1970-3-Ordinance-Regulating Trailer Coach Parking-05/18/1970ORDINANCE NO 1970-3 REGULATING TRAILERS COACH PARKING IN THE CORPORATE LIMITS ANGER, TEXAS, PROVIDING A. PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THER F AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY, zlocks,or skirtings,so designated or ., as it o perml occupancy for dwelling or sleeping purposes. Prsiler I'ar shall mean and site, lot, field,aor tract of ground upon which ten or more trailer coaches are placed, and shall include any building, structure, tent, vehicle or enclosure used or intended for use as a part of the equip® went of such park® rainedr r_ cornesAl arkers for f a trailer coachor a trailer oach and tow car. I i y rr, r• r r +. r y a U C uly licensed and lawful trailer coach park, and/or an ap roved at location. personobtain therefor. coachparks in existance upon the effective date of Chapterxh is C ha his a (90) days thereafter rr othericense and all y. f this Chapter. hree 3 units, or fraction thereofq and fifteen dollars for r units,or ♦ y. dollarfq nd the sum- of one 1l) for each additional nd ! permit shall expire ohich it n December 31st of the year in was y" of any permit :" g ess than 9 year r run before the expirati y I '. n provided, shall be prorated; such perrAt shall not be issued or 7t of 1 prioration for renewal of permits shall be within thirty (30) ays T expiration,i for S full mrouths period Applications'he City Secretary, and upon approval by City Secretary a the hall issue the license. 1 r be i igned by the applicant,a L' he following.w (Il} The locratiora arad legal description of the trailer coach park. (C} �1 complete plan of the park showing coaa:pliaraces with Section 7 hereof® (31} Plans and specifications of all buildings and other improvements constructed, or to be constructed within the trailer coach parr. (E} Such further information as may tse requested by -the City Secretary, to determine if the trailer coach park will comply with the legal requirements. If the applicant is found to be of good moral character and the trailer coach parr will be in compliance with all provisions of this Chapter and all other applicable ordinances or statutes, the City Secretary may approve the application, and in the case of proposed parka, make such approval contingent upon completion of the park according to the plans and speci® fications submitted with the application. The Secretary, at the directiontif the City Couneil, h ll�issue the license, 6 ® TRAILER COACH Sl,l%tjICla; 1D IIdSPI'ICTION FEE* ♦ a y; rt a herebyy a a a a r owl no fee is imposed on ycoach .. y, y more than y days, (} Occupancy of Trailer Coach Prohibited Where Fee Not 1'airl. It si�aall be unlawful for any persona to reside in or otherwise occupy a trailer coach on which the service and inspection. fee has not been paid. (C) Collection of fees, Trailers in Parks. The licensee of each trailer coach park shall make demand upon and collect from the occupants of each trailer coach in his park the service and inspection fee imposed by this Section. Such licensee shall pay the amounts so collect® ed by him to the Secretary within ten (10) days after the expiration of each calendar rionth. Such licensee shall be furnished by the City with printed receipt forms in quadruplicate, which shall be filled out by the liven® see showing the name of the person making the payment, the make, model, length and license number of the trailer coach, the amount paid, and also the period of time for Yen suen payment * macate,1e original receipt copiese delivered to the person making the payment and two shall be i theSecretary, and ensee shall keep the remaining COPY, /- Y T T MLY er u f Rc n e er be the duty of the licensee of each trailer coach park to notify the Secretary, or some other person designated by him, of each trailer coach in his park on which the service fi inspection fee is unpaid, giving 1..." make, model, i Y J and license numberof the trailer coach,and the it' u of each resident or occupant thereof. noticeSuch be given within one i 1 the date of is era r: cause each licensee of a trailer coach park to be bonded with a fidelity bond penal sum of one thousand. dollars ($1,000.00). Such bond shall be in a form approved o ny corporate surety licensed to do business in the State of Texas, indemnify7st the loss of any and all amounts collected by such licensee under the provisions of this Section, ® •1�,E.1� A 1 SJ Ai� rJ i7 �4�i1 �i''d14� ��iJi�1'6 he trailer coach park shall conform to the following require® rnents pools of coachB) Trailer r i consisting of minimum of one # i for space, Which shall be H clearlyand r, mshallbe so 1 r ed on p # (201) clearance between trailer coachesq* 1 «i that respect to trailer raparked ''7!d to end, the end coachesto end clearance between trailer i i; twenty shall F be less than fifteen feet from building or from' ty line bounding the park. �C) the Park flan required by Section 5 shall provide a legal description and �a� clearly setting out the following in® formation a le The extent and area to be used for park purposes, 2Driveways at entrances and exitss roadway$ and walk ways, sites Location coaches; of for trailer r # H;. r= rltr- Veth ► i' and i, of disposal 9® Such further inforAAA" tiora as may be rect�ested try the City Secretary® very trailer park shall have City water connections when avail� ` ble furnishing an ample9supply of water and shall r connected with the sanitary sewer M available and adequate rovisions shall be ma1. for i R removal S of nd garbage. 9, �Ls�IS`T'I�a�. C� (3CCI71'.TSa It shall be the duty of the licensee to keep a register containing a record of all trailer coach owners and occupants located within the parr® The register shall contain the following information0 (� The make, model and year of all automobiles end trailer coaches. (C) License number and owner of each trailer coach and auto® mobile by which it is towed® Rther officials whose duties necessitate acquisition cf the1 ation contained in the register. The register records shall not e destroyed for a period of two (2) years following the date of .egistration. ourt of competent jurisdiction of violating any 'T provisions his Chapter. After such conviction, the license way be reissued f the circumstances leading to conviction have been remedied r�nd Vie park is being maintained and. operated in full compliance the law and the provisiohs of th Is Chapter. or oixense, A separiM us Mille RRMY 17 u7it IL pon each day during which a violation occurs or continues. forceore tham one occasion be, and the same is hereby, waived and th* rdinance shall now be placed on its final reading to its passag nd shall be in full ! and after its passage nd approval. !a this 180 day of May 1970* 44 City of Sanger, Texas CM,iM' 1'AM" """