04-16-1973-Ordinance-Adopting Solid Waste Regulation-04/16/1973City of Sanger Solid Waste Ordinance WHEREAS, it is the desire op, 'the City Council of the City of Sanger to revise and update tYi. City's Ordinances with re- spect to the collection, removal and disposal of municipal solid wastes within the City of Sanger; and to provide for the collec® tion and removal of illegally dumped solid wastes on properties where such wastes constitute a nuisance detrimental to the pub® lic health and welfare; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Council of the City of Sanger to offer municipal solid waste disposal service to ithin its bounda"lest to require the use of certain parties w such service, to charge fees therefor, to establish said ser® vice as a utility separate from other utilities within its boundaries, to provide a means for enforcing collection of fees for such municipal solid waste disposal service, including but not restricted to the suspension of the water and/or sanitary sewer service supplied to such parties by the City of Sanger to those parties who become delinquent in payment for the solid waste disposal service, all as set forth herein, the authority for which is set forth in Sectior!:13 of. the County Solid Waste Control Act, Chapter 516, House B11 No. 727, 62nd Legislature® Regular Session, 1971; and WHEREAS, the collection and disposal of garbage are matters so intimately connected with the preservation of public health and the suppression of disease that the regulation thereof is an essential, necessary and proper exercise of police and other powers by the City; CI7° CARP ORIGINAL COPY NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXASs SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS. The following words and phrases shall have the meanings herein ascribed to them. Premises shall be taken to mean business house, board® ing house, office, theater, hotel, motel, restaurant, cafe, eating house, tourist court, trailer court, apartment, san® itarium, rest home, rooming house, school, private residence including mobil homes, vacant lot, and other places or pro- perty within the city limits of the City of Sanger, Texas, where refuse, either gargabe, trash, or rubbish accumulates. , Refuse shall mean all solid wastes, including garbage, trash and rubbish. Garbage shall mean all putrescible wastes, except sewage and body wastes, including all meat, vegetable, and fruit refuse, and carcasses of small dead animals and dead fowls from any premises within the City limits. Trash or rubbish shall be held to mean any matter such as paper, cardboard, rags, wooden boxes, leaves, flowers, trim- mings, lawn cuttings free from dirt and debris, tree limbs (cut into 3-foot lengths), bottles, broken glass and ceramics, tin cans, and other similar matter not tending to rapid decay or putrefacation. Debris shall mean matter such as rocks, stones, dirt and other similar noncombustible matter Cit means the City of Sanger Persons means an individual, persan, firm, corporation or association and political subdivision of the State of Texas Vehicle means every device in or by which any person or pro- perty is or may be transported or drawn upon a public high- way. City Secretar r shall mean the City Secretary of the City of Sanger, Texas, or his authorized agent. SECTION 2. CONTAINERS REQUIRED. It shall be the duty of every person, firm or corporation owning, managing, operating, leas- ing or renting any premises or any place where garbage or trash accumulates, to provide, and at all times to maintain in good order and repair on any said premises, a portable container or containers for refuse, which shall be made of galvanized metal or quality plastic, watertight, rodent and fly -proof with a tightfitting lid which shall remain on except when depositing or removing the contents of the receptacle, and with handles on the sides, and of sufficient capacity and in sufficient numbers to accomodate and securely keep all the garbage and/or trash that may accumulate between collections; provided, thateach such container for residential use shall have a capacity of not more than twenty (2.0) gallons,, All containers shall be kept clean and free from accumulation of any substance remaining attached to inside of container which would attract or breed flies, mosquitoes or any other insects. SECTION 3. ....,,PLACING GARBAGE AND RUBBISH IN RECEPTA�:LES. It shall be the duty of every person, firm or corporation owning, managing, operating, leasing or renting any premises to place the daily accumulations of garbage and rubbish in the container or containers required herein, and it shall be the duty of every person placing garbage in any such containers to eliminate as far as possible all water or other liquids from such garbage by securely wrapping garbage in paper before placing same in such container if necessary. SECTION �. MATERIALS NOT SUITED TO PLACEMEN'i IN CONTAINERS. All ordinary accumulations of rubbish such as tree limbs and scrap lumber which cannot be conveniently placed in the con® tainers required under this ordinance shall be cut into lengths not to exceed three (3) feet, baled, tied or sacked in compact bundles and placed in�a location easily accessible to the collector. A reasonable amount of material such as scrap lumber and fire wood may be stored on the premises but it shall be racked and stacked eighteen (18) inches above the ground. ECTIOII •I-CLAUJAIG UITIVDIIIIEN6j • 1 • (a). Pick -up -time and Placement of Containers- Any person in possession or control of premises, desiring to place garbage or trash for collection by the City shall place container containing same adjacent to or near the curb in the front of or on the side of his property, along designated garbage routes as fixed by the City, not later than seven o'clock a.m. (b). Removal of Containers after Pick-u After the containers have been emptied by the garbage collectors, the owner of the container shall remove same from the street not later than eight o'clock p.m. of the same day and store such container on his property, but not in a front yard or a side yard adjacent to a public street. .- . .- ontainers within a public streeton designated collection day. SECTION 6. COLLECTION OF GARBAGE AND TRASH. (a). Collection Frequency. The City of Sanger, Texas, shall collect refuse from the residential areas of the City not less than twice weekly and from the business areas of the City up to five .(5� days per week; provided, any person in possession or control of any premises shall place the containers required in a location easily acces- sible for the collector, as directed by the City Secretary. b). Proper Containers Reters to be (c). ContainContents -.. - u _• - ••. -ITINIUMMALUMMIR wired. All trash except tree be placed in appropriate wea- eligible for collection. mited. Containers having s, will not be eligible for )f garbage, trash and/or • • < .e excluded from • • •.• • ,r_ •ram" Department •• notice • w • disposed of by person • . firm having - current issued by the City, at the total expense of the person in possession or control of such premises; howeverg such ex- elusion from City collection shall not waive the minimum _._.., charge for each premises,{which shall be considered as eon® tributing to the maintenance and operation of the dumping grounds. SECTION 8. DSSPOSAL OF HEAVY DEAD ANSMALS. Heavy dead ar��.m;�:1.�>, such as cows, horses and mules, shall be removed and disposed of at the total expense of the owner or person having same in charge by burying on premises with four (4) foot cover, remo- val by a commercial rendering plant, or by a method directed by the City Secretary. �" SECTION 9. HEAVY ACCUMULATION OF DEBRIS. Heavy accumulations such as brush, broken concrete, ashes, sand or gravel, auto- mobile frames, dead trees, and other bulky, heavy materials shall be disposed of at the total expense of the owner or - person in possession or control of the premises, by a method directed by the City Secretary. SECTION 10. WASTES FROM ANIMAL PENS AND SERVICE STATIONS. Manure from cowlots, horse stables, poultry yards, pigeon lofts, and other animal or fowl pens, and waste oils from garages or fI lling stations shall be removed and disposed of at the total expense of the person in possession or control of the premises, by a method directed by the City Secretary. (a). Placement in Streets or A11e�rs Prohibited - The placing of garbage or rubbish or any refuse material in any street or alley within the city limits or the disposal of such refuse at any place within the city limits is pro- hibited, except at the city dumping grounds or at such other place as may be directed by the City Secretary. SECTION 12, ILLEGAL TO MEDDLE OR TAMPER WITH CONTAINERS. The meddling or tampering with refuse'containers or in any way pilfering, scattering contents or junking in any alley or street within the City limits is prohibited. SECTION 13. INSPECTION OE PREMISES, It shall be the duty of the City Secretary or his authorized agent, and he is hereby directed, to make all necessary inspections and investigations of any and all premises to see that the terms of this ordinance are complied with. SECTION 11�. RATES.,... Each premises within the corporate limits of the City of Sanger served from the public water supply shall be charged for garbage and trash collection and removal; except, commercial establishments may contract with a commercial hauler, duly licensed by the City of Sanger, to remove any garbage, trash and/or rubbish, and pay to the City the minimum charge to defray the expense of operating and maintaining the dumping grounds. Residential Rates. 1. Residential Premises. The charge for collecting refuse from residential premises shall be $3.00 a month. 2. Mobile Homes. A mobile home shall be considered as a resi� dential premises, when occupied as such, for the purpose herein of fixing the rate for collecting refuse from such premises and the charge therefore shall be $3.00 for each month. Mobile -,Home Park Operator to Collect® Remit Fees. Each mobile home park operator shall collect by the fifth day of each calendar month the above prescribed charge from the owner or occupany of each mobile home located within the mobile home park on the first day of the said month and the mobile home park operator shall remit the total amount collected to the City Clerk of the City of Sanger by the 10th day of said month. When a trailer is in storage and no garbage or refuse is being collected therefrom, no garbage fee shall be charged or collected for any such mobile home in storage status, nor for any camping or travel trailer stored in the mobile home park. Violations= Mobile Home Owner or Operator. It shall be a violation of this Ordinance for the owner or occupant of any such mobile home to fail to pay the charge for collect- ing refuse prescribed hereby or for the mobile home park operator to willfully refuse to collect such fees and remit same as prescri°bed hereinabdve, provided, however, the mobile home park operator shall not be in violation of this Ordinance for refusal to collect such fees if the owner or occupant of a mobile home fails or refuses to pay such charges to the said mobile home park operator and the City is notified by such operator of the failure or refusal to pay such charge, Commercial Rates -.Table of monthly charges Quantity of Solid Waste Number of 20 gallon containers Containers Gallons Cubic Yards 1�5, 100 2 6-10 200 300 �00 500 600 1 SECTION 15, ZICENSIIVG OF PRIVATE HAULERS® !Number of per week Collections . QV $6.�000� $100a]...fa 8, 12 *46 20, 0,& 00 11. 1 .00 17,00 20,00 16.50 21,00 25.50 30,00 27.50 35.00 42,50 00 50. a, License Application and Fee, Any person or firm desiring a license to contract for collection, removal and disposal of garbage, trash, or industrial waste shall make an appropriate application to the City Secretary, who shall make such investi- gation as may be necessary to determine whether or not the public convenience and necessity requires the granting of such license, the charge for which shall be $25.00 for each calendar year of operation or fractional part thereof, payable with the application, Renewal for such permit shall be made on or before the second (2nd) day of January each year following, accompanied by the 25-00 annual fee. b, License Non -Transferrable. Revocable Without Refund. All license so granted shall by the City at any time in its judgment such action is deemed to City Secretary shall determine if the applicant is fit and proper to conduct such business, and the application shall set forth the name and address of the applicant; the business name under which the applicant does or proposes to do business; the number of vehicles the applicant desires to operate; the class, size and design of each vehicle; whether or not the appli- cant has been convicted of the violation of any national, state, or municipal law, and whether or not the applicant, or any per- sons with whom he has been associated or employed, has a claim or judgment against him for damages resulting from the negligent operation of a vehicle; the financial ability and responsibility of the applicant; his ability to respond in damages in the event of damages to persons or damage to property by reason of the negligent operation of a, vehicle on the streets or thoroughfares of the City; such applicant shall produce public liability in- surance policy for the full term of the license period in the amount of not less than Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) each person and Twenty Thousand Dollars (209000.00) each accident, and Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) property damage, the nature and character of the service the applicant proposes to render; the experience he has had in rendering such service; the patrons for whom he proposes to render this service; a schedule of such service, and such other information as the City Secretary may deem relevant, Any vehicle to be used for hauling garbage, trash and/or rubbish as provided for in this section shall be water- tight and totally contain and enclose all materials being hauled, appropriately marked with an identifying sign, and shall be made available for inspection by and receive written approval from the City Secretary prior to its use, SECTION 16, HAULING SCRAP LUMBER, BUILDING 1VIATERIALS, Any vehicle utilized by a person or firm, whether owned or hired, to transport scrap lumber and/or building materials along or across any public street or alley within the City limits shall have side boards and a tail gate equal to or greater than the height of the Load being transported and adequate to contain the materials being hauled, and the tail gate shall be closed and securely fas- tened, SECTION 17, DESIGNATED TRASH COLLECTI��7N DAYS. One day each week shall be designated by the City Secretary as trash pick-up day, Any person having trash accumulation greater than can reasonably be handled by normal collection of garbage and trash as herein - above provided shall notify the City, and the City shall collect .....:..... such trash on such day so designated. SECTION 18. SPECIAL TRASH COLLECTION REQUEST. In the event that a special request is made for removal of trash on any day other than the designated trash pick-up day there shall be made a special removal charge of $10.00 for each such collection whe- ther the same be a partial or a full truck load. ORICORPORATIONS License and Fees Required. No person except July authorized agents, and employees of the City, shall empty ,arbage cans or trash receptacles • or conveyor transport ,arbage or trash to any dump or dumps owned or maintained by 'he City without a written license for each vehicle used for uch purpose granted and issued by the City of Sanger and wlth� ut having paid the required fee as herein prescribeds Fee Schedule 1: Earth, rocks and inert material suitable for cover of refuse, nog charge. 2. Passenger cars, station wagons, and pickups used by Sanger residents to haul owner's waste. - no charge 3: Passenger cars, station wagons, and pickups used by non. Sanger resident owners to haul owner's waste $50.00 per year or $2.00 per load to be paid at the City Office. 4 Commercial pick-ups, panel trucks, and single -axle trailers $2.00 per load. 5. Trucks, two axle- with cargo bed less than 15 feet or trailer two axle $5.00 6. Trucks, three axle or truck, two axle with cargo bed length 15 ft. or greater $7.00 per load. 7. Trucks, semi -trailers or roll -off containers $10.00 per load. 8. Truck, Compactor, 30 C.X. or less $15.00 per load. 9. Truck, compactor, greater than 30 C. Y. - $20.00 per load. 10. Trucks, liquid wastes - $10.00 per load. 11. Any load including tires or waste rubber - $3.00 additional charge per load. 12. Disposal service charges shall be payable at the City Office. No cash will be exchanged at the municipal waste disposal site. Residents of the City of Sanger may dump their own wastes at no charge by presenting their utility bill to the atten- dant. Non-residents must present coupon purchased at the City Office. Commercial haulers must have a licensed haulers permit as well as coupons purchased at the to use the City Solid Waste Disposal SECTION 20. REGULATING THE COLI,ECTI City Office in order Site. Notice to Remove® It shall be the duty of the Public Health Officer of the City of Sanger to notify the owner or agent for management purposes of any private premises within the City upon which any solid waste material has been illegally placed or dis- posed to remove such solid waste materials within ten (10) days. This notice shall be in writing and may be served on the Owner or such agent by handing it to him in person or by Registered Mail addressed to such owner or agent at his Post Office address as shown on the Tax rolls of the City of Sanger, or where such address is not shown, then by notice by publication in a paper of general circulation in the City of Sanger as many as two (2) times within ten (10) consecutive days, provided that such notice is not necessary when such waste material is determined by the Public health Officer to be an immediate health hazard. _ Failure to Comply With Removal Notice. The failure by either the Owner or such agent, as the case may be, to comply with the notice set out in the preceding section, shall render such person guilty of a separate offense for. each and every day or portion thereof during which the violation is continued or permitted, and upon the conviction of any such violation, such person shall be punishable by a fine of not more than Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollars. City Authorized to Collect and Remove Solid Waste Materials. Upon the failure of any such Owner or Agent to comply with the notice as set out in this Secta.on, or upon the written request and authorization of such owner or agent so notified, or in the event that the Public Health Officer determines that such d.ondition constiture an immediate health hazard, it shall become the res- ponsibility of the City Secretary to have such solid waste mate- rials collected and removed from any property within the City of Sanger. Charge to be Levied and Collected y the Cit - For Solid Waste Material Collection and Removals A charge of Twenty -Five Dollars $25,00 for each collection and removal of solid waste materials shall be levied, assessed and collected against such property each time such collection and removal of solid waste materials shall be performed, provided that an additional charge can be levied, assessed and collected against such premises for the actual additional cost for said collection and removal. The charges provided for herein shall be levied, assessed and collect- ed by the City Secretary of the City of Sanger, and if any person shall fail to pay such charges so assessed within thirty (30) days after proper notice, the City Secretary of the City of Sanger will file, with the County Clerk of Denton County, Texas, a statement by the City Secretary, setting out the expenses that the City has incurred pursuant to the provisions of this Sec- tion, and the City of Sanger shall thereby perfect a Priviledged Lien on the Property involved, second only to tax liens and Liens for street improvements, to secure the expense to,the City, together with ten (10%) percent interest from the date such payment is due. SECTION 21. PENALTY FOR VIOLATION. Any person, association of persons, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, or failing to comply therewith, or with any of the requirements thereof, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined any sum not less than five dollars ($5.00) nor more than two hundred dollars ($200.00), and each day any such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 22. REPEAL OF CONFLICTING ORDINANCES. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in force when the provisions of this ordinance become effective which are inconsistent or in con® flict with the terms or provisions contained in this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of any such conflict. SECTION 2 SEPARABILITY. If any section, article, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase contained in this ordinance, or if the application thereof to any person or circumstances, is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect any other provisions or applications of this ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and the provisions of this ordinance are hereby declared to be severable. SECTION 2�. PUBLICATION OF CAPTION The City Secretary shall cause to be published in the official publication %J the City of Sanger, a descriptive caption of this ordinance and the penalty for violation thereof, within ten (10) days after the -11- passage hereof. SECTION 25, EMERGENCY CLAUSE. The fact that the present ordi- nance of said City of Sanger, Texas, pertaining to the collection and removal of solid waste is wholly inadequate, and does not provide sufficient and reasonable fees for the operation of the City of Sanger's municipal sanitation service within said City in order to promote the safety and welfare of said City constitutes and creates an emergency and an imperative public necessity, that the rule requiring ordinances to be read at three meetings of the City Council of said City before final passage, be, and the same is, hereby suspended, and this ordinance shall be placed on its third and final reading to its passage, and the same shall be in full force and effect from the date after its passage, approval and publication, and it is so ordaineds PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE DAY OF r 1)1 A,D® 1973 Attest s i' ' - City Secretary of the® City of Sanger APPROVED AS TO FORM AiVD LEGALITYs Ail_