1956-1-Ordinance-Requiring Permits to move a House Building or Machinery around Utility Lines-05/07/1956AN ORDINANCE 1956-1 AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING PERMITS TO MOVE ANY HOUSE, BUILDING, MACHINERY, OR OBJECT THAT WILL ENDANGER OR COME IN CONTACT WITH ANY POWER, WATER, OR SEWER LINE BELONGING TO THE CITY OF SANGER. BE IT ORDANTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANDER, TEXAS Section 1:. any buildiYig, street in the Sanger, Texas. Any person, company, firm, corporation, or partnership moving machinery, other large objects on any streets or across any City of Ssnger shall fjrst secure a permit from the City of SectL on 2. Any permit requiring tkie aid of the City shall cost the over ,0.00 in advance of the move. Section 3. Any permit that does not require the aid the City of Sanger shall be Liven without cost if none property is to be endangered or damaged, of the employees of of the City s Section 4. Any person violating this ordinance shall be fined, e onviction, not less than 0.00 nor more than100.00 f or each PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 7th DAY OF MA,Y 19.56. ATTEST; s/'° Floy T, Ezell ( y ecretary sl T. C. Wi 1 so n Mayor upon OWLfense. Recorded in the City of Sanger minutes, volume , ge 173