1958-2-Ordinance-Providing for the Reward of Persons Guilty of Arson-12/15/1958ORDINANCE 1958-2 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE REWARDINCz OF PERSONS WHO ARE INSTRUMENTAL IN BRINGING ABOUT THE ARREST AND CONS VICTION OF PERSONS GUTLTY OF THE CRIME OF ,ARSON. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS; • • • a •_ • • r _... • • • • • • • - - S • • • • m = • • 'i ' • . SECTION 3. Whenever the Mayor shall be informed that any fire occurring in said City was of an incendiary origin, he shall call for a report on the same by the City Fire Marshal, and if said Marshal shall report that such fire was caused by the commis inn of said crime of arson, it shall become the duty of the Mayor to offer the reward above prescribed. SECTION ! . Upon information being given by any person or persons who shall cause the arrest and conviction of such por so ns so guilty of a specific crime of arson for which said reward shall be offered, and after the final conviction of such person or persons, the person or persons so giving such. information shall be entitled to receive from said City the said reward. SFICTION 5. A11 ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict kaere- with are hereby repealed. SECTION 6. If any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or provision of this ordinance shall be ad judged invalid or held. unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole, or any part of provision hereof, other than the part so decided to be invalid or unconstitutional. PASSED AND APPROVED TINS THE day of December A. D. , 1958. ' , , ,>: ; , MAYOR !1 T'T'1-F ,S"P ! sea l ' .:,; • Recorded in t1 e minutes of the City Sanger Vo15, page 2L 6