; and
,. 1` 'P rS, the said Denton i':iill and levalor CorLpany, a cori orali on,
desires to use the hereinai ter d e scribed portion o ' said pecan Street
for grain storage z'acililies, and to construct grain storage ta_nhs
thereon, v hich additi onal Drain slora• e facilities are urgently
needed to serve the City oi' manger, e_ as, and its trade area, and
in consideration of perr .ission iron the Citz% of a er, texas, to so
use the herei nai ter described portion of said ecan etreet i or said
uses and purposes, said Denton T,!ill and. elevator Company has agreed
to .ake available to the said City of :Sanger, ` 'exas, vTit'rnoul cost to
said City save and except pipe -line, connection, and distribution
costs, the ;nrestricted use of artesian v, ater iron. a deep vrater -veil
ov, ned by said Denton i`lill a_nd elevator Co .pan r and associated
cor anies, si tuated in said Cit r oi' 8angc-r, 1 e_ as, to the el tenl that
said .vater is avai lablc--, so long as the said Ci ly of ean er sha11
deers it necessary to use se.id vUater, or preserve the . -.,_r e as a
stand-'py tivater supply ier use oy said City in the event of erilergency;
- -
�'� y
r'-,�.��..5, t rle jJr went t'�Ltni C 1 veil vva der Strp�ply O' t pie ;a1d C-_ �;;% O1
:7a_r1L,er, Tc-1as, iS 1=1c"de01Ua�e tv �.ee`t, �1_1e net,QS c_11d reC�i�-re�831�s 01
said C � �� O ~anger, el_'as, 1l1 .1I":1eS OI' sever.. drOu`;11� and O'G�1e?"
ez_C-rTenCi eS, and it ? S in ��le-JUbl1c � n�e1'eS-G �i1a� a staTld-b�T z,Va�Ger
sLrpply 'ce obtained z or use � n such tir�.es oi� severe dr ought e�.d
e!� eroency, any Zt v"Till r2a�erialljr serve she bes � � n�eres�s O �i1e
l�eOple O the C1tjT O Sarver that t.�e L1se OI' �!'�iater from said nerein-
above mentioned �r�,ell be made available as a stand-by v��rater su��ly
f'cr use as a ;Dart of file Lunici�al water sur�"_o1�T o said Cityvi Saner
in times oi' drought cr e�.er�ene�T; and
,���=��=.: t is in the public interest that the=lereinazter
described �orticn o �' said = ecail Street 'c e abandoned i or �pu'olic use,
and trle "public maintenance thereof' ter�iinated, and that the '�ayor
and Cit�i SeC:C'etar�T O � file Said City O ��' Sauer; 1'e�_aS, be au t''10r ized
t0 e=�ecut0 a Clu1t-Clailfl. deed t0 the 1ere1ilat0--�' described ��GrtiOn Oi
sal() reran Street to sa_d Mentor' ��iyl and`�'levator Com�anv, a
COrpO ration; �^"Or "�11e cC nS iC,ier c'�. �� OnS Viler e-�na hove e e"G I Or � r ;
the heieiilal--ter describedT'iOrtiOn 01_ecan Street in tale
cornorate lili7.i -'�s o� the City of :�an�:c-r, Tel>as, bet�rseen Ivort'rl Second
"treet and_ the-:�es'G 11i1e OI' tr�E� r? Silt-Oi -�JdaV Ot` the ':,cLll�� , CO101'2�C? O
a_'lC ;janLa .�'e �arlt�vay COt ��pany, t0-�"U�ii,
�11 that certain lot, tract or• �narcel of land l�Ti
and beiTl situated in the City of Saner, County of �;enton,
and =fate of Te.�as, cut of the -Reuben �ebee urve�� , ��..bstr act
i',aoa w�, .� ,:.,art or pecan :Scree-� in said Cit��� oT Sander,
acG01'C�i n ; t0 "the ��� Or plat Cher C;O� reCOrdeC1 =n t,e O� iGe
o%' the Cot�nt;;T Clerk of .�elltoil County, �!'e was, and being
_�-��ore .iu11y :end-oarticularly described as olloU�.�e:
P�;C==T�i��� �t,^ �� intersection of tee T� i, II-^� �r ,�;� 1 Q
.J ��`�__ T, QV l.�__v �Qs"Y AJI.%,i.__1Q.r' y lnv
of �o� th Secono. Street v,-i th the T�-erti-1 boundary line o �' said
eean St-��eet;
.� -. ,� ..
T`==�.,�',�.� �:�st 4,��tn the i�Torth boundarT line o�" ��ecan
Street, S00 eet, more or less, t0 the -.-est line of the
lsull, CO101'ad0 and �an�a Te_ia1l�rTa�T COt��on� r_,-;ht-01 ir',ia,j.
'�'r-�l;C� �ou�ch �:;�"��L t11e vTesc 1_ne of sale railroad
z'i�ht-of-�1Jay �0 -.i eet. a sta' e s o �= co"�'l1er;
'�"=�I'0;�; 'desl, parallel �iV1vr! l,he �d01'v1 bO�nd�_r�r ire Oin
�1id =ec�l1 ;Street, 3CC feet, _acre or less, to .� point "�'or
C01-i1e1' 1i_ �L11e .�as"G bCU__„" a1 `T � � r1e v C! �_= �eVOnu � 1, reef, as
er�tended or ;orojectcd" into =ecan S�ree'�;
_-- !C� Tor"th 3G = eet to the "�1ace �-_' ���-�� 1-�ti:,
_le Baleli,Le.1 eb o_JanO_CneC_ i i' ) COP c lise and
.anye_ , r _
' '11e : _„ O' .. =G 1L - CeC.!'O _' T C_ i1 e ✓ Ui_ _ ..,, "e"i"; ''..__o_ ;
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'1" !'
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Ovc`L_1e_ T_t,_1 " _1'e _L'_ "'-✓'"_0 ' _ G iO_ COIn. S't "UC t vn O ^
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Ci1Zai, .C- C_1i1anCe
G be 1"aG CnCGCcLS Ci1S bC SLC CBndG_ _J. C
Y'L1c .OJ_ L1S_cilded, ,'_i1C1 i,_ _S 0= 'd iG . Si1 ll tak0 .,1n1eG
Li 7
lJ vec.euctr
;.yC Ovcd as 1Cir r c:nG
Ori'1C r
Recorded in the minutes of the City of an :er, Volume 5, page 112