1962-1-Ordinance-Vaccination, Running at Large, and Impounding Dogs-04/16/1961ORDINANCE NO 1962-1 REQUIRING THAT ALL DOGS MORE THAN THREE MONTHS OLD BE VACCINATED AGAINST RABIES, RUNNING AL LARGE OF DOGS IMPOUNDING OF DOGS !-! ! i r •' CA' i r - i •!1' i !s. l l '! 1l '' / I i r! a' ! ' - !: r[ 'i' ! / !i ''! C ,! i i ..! !' 1 ! t ! '! ! ! r !- g, s! i! s! ' • ; Ali ! ' i ■ ! ■ ... t.' i !'.. r a i ► ■ • - '.! i r 1< l ! % ! - !1 •. - •.. , • - - - • - • . • •' - • 1 •x - •f •' • • • • • - . • - • '. ♦ • I • 1E ' • • x t • • - • • - - •. i - •. - • • - • i . - • - ^ t 11 - - • • i1 • • 9 • - • • :_ • ••; x ,!' 11c '• - - ate• • • • 11-- t •.a• • • as • - •• - • -r. • • s -1x • --_• • • • • 1 • - - • s • • a • rx ` 1r- •• • -1r •- - -• • . r s � � r�1 r . - - - • t - - • • ♦ •- • - r 1. • r • - ^• •- -• '• su:: - - •- ■ • ,i�! 1: • - •. ' t f.. • • rl •. •,. ' • - •.. f ' - 1'.... • • • - - - • -• -rt,, u- • •- - • • •..• • . • ♦ t rr • • t - - • 1 ! ) 1 . r' • i r �+ rrU�• - -• �• - • •�• - Yt �.- • L. '. • : • • �:.; - ri • -. • • t • :: • • ! - •^ •�• - • •�- • • • �a:s_: _ s i • l • • i. .. _. � �! r �. r. � ,. . -a- -• •- �r • - • •-- -•• -• • • - C � • - • • s - • - c t r� - E r • • • - •, ,:• . • 0 -CX!JME_VInMLMLIL"T ILMLMDLxl IJIVIEP, It shall be the duty of the owner or reterinarian to report to the Police De ?abies with - comes in contact •^^ directed. a -•sshall • • •suspicion •' • - • ♦, • / : •: • • +a - • a made immediately upon •rabies. • � A iny person violating the provisions of any of the foregoing articles pertaining to dogs -shall be guilty of a misdemeanor i -dp upon convictionp not exceeding Two Hundred ind shall be fine ind no/100 ($i i Dollars. Iny person who shall harbor or keep on his premises or in or a.bout his premisesp or premises under his control, any dog or animal of the dog kind which by loud or unusual barking or owling, shall cause the peace and quiet of the neighborhood or the occupants of adjacent premises to be disturbed, shall be uilty of a misdemeanor, • upon conviction, shall be fined lot exceeding Two Hundred and no/100 ($200.00) Dollars, and • every - . •,,r hours that said •s• remain shall or a kept on any such premises shall constitute a separate offense. A.M. T - I;Ife . •S or t orr, caror olice officer shall have the right, but shall not be required, 0 1 diately destroy or cause to be -destroyed, any animal of imme he ••• kind which has • been -•; r or •. Which the equired vaccination tag has not been attached as heretofore rovided, when such dog cannot be caught for impoundment or when uch animal is deemed •o • ^ dangerous t!• the public, 7emaining parts of • - and the City Councilhereby leclares that it Would -have passed the remai ing parts of this )rdinance if it had -known that such part or parts thereof would a declared invalid* WOOMIMOR existing :*SpeaI5CL,v proviaea nowever that the repeal of ordinances )y this ordinance shall not or prevent the prosecution or -done or committed am ?unishment of any person for any act iolation of any ordinance hereby repealed prior to the taking iffect of ordinance; but Prosecution '• offenses may )f the peace of the community, and the fact that the present 0 -dogs I the City of Sanger )rdinances governin the control of in ire deemed inadequate to control such dogs within the City Limits il• G t f - • •:" 1 il. Nam. f t- C • HmT a T: ll ._P / / ` ity Secretax°y