03-22-11-Ordinance-Annexing Tract 53 in the John Morton Survey along Union Hill Road-03/21/2011ORDINANCE 03-2241 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING THE HEREIN AFTER DESCRIBED AREA ALONG, UNION HILL ROAD TO THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON. COUNTY, TEXAS, AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED AREA WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS AND GRANTING TO SAID AREA AND TO ALL FUTURE INHABITANTS OF SAID PROPERTY ALL OF THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING SAID FUTURE INHABITANTS BY ALL OF THE ACTS AND ORDINANCE OF SAID CITY; WHEREAS, the City of Sanger is authorized to annex area in accordance with V.T.C.A. Local Goveriu-nent Code 43.028 and its home rule charter and by statute; and WHEREAS, the owner of said area, Denton County, has submitted a petition to the City of Sanger to amzex the area, that the area is less than one-half mile in width, that the area is contiguous to the present city limits, that the area is vacant; and WHEREAS, the City of Sanger has granted said petition to annex the area; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1. The area hereinafter described is hereby annexed into the city, and that the boundary limits of the City are hereby extended to include said territory within the city limits, and the same shall hereafter be included within the territorial limits of said city, and said land and the fixture ird-iabitants thereof shall hereafter be entitled to all rights and privileges of other citizens of the City and shall be bound by the acts and ordinances of said City. The area is a 20-acre .portion of a property legally described as Tract 53 of the John Morton Survey, located along the south side of Union Hill Road approximately 1,164 feet west of the intersection of Union. Hill Road and FM 455, more specifically described in the attached Exhibit A. Section 2. The City Secretary is hereby directed to file with the Denton County Clerk and other appropriate officials and agencies, as required by estate and federal law and city annexation procedures, certified copies of this ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on this 21st day of Maych;120at1, APPROVED: t ATTEST: i a Mayor Thomas Muir City Secretary Taini Taber'' j yV Exhibit A: Land Title Survey ,•f�r�'� %+fir<.I�°`� ,.;l�`� A+ t. aJtft,�At1 �):iy'L j'y�t' 2H EXHIBIT "A' BEING A 20,000 ACRE TRACT OF LAND SITUATED IN THE JOHN MORTON SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 792, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS AND BEING A PORTION OF THAT CERTAIN 125,344 ACRE TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN DEED TO HUGH Z. PRUETT AND SANDRA B. PRUETT AS RECORDED {N DOCUMENT NUMBER 2010-56178 OF THE REAL PROPERTY RECORDS OF DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, SAID 20.000 ACRE TRACT BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING at a 1/2 Inch Iron rod found for the southwest corner of said 125.344 acre tract, also being the northwest corner of that certain tract of land described in deed to Lloyd Melvin Lines and Mary Ellen Lines, as recorded In Document Number 1993-10537 Of said Real Property Records, also lying In the east line of that certain tract of land described in deed to The Miller Family Trust, as recorded In Document Number 1994.89291 of said Real Property Records, and in the common east line of the Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract Number 29, and the west line of said John Motion Survey, from which a 112 inch capped Iron rod found stamped "Metroplex 1'849" bears S 89' 29' 15" E, a distance of 2202.53 feet, [record is S 89° 26' 54" E - 2205.58 feet], being the southeast corner of the said 125,344 acre tract; THENCE N 00' 28' 56" E, along the west line of said 125.344 acre tract, the east line of said Miller Family Trust tract, and said common survey fine, along and near a fence, a distanca of 1505.22 feet to a 5/8 inch capped iron rod set and stamped "TNP" for the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described tract; THENCE N 00 28' 56" E, continuing along said line, a distance of 9B0.22 feet to 5/8 inch capped iron rod set and stamped "TNP", beside a dilapidated wooden fence post, lying In the south line of Union Hill Road, a variable width right-of-way, for the northwest corner hereof; THENCE N 89° 34' 38" E, along the north fine of- said 125,344 acre tract, the south line of said Union Hill Road, along and near a fence, a distance of 888.89 feet to a 5/8 Inch capped Iron rod set and stamped "TNP" for the northeaGt corner hereof, from which a concrete right-of-way monument found bears N 89" 34' 38" E, a distance of 1164"03 feet, being the most northerly northeast corner of sald 125;344 acre•traot THENCE S 00° 28' 56" W, departing said north fine, and the south line of said Union Hill Road, over and across said 125.344 acre tract, a distance of 980.22 feet to a 5/8 inch capped Iron rod set and stamped "TNP" for the southeast corner hereof; T HENCE S 89°• 34' 38" W, continuing over and across said 125,344 acre tract, a didtanoe of 888.89 feet fc, the POINT OF BEGINNING,.and containing 20,000 acres of land more or less. ANNEXATION RESOLUTION —Union Hill Road Property Page. 3 of 4 P23 ORDINANCE 03-22-11 EXHIBIT A: Metes and bounds description of annexed area 1-7 9N H CC, — D PETER C. NI11 a a NO I9D9]-Bore DOG 110 yy} RJ'. AT. R➢.LD.C1. 0 DOC ND 2DOFIie031 R.PJID.CT. D Y k tl' � t! I'w[a<.¢NN I.�JnrT-ixaR' namsnrt Twwr UIIIO HE RPOV yP I q �+r.,•'a • uw ea rrna aoen H B9'74'09' E-89B•e9' ru w®Gn ru a4: IIUB-JYW-E - B . CLL[LD AND DH ER Z PRUAND SAII — IIUDRA 0 a PRUEIT DOCUNLHf R 2010-JBt]e ' ft.f.'DP.R.D.C,T. V DvaeC R A PDnTrov 0P WE 1 W 'LEGEND r� y F CANED 12JA1+ RCnCS HVDNZ PFUETf ING SANOM B PnURT �j g DacuuElrt Nuxarn tDID-JBI]e •t;H4 _ _ — 2a o - a 20.000 A.. a NO BUILDI11OB rogo, mry F TZ 1 xPa € <+. lul ucpm � FFF 6nAll- [n � SJPVr" 8 -oz 0 'e ar a,wc n - wz li'ivi¢ ss `� 4Do-xm ram IBD D so BDB '3CAI.Ci 1' = 1O'J' S B9'J4'38' 15-95e.w. m.vn.rt xMeui. roDST M lu um xe a +m IEDIMRtq � ' CALLED IM-4 ACRES D<T Uv[ s1cwR K BAt<n ' IR1011 Z PAUETT M0 SMIM B M- I N—CNT MOIB(A .10-59,7e AP•RD.C.T. A�y�.•w S IV.f . NDI eFRi I1RD M1GkD. LtnYO 4[LNN lBu ANO BIJITf 1111]i l/HI'S < ta.rae A�,u<P � ws x�<Nr1 Yarn wxc renrcr .1. tonplYla�u N F�a< l�S M �PwRrr41�<> r wV maim OOD H0 tfB]-loll] �ro r RJA0.C.T. ,r<i lae W c fMimiu< ooc oi[ .ate[, Me� u rt Tr. Dmtn 4xntr• w.R t- Prv<n ..e e.a. n<•rn R4 w a• Tor v.w<.<r G.'rnn ndw<II+ tiny <rrlRl M < Bury wrr LLL nrrr r Nr B.r.M D<UN/ ]4 1010 J Dw wq�'1yMy� Irv.« B.a< w rnv<ngC <�Ly��Wv<vre.Nl+« <�a t h_ «n<.L' b+hr.y '^ fli FFxY. UN N✓1 eM1 M NMr famrv+tl4 rt<x&1<. pme�b r4vIN a � « %wl 1� I \k6n<N1n� n � r� R`IIM^M FL �NM, �� Ir w<'Igr rM11 �.� raW M[ u�la a1NdN tl�.. wnM N MN :e r< r NNJ 4r Ind xum r Wr /rl N r� rN lo<NW lawn � wNI+ 1 u�N 4n1 d+•n Mr«e L rnsL N+ Y<ry n<rY W nR+t•^r'A< TI A CwrMr . Rny r Afr.1 y W -,..a f Ye. ' O E�VOt V n<�a1mM`.h,��r<Yud 3 N fv<n nr I JmvJw,cTt 6766 �•y,,EBiI%� . Gi'hnB.�n do Ww .N: m�IolB '•f9il�c- TEJ{G71ENAilAM PM00 senor . eartPw . ewrtr/m _ RRaponel[+ SRM .. Rr/JoO1r Ruulta. . PA r<r+(I iiJi tJ'�i l<I<i <fi/+(Ile)JIJO BOII r ,/1 M'M M 1� r..a..x rw•.r rl rV udJu a <va +. Mq M ..e.rx rvn� �w<Idvrw+MM �xy � w•r1 YMnIxwF r< Han x w4 1.+ 1r<�rr r�h� ti"M,Mi>a.f �lµi �FM.. rM.� <I lli�rt<al x.W <4� <.�. .•r rr1�'v+[•..VM Rare wl�w.v<r l�ar�:v� a.<W..��i'�.n �i�tiv ,�..«<"xmrru">B«""wn' wr°.','�i «<:�r.... w,•..<. re. ."°„ k:: W'� 15.:A`.!.":x U: , M.l....<.r .,. M .. w Y.nN •n,-, ..d" ..,4dx .M., le rr. kY< Y W [ri1?-werxrl r'�m��/ •iir�i � ,'� k+µix.irs�<r� r'w<rr4 nY''x+'r rw~M llw��l rMn M• niw' C r wM<I Y 11<4u 1+l <vn R~M YfY.<«nN rxl a.l<<nrdw.�h,.awwnN<•+.w..w.... ru ,uv<e. l-+.rnw.Nwn,.x n.</<u �A.r i.�M M rx W..x'N' M M r<ur1 �.+"•.k root B BYH1Y S..n.y w+` a rarr w IRJ<, rr 4.{ • ruw x IriY 4.x " M rvn v rmMr, w wY>♦ JUN r.+< r+ trx �. r 4 mnYbJlmrin< M pMrlf• MR ' ly.l: FNx ryx N Yr< Lrw Iw.+ 4 Mr Cwd[ Dw'Ir 4�xvr, K I.rr<r< F ,Nw al, rrrr R+. BM M.r I.+r <..y, t-a lup .. x ti.: :""`M,"nr.'i.« o r..""i..."�"'..;."d:r",. �,.a ..Y<.... rr...... l•.... a r.�... -,.. � .. <•.W IkBn mr-i. mYw � `.r�<r'�..`.r�" w. � r•••. ^,r...x a ... n<v.'•w wW ... r.r<..< n.�.r ..+. ,r I.R». Rn D.n r�R b lrR rmv x ws B.vRm LAND 77ME SURVEY UNION HILL ROAD - 20 ACRES lya [ :. io"ti < :: " MM.rI�"". ,�..,�•• •real 1..•.....a A PORMN Of 125.044 ACRE Stunted Jn thR 7ORK YORIDN SDRM IRST NO 79Z ico W Whirl the 01), of SaRW Denton Ca4Rty, 7- 111s we" Ohl P26 • --- T-L!IL- w Li O Z ly O H X Lli U Q Z Q D_ a' Z n Z Cl)- m : � L54-] 0 NOTE: BEARING BASIS ARE DERIVED FROM GPS OBSERVATIONS. TEXAS NORTH CENTRAL NAD 83. Course Bearing Distance L1 S 87052'12" E 2497.80' L2 S 87050'12" E 2838.06' L3 S 87043'12" E 2087,75' L4 Rad: 671.25' Tan: 157,13' Chd: N 79°06'18" E Arc: 308,70' CA: 26°21'00" 305v99' L5 N 65055'48" E 1732,90' L6 N 24004'12" W 15,00, L7 N 65055'48" E 106,55' L8 Rad: 1492.39' Tan: 284.97' Chd: N 76°44'25" E Arc: 563.16' CA: 21037'15" 559.82' L9 N 65055'48" E 145430' L10 S 22030'34" W 63.40' L11 S 88017'12" E 653,70' L12 S 88017'12" E 307,05' L13 S 10034'23" W 23.79' L14 Rad: 1969,86' Tan: 698.88' Chd: S 59°53'34" E Arc: 1343,18' CA: 39004'05" 1317,31' L15 S 40021'32" E 734.58' L16 S 78047132" E 107.11' L17 S 37031'30" E 157,66' L18 S 24050'05" E 219.64' L1 SS 40021132" E 510,00' L20 S 43013'160 E 100412' L21 S 40021'32" E 300400' L22 S 37029'47" E 100,12' L23 S 40021132" E 243,09' L24 Rad: 2924.79' Tan: 442.04' Chd: S 31°45'52" E Arc: 877.43' CA: 17011'19" 874,14' L25 S 23010'13" E 51.67' L26 S 66049'47" W 130,00' L27 N 23010'13" W 51.67' Z O O_ Q F- x� X L w Z O Z Q I Q t`Z N W W M m tr w w N ❑ W � W m J �� L7 Z = �g � Z ❑ Lt z �5 a L' L3 L4 49 L51 t 50 FM HWY NO. 455 Course Bearing Distance L28 Rad: 2794.79' Tan: 192,65' Chd: N 27006'49" W Arc: 384,70' CA: 7053'12" 384,40' L29 N 40046'56" W 281,68' L30 N 37026'41" E 45,26' L31 Rad: 2804,79' Tan: 80.32' Chd: N 38043'07" W Arc: 160,59' CA: 3016'50" 160,57' L32 N 40021'32" W 243.09' L33 N 43013'16" W 100412' L34 N 40021'32" W 300.00' L35 N 37029'47" W 100,12' L36 N 40021'32" W 300.00' L37 S 49038'28" W 173.59' L38 N 00028'18" W 266.76' L39 S 89031'42" W 99.68' L40 N 41°48'56" W 173.84' L41 N 01039'33" W 40.86' L42 N 23018'20" W 197.39' L43 N 40021'32" W 734,58' L44 Rad: 1849,86' Tan: 822,21' Chd: N 64019'22" W Arc: 1547,40' CA: 47055'40" 1502,68' L45 N 88017'12" W 653,70' L46 Rad: 1372,39' Tan: 314,11' Chd: S 78049'18" W Arc: 617.58' CA: 25047'00" 612.39' L47 S 65055'48" W 106,55' L48 N 24004'12" W 15.00' L49 S 65055'48" W 1732490' L50 Rad: 761.25' Tan: 178.20' Chd: S 79006'18" W Arc: 356,09' CA: 26°21'00" 347,02' L51 N 87043'12" W 2087.65' L52 N 87050'12" W 2837.94' L53 N 87052'12" W 2497,77' L54 N 02°07'48" E 90.00, Z Z O 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY HAS BEEN PREPARED FROM AN XACCURATE ON -THE -GROUND SURVEY OF THE PREMISES DEPICTED x rn w rn HEREON AND DESCRIBED IN THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED w rn z o HERETO, CONDUCTED UNDER MY DIRECTION AND SUPERVISION ON z a Q 12-08-09 AND THAT THE FINDINGS AND RESULTS OF SAID SURVEY ARE Q N Z M TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, I 0 I Z �w w: m: �gh0��e J.E. THOMPSON II R.P.LS. No 4857 -x L12 J m </4 N 7 a C4q LL N J �u`js16 L42 UNION HILL RD P 39.0� 5 ACRES (ioE .THOMPSON ............... 4857 Po /2 �f S S � 0.23 S .0 R� AI�INEXATION EXHIBIT CITY OF SANGER, TX ORDINANCE NO. "03-97" FEB. 1997 ORDINANCE N0. "1 1-24-99" NOV. 1999 ORDINANCE NO. "12-31-01 opDEC. 2001 N SCALE 2000' merican Surveying PHONE: 940-665-91 OS FAX: 940-665-9106 lI4-B W. MAIN STREET GAINESVILLE, TX 76240 JOB# 090291.DwG