1971-1-Ordinance-Central Telephone Company Rates-02/08/1971ORDINANCE 1971-1 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING RATES TO BE Un6.nuLD B1 CENTRAL TELEPHONE CQMPAN 3 INCORPQR iTED3 FUR BT?O.Lt SS STR '`iIGHT LINE, BL SIIMSS E 'fENSION, RESIDENT STRAIGHT LINE, RESIDENT TTO PARTS LATE, RESIDENT FQUR PART LIi TE, At11D RESIDENT EXTENSION, TvITHIN THE CITI OF SA vGER3 TERAS, AND AI T TDIT3G PROPOSAL OF CENTRAL TELEPHONE CCIJ3PA1 3 INCORPQRATED, ADCFTED iiiiiiiiiiiiiii POSAL ESTABLISHES Rt TES FOR SUCH SLRVICES ZTHIN THE CITE QF SA' TGER, TEXAS Line and Resident Extension service within the City of Sanger, Texa.s, does not provide a reasonable return on the investment of Central Telephone Company, Ems 'WHEREAS the City Goazneil finds it to be in the best interest of the general e of the City of Sanger, Texas, to change the existing rate schedule b:fj increasing the rates authorized to be charged to residents of the City of Sanger ror Business Straight Line, Business Extension, Resident Straight Line, Resident wo Party Lin Resident Four Party Line and Resident Extension Service; N OU, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITE OF SZNGER, Tv=X Sz lele one OMpany,, =OrpOrclted acLopted by the City of Sanger on July 20, Resident Str2ilght Line. Resident Two Party Line., Resident Four Party Lirfl Business Straight Line Service 7.7_ 5® per month Business Extension 1®75 per month Resident Straight Line Service 6®10 per month Resident Taro Fartdr Line Service 5.00 per month Resident Four Part r Line Service .®50 per month .- - i 1 R: T" ' • t • • • i ,,