1958-5-Ordinance-Prescribing the Fire Limits and Rules and Specifications for Construction within the Limits-01/15/1959ORDINANCE NO.1958-5 AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING THE FIRE LTMITS OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, PRESCRIBING RULES AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION WITHIN SAID FIRE LIMITS, REQUIRING PERMITS .AND INSPECTIONS, PROVIDING FOR ARBITRATION PROCEDURE ' CI SECRETARY PRESCRIBING BUILDING PERMIT FFIRS, AND PENALT Y CLAUSE I 6NACY MAKING VIOLATION OF, THIS ORDINANCE A MISDEMEANOR AND AUTHORIZING FI)\TES UP TO tlOOa00 FOR VIOLATION OF ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THERE14=q AND SEVER - ABILITY CLAUSE® BE IT ORDAI'TED BY 'PHE CITY COUNCIL QF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS; SECTION 1. FIRE LTMITS: The following shall be and are hereby declared to be the fire limits BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the West boundary line of First Street with the North boundary line of Cherry Street. THENCE North with the %Test boundary line o.f First Street to the point of intersection of the West boundary line of First Street with the South boundary line of Elm Street; TI-.T.IJ TCE West with the South boundary line of Elm Street to the point of intersection of the South boundary line of Elm Street with the East boundary line of Sixth Street; THENCE South. with the East boundary line oi" Sixth Street to the point of intersection of said East boundary line of Sixth Street with the North boundary line of Cherry Street. TTimm NCE East with the North boundary line of_ Cherry Street to the POINT OF BEGINNING. SECTION 2. PERMITS AJ 1P INS 'ECTIONS; No wall, structure, building, or part thereof, shall_ hereafter be built, enlarged, or altered, until a plan of the proposed work, together with a statement of materials to be used, shall have been submitted to the fj.ty Secretary, who shall, if in ac cordance with the provisions herein contained, issue a written permit in triplicate for the proposed work. Permits to be kept on file with the City Secretary. Structures hereafter erected without a permit, or not in conformity with this ordinance, shall be removed® No building shall be moved from without to within the fire limits, nor from one location to another within the fire limits until'a permit shall have been issued therefor. No permit shall be issued unless such con" struction is in accordance with this ordinance. The designated Building Inspector shall inspect, as often as practical,, construction in progress to see that all provisions of this ordinance are being complied with.. NOTEd All plans and specificatibns submitted to City _Secretary State of Texas. 0'nuT10N ,5. CONSTRUCTIOI\T RE ,TJi�E0.) ITTTI-ITN THE FIRE LIMITS; No build ing or structure of wooden, ironclad (whether on wood or metal,sup� parts), stucco, or veneer type construction, or any building whose walls contain wood supports, shall be -permitted except as indicated in Section 4. No building shall hereafter be built, enlarged, or alW tered, except in accordance with this ordinance. The thickness of walls shall be not less than as given be7_owa Brick walls shall be not less than 12 inches thick, except that small oneastorty buildings with floor areas of 750 square feet or less may have walls 8 inches thick. Reinforced concrete �ra1]_s may be three fourths of the thicl�ness of brick walls, but in no case less than 8 inches. Hollow building ti be supported on re quate reinforced c than 16 feet apart one story building walls of 8�inch ho s le may be used as filler walls � ovided such walls inforced .concrete beams and footings, and by ade- oncrete or brick pillars or columns spaced not more walls to be not less than 12 inches thick. Small of less than 500 square .feet floor area. may have flow building tile. Solid stone walls shall be �} inches thicker than brick walls for like construction, ill exterior walls, party walls, and division.fire walls shall have parapets extending at least eighteen inches above the roof, and said parapets shall be at least twelve inches thick, except where eight inch walls are permitted as above, in which case parapets may be. eight inches thick. SECTION 4. FR,AME BTTILDING TN FIRE LTNIITS; The following frame struct� lures are permissible in the fire limits: a. Temporary one« story frame buildings for the use of builders. b. Wooden fences not over 8 feet high without roof or cover. SECTION 5. ROOFS: 11 buildings or structures hereafter constructed in the fire limits shall have incombustible roof coverings. No roofing on an existing roof shall be renewed or repaired to a great er extent than 10% of the roof surface, except in conformity with this ordinance, and in no instance shall more than one permit be issued each existing building in any one year. SECTION 6. REPAIRS AND ADDTTIONS: Any existing building within the fire limits which may hereafter be damaged. by fire, decay, or otherwise, to an amount greater than 50o of its present value, exclusive of the foundation, shall not be repaired or rebuilt, but shall be removed. Extensions, remodeling, or additions to existing buildings shall not be considered as rem. irs, and' shall not be permitted except when con forming with Section .3 of this ordinance. SECTION Y. ARBITRATION; Whenever an application for permit to repair any existing building already located within the fire limits is made by any person or firm, and the City Council and the applicant disagree on the extent of repairs to be made, and a permit is denied by the.c designated Building Inspector, then the City Council or Commission shall appoint a competent and disinterested person, which said two persons so appoint6d shall select a third member, and these said three persons shall appraise the building, examine the plan of the proposed work, and the statement of materials and labor to be used in the re® pairing or rebuilding of said building, and make a signed written re® port of their findings to the City Council or Commission. If such report reflects clearly that siad rebuilding or repairing would be a violation of this ordinance, then such application for permit shall be denied by the City Council or Commission, and if such report reflects that the person seeking said permit has complied with said ordinm ce, and the .requested rebuilding or repairing is not in violation of said ordinance, then said City Council or Commission. shall issue a permit for the proposed rebuilding or repairing. SFCTTOn1 8. VALIDITY OF ORDINANCE; sion, clause, phrase or provision invalid or hold unconstitutional, ity of this ordinance as a whole, other than the part so decided to If any section, papagraph, subdivi® o.f this ordinance shall be adjudged the same shall not affect tthe valif." or any part or provision thereof, be invalid or unconstitutional. SECTION 9. FEES; The permit fee for the issuance of the building per- mit shall be 1®00 PIO,O0 SECTION 10. PENALTIES: .any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con" viction shall be fined in any sum not to exceed t1100.00, Passed and approved this the SF' L .A,TTEST: 15,th day of January A.D., 1959 . MAYOR