07-12-13-Ordinance-Annexing 135 acres in the Morton Survey Tracts 51 and 53 J-07/15/2013ORDINANCE 07-12-13 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, ANNEXING PROPERTIES INTO THE CITY LIMITS; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, The City Council has conducted two (2) public hearings concerning the possible annexation of the affected properties; WHEREAS, The City Council has offered to the owners of the affected properties a development agreement to defer annexation; and WHEREAS, The City Council has found that the expansion of the city limits to include these properties is in the best interest of the City of Sanger; Now Therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1 The following properties, located near the intersection of FM 455 and FM 2164, are hereby annexed into the city limits of the City of Sanger: ➢ A0792a J. Morton Survey, Tract 51, 30.356 Acres ➢ A0792a J. Morton Survey, Tract 53 105.07 Acres Section 2 All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. Section 3 It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this Ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. Section 4 Any person, firm, or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in an amount not to exceed the sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense, and each and every day such offense shall continue shall be deemed to constitute a separate offense. Section 5 This ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on this 15"' day of July 2013. APPROVED: I - --1 NIa or Thomas Muir Y ATTEST: City Secretary Tami Taber ORDINANCE 07-12-13 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, ANNEXING PROPERTIES INTO THE CITY LIMITS; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, The City Council has conducted two (2) public hearings concerning the possible annexation of the affected properties; WHEREAS, The City Council has offered to the owners of the affected properties a development agreement to defer annexation; and WHEREAS, The City Council has found that the expansion of the city limits to include these properties is in the best interest of the City of Sanger; Now Therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1 The following properties, located near the intersection of FM 455 and FM 2164, are hereby annexed into the city limits of the City of Sanger: ➢ A0792a J. Morton Survey, Tract 51, 30.356 Acres ➢ A0792a J. Morton Survey, Tract 53 105.07 Acres Section 2 All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. Section 3 It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this Ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. Section 4 Any person, firm, or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in an amount not to exceed the sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense, and each and every day such offense shall continue shall be deemed to constitute a separate offense. Section 5 This ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on this 15"' day of July 2013. APPROVED: MayorThomas Muir ATTEST: City Secretary Tami Taber Eastern Annexations and Development Agreements MUNICIPAL SERVICE PLAN Prepared April 2013 Proposed Annexations South of FM 455 and East of FM 2164 FIRE Existing Services: None Services to be Provided: Fire suppression will be available to the area upon annexation. Primary fire response will be provided by the Sanger Fire Station, located at 2"d Street & Elm Street. Adequate fire suppression activities can be afforded to the annexed area within current budget appropriation. Fire prevention activities will be provided by the. Fire Marshal's office as needed. POLICE Existing Services: None Services to be Provided: Currently, the area is under the jurisdiction of the Denton County Sheriff's Office. However, upon annexation, the City of Sanger Police ' Department will extend regular and routine patrols to the area. It is anticipated that the implementation of police patrol activities can be effectively accommodated within the current budget and staff appropriation. BUILDING INSPECTION Existing Services: None Services to be Provided: Sanger's Department of Development Services will provide Code Enforcement Services upon annexation. This includes issuing building, electrical and plumbing permits for any new construction and remodeling, and enforcing all other applicable codes which regulated building construction within the City of Sanger. PLANNING AND ZONING Existing Services: None Services to be Provided: Sanger's Department of Development Services responsibility for regulating development and land use through the administration of the City of Sanger Zoning Ordinance will extend to this area on the effective date of the annexation. The property will also continue to be regulated under the requirements of the City of Sanger Subdivision _Ordinance. These services can be provided within the department's current budget. LIBRARY Existing Services: The Sanger Public Library currently serves the residents of the area proposed for annexation. Services to be Provided.• There would be no change to the library services provided if the i area was annexed as proposed. HEALTH CODE ENFORCEMENT SERVICE Existing Services: None Services to be Provided: Sanger's Department of Development Services will implement the enforcement of the City of Sanger's health ordinances and regulations on the effective date of the annexation. Such services can be provided with current personnel and within the current budget appropriation. In addition, animal control services will be provided to the area as needed. STREET Existing Services: County Street Maintenance Services to be Provided- Maintenance to the street facilities will be provided by the City upon the effective date of the annexation. This service can be provided within the current budget appropriation. STORM WATER MANAGEMENT Existing Services: None Services to be Provided: Developers will provide storm water drainage at their own expense. Drainage improvements will be inspected by the City Engineer at time of completion. Acceptance of any drainage improvements for public maintenance will be made on an individual basis according to City of Sanger policy. . STREET LIGHTING Existing Services: None Services to be Provided: The City of Sanger will coordinate any request for improved street lighting with the local electric provider in accordance with standard policy. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING Existing Services: None Services to be Provided: The Street Department will be able to provide, after the . effective date of annexation, any additional traffic control devices. WATER SERVICE Existing Services: The area is served by the Bolivar Water Supply Corporation. Services to be Provided. No change to the water services provided would occur if the ( area is annexed as proposed. SANITARY SEWER SERVICE Existing Services: The area is served by the Bolivar Water Supply Corporation. Services to be Provided: No change to the sewer services provided would occur if the area is annexed as proposed. SOLID WASTE SERVICES Existing Services: None Services to be Provided.- Solid Waste Collection shall be provided to the area of annexation in accordance with the present ordinance. Service shall comply with existing City policies, beginning with occupancy of structures. MISCELLANEOUS All other applicable municipal services will be provided to the area in accordance with the City of Sanger's established policies governing extension of municipal services to newly annexed areas. jor Lea What -Can All -Stars , _ 152 Teach Investors? means ;. of six+s This week', Major, play a1'' League Baseball's All -Star since ba game. was played at Citi demand Field in New York.. ,The, varet co " American League won 3-0. All Sta If you're a baseball fan, you througli enjoyed the annual gather- 'without ing of the sport's best play- .(a few. g' ers. And if you're an inves� yest,,.�yo tor, you. may be able td take 1 'of dura away, some valuable lessons t& cou; from the All -Stars— lessons will see, that can prove valuable to _ road you long after. the game's fi-. the fin° nal out is recorded. struggl' So, what can you learn times, y from the All -Stars? Here are to take a a few of their traits: - vesting. • Consistency — All- could: Star teams rarely include.. Wing of". ballplayers who are having best %nv one great year amidst a me- through diocre career; typically, Aft-, markets, Star players perform well term s -every season. As an in foves= their tor, you, also want to seek consistent performers — surprisl those investments that;. year •League in and year out; ate likely big, str to meet their objectives, in rece' whether those are growth, players income or a combination of both. Of course, in the financial world, ' there are H0I no sure things, so just like :- I the best ballplayers, any in- "off vestment can have an j+= year." Still, by sticking with ' quality ' ve.hi- " .investment Iles, you should be able to We ,a improve the. overall perfor Plan mane consistency of your portfolio. I •Low • Ability to avoid °ter- + Farm rors" — All -Star players 110. (apart from pitchers) are typically, superior hitters, but many of them also have dro San 12171q 11i]�CailOtlS G�1 Vesr �P �s -"� �< Legal Notices khey CITY OF SAISIC"ER TE>XAS ° you it or NOTICE OF'PUBLIONEAR111 of a Notice is horeby gNen thatpublici'earings it by by, the ,Planning and' Zoning' Commissio�pt�e1eel Room at 1 BoIivar'Street,"Sanger, Texas at OO p:rn be- Monday, July 29, 201Tand byjthe City Councillor Cou3 Chambers at 5Q2 Elm "Street; Sariger Texas at 7 OO p naw. ' on Monday, August 5, r2013, for the purpose±of conbid and ing the following . n be ..,q request; to rezone from: SF 10 `Si1146,1E idential District to PR Planned DevelbOrhenfl District property legally described' as White Adltiohl out of# HenryTierwester SuNe and located at the soutl w ry corner of 5th Street and Willow Streetb' + ,� Tle',propgseds Planned pevelopmept Dstrrct'vii per the uses of •the•B-1 Business'Distriof-,withrthe lowing exceptions; which would not�tie permitted= • Seruiae'station,` repair garageand,rriotor veh s, 54 fuel sales, -? Restaurants Permitted�_uses would include retail sales eondu indoors, personal .services,' and offices ;The proo E Planned Development District would also'set a maxi height of 25 feet or 2 stoHds,-prohibit.freestanding oilt lighting; and'permit only grountl level{detaohed'slgna ' All interested citizens anal property a unp(s are he hotifled'of their right to appear and be: heard on the fn Bible Tarnl T rade. ;City SeoCetary,;City of Sa ' and, 'ORDINANCE #0 ,42 �13 ach- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER,' TON COUNTY, TEXAS,. ANNEXING'.,PROPFRTIES e. A`.' THE CITY LIMITS;PROVID"ING FOR THE;jREP ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT PROVIDING 4F Y SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; P.RO�IDING F013 A PAN t org. OF NOT TO' EXCEED;THE StJM OFtiTW,O 7 n cling SAND DOLLARS ($2,000:00) FOR EACH; OEFE AND PROW FOR AN :EFFECTIVEIDATE ' ", r•nmu �GAI�`d eld � on nal es the, the est, oWld , lcfe �3 cted �� sed mum �t side, f 9e ;l reb'y << after, aber �� rigor. DEN- i NTO } L ;OF' , << ORAa. ALTY . FIOU 1 z,n , F, 3 houses for sale 20 _ LEGAL NOTIC S LEGAL NOTICES LEGA4 NOTICES ;148K, 4br/2ba/2carpod 2216, All persons having claims against r provides 2liv, FP, New carpel, pelnl, heat- er, DW. WiisonElem, Pool, spdn- said Estate are hereby required to present the same irq Claims may 4 presentedh care' of the AOomby fouthe Eslafe as PASSED APPROVED AND ADOPTED THE 8th DAY OF With Ma believe. Buying, Cell o text the time and In the manner_ prescribed by taw to Karen Sue Paulus Independent Executrix follows Mona L OWens;tndepegtlent Execulor of the Estate otilames JULY, 20i3 a ¢z; +pp) Sego —. (without bond) of the Will and Whitney Owehs'Deceased : r , ORD�NAGE,t3-06,IIoS' Estate of Gene Duane Paulus, Deceased, 2212 Fop Worth Ddve, t100, Denton; Texas do Miller Dav+dg96 Devidge & Wdght L P AN OppDINAI GE'flEGItI �TINd Nli SE�((JALU`ORIE D �Sh., i o 1• 76205 DRC720/13 612 West Hickory Slreet Ste 112 Donlon, TX 78201 "" NESSES V3fiTQ E OWN OF SIh D)SH TEXAS, p 0NG " 1/2 512 All persons having claims agalnsl (NITIONS PROD GTHAT: i spies THIS ORDINAL OE,S ALL BE see to - NO pR•2013 00509 this Estate which Is currently ` CUMULATIM0 7 OF Di= t 8695 IN THE ESTATE OF,HENRY JAY BLAKELEY, DECEASED being admmislered are required to present them within the time and Pn NANC.E$ OF ITO PRO ' V DIIyG!FO�R gEf�J�j,�1U•I@196R ' Oia manner prescribed by IeW 4 0"', TIOAS-EREOF,,PROVID 1N THE PROBATE COURT OF DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS ' Dated the 151h day of July 2013 r" I G )R'PUBLI gTION AND 'P,Fi4VlaIf1G F I ¢N EFFEC rua TIVE DATE ''' *` NOTICE TO PERSONS HAVING ByJS�tllerSdga Moo }�� 93 f .CLAIMS AGAINST THE ESTATE OF HENRY JAY Miller DaVidge DRC 7/201) 3� Section 22 Maallry Clause t I Pi AnY persorL iir;_oI ration t 1e1o1 GE ;rom village BLAKELEY Nohcelsherebyg(venthal Vfho olales�dJJsbtitl s�o 1is negles or''fe(dseo cep 1 ' y ute ' vnih or 4vho resists e e al ) ' 9 NOTICE 0 CREDRORS T 10'• odgl net Lett' Tea►amenfary for the Estate Notice Is hereby given that orlgl + o>jolrj mental an o11 a its of N thLs ordirtat ce shot not 1 JueO of Henry Jay Blakeley, Deceased, v)ere issued on July pal Leflers Testamentary for the r Estate of PAUL TERRY HAROIS t , rirore�haLiTv/oTI10 Dollars# 16; 2013 In Cause No, Pr-2013-" Deceased wefgissued on Jutyeao[t etr =)' 00509 riding in the Probate pe Coud or Dentorl County, Texas; 15, 2013; In Dauee No p 2013 00427, riding (tt he Probate"* t Se ion 24 EI(ecl+5e Date tv > - Ing? tot bonna Sue Blakeley .. having claims against All personaile Court o Donlon County, Takes to, REBECCA ANNE HARGIS t This ordinance abbe in full force and a3 ind a er,lls , s " Is fdminvlslered 1itive' passage enp I m " hieing ahis are squlch ired to Estate of AUL TERRY HAR(31S K p deR lays0 , r BY OWNER present the the 46 ers(gned Decea ' r ordalped,; pAg$ED'41' APPROVED ON' SF, Walking distance UNIT, other wdhin the Ome and in the rganner do HowaM E Watt THIS THE 616 DATOF JULY "' schools, 4 Bdrm, 2 Bath, Newly prescribed by IaW. " The Law Oftl of Howard E , 2013 remodeled, 8 walk -In closets; fire- do: Tom D. Jester, Jr, Watt, P C, place, CH/A, WID Conn, calling Attorney at Leyi 1112 N Locust Street 7/20h3 I Flo SPIN lens, carpeted. tiled. off street 515 South Carroll am(I iY. a no�ten rav9� ilium DRC A parking 3 car carrppoort &storage, P.0 BOX 280 i +N $151,900. 940 387.2545 Denton Texas 76202 ' Deject this 16ih day of July, 20 3 ORDINANCE /b7 �213 a ColdwNl aerilier RES $ T :V " ; We're just down the DATED the 171h day of Juty 2013 The Law Office of Howard E AN ORDf NGE QF E CITY y 940.484-7200 JS/ Tom D " " Wed; P C OF SAN 'E OE�IjO.0OUN- z i BY Jester ByJS/ Hojyard E Waft TY, TEXAS, Ali u'll 6 P. OP • ComOh, 2108 Meylehd 3 2 2 Tom D. Jester Jr' 'Howard E, Waft ERT ES INTO jHE.Cfjy LIMIT$; ; etae.uiorl +study.• Brick. i800f1. Tile/woad `Adomey for Donna Sue Blakeley Adorney for REBECCA ANNE PFiO�JDING FOR THE REPEAL- s i a 96er . floor; wood blinds,,;j35,000 Stele Bar Nb,;1o656000 �HARGIS OF ALL OROINI�NOE_S�N�, 940 453.1224 515 S. Carroll Blvd. Suite A CONFLICT## PF�OVIt71NG FORA' : t '"gal Q P.O. BOX 280 DRC 7420113 SEVERABILOTLALJSE Donlan. Texas76202 PRDTIIDINC�FORAPENALTY. trggop i Tel 940 387s7585 TOWN,OF DISH OF FINE NOTTXEXCEED jHE 1 t 96elulA; Fax �940; 387.5093 " s ORDINANCE. N0.-13.05 SUM OF TWO TLIOU'AJ0 , : I AN.ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN It lee l!1� DOLLARS (;2 oo0,00) FO olw0 DRC 7/20/13 OF;D(SH TEXAS .gMENDING EACH OFFENSE AND P♦�OVJD-, ORDINANCE 12 O5 THE ER LNG FOR AN EFPEGjtVE DATE. ; PR 2013-00464 ATING BUDGE[ F,OR THEY , ForRdge.307 EI Paseo, 4/3/3, FISCI�L YEAR BEGINNIKG DRC 7120/13 Upsirs MBIbale Gran clops in IN THE ESTATE OF JAMES OCTOBEFI1, 2ot2 AND ENDIjVG WHITNEY OWENS, DECEASED SEPTE BER30 2013 BY e e eqs Nw wd Ors Gomel kit: HOW. M M Lg bkyd. Uptlales,Serlii appis APPROPRIATING CERTAIN Denlo Coupty Censer ; �,uerpll4� $ IN THE PROBATE COURT OF RESERVED OUNTS 10 R�gilest foF 295K Denton 940-565-0712. N AM s,Uew . DENTON COUNTY TEXAS THEIR RESPECTIVE FUNDS; uewoM Hickory Creek, 3 bedrooms 2 pRDVID)NG FOR THE REPEAL DCMfiMR Is seekingroposals ; i l 6)/C;hB baths, l hall baths, Empty No - NOTICE TO PERSONS HAVING OFALUORDINANCES IN for the prwilbon of l/olu to %and sler's Dream. End of road at Syc• CLAIMS AGAINST?HE CONFLICT; PROVIDING Involupla Psy la. os +tali . ' ,'upload amore Bend Perk & ESTATE OF JAMES,WHITNEY SEVERASILITY CLAUSE, ANU za0op`serry-'ce§ cTo t¢an Lake Lewisville. Extra garage & OWENS, DECEASED •; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE RAP Pedd(efl cap Qo����'Jiia a ? t � flgl i shop. Pool. Wildlife. Private 8 DhTE. Manager @ 940-&552� quiet. New appliances roof & pool Notice Is hereby given that on SEOTION 7 Deadline for appllcaTbns� 5.00 equip,;354,900 940-765.8697 June 7 2013, Mopa L. Owens The necessity formaking and pm JUty 22 2013 :F, 1u30 LONGTIDE HOMES was Issued original Letters of approving a budget for the fiscal i Open Sunday • 12.6pm Tesfambnlary on the Estate of year, as required by the lays of DRC 6I27 thru 7f21120(3 90 James Whitneythe Sfa1e of Taxes r lr)res al 306 Glenwood 4/2;107,800; yeQ �h , Gainesville. Cell 903.328.7585 , Deceased, PR 2013. &6 , now this ordmance shat( take effect pending in the Probate Court of Immedlelefy fro01'and elver Its DR C5C11"fifie4js ' y10 h Denton County, Tessa passage, es the law in such case " D ntonR ' i am,� `; a,d" I .�pmp fd�g Two Stumbling Biocks Luxury Executive +„ Owe uolua0 Model Home for sale West dealer, Wes,eottid 'have. had ,1te_��g of/ by Builder. 4 bedroom 3 bath East-West vulnetabk. olubs�But fif you shtdy then st extra large kitchen fireplace 1.3 ac NORTH ob ectivel ou i ouid e'o_tztno u' that; 1 i upgrades in Ws estover Ranch, J Y Y great back porch Listed * K J 3 ' the ctbb finesse 1s(�e w1 ong`lay $299,900.00 will deal: Large Pan- 117 4 2 , Ttus is b'gcaUse you have a rnua'bet S IN R Maslai'Clncal ),IiIldlnti tro�ie "....AA t n o'c ... •-. _u