1957-1-Ordinance-Abandoning portions of Eleventh and Twelfth Streets-09/16/1957ORDINANCE 1957-1 ABANDONDING PORTIONS OF HENDERSON AVENUE, ALSO KNOWN AS ELEVENTH STREET AND ALPHA AVENUE KNOWN AS TWELFTH STREET HENDERSON AVENUE, BLOCKS 5-6 OF HUGHES ADDITION HUGHES STREET NORTH TO WILLIS STREET, AND ALPHA AVENUM & C a T1r V 1` :1 T La , 1 's z ., fi T iL`. 1 .r' i , T1T ;; T ( `' V 'v gg ! .x o 1 ' 1 1 " rirf —" ,r''n r,TTI .1 TT S 1LTa T l_ j v Il P` " '^` ---,rY ; r PY , y P - --r- _r, i v — , T — g r--- y 3 r-cT T ,U , C U ' __ T. —\i.0 '_li - rJ L r- r rL t "D _'' '' LC^ 1 I n-r Cam' T~ n 'G ';s n n !1' r m G - _LOI`T OT =1 ! T S T ; T B,,t p, ; T 1 r . OE n TER TI 1BE I ( T 1 T v 'CI1 CJ BI .Ir1C ` '1 «, t U is.:(r' 111`'d' T - I. ,.1 _.i.l 1. l vril 1 0 ' U' -hei eat, heret0 'or e, t0- rTit, On ''aI'C11 J, 1Q4-9, '. eOZ' ,e Hughes and T, 'rii e, 1!rlaud e Hughes, made, executed, and del ivered to . H. Yeatts, et al, trustees o-" the ;anger rural =ligh :School Bistrict, a certain VtTarral'1.tZP deed, recorded in TTOI. 351, page 23, off' the Beed records o ` Benton Coon ty, Te as, conve Ting to said school district all 07 Blocks Taos. Fi ve (5), Six ( , and Seven (`7j, o. the H=U II'u DITI 1 t0 the pity of Sanber, in Benton County, Texas, as shcvvn by the r .a or a1at of said Addition of record in `,Tolurne 1, gage 7-l; 2 of the . lat records of Be ^ ton CountyT, Te1 aS, and the angernde erden.t School Bistrict, a_s successor to the San ,er rural High Ser co1 Bi strict is ov",' the It=;gal an: ec luitable o-,°. er in ee s^vc le O ' said lams; a.nd .rIJ'r S, ae cordi ng t0 the plat of said . dditi on, fiend ersen avenue, also knoti r? as Eleventh street, runs North as!d u0uth a distance o" C O Feet, z itli a v i.dth of Q z eet, bets;%een Blocks 1`To s. "ive 5 and Six {6; Oi said lghes Addition, zro Hughes Street on the forth to ',, illis ,street on the South, and pha '_venue, also '_r_nov -n as 'I u el"th Street, rux s l Torth and South i or a dis Lane e o 3gC} eet, V,ri th a v' idth off' 4C feet, betv reen Blocks Nos ® Si 1 6 arld Seven (`7 oz said Hughes Addition, 'ro said Iughe s Street on the North to 4' `i llis :Street on the South; and 'e ' .J. :::1, said Henderson Avenue, also 1TncUm as Eleventh Street, a.ndalpha r_venue, also knov n as '' 'velsth Street, have never been Opened up between said =l he s Street and ".?i 11is titreet, and ,a.ve never been accepted, used, Or r aintai ned as public streets, and there exists no reason cr necessity nor opening up said streets,. or 'or public use or a_intenance o the same, and said Sa:.2=:er l ndepe .ent Sch001 Bistrict i S the O d IT Pr Oi all r0perty a'Uia.ttiTig On OOth i des oz said ort ons of Said Henderson AvenL e and Alpha Avenue lying between Hughes Street and G illis Street, and desires to use said portions of Ienderson avenue and l .lpha ,,_venue for school purposes, and the use of said portions of said streets i or school purposes is essential to the proper utili nation oz the rer <ainder off' sa .d school lands, and it is therei'ore in the public interest t n _t said -cordons of said Henderson e'.venue and rl ha avenue be abandoned nor public use as streets, and the ubli c raa i ntenanc e thereof terminated, and that the %.Mayor and City Secretary o1' the said Ci ty oz Sanger, `texas, be authorized to execute a aui t-clam deed to the betel na? ter described portions o sa_id T enderson w?venue and .1.pha venue t o the Board off' `l ustees oz the :Sanger Indenend.ent School District, sot school purposes, for the eons iderations set north hereinabove. TCT,rt, lT F`0 u, BF I1 OR . ITv _;D By TJL CI' CCUTvCIZ OF TT 1. the :nereinaiter described T ortion off' Henderson `venue, also '_ .notinrn. as Eleventh Street, in said City os ,Sanger, Denton Counts, Texas, to-tiv .t .11 that certain lot, tract, or parcel oz a ?d lyin and being situated in the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, out of the H. Tiert ester Survey, abstract T•To. 1241, a part of Henderson _zvenue in said Cit;yT o Sanger, according to plat o the Hughes ddition to the City o Sanger recorded in Val® 1, page 'i-lf2 of the . Jlat Records of Denton County, mexas, arb. bein. ; more fully and particularly described as zollojJvsa FAT BEGI Z IIT at the intersection o the South boundary i line oz Hughes •Street i n said City oi' ,Sanger, Sfs ith. this mast boundary line of Henderson avenue, also kno sn as Eleventh Street, said point of beginning also being the lTorthwest corner cz Block TSo . Five (5 } o*' said d diticn; -; ;TvCE South v lith the ".';pest boundary line oT said Block T To. Five (5}, and the East line os said Henderson :^venue, 300 j'eet, to the ; uth °,-est cot per of said Block No. Five 5}, in the North line o %'Millis Street; TT TTCE Wiest 40 °eet to the SoutT east corner of Block No. Six {6} of said =addition, in the s 'est line o said Henderson ' venue, and in the I ?orth 1ir e o j,`:ri 11is ,Street, `i iFT CE North v}rith the mast line of Block No. Six 6} of said =addition, an: the `,'est line off' said I enherson _venue, 300 i set to the Northeast corner of said Block No. Six {C , said corner being the point of intersection of the ',iest line oi' said Henderson svenue , ith the South line or I ughes Street; mT TTC E Fast 40 feet to the r lace of beginning, and being all of T-inderscn Avenue lying between Hughes attest on the TJorth, and v`! 'i llis Street on the South; shall be and the sa_ .e is hereb,r abandoned 'or public use, and all _2_ public maintenance thereof by the said City of Sanger, Te_ras, sriall be and the same is herebST terminated as of the effective date of this ordinance. The hereinafter described portion o�" ��lpha avenue, also knov�;n as Tv�relfth Street, in said City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, to-tivit: :^:11 that certain lot, tract, or ��arcel o� land lying and being s � loafed i rn the City of Sar?g er, D°er�ton County, Texas, out of the H. Tierti�ester Survey, Abstract No. 124i., apart of t'�?pha avenue in said City of Sanger, accordi r�g to plat of the Kughes Addition to the City of Saner; er recorded i n Vol . 1, gage 7-1 f 2 of the � lat Records of Denton County, Te xas, ate. being more fully and particularly described as follows: BJGITvTTIT�70` at the i r?tersection of the South boundary 1i ne of Iiughes Street i n maid City of Sanger ,��ith the mast boundary line of ��lpha Avenue, also known a s T�,rreifth ,Street, said point of beginning also being the T�Torthvvest corner o � Block No ® .Six � 6 i of said 1 ughes Addition; li��T�TC� �Scuth e��rith t'r_e:,',Test boL�ndary li ne off' said Block TTo. Six �6), and the mast line of A1.pha .venue, 300 feet to the South4��est corner of Block �?o. Six (6 of said :��ddi lion, i n the TSorth Brae of ,,,Ti lli s Street? T�:��TC� :'��est 40 feet to the Southeast corner of Block TTo. Seven ��� of said �sddition, in the- .'Nest line of said l�l�ha Avenue, _and i n the- T�?orth line of ?Tillis Street; - T?�NCB North ���ith the "'.+est line of said =:1rha _�ovenue and the mast boundary line of said Block T��o. ,Seven ('7) of said �;ddition, 300 feet to the Northeast � ARC corner of Block coo . veven { 7) of said Addition, said � corner beir�.g the point of intersection cf the South boundary line- of i�uVhes Street, and she Wiest line of said �1 i�ha ��venue ; T?-�T�TC� i-,ast �-0 feet to the place of beginning, being all o �=,��..pha Avenue lying bet�.-�een ruche s Street on the North and ?�'`illis ;Street on the .South.; shall be and the sa�!e i s hereby abandoned for -public use, and all ,ublic maintenance thereof by the said City of ,3an�.er, Texas, shall be and the sar�.e is hereby terminated as of the effective date of this ordinance. 3. The l��ayor and City Secretary of the City of Sanger, Te xas, shall be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver, in tine name of, ar�d for and in behalf of the said City of :anger, Texas, a rlunicipal corporation, a quit=claim deed to the Board of Trustees of the Sanger independent School District, conveying all of the right, title, and interest of the said City of Sanger in - �- ar d to said abandoned portions of said genderson _-lvenue, a_1so knov rn as eleventh Street, and : 1pha "+venue, also kno °.gin as ` r el 'th Street, i n said City of Sager, Zeus, hereinabove described by metes and bouiZd s . 4, The Fact that the portions of I enderson venue, also _novrn as leventn Street, a_nd=:.lpha , srvenue, also ?r ~?o , as T vvel th Street, hereby abandoned, have never been opened to public ease as streets, or accepted or :.laintai ned by ti'le City of Sanger as public streets, and that sucr portions of said streets are of no use or ber_efit to tree Cit r of Sanger, and that the Sa Hoer lnaependent School district i s the. ojraner of all property on both sides of said portions of said streets hereb i abandoned, and urgently needs to use said abandoned portions of said streets for school buildir -purposes and other school purposes in conjunction vuith the abutting property osrv ned by said school district, and the construction of necessar r and valuable school improvements is being delayed pending the effective date of this ordinance creates an imperative public necessi ty that the rule requiring this ordinance to be read on three separate occasions be suspended, and said rule is hereby suspended, and this ordinance shad take effect fro i and after the date of its passage. ' SS and . T Ci i} this the day of SepteY be-r, ,. . 195 r . nTT 'ST: ppreves to orr . and egality: , ttorheY Recorded in the minutes of the City of Sanger Volume 5, page 209 -4- Certi�'ie ate Z, Floe T. Ezell, City secretary of the City of �an�er, Teas, a municipal corporation, do hereby certi�'y that I am the of�'icial custodian of the minutes o=" the �,,i ty Council of the City o �"°Sanger, Texas, and that the above and. �` ore�oin� is a true and correct copy of an ordinance duly x�assed and approved oy the City Council of the City of manger, Te��as, as the same appears oz record in the o�"�'icial minutes o? staid City Council of manger, Texas, and i n the Boots oz Ordinances of said city of ��an�er, Te��as. ��.�'LTTv" ��S T',,�Ty �Il.".��1�, and the of 1 icial seal of said City of manger, Teas, a municipal cor-ooration, this the o�� day o� September, r. �. 195?. �' s oy""1�. ��e11. City secretary -5-