08/03/2000-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AUGUST 3, 2000 PRESENT: Charles Fenoglio, Polly Dwyer, Joe Falls, Ralph Cain ABSENT: Mark Bulger, Shelley Ruland, Jack Richardson 1. Charles Fenoglio Called Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes -June 29, 2080 Polly Dwyer moved to approve the minutes. Ralph Cain seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Discuss Development Plan for Sable ·Property. Art Kramer, Project Manager for Sable Development, addressed the board and indicated he would like to bring a couple of things to their attention. He indicated that after the School had discussed the location of the new high school complex, they had asked him to sit in on their meetings, during the meetings, one of the major problems was proper ingress/egress with either a two lane or four lane entry. The school needed approximately two acres of land that they did not own. He indicated the school had entered into a verbal agreement with Mr. Sable to give them the land, and also have planned to include a public park. The request for residential is specifically for SF4 zoning for economic reasons. Also, they will be asking for a variance on the multi family to twenty f1Ve units per acre. He indicated twenty-five may be excessive, but fifteen is not enough. Connd Smith, Mesa Development Group, indicated he had met with the City Manager and discussed this project. He explained the lay out to the board, and the details of the plan. He indicated they were only here to show the board what they were thinking about doing. Discussion regarding size of homes. Discussion regarding the multi family, and that it would probably be developed fint. Connd indicated they were planning to go before the Council on Monday night, and were asking this board to recommend a preliminary approvaL Polly Dwyer expressed concerns regarding putting twenty five units per acre in the residential area, and regarding a buffer between retail and residential. Discussion regarding the multi family area, density, and lot size in the single family. Discussion regarding parking requirements for multi family. Discussion regarding development costs and utilities. Mr. Kramer indicated they had an agreement with the school, that when they sold the property for the high school, at the same time they brought the utilities to the high school they would bring the utilities to this development. This is a major cost factor in the development costs. Joe Falls indicated he had a problem with the density, he indicated he felt they should stick with what the ordinance says. Discussion regarding the various development size, density, and cost. Charles Fenoglio indicated he liked the plan, and did not have a problem with recommending it to the Council with fifteen units per acre, on the multi family, and asking the Council to look at the possibility of a higher density. Discussion regarding infrastructure. Joe Falls indicated he would be for it, if it would meet the requirements of the ordinance. Discussion. Mr. Kramer indicated he was asking for general approval of the plan. Joe Falls moved to recommend approval of the plan with fifteen units per acre, and look at the ordinance with consideration of changing it, not recommending they change it,jast recommending they look at it. Ralph Cain seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Any Other Such Matters. None. S. Meeting Adjourned.