03-01-15-Ordinance-Establishing a Public Tree Care and a Public Tree Advisory Board-03/02/2015ORDINANCE #03-01-15 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A PUBLIC TREE CARE ORDINANCE FOR TREES LOCATED UPON CITY OWNED PUBLIC PROPERTY, INCLUDING STREETS AND RIGHT-OF-WAYS; ESTABLISHING THAT THE MEMBERS OF THE SANGER PARKS BOARD SHALL SERVE AS THE "PUBLIC TREE ADVISORY BOARD"; IDENTIFYING CITY PERSONNEL WHO WILL HAVE ADMINISTRATIVE AND OPERATIONAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE MAINTENANCE AND REMOVAL OF TREES ON CITY PROPERTY; PROVIDING FOR THE REMOVAL OF DISEASED OR HAZARDOUS TREES ON PRIVATE PROPERTY UNDER CERTAIN LIMITED CONDITIONS; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR CIVIL PENALTIES; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, has determined that the protection of trees that are located on property owned and controlled by the City is aesthetically desirable and essential to the present and future health, safety, and welfare of all citizens of Sanger, and accordingly, have determined that the adoption and implementation of this "Public Tree Care Ordinance" is meritorious and necessary; and WHEREAS, the City Council has further determined that it shall designate the City Manager as the individual who shall have oversight authority and responsibility for the implementation of the Ordinance and the Public Works Director as the City personnel who shall administer the operational aspects of the Public Tree Care Ordinance, including for example, responsibility for tasks such as the care, planting, pruning, and maintenance of trees located on City property and in City parks and right- of-ways; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is appropriate for the Sanger Parks Board to serve as the "Public Tree Advisory Board," and that the function of Sanger Parks Board, while acting as the "Public Tree Advisory Board, shall be to assist the City Manager, as necessary, with monitoring the application, enforcement and effectiveness of the Public Tree Care Ordinance for public trees. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That Chapter 1, Article 1.400, Section 1.410 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanger, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 1.410 Public Tree Care Ordinance. There is hereby created and established a Public Tree Care Ordinance to provide the City with legal authority over the care of all trees, plants and shrubs located within City owned and controlled property, public rights -of -ways, parks and other public places, which will aid in the establishment of a municipal landscape program and will enhance the public health, safety and beauty of the City. Sec. 1.411 The City Manager shall have oversight authority and responsibility for the implementation of the Public Tree Care Ordinance. Sec. 1412 Care of Public Trees and Private Trees Creating Hazard to Public Safety, Health and Welfare. A. The Public Works Director shall administer the operational aspects of the Public Tree Care Ordinance, including for example, responsibility for tasks such as planting, pruning, maintaining and removing trees, plants and shrubs within the public right-of-way of all City streets, alleys, avenues, lanes, squares, parks, and public grounds owned or controlled by the City, as may be necessary to insure public safety or to preserve or enhance the symmetry and beauty of such City owned or controlled public grounds. B. The Public Works Director, in compliance with the City Council's approved policy, process and procedures for such work, including obtaining permission and a release to access and perform work from the owner of property upon which hazardous trees are located, may remove or prune a tree on private property which threatens the safety, health and welfare of members of the public who may use a City street, sidewalk, park or public right-of-way. Additionally, in accord with the City Council's approved policy, process and procedures for such work, the Public Works Director shall have the right to prune or remove a tree or shrub that obstructs the view of any traffic sign, street light, or security light, when it is determined that the tree or shrub in its existing condition creates a safety hazard for those that may use the City's streets or right -of ways. C. No person shall remove, prune, destroy, or cause the removal, pruning or destruction of a tree, shrub or plant located on City property, including those located in any City park, without first having obtained written permission for such removal, pruning or destruction from the Public Works Director or his/her designee. D. It shall be unlawful for any individual, organization or entity to attach any cable, wire, rope sign or any other object to any tree, plant or shrub located on City property, including those in City parks, without written permission from the Public Works Director, or his/her designee. Sec. 1413 Establishment of a Public Tree Advisory Board. A. Membership: The Public Tree Advisory Board shall be composed of the then seated members of the Sanger Parks Board. Additional duties of Parks Board members, pertaining specifically to the Public Tree Care Ordinance, include the following. B. Duties: 1. Promote the protection of healthy trees on public property. 2. Coordinate andpromote'Arbor Day' activities. 3. Develop public awareness and education programs relating to trees inthe Sanger community. 4. Review City department and public concerns relating to tree care on the City's public property. 5. Consult with the Texas Forest Service for advice on protection of existing native or established trees and/or the planting of new 'native' trees. 6. Submit an annual application to renew the "Tree City USA" designation, with the permission of the City Council, and 7. Other duties that may be assigned by the City Council. SECTION 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. SECTION 3. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this Ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. SECTION 4. Any person, firm, or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in Section 1.109 of this Code. SECTION 5. This ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage, and the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. PASSED AND APPROVED T H I S 2 "'dDAY OF MARCH 2O15 by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas. ATTEST: Tami Taber, City Secretary APPROVED: Thomas Muir, Mayor y,1��lt114�ttsef° Q. °'0°°Nian a �►ti s����+t m TMrcs43y, March 5 2015+r Sneer He 20 words- $10 a week lemomp bl bm.�om -- Ca11:940-458-8515 ���'�+c � Classifieds email: songerCa lemonspubkcafions.com WE/CCEPrAIJ.&%4 ORCREDITCARDS FREE ADS - Lost/Found & Free Pets Help Wanted I I Real Cstate I I Services Flute teacher wanted. Qualified, experienced, references. Cell 940-964- 2226. Drivers Wantedl Local Workl Home Daily, Slabll- fly, Benefits CDL-A, lyr. Exp, Great Driving Re- cord. Sunselbgistics.com 817-676-8487; 817-589- 1455 or 888-21SA285. Family -owned and ori- ented company based In Sanger now hiring COL Class A13 with tanker en- dorsement. Home every night. Clean dtMng record. Please call Rusty at 940- 704-4239. Drivers: Dedicated Truck Driversl NEW Hlgh Pay- Ing Job - Home Weeklyll CDL-A. Owner Operators Welcomer Cali 855-239- 0833 HOUSEKEEPER - Teams - "Fun Work Place" $10/hr. Full Time - Pad Time Advancement Opportunities 940-243.8164 or TexasMaldinAmerica.com Drivers: Dedicated OTR Lanes hauling PODSI CO and 0/0 drivers welcomel Target 2900 mpw, $4K sign -on bonus, 401K, Vi- sion, Dental, Medical, Hot- Iday pay] Dallas location. Call Gil today: 855-980- 1338 Classified ads for Lost, Found, or Free Pets are FREE In the Sanger. News. Call us at 940.458-8515 or email your ad to: sanger® lemonspu blications.com. SANGER NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Just $10 per week for both the weekly Sanger News and the weekly Krum Newsl Call458- 8515 or email: sanger@ lemon spubrication s.com A Benefit Garage Sale For Rent: 115 W. Lake St., for Jessica Smith, a 2002 Krum. 1200 sq. ft. metal graduate of Sanger High building, 10400l side walls, School, will be held this fully wired, $800 month. Saturday during the City Optional: 12x20 office Wide Garage Sale. Jes- building, detached. Call sica was diagnosed with 940-390-2763. ovarian and uterine cancer last year and has been In Facility for Rent: Need the hospital several times a place for a party, wed - with complications from ding reception or reunion? the chemo treatments. She Large building with beau - has noInsurance since she tiful view of Lake Ray works as a caretaker for Roberts. Very reasonable handicapped Individuals. rates. Call 940458-2862 This multi -family garage or 940-595-6326, sale will be at 3006 Lake - Side Dr. In Sanger from Space to rent: App. 600 8am4pm Saturday. sq.ft. ideal for office or re- tail. Located on FM 455 past the high school. Good For Sale 90_391-3488so; 940-391-9771 for details. Ping pong table for sale with net, paddles and balls. $50. Please call 940-300- 3828. Sanger Cemetery Plots: Lots In block 1. Five (5) plots with 5 spaces each. $500/space or $2000/plot of 6 spaces. Fred Hodge 940-058-3897. Pets LOST DOG Lost Dog named Bell. Hus- ky with one blue and one brown eye, wearing two collars, one orange stripe with tags on Invisible fence collar. Missing since March 1 from Chisum and Nance area. Please call 940-458- 0337 or 940435-1658. Her family misses her. 11 NORTHSTAR BANK OF TEXAS Comc groin with nsl Denton; Bank Secrecy Act Officer Maintenance Technician Lewisville: Credit Analyst 8xpedeaca mydnd. EDE. aewmc to:mb,ryrA baak.com For dern�sor mtarbaaksoa,'c,rc<r' 'Best Companlss m Work forin Texas, 2009,2014" IA COME GROW WITH US 45 years, 60 stores & going STRONG! 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Call Michael Galicia at 972-997-6665. Sanger res- ident. HTC Enterprise General home maintenance. Painting, flooring, fence work, hauling, lawn mainte- nance, acreage mowing and power washing. 940-703.3791 Competitive rates. Call weekly Krum News! Paint, Patch, Powerwash 940-390-9574. Email your ad to: & Handyman Services Painting, Sheetrock Office Warehouse for SanOer®Ie1nOH3pub- Patching, Deck Staining, lease. Garbage, Water Included. $750-$800 per Ileatioas.eom or call Floor Coverings, Etc. Free Estimates. month plus deposit. Call 940-458-8515 817-939-9511 or 940-390-9574. cell 940-597.7161 Legal Notices C. Dello Contracting All phases of Home Improvement and ORDINANCE #03.01.15 Remodeling. Specializing In Kitchens and Bath. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCE TO ESTAB- LISH APUBLIC TREE CARE ORDINANCE FOR TREES LOCATED UPON CITY OWNED PUBLIC PROPERTY, INCLUDING STREETS AND RIGHT-OF-WAYS; ES- TABLISHING THAT THE MEMBERS OF THE SANGER PARKSBOARD SHALL SERVE AS THE "PUBLIC TREE ADVISORY BOARD-; IDENTIFYING CITY PERSON- NEL WHOWILL HAVE ADMINISTRATIVE AND OPER- ATIONAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE MAINTENANCE ANDREMOVAL OF TREES ON CITY PROPERTY; PRO- VIDING FOR THE REMOVAL OF DISEASED OR HAZ- ARDOUSTREES ON PRIVATE PROPERTY UNDER CERTAIN LIMITED CONDITIONS; PROVIDING A SE, ERABILRYCLAUSE; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR CIVIL PENALTIES; AND PROVIDING ANEFFECTIVE DATE. SUBSCRIBE TO THE SANGER NEWSI One-year subscriptions are just 029 per year and your paper will be delivered to your mailbox every Thursday! To start your subseript!olt, call 940-458-8515 or entail sanger@lenlonspublieations.eom SUBSCRIBE TODAY TO THE SANGER NEWS ONE MONTH FREE! When you subscd6e to the Sanger News !lx �sl $23 PER YEAR, you'll receive your homelown newspaper in the mail EVERY THURSDAY. PLUS .., you'll SAVE 20'/o PER YEAR oS the neWand price! PLUS... we'llOe you ONE MONTH FREE with your new subscription! lost,,Xte,FJw6o6mdgt rI ¢llirs dPo SAN08RN&WSN&W80BSOAIPTION SANGER NEWS r< POBOX250 SANGER, TX76266 nk.a 0i;fausit s&p67/i1&#4aStrodoantnm � r,,,Mc.r., S1�xY,ata71l66SIS — _�wir3 Free Estimates No Job Too Smell Cell: 940391-8669 Home: 940-458-4992 Professional Music Instruction Guitar, Bass, Banjo, Mandolin, Plano, Vocal, and Theory. 940-206-3446 Lee's Old T1mey Berber Shop Downtown Sanger on the Square. Specializing In seniors and working men. Senior discount on Wednesdays. 940-a82A333 Anna's House & Pet Sitting Sanger resident. 8 years experience. Can administer medications to pets. References available. Please call Annie at 940A53-0367 Atlas Ccnst est 1975 Fncebook.com 940A5BA421, 940-594- 0374, 9403873230. 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