1955-2-Ordinance-Livestock Regulations Cows-06/06/1955ORDINANCE 1955-2 CITY SEGRD.A.RY URIGINAL COPY AN ORDINANCE MAKING IT UNLAWFUr., TO KEEP MIORE THAN ONE COW AND ONE CALF IN ANY ONE ENCLOSURE WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SANGER WHEATHER FOR DAIRY OR OTHER PURPOSES, WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING A PERMIT FROM THE BOARD OF COMMIS SIONERS OF THE CITY OF SANGER® BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COPIINMIISSIONERS OF THE CITY O.F SANGERt SECTION 1® It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, .corporation, or association of persons to maintain, own or control any premises within the city limits of the City of Sanger where more than one cow and one calf of the bovine species are kept in one enclosure without a permit issued by the Board of Commissioners as set out elswhere in this ordinance, SECTION 2® No person, firm, core®ration or association of persons shall keep or cause to be kept, or milk or cause to be milked at any one place or in any one enclosure within the city limits of the City of Sanger more than one cow and one calf without obtaining a permit From the Board of Commissioners as set out in this ordinance® SECTION 3, One enolosure shall be held to mean, within the terms or this ordinance, any and all connected' buildings whether under one roof or otherwise, and buildings and sheds which may have entrances to the same lot or lots and any and all lot or lots with a gateway or opening between. SECTION It, Any person, firm, corporation or association of per® sons who desire to keep and maintain in one enclosure more than one cow and calf of the bovine species shall make application to the Board of Commissioners, stating the number of cattle desired to be kept;' and location of the premisies, the size of the enclo cures and bu.ildini gs, giving the name of the owner of the premises and number of residences within five hundred f'eetf of any part of the enclosure, such application shall be taken up for considerate Lion by the Board of Commissioners at the next regular meeting of the Board after the filing of said application for permit; this application to be filed with the"`City Secretary, and, if filed with the City Secretary more than two days prior to any regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners, the City Secretary shall refer it to the City Health Officer, who shall cause to be made to the Board of Commissioners a report and recommendation from the Health Officer, and if, within the discretion of the Board of Commissioners, acting upon the information furnished by the applicant and Health Officer of the City of Sanger, the Board of Commissioner is satisfied that the maintaining or keeping said cattle will not constitute a public nuisance, a permit shall be granted to keep said cattle at said place set out in said appli cation, which permit shall expire upon the 31st day of December following the granting of such permit, `.': . ° ' If the Board of Commissioners i s not sati shed I;hat rhe maa.nts,ining or beeping said cattle at the plaoe mentioned in any applioation wi11 nat constitute a pu1 lic nuisance, then the petitioner sha11 be notified by the City Secretary at least ten days prior to a sub Sequent meeting of the Board of Commissioners, at w aich time the Board of Comma%ssionex s wi11 consider said application further, a.nd a_f, a-t such other and fua^ther hearing the Board of Commissioners determines that the beeping of said oattle at the place set out in the petition oonstitutes a public nuisa,noe, it will refuse the issuanoe of a permit9 othe:r°wise, a permit shall be .issued to the petitioner® SECTION 5 Nothing _n this ordinance shall pro ^bibit keeping of cattle for a period of not more than Five days in enclosures a,sed by packing houses or other slaughter houses, nor shall this ord finance prohibit the exhibition of rattle at stook shows and Fair grounds during the time suoh fair or stook show may be open .for exhibition, not to exoeed a period of twenty®one days, However, the exemption made in this section. shall not relieve the persons in charge of such cattle from the operation of other orda.nances of the'.Ca.ty.;o°f Sanger applicable thereto, or prevent proceedings to abate any nuisanoe created by the keeping of oa ttle within the City imits SECTION 6 Any person, firm, corporata.on, or association of persons violating any provisions of this o dinanoe sha11, upon conviction, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and fined in any sum nc t exceed i ng two hundred ( j32O0 m QO ) Dollars ® Each day"s violation of this ordaenance shall constitute a separate offense SECTION ` This ordinannce shall be in fu11 force and effeot fifteen (15 ) days after its passage PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 6 day of June A® D®, 1955 `' ' ATTESTS /s/ FIoY T® Ezell Ci cy Secretary or Reoorded in the minutes of the City of Sanger Volrxme 5, page a O®