1955-3-Ordinance-Prohibiting the Sale of Fireworks-12/05/1955ORDINANCE NO 1955-3 AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITI NG THE SALE OR OFFERING FOR SALE OF ANY FIREWORKS WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SANGER, T +,XAS; PROHIBITING THE DISCHARGE OF ANY FIREWORKS IN THE CITY OF SANDER, TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR AN EXCEPTION OF SAID ORDINANCE: PROVIDING A PENALTY: AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. r r r i • SECTION 1. It shall be unlawfui for any person, firm, c orportati on, company, or partnership to sell, offer for sale, either directly or in" directly, any type of fireworks or other similar thing as that term is hereinafter defined, within the corporate limits of the City of Sanger, Texas, and any person, firm, corpor&ation, company, or partnership who shall sell or offer to sell any fireworks or other similar thing wihin the corporate limits of City of Sanger, Texas, shall be fined as hereinafter provided. SECTION 2. any person who discharges or caused to as that term is hereinafter defined, or the City limits of the City of Sanger, hereinafter provided. SECianv TI b e discharged any fireworks other similar thing within Texas, shall be fined as The term "fireworks"shall mean firecracker, torpedo, skyrocket, roman"candle, sparkler, spit®devil, or other similar thing. Noth hng in thi celebration of direction and Sanger, Texas. Council of the tions with the SECT 10 N Imo. be construed s Ordinance shall so as to prohibit the certain events with the use of fireworks under the supervision of the Fir® Marshall It shall be within the City of Sanger, Texas a use of fireworks will b SECTION 5. of the City of discretion of the City s to when and what celebra- e allowed. Any person, firm, corporation, company, or partnership violating any of the provision of this ordinance, shall upon conviction, be fined in any sum not less than Fiive Dollars ( 5.00) nor more than One H1zndred. Dollars ($100.00) . SECTION 6. 4ny ordinance or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby expressly repealed. VVF1r 1EAS, the City of Sanger, TPxas, now has no adequate ordinance regulating; the sale and discharge of fireworks and the fact that the disharge of such fireworks constitutes a serious fire hazard tothe property of the citizens of Sanger, Texas,a nd also constitutes a serious hazard in regard to life and limb of its citizens, creates an emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring that the rule providing that such ordinances shall be read on three several occasions be and the sane is hereby suspended and the same shall be in full force and effective from and after the date of its passage and publication as Tr ovided by law.