11/16/2000-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING NOVEMBER 16, 2000 PRESENT: Charles Fenoglio, Shelley Ruland, Ralph Cain, Joe Falls, Jack Richardson, Mark Bulger, Polly Dwyer OTHERS PRESENT: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Frank Rodgen, Charles Bittle, Peggy Arrington 1. Charles Fenoglio Called Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes -September 14, 2000 Jack Richardson moved to approve the minutes, Shelley Ruland seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. ' 3. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Final Plat on Heritage West, Phase I, Being 7.82 Acres in the Henry Tienvester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is located off of F.M. 455. Shelley Ruland Abstained from discussion. Mark Bulger indicated in the original meeting sidewalks were discussed. Did City Council approve without sidewalks? Staff indicated Council did approve without sidewalks. · Jack Richardson moved to approve the Plat. Joe Falls seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Shelley Ruland abstained. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Preliminary/Final Plat for Sunset Lake Estates, Phase II, Being 21.41 Acres in the Rueben Bebee Survey, Abstract 29. Property is located off Huling Road, in the City of Sanger's E.T.J. City Secretary indicated Ms. Brodie sent a letter addressing items #7 & #8 on the City Engineer's letter. The letter indicated variances are being requested OD the street widt• and cul-de-sac length. D~cussion regarding the Plat. Discussion regarding the road. It will be a private road, not a county road. Peggy Arrington indicated a gravel road is allowed if there are less than 6 lots. Discussion on the Lake Ray Roberts zoning. Discussion regarding #7 on the engineer's letter, and the fact that it is a private road. Discussioa regarding the cul-de-sac. Joe Falls asked about the building restrictions. Peggy Arrington indicated the houses would be 1500 square feet minimum and be brick or log cabin. Discussed restrictions for the property. Discussed the City responsibilities if the property were annexed at a later date. Jack Richardson asked about why they were not going to make it a county road. Peggy Arrington indicated they wanted to move fast, and because of the cost. Discussed the lot sizes. Shelley Ruland asked if the City would at some time be forced to take this road, and bring it up to City specifications. City Secretary indicated if the city goes out in that direction, they will probably be coming to us. the only thing the City could provide is Police and fare protection. Jack Richardson indicated he was worried about the street., and if it was annexed the property ownen will want it paved. Discussion regarding the road. Shelley Ruland moved to accept the plat as presented. Jack Richardson seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Preliminary plat for Be~ Hill Addition, being 25.44 acres in the J.P. B. January Survey, Abstract #658, in the E.T. J. Of the City of Sanger. Property is Located off of F.M. 455. Discussion regarding the plat. Charles Bittle indicated he is working with TXDOT regarding the permit for connection to FM 455. Discussion regarding the road. Shelley Ruland indicated he needed to hire an Engineer to draw up the specs on the road and help with complying with the County. City Secretary advised Mr. Bittle that the Surveyor should know what to do, and they should know what is required by the County. Board advised Mr. Bittle he needed to comply with the County specifications, then comeback. City Secretary indicated she would contact Steve Rollins with the County and find out the status on the plat. Discussion regarding setbacks. Mr. Bittle asked if the only issue was the road. The board indicated it was. Joe moves that this issue is to incomplete to be considered. -Shelley Ruland seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Any Other Such Matten. None. 7. Meeting Adjourned.