05-07-14-Ordinance-Canvassing the May 19, 2014 General Election-05/19/2014ORDINANCE # 05-07-14 AN ORDINANCE CANVASSING THE RESULTS OF A GENERAL ELECTION HELD FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING CANDIDATES TO THE OFFICE OF CITY COUNCIL IN THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, FOR AN ELECTION HAVING BEEN HELD ON MAY 10, 2014, DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THAT ELECTION AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on the 19th day of May 2014, at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, the City Council canvassed the results of an election held on the loth day of May 2014, for the purpose of electing candidates to the office of City Council, such election having been duly ordered by the Mayor and City Council, under the authority of the Constitution and the laws of this State; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, has determined that the election officials of the voting district of the City, have in compliance with the law in such cases made and provided returns to the City Council in the time and manner required, and the City Council, having canvassed the votes does find that the total number of ballots cast and that the total number of votes cast for each candidate is as follows: NAMES OF CANDIDATES TOTAL NUMBER OF VOTES Thomas Muir, Mayor 172 Joe Falls, Place 2 50 Chris Prock, Place 2 48 Gary Bilyeu, Place 2 95 Allen Chick, Place 4 170 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the election, having been duly called, and that notice of the election was given in accordance with the law, and the following persons were elected to the following positions: Thomas Muir, Mayor Gary Bilyeu, Place 2 Allen Chick, Place 4 SECTION 2. That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon and after its passage and approval. 45240 PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on the 19th day of May 2014. APPROVED: THOMAS MUIR, MAYOR / TAX HS d ATTEST: '' IgUu1111110% ,' l W161-06 v" TAMI TABER, CITY SECRETARY 45240 City of Sanger — Unofficial DENTON COUNTY — 2014 May Joint Election — May 10, 2014 Page 1 of 1 Total Number of Voters : 20,583 of 331,694 = 6.21% 05/16/2014 09:58 AM Precincts Reporting 145 of 145 = 100.00% Number of District Voters: 197 of 3,498 = 5.63%District Precincts Reporting 2 of 2 = 100.00% TotalPartyCandidateEarlyElectionAbsentee Sanger Mayor, Vote For 1 45 100.00%100.00% 172 100.00% 100.00% 14 113 Thomas Muir 45 172Cast Votes:88.98%87.31%93.33%81.82% 14 113 25 0 10 0 Under Votes: Over Votes: 11.02% 0.00% 12.69% 0.00% 6.67% 0.00%0.00% 18.18% 0 1 0 14 Sanger Council Member, Place 2, Vote For 1 15 22.58%25.91% 50 46.67% 27.78% 7 28 Joe R. Falls 1327.42%24.87% 48 6.67% 24.07% 1 34 Chris Prock 2650.00%49.22% 95 46.67% 48.15% 7 62 Gary Bilyeu 54 193Cast Votes:97.64%97.97%100.00%98.18% 15 124 4 0 1 0 Under Votes: Over Votes: 2.36% 0.00% 2.03% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%0.00% 1.82% 0 0 0 3 Sanger Council Member, Place 4, Vote For 1 47100.00%100.00% 170 100.00% 100.00% 15 108 Allen Chick 47 170Cast Votes:85.04%86.29%100.00%85.45% 15 108 27 0 8 0 Under Votes: Over Votes: 14.96% 0.00% 13.71% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%0.00% 14.55% 0 0 0 19 City of Sanger Canvass — Total Voters — Unofficial DENTON COUNTY — 2014 May Joint Election — May 10, 2014 Precincts Reporting 145 of 145 = 100.00%Total Number of Voters : 20,583 of 331,694 = 6.21% Page 1 of 3 05/16/2014 09:58 AM Number of District Voters: 197 of 3,498 = 5.63%District Precincts Reporting 2 of 2 = 100.00% Sanger Mayor Precinct Absentee Ballots Cast Early Ballots Cast Election Ballots Cast Total Ballots Cast To t a l s Registered Voters Percent Turnout Th o m a s M u i r 1001 3 39 61 945 6.46%55 5519 1002 12 88 136 2553 5.33%117 11736 Totals 15 127 55 197 3498 172 172 City of Sanger Canvass — Total Voters — Unofficial DENTON COUNTY — 2014 May Joint Election — May 10, 2014 Precincts Reporting 145 of 145 = 100.00%Total Number of Voters : 20,583 of 331,694 = 6.21% Page 2 of 3 05/16/2014 09:58 AM Number of District Voters: 197 of 3,498 = 5.63%District Precincts Reporting 2 of 2 = 100.00% Sanger Council Member, Place 2 Precinct Absentee Ballots Cast Early Ballots Cast Election Ballots Cast Total Ballots Cast Ch r i s P r o c k Ga r y B i l y e u To t a l s Registered Voters Percent Turnout Jo e R . F a l l s 1001 3 39 61 945 6.46%12 15 32 5919 1002 12 88 136 2553 5.33%38 33 63 13436 Totals 15 127 55 197 3498 50 48 95 193 City of Sanger Canvass — Total Voters — Unofficial DENTON COUNTY — 2014 May Joint Election — May 10, 2014 Precincts Reporting 145 of 145 = 100.00%Total Number of Voters : 20,583 of 331,694 = 6.21% Page 3 of 3 05/16/2014 09:58 AM Number of District Voters: 197 of 3,498 = 5.63%District Precincts Reporting 2 of 2 = 100.00% Sanger Council Member, Place 4 Precinct Absentee Ballots Cast Early Ballots Cast Election Ballots Cast Total Ballots Cast To t a l s Registered Voters Percent Turnout Al l e n C h i c k 1001 3 39 61 945 6.46%50 5019 1002 12 88 136 2553 5.33%120 12036 Totals 15 127 55 197 3498 170 170 O . 2.ncau 9. low re IZE p ti* cyu CD y N CFO~7f 3 y CD CD cl 7os -O O N N O > cn oTCD 0 0 D 0 p` •• CA o � o coo -t c ' C C vl �� so � 4A ,v O "t �o er-a+ rr•� s T O M O M O> 00mo:mzZ pzo�zno Z Z Z_ o r Z G)o=Zmm> O= C= z o m o �omzmp--i M zmopvOyv mpW�DiZZz MFM m=<n m --I z -n r- C 0 n CO U,�pcnm 0mmccZm mao+o< -nZ -I O•Gm t, > �= m , mmm+ . m -n nnymmcn OPT00cn Z O mcn z> 1�o n p P. 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