10-20-13-Ordinance-Amending the Water and Sewer Rates-10/21/2013ORDINANCE NO. #10-20-13 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING APPENDIX A, SECTION 4.306 "WATER SERVICE RATES" AND SECTION 4.307 "SEWER SERVICE RATES" OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO TO PROVIDE FOR WATER AND SEWER RATES; PROVIDING FOR THE APPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1: That Appendix A, Section 4.306 "Water Service Rates" and Section 4.307 "Sewer Service Rates" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanger, Denton County Texas, is hereby amended in part as follows: Sec. 4.306 Water Service Rates (a) The rates to be charged by the city for water services for residential customers are hereby established as set forth below: $18.35 minimum per unit served for 0-1,000 gallons $3.10 per thousand gallons 1,001-4,999 gallons $3.40 per thousand gallons $4.00 per thousand gallons $5.15 per thousand gallons 5,000-14,999 gallons 15,000-29,999 gallons 30,000+ gallons (b) The rates to be charged by the city for water services for commercial customers are hereby established as set forth below: $22.70 minimum per unit served for 0-1,000 gallons $14.60 Multi Unit Base/Unit $3.60 per thousand gallons $3.90 per thousand gallons $4.25 per thousand gallons $5.25 per thousand gallons 1,001-4,999 gallons 5,000-14,999 gallons 15,000-29,999 gallons 30,000+ gallons (c) Multifamily Dwellings. Where multifamily dwellings are served by a single water service line, the total water usage will be divided by the number of occupied units. The bill calculated from the per unit usage derived therefor shall be multiplied by the number of occupied units to determine the amount due. It shall be the responsibility of the owner or manager to notify the city by the 20th of each month on what the occupied count is for the month. If the city is not notified by the 20th of the month, then the highest count in the last twelve months will be used to calculate the bill. (d) Multiunit Commercial Structures. Where existing commercial tenants are served by a single water meter, the total water usage will be divided by the number of tenants, the bill calculated from the per tenant usage derived therefor shall be multiplied by the number of tenants to determine the amount due. The minimum per unit charge will be $14.60 for 0-1,000 gallons. No new multiunit connections will be allowed. In all new or newly divided commercial buildings each tenant space shall be required to have its own water meter. (e) Manufactured Home Parks. Where manufactured home parks are served by a single water service line, the total water usage will be billed to the owner of the park based on the number of occupied units. The bill calculated from the per unit usage derived therefor shall be multiplied by the number of occupied units to determine the amount due. It shall be the responsibility of the park owner or manager to notify the city by the 20th of each month on what the occupied count is for the month. If the city is not notified by the 20th of the month, then the highest count in the last twelve months will be used to calculate the bill. Sec. 4.307 Sewer Service Rates The rates to be charged by the city for sanitary sewer service are hereby established as follows: (1) Residential -Class A. (A) Class A customers shall include all residential type users including, but not limited to, single-family residences, apartment units, trailer court units, duplexes, or any other service primarily intended for domestic or residential use. The city may include similar low volume users such as churches and small business offices or stores in class A. (B) All class A customers of municipal wastewater facilities will be charged a minimum of nineteen dollars and 80 cents ($19.80) per monthly cycle and two dollars and seventy-five cents ($2.75) per thousand gallons of metered water in excess of the first one thousand (1,000) gallons and three dollars and five cents ($3.05) for water in excess of 10,000 gallons, but in no case to exceed fifty-five dollars ($55.00) per month. (2) Commercial -Class B. (A) Class B customers shall include commercial users such as, but not limited to, restaurants, cafes, carwashes, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, offices, hotels, motels, laundries, grocery stores, department stores, and other commercial business operations as may be identified as not a class A type user. (B) All class B customers of municipal wastewater facilities shall be charged the following rates for the monthly facilities charge and two dollars and seventy-five cents ($2.75) per thousand gallons of metered water in excess of the first one thousand (1,000) gallons and three dollars and five cents ($3.05) for water in excess of 10,000 gallons. 3/4" meter $29.15 1" meter $31.90 1-1/2" meter $36.30 2" meter $44.15 3" meter $54.45 4" meter $101.05 6" meter $134.30 8" meter $177.25 (Ordinance 09-31-11 adopted 9/6/11) (3) Multifamily Dwellings. The amount due for multifamily dwellings shall be the Class A rate multiplied by the number of occupied dwelling units as computed for water that month. (4) Manufactured Home Parks. The amount due for manufactured home parks shall be the Class A rate multiplied by the number of occupied dwelling units as computed for water that month. (5) Multiunit Commercial Structures. Where commercial tenants are served by a single water meter, the total water usage will be divided by the number of tenants, the bill calculated from the per tenant usage derived therefrom shall be multiplied by the number of tenants to determine the amount due. The minimum per unit charge will be $18.70, (6) Customers without city water service will be charged $45.00 per month. Section 2: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. Section 3: It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this Ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. Section 4: This ordinance shall take effect and shall be in full force and effect from after its passage, providing the water and sewer rates set forth herein shall become effective on November 1, 2013. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, on this 21 st day of October, 2013. oe.lti` ; ) homas E. Muir, Mayor ATTEST: '7\ _i Tami Taber, City Secretary � o v r-- C: 00 I ,U O Qd I 0 o� c ®0', a� 'cn 2r E 6�9 0 en P4 6 w .. 626 Lu s, ag L--- , Y LU -------- 0 — o o e m. e o m o c o e o 0 9 I wz wcz ZEE o 0 1 I � Lai c+•g N 0�6 arc' id lf eJ ' v 2 ------------------------------------------------- h I ----a 00m❑ W-j LL W z���J> =W W U z O W a Q Z O a z o LL CO Q-r Z W L�cAO ¢ W W `)o<zh-w p�000-j fr 0C/)w_I I- ,JcrwOLL LL W¢UwzWLL0 CC F--¢Oa Ou.i TOr XW 0.¢a(IjLL W C)0 WLL¢ =r zoco0Ira•_zU. UL'-c�orwCL 0acU-Uo NCnWZW~¢0- rM-¢W WI-oCz00¢W o a¢=¢w>.p �,<a=TwEU-2W.> LL �O¢cn LL ~[if=05 rLLCnQ��O(,��cr - 01 (DIwOo as �oU�HOn-❑=OuW.. emery W UzIrCn WOU 0 - z zu-F=>F-oa (,) WZW LLlpu'_,jz zUF--_-j WC'3VOp �w <F- <- z¢ z=¢��ziaWoQ ®.7 Z-=0(D I-oC¢w-z .-UC)= zw¢� =LLJz0w nLL ccLu OCLuva❑z= oUcUn-�>-oo�W-O �ZXXM OWgw U`ZOJ(Lz¢0�O z ¢ cn F— n- Z p Z h Cn LL LL� I U O J O=c°y�UWEi<F- OCzL Cjz=JZ❑o r zOM W z1-C]¢U O= ❑°o�pa ¢U�r�zWowLWL <o5 zz,wOc�¢ co LU CL 0 :. ca L i cn M 0 W t =