1960-2-Ordinance-Garbage and Refuse Collection System, Garbage Collector-05/16/1960ORDINANCE 1960-2 GARBAGE AND REFUSE COLLECTION SYSTEM, CREATING THE OFFICE OF CITY GARBAGE COLLECTOR :G _ On l, C=fir , : `al _ » : : ..w == Tr L --' Ulir.?I: CC 7T_~. , L v`i :TT v a CC I, CT "` ' ✓j'—) L' .-_fTf 1. v lJ V i .: J nT It J , 1 •.. ^.L'..1 .n _ C '11 _. _i.l t_'{ t✓T J_ LLii...l -tip T-L`.i. f..i1 f'4 : J ✓Cj 1 .._ .J I \i - i L 4. lJ ._i+l i u: i !.v a ..;\ .:J T T —, , l C ..T.'1 T, ' `J O ' -t r. isL ' n r '" 1? ! U J.,Ci. .:. `u I t ! ` : I r' i '' - T.l ..' '. -+ , , the City Council of the City of ar er, Texas, has deter .i ned that in the interest o the public health and S vel 'are of the citizens of the City of an er, Texas, there exists an imperative need 'or a uni orrn. and regular public arba ;e and reuse collection systems. in the City ofi jammer, Texas, under .unicipal control; I Totrr, there 'ore. 1 "-"' IT CST' =+T 'r -,T C —, CCL jC C i-'° C .'-` C y- ' 4 i , r? 1 1v l The position o ' City C-arba e Collector shall be and the sar .e a s hereby created Zth such po ers and duties as are herein or shall be hereafter arescribed by tree City Couneil of the City o an er, Texas® juch position shall be filled by the City Cosine it by appoint. .ent or by co . tract upon bids there 'or, and the City Counei 1 shall ix the remuneration 'or such osition® The City Council shall further provide sor such assistants, ii any, to the City =arba e Collector as shall be necessar T. S'C " C'\ . 3e innin aith the ei 'ective date o this ordinance, the said City arba e Collector shall regularly collect ro . all residences and business establishr .ents in tlR e City of janer, Texas, all arba e, tin cans, re 'use, anc: ocher v aste, exce-ct as herein - alter provided, UThich collections shall be made t lice v ree ly prom residences, and dail r, except jaturday and zrtday, 'ro . business establish .ents. for :purposes o residential arba e collections, the City os jan er shall be and the same i s divided into tv o sections or -1- � " �. �� s �,�, rotl�ee, Z�`:`LTh �Olivar ��i�ree� a� �hQ d iV� d� ��'.�; 1ZSiC., as �011OvuB: GTarl�a�e ;,allec%aons ehall be �.ade morn_ residences el-cuaVed �rOr�h Oi �Ol�Var �-Cii'ee G Dr1 '1�UC',B�a�''.5., c!nC;l �r 1.G.ay sS OI PiaC'iLi Z,, C�ieY'1' ai1€'J. collec�lons shall �e �a.ac.e �ro� reszd ences s � Buz. red you Vh o�' � yid �ol�.�ar ��ree� on ; �On�ays and hursc�ays e --inn, �-,- � m aV1 Ll l �ar-pa�e, �ln cane, reuse, ��_r_d o Sher v rite, to �e collected shall �e placed ; 1 ade�?ua�e and su�ta'cle contalne�-s, �vhzGh ccntaLners shall, on colic-c�ion days, �e placed In �u�l�c alleys or stree-�s adjacent to the -crenlses of said residences aid business e sta�lasi�en �� ® ll �ar�a�e o� ood esta'cll sn�aen is � hall be pep �, i n closed containers, o� awe�ua �c- ca��acity, w�Thic_- sl u�' b e Q�e :t'?e��d .re�1;i�`:"�y® __�,^:;___".���.-��01_1 D� �ar�a�e OZ° O �i1e?" �`,•'�.��e� ''I�i.Ci:Ln, under, or around any builctii2� used as a food establis���ent shall be ��rohibited® ���0 trace, li;Ylbs, UrL:e'�, bu ehee, �r asses, �.'?ee�.a, leaT:eS, e_r€.:t�e, Or r�.aterial c "?'�Q c2�.racUer Or carcasses Of' dead animals Shall be c0�180�r..'Q. aTiCz �s:le p �ac3ly v i.�1Q aaic � n �ar�ave O i r�v��.�Se containers l�or collection is hereby pro:�:�ibiteda �U�l��v `-h e i 011Oti'Tn� �.andatory uOn-vi21y char�eS shah b e levied a12d collected by the ��ty o� �ai�er for �arbaQe col � ecti one hereunder, �o-�°.,ri �m _�es�.dences, includi.n� apart�.ents �}0.5a �L?slnesees=_�140Ci ;`aid char;�eS Shall appear On "�h�e regular LiO�.t_�3.1T�' etatC:=lento Os' the ���'Gj% O '�ai.�Gr �O?' ��'Tater, SC:'b'�Ter, a_2� electric SerViceS, wind SY'iall be j�a;�able �'�itli, cS�C. GvllcQte��,. -i'i+itt, said �Tater, ee`v^Ter, and electric Ci3ar�eS g .. �-;C � i 01 � 6 e ��"1''e OrG �11a.�'"?G e Si�a�.s �ecO�.e el�'tec"�1-Ge �r0� c�.�1C_ ai ver brie v a'�e Ol BLS i?Ltbli Cai�i C n aS a�10�ided fur la�T�.r® -2- `-h e i 011Oti'Tn� �.andatory uOn-vi21y char�eS shah b e levied a12d collected by the ��ty o� �ai�er for �arbaQe col � ecti one hereunder, �o-�°.,ri �m _�es�.dences, includi.n� apart�.ents �}0.5a �L?slnesees=_�140Ci ;`aid char;�eS Shall appear On "�h�e regular LiO�.t_�3.1T�' etatC:=lento Os' the ���'Gj% O '�ai.�Gr �O?' ��'Tater, SC:'b'�Ter, a_2� electric SerViceS, wind SY'iall be j�a;�able �'�itli, cS�C. GvllcQte��,. -i'i+itt, said �Tater, ee`v^Ter, and electric Ci3ar�eS g .. �-;C � i 01 � 6 e ��"1''e OrG �11a.�'"?G e Si�a�.s �ecO�.e el�'tec"�1-Ge �r0� c�.�1C_ ai ver brie v a'�e Ol BLS i?Ltbli Cai�i C n aS a�10�ided fur la�T�.r® -2- z / t2e / y 6z2 o2 T\\, r s ec. 2 y 207e6 »//to 2o2R: %tb2&e/ &