1959-3-Ordinance-Annexing 155.55 Acres of Land FM 455 and I35-10/19/19598119 ORDINANCE 1959-3 ANNEXING 155.55 ACRES OF LAND FM 455 AND IH-35 0 ' = I T C 1TC . 19 - i- 1` 11. .11 r ]v1.s r .L . =u..l .- 14 i'1 l _1 .1_' T ' _ v ter..: , .s> .i.0, - __UA CIl ; , v., „-_ _C iT, 150 ®50 _ _ T,~. vl Z_-, I ! • 5 -..L _.l.i Git L. , . , _, r ICJ CT ' I T .... :.. _J1 ''l c_ _,i J: , T' 1 v l.0 `- "i, l' -.._. , ' u _.`_G -n ` I i..".. :_ '.r'.1 1 i1. v LT 1L.tJ _:.1 ... 1 1J U- 1T\:'1 i . ..+' . , . ",,''.. 1Ur ' _ T q_ ? VL . _L : C _t . !_T, I _-' ter' SJ I 'v 1 It ... __ 1..1 Llj. .."`. G 1 _J.:- --T ` C J o T- _ i , ?pursuant to the rovi lions o Asti cle Q 74, ?evised CiV'il Statutes Oi '1'e-ias, a majority O$' ti2e inhabitar ts cuali "!ed to vote 'or mer2bers off' the Mate ? esislatUse, o the hereina' ter described territory adjoining and bei ns Conti suous to the city limits o the City o manger,Texas, a municipal corporation, voted i i'avor of said territor r becomins a part or the said Cit r o .;anser, Texas, and presented a petition in v} r it $ n , dated October 3, 1959, to the=':1a;ror and City Council of the said Ci ty o Sanger, Texas, for tine annexati on o said territory 'our ordinance to the said -City of Safer, sisned by a majority o-f' said inhabitants of said territory oLuali ti 7 to vo to for .nembers of t"ne State .egislatur e, and du? ur veri ied by a 'idavit o ' three ai such ii2ha'Oi tan t:s in the manner -crescri bed by 1a f ; aizd - L ', , said - etiti on and supportins a 'idavits u,ras duly oertizied to the City COiti2cil Ot' -;,he itjr Oi Sanser, Texas, On Ccto'cer 13, 1959, br the 'iayor of the City oz Sanser, Texas, 'or appropriate action as authorized by said j sticle 7 , ?evised Civil 'tatutes o Texas, 1V ii J ' , 1' J y-I C ._LJ, 1J .'1tS+'iZ 1V L , riT V tJ V t i y1 JET ' ^ r i'f r 1-6 m ,J The hereina ter described territory, lions and bei n si rusted ?n Benton County,- Texas, adjacent and continuous to the incorporated lir .its of the City of Sa er, Texas, to-s' .t: . 11 that certain land, situated in en on County, Texas, descri bed as o1lov s, to-tw- ta ?Tvl i .JG- a t a -po nt in try e .est li ale o- t a.e tiresent . , City ` r i is of the ty oz' :Sai . er, Texas, vuhere said line crosses the 1:' orth line oz' the tate farm .oad T, o® 455, said ooint beins `75 - eet forth 8a des® 15 min® `:'.pest =roe! a concrete hi shv ray market° in the " 1est line off' the nevr Interstate ' sigh ra r No® 35; -1- r.i lC aloes the Noy th line of said farm road, i\orth 88 deg. 14 min® 41*:Tes t 1, 556 Feet to a point opposi to and North of the Northwest corner of the ia jor T . i.'ioo r e 30.05 acre tract in the HENRY TIERWESTWER SURVEY -vorester su.rvey9 T iv L Sou.th erossins said road and continuing along the center of a dirt road and along thevest property lines of the said i iajor L. l :ioore 30.05 acre tract, the E. 'cker 6.30 acre tract, the _ems. u. GE HAGLER 29.50 acre tract, the Clarence F. MASTEN 9.71 acre tract, the =Olt 10.90 acre tract, the Gene . Rushes 14.8 acre tract, the R. ;.i. Cole 25.28 acre tract, 3, 99'7 , 6 Feet in all to the Southwest corner of said Cole 25.28 acre tract, a point in the center of a gravel road running past and `:;lest along the North line of the R. iI. Kole 60 acre tract in said Tierwester survey; Tip- C was t along the center off' said road 68 feet to the 1'Tcrtheast corner of said 60 acre tract and the Torth7west corner Of the C. R. -ood 131.17 acre tract; TI .. ivCJ South 0 deg. 15 min. est along the center of a gravel road, 2, 256 feet to a point 16 feet North of the South 4°pest corner of said 'Ll"ood tract; `Mjl-rp 1%1C7 along the Korth line deCD rees 3 min. mast 223 feet to a Anarker at the orthvti est corner of the interchange area of sal d Highway 35 at the Sanser South Business Route Exit, Cv aloes the worth line of said interchange right-ofi - ti vay as folloz rs s Tlortheasterly 199.8 feet to amarker, worth 2 deg. 50 min. ' est 25 feet to a marker, T orth 87 deg. 50 min. East crossins said Hishvray i?o. 35, 700 feet i n all to a marker on the East side of said Hishvvay, aloes the fast rigv ht-of-vay of said Inter state igh rvay 1To. 35, i orti . 2 deg. 50 min. -,est 1,845 feet to the South line of said Dresent City Limits, TH]EIivCE ,',Test 120 feet to the Southuvest corner of said City Limits, =; NCJ North aloes the present `.pest line of said City of Sanger, 4, 060 feet, more or less, to the ?E<` C C ' containing in all 155.55 acres of land, and B r. being 24/100ths of one sTaare mile, shall be and the sane is hereby annexed to the said City of Sanger, Teas, and said land and territory shall hereaf ter be a wart of the said City of Sanger, ie .as, a municipal corporation, and all present and future ir+nabitants of said a_nne ed territory sn.a11 be subject to all ordinances of said City of Sanger, Te was, no i n i'orce or hereafter adopted, and shall have, hold, anc -possess, all rights, duties, and obligations held and possessed by all other inhabitants of said it;r of Sanver, Te .as, and all tat:a'ole property in said anne tied area sn.all bear its pro-rata ;part of all taffies CITY cCR `TR _ _ i RtGi levied, accessed, and collected bar said CitJ of a oer, Texas :1 ''C'" Cld ThLs o.rd_i zance shall Become of f ectiv e ors the date of its passage, as ,set 'orth 'oeloNT® - - . ?GV1, this the 19th dad of Cctobe=, 1959® ... _i \J 1 a c v`i- . tT30rTl.e 1' THE T TE C 1' Xfi 0 °. I, ,Cy T® L, Cit,r Secretary of the City of Sanger, V : texas, a municipal corporation, heresy certifT,r that the above * .: " arid: foregoing is a true and correct copy of ordinance no® /ysy..,3 , dul r gassed y the City Council of said City of Sanger, Texas, on /J , as the s am_e a.pnears of record in the offac=ia Or lnance ecor s of said City of Sanger, Texas r Z^ !"` 1,i 'S i • v ] . l l SEAL ®Ti' 0' Fi" , t i s the day - _. of_` De eerrber, 1959 C ii. C C ty Secretary, City off' Sanger, Texas 3 -._-.,„.- _ 3 ` I 'I'he State ®f 'A'eaas I, . . ;\rl `1', l r ; ie da- ajv ems: ouniy of Denton do hereby certify tl±at the €ore ngrac in,ta+s ac xat i xya-a c, t it i i+s c . : : I t4 E hied for reco-rd the---- -------- da} _ _ , ., I _ . c - :; arrd duly recorded the % ---day es - . . — , at o'elo ` - - - :3 ------- -----------_---- i?ecord of er_toL '.out: , e s, mess nay .nd and scai a. oi$icr at i enton, iesas, the day anti year ias¢ a}intc wift _ ... _ .> :,....._.. r,t.,. , k 3 t' „.,,tv c+3r . i?enron :c3., "Texas J