1958-1-Ordinance-Regulating Parking on the Public Square-04/07/1958ORDINANCE 1958-1 REGULATING MOTOR VEHICLE PARKING ON THE PUBLIC SQUARE s, ri\ L _._ !, .1 . 'u _ Z__`- a 1 { I'..- 'C s - - -p-ry- 1 r _ ? Tvl I'.T ''J! r _ ,r 71 . rt 1 .. i ` 17fl'\ f,..r .^: 'l- in f_r..._; -y n 1 1 !ti -f T I ( 1 T- T J j ' , ?:1 "t ram„ " \ i. --_-- 7 il,,, . 12 -U-lJ _V .;;>J -. __ , i _ r _ vv>J_L, _ t'j'± -a-,. ^' Ll '.n ', I • r t -"" n-n- n• r-• --- - ^- ,^1 r t ,-, /> ti 1 j J "i ; J_: —_Jl`. .L . T'. __ .. ; i' -11 ' .i r..=u. a_J, Jii_J _ _____ .i ✓ L- _1 .J_—< _^_.: _ `er 17 1.3? n ' - _ ' L_y _ ',` , J { i y . (T . ? " ,-n T _, - - -, r, ,J , =i'{ T,T(': _n, T,T -- 1 mil.__ T _ _ ' ! '--(- 1 \i t - n, j ' `` --l-, -` _._, r.t_"' i i ,T"-(`:... nn "! 'TT'^T` I„ r' Iti 3 Tr` T\' 1 rLLll_. .: _ J J J...+, _.1,; 1._.. : UJ ___V ... __V \% i _!!.:_V_._J _ _ LL_l L.-. Ll_. f'T'" n n^ ','' n pT / ^'^-T i1' "r ",,' \_ _ram (^' n n- - -rv-n ___. ' 1 ' I , ';1 1 f T 1._, V L=3. V : ,lJ = _I-t. _ ,J _=sue V ! 1 T v 1' J= I', J' L, — -r:-r'-n \ -,,r j- .—rr- n — - r ., -,.,. , -,- -r- 2. - ^-, —, ,rT r-Rr --r^i 1. :' ,: I I Li.r '. UV \ 1 V , .` _ :.:L, L , _lam .; ' 1J v N 1, LI i 11 U 9 ri3. , , -i ( i r ,i - , i - . fff,_ - r ! I > V -{ II'T _ - I 1 T (u ( , T i - - ' __. Jr_ i `) ' ter. i = L3 T V J ^:,T_j '+. ' ll i=` _tuy 1 _ i.Y. I\I _ i l .--- j ,,1 J , _ '.. - i IVr,'_ I ! V -, -,'_'tom i din fTj, r' ---, ,j V J! . r \ f TfT'I f't' y (R f' ' . ^.. " ?_l.0 ' J 1` F'1 TT /"1 'j' ; (jj f ,. '1 1 rit Y ' ' V .1= .L l.' .L 't7 T , 1 . _ J'V _i , __ILl_TL _ \ , L, _ J_ L L r- t i=L..:T1 1 :v -_. T T F 'c. v._J , J nn rl; T \I _'.i 1 i✓ vC Iv 1LIn_L I.i T, _ _ 7 T-r,^t-T I (r i.,:, fj l - i T '^ ^ T 1 -rn . n n '!'7 1'-T —Tf Il f' ^= rj' L--; . '. _ ""1—?' r"--' ' . "'\ T T _ -,-n n (1TJ , r- r r n - - - — r, -f -^ n T 3_.t. __ L_u.L-1. Q .1. _" ' _ _: I i _ ..'J L . _ _Lv _ __ I I\TLT _ {` -__ _ -_._ r' =' I ' ' _-_- i \ I }. 1 - `t^ in -- , 1 -n, ` ('j -s ."1 T1- T :'1 I j'+-, r. -, -^-^- T" i'; -r-- J-r 1 t'^.__ T `'.T j ,T!Y f._ r-„\.__, i ,rTJ n _ --s ^\-r-,. >' T,TL _: J f ',\T -rT7- : s V U .ELT _,_R , L' v_L _ _ ___, C _'!_ _ U_. J (` ;100.00) . '_ _ ? OT _i T _I Lir _T\I 'T '`T n" ,=-t `1 j 'jti Il y='V4 ^ f ? T 1'J (v` T I-'-' -- r;- , , i, :s dee 2ed e >Uedi ent end in :;i2e i merest c the Llb iG Z"!?el ^re t0 Z'8C1L 1.=;te O tOr 'v'eliCle - '_i"1{l_12 , v^Y1_ t'_'?e ` Oith c (ld .c,.',St ideS Da' file TJL1b1iC SC1uc^.re in the City O j n er, in i,'entO:Cl O„{2ty, 1 e1 s; t\ oti.,r `i'12 er.;z o r e ! _ . !' _ i T,a `T r - r -r, iTr r+ -C'\Tn -n n - ,;,-- G' `;, C F _' i`-r(t •' ;ti ` n 1 m rt""' H ((`` T I 1" T- ._..p -f 1I7 n _ -r tT-- ... ,-`l i'rrL= J'( j `, h _ 'l j :-•T--D - i •; '., n ," , ' T`• 1J :C 1 . .'=L _i,' _L __ . ;_J .—L_\ 1'',:G —__.t 1' J Ll:I __. _. ._%J lJ_ J:; ._J _!L'.. _1.1J ( ; 'he \col th side o tl-le ubli c sc u e In the lty oz a}z e , n ' enton County , r `e_'_ _s, on the SoLith side o :utreet, betti ': een oLLrth Gnd i 'th .streets, s hereby deli n; _ted_ s t -"e 1 _- inJ area, end the ti_r e - :rkin regulstions here-n:witer set 'orti2 sh 11 overn the =kin ' o ' tall r2o for vehicles i n s_id re m fib) 11 rkin ° rithin said Free. sh l1 be allel rkinv, end the it _` sh .l o the , ,i tjr o- ' .n er, _nd the er. lcyees off' said Ci, ;r Oi 'cn er, under the SL1?JerviSi On Of the vity ! I rS12 ^Z, S1_2 = l ce, ri .1i2" _, ' .1d '_'i^ce , 7J_ tented 1.1nC-28 Oi' T . : '_iS 011 ti2e SL'r '.^Ge O ' s^id street, within said 2-re , for r es llel _ arkino l ces o n1y® -- `, _ ,_ 11 be u_ l• .zVsul end e_n os 'ense " or Gn r yerson o er °at n motor ve'_2i c1e, " o ce.use or errnit to be e_rked, stopped, or stendino, t 'Uhe then occ a-oied or unoccupied, such otor ve liele across or upon e.ny line or rn rk design .tin o ?denti 'yin ny r'_ in spe_ce :,ithin staid ti .e T - rk .n re est bli shed herein, o+ to rk such vehicle in such L zn_anner the.t the s_e sh-11 not -1- be entirely v,; i thin the area so deli Ana red by such lines or m_a rks ideiztiiying or c_ esi�;nati ng such parl�ing space. (d) It shell b e iur.:la��r�'ul and_ an o�'l ense i or any person operating :� motor vehi c1e, to cause or hermit to be ���.rked, stopped, or lest standing, such motor vehicle, v�,rhether oc copied or ��noccupied, ,�.,�i thin any par:ling space within said t- me �ar?iing area, l�or � longer continuous period than t�}To hours at any tir,�e { �) _��.� 1 ��r'�ing of �Lotor vehi cles on the mast side oi� the -public scuare i n the City oz' �anoer, Teas, betz�:�een polivar and �1m streets, on the �:�est side of � Ourth street, shall be parallel parking . fib) The City,; ��arshal of rile City of ��G.n��er, .:.nd the er1?lo;rees oz said Cit�r of ranger, udder -rhe supervise on of the City _-arshal, shall �1a ce, y_=�� nt� i n, and keen, �ai�_ted 1i nes or mar'_�s on t'^e sur%'ace cz said street, �'or parallel parking only, T�;�hich pari�ing spaces si_all not e.�ceed 20 7eet in length. tc) it shall be un1aE��"ul end an oiiense for any Fez°son o-©crating a motor vehicle to cause or permit to be parked , stopped, or standi ng, such motor vehicle, �;�,rhether occupi ed, or unoccupied, access or upon any line or mark design�.ting or zdei_tiiy_ng ,anv; harking space �.,-itlin said area, or to oa rk such vehicle in such a Manner t_��at the same shall not b e entirely �°.; i thin the are �� s o uesignated by such lines or ma mks i�.enti iyTi ng or designatin,V such �arkirl� s-�ace . (n1 ('� � i,T"' T T� any ve'rsicle is �°ound �k�on �__i.�r of . t��e abovementioned streets in v101- ti On Oi t;:i1y O the �r OTr"i Sions Oi t'__i s Ordinance '_'e�ulating the sto�pin� or �ar���in,V o� ve'n_icles STiti�i n the above 1��entioned areas, a_�d. the identity of the dri ver e=.��no t be dete±�r_� ned, the 0���ner, or person in ��r�ose name such vehi cle i s registered, shall be i�e1 d grim a iaci e r es Uonsible i-or such violation_. v a) the C i d l._arsh o the City os .D - %hound or cruse to be i�.�;0unded, any�;utor�obi le, truck, or other voter vehi cle; zound-�wrkeci, sto-�?�ed, st�ndin�, o"�� bei n� i n vi ol�.�ion of ;,.icy �ravision or provisions of this ordinance. ('aj Such automobile, true=�, or at'_er vehicle si�11 'oe ir�_rounded c =glace designated bur the City Iarshal, anc fee of , shall be paid 'oy the a���1er of e.ny such auto��obile or tither vehi cle to t:ae s�id City ort��-�n�;er , i n order to L�_ke •wnd re -possess such auto�o'cile cr other vehicle. Se.id 3 ee is char ed as � police regulatory zee :to of'set the e y-oense off' i��pflunding. he City l.i`?si'�?1 Or ��1y 7J011Ce officer T',ri t�'ii n t1�'.e l i�r�its Oi "the C? ty of Sanger is hereby author�Zed to arres� �,.� t_nout �varrant .:any person or -persons round caritting or reasonably sLis�ected off' comm.itti n�. � T71fl1^.tiOn ofan,,r �rovi si on of' t'�.is ordinance. "7((5� /'ITT n~ 1?rTn rT((''tt rH,tTt� Unless C�ti1y person arrested hereunder 5_Zall demand to be taken ? orthwith before the Corporation Court "ludge of the City of Sanger, thearresting officer shall •wive such person a notice in wwrr-iting to �7-Dear before said Corporation Court j'ud�,e at P. tLm.e and. place to be spe cried i n such v��iting, and such person shall sign his name on said written notice. (b) U�uQil such promise in v,-riting b�T the �ersor_ arrested to �_i�pear bez ore said Coreoration Court Judge oz the City of Sanger, the Giz feet shall. release h� From custody; but should the arrested person rezuse to sign said j�Tritten notice, then i -t shall be the duty o� said Ori ices to dace such person i n custody until '��e can take him 'ue"ore tl�e said Corporal ion Court Judge. (c) the arresting��'i i cer shall take the license nu_�uber of the vehi c1e, �nd the n ,rye and address oz the arrested person. r.ny person violating any such ��Uiritten promise to arpear bei ore the Cor,00r�:tion_ Court Judge, sha11 be deemed guilty o.� a n^isdep�e=.nor, regardless of the disposition of the charge on z.rhich he ;vas originally 1 UUMAL -3- arrested, a_nd L?ion convict .on ,h ereoi , he shill be dined accordin to the penalties hereinafter met forth. 8r 1ICTy 8. 1 ~i7 TY St shall be unlaT r. 'ul, nd a misdeme=.nor, for eny person to viole.te any section or -orovisicn of this ordinance, and antr person v i olatin <nJr section or provision of t_ lis ordinance shall, upon conviction, be . ` i ned in any sum not less thew. Five ( 5.00) T✓oll °s, nor r .ore than One Tundred { 100.00) T ollars. 8I+'CTIOy 9. S VII`TG OJ_ U If any clause, sentence, provision, section, or part of this ordinance shall be xdjudged tc 'ce unconsti tutional or invalid for any reason by any coUst of competent jurisdiction, such jud ent shall not imx air, affect, or invalidate the remainder of this ordinance, jlar_ich shall remain in lull force ax .d effect hereunder and thereafter. S OI + ON 10 . =iI I ZIl Oi .0 . 11 ordin-.noes and -carts of ordinances_n conflict -: ,.ith the provisions of this ordinance are hereby e ressly repealed. V JLJ I \ 11 . '" JV I /ter' :^1r_J Phis ordinance shell become effective end be in lull force and effect from nd after the date of its i assa e and publication as required by lays. ©. =?RO T ti.i s the _ c ay o i' __ , 1 m D . 19 5 8 . 0 r Recorded in the minutes of the City of Sax .ger, Volume 5, page 228