03/01/2001-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: PLANNING AND WNING MARCH1,2Nl PRESENT: Chairpenon Charles Fenoglio, Shelley Ruland, Polly Dwyer, JackRichanlson, Ralph Cain, Joe Falls ABSENT: Mark Bulger OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manger Rose Chavez, Administntive Assistant Samantha ·Renz, Mike Norman, Cecil Cheshier, Ray Stephens, Steve Postor, Roger Hebanl 1. Charles Fenoglio Called Meeting to Order: 2. Approve Minutes -February 15, 2001 Polly Dwyer moved to approve the minutes as presented. Ralph Cain· seconded. Motion carried unanimously 3. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Short Form Final Plat for the Stardust Addition, being 0.998 acres in the McKinney & Williams Survey Abstnct 940, and the R. Burleson Survey Abstnct 71. Property is located on Cowling Road. Mike Norman indicated this was for one house. Discussed zoning. Jack Richardson moved to approve the plat as presented. Shelley Ruland seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding the Preliminary Plat for Sanger Trails, being 291.9467 acres in the Ruben Bebee Survey, Abstnct 29, in the E.T.J. of the City of Sanger. A total of 873 residential lots, and 9 common areas/open spaces. Property is located off of Marion Road. Shelley Ruland expressed concerns regarding the property not being annexed and not being zoned. Art Andenon, zoning attorney, indicated they were trying to get the Preliminary Plat approved prior to annexation. Charles Fenoglio asked about the utilities. Cecil Cheshier indicated they plan to use the city's water and sewer. Discussion regarding the utilities, City Secretary indicated she did not feel water was a problem because they were intending to build a new water well in that area. Joe Falls asked how fast they were planning to develop the property. Mr. Hebard indicated they .intended to develop the lint phase, and then see how the market is. The fint phase has 48 lots. Discussion regarding the sewer. Shelley Ruland expressed concerns regarding the tnffic this would bring to Marion Rd. Cecil Cheshier indicated the rant phase will come out on Marion Road; however, the remainder of the subdivision lines up with the Denton County Thoroughfare plan and there will be other accesses. Discussion regarding drainage. Mr. Hebard indicated they will have retention ponds; therefore, the drainage will not affect the surrounding neighbon. City Manager indicated before the school is opened they will work on the roads to help take care of traffic. Shelley asked if there were any improvements expected for Marion Road. Cecil Cheshier indicated they plan to conform to Denton County's thoroughfare plan, and will probably make Marion a four lane road. Further discussion regarding tnffic. Discussion regarding the lot sizes across the front. Discussion regarding the improvements to Marion Road, and the possible Escrow account for improvements. I Shelley Ruland asked if the right-of-way of fifty feet would accommodate the City's requirements for the streets. City Manager indicated it would. Polly Dwyer addressed the setbacks. She indicated if they were going with Single Family 3, the side set backs must be eight feet. Cecil Cheshier indicated they would probably ask for a variance on the setbacks to rave feet on the sides and fifteen on the rear yard to try to get a larger home on the lot. Shelley Ruland indicated she would rather see the lot sizes increased to accommodate the size·homes they would like to put on the lots. She would-like them to comply with the City ordinances. Discussion regarding setbacks. Discussed the common areas and how they would be maintained. Polly Dwyer indicated she liked the plan; however, would like them to comply with the subdivision regulations regarding lot sizes and setbacks. Ralph Cain indicated they should recommend to the Council that they have a minimum eight foot setback on the side yard and twenty foot on the rear. Lengthy Discussion regarding setbacks and lot sizes. Shelley Ruland expressed concems regarding the service to the lot. City Manager indicated the water would come from the school's line. Shelley Ruland asked if there were any more comments that needed to be addressed at this point, or are they final plat issues. City Manager indicated the majority of them are final plat issues. Ray Stephens, owner of property South of this, indicated he has not seen a map of the plat. He was particularly concemed about the drainage, he understood they were talking about installing retention ponds. He indicated there was a lot of drainage in that area, he wanted to be assured that the proposal to hold the water would actually work if there was a lot of rain like there has been recently. He felt they needed to provide more information regarding this. He also expressed concems regarding the common fence that is between the two properties, be would like assurance that the fence would be retained or upgraded and not tom down. He was also concemed that he did not receive notice regarding this. City Secretary indicated by law we are not required to send a notice on plats. Mr. Stephens expressed further concerns regarding the drainage. Mr. Hebard's representatives addressed his concems and showed him the plan for the retention ponds. They also addressed the issue of the fence and indicated they would work it out with him. Polly Dwyer-moved-to approve the-Preliminary Plat for Sanger Trails, being 291.9467 acres in the Ruben Bebee Survey, Abstract 29, in the E. T .J. of the City of Sanger with stipulations that the lot sizes will be a minimum of 6,NO square feet, and the side yard adhering to the ordinance of 8 feet and the rear yard having a setback of 25 feet, and that drainage studies will all be done through drainage studies at a later date, prior to the fmal plat. Joe Falls seconded. Motion carried S to 1. Shelley Ruland voted no. S. Any Other Such Matters. Discussed letter sent to the Commission that was sent by Polly Dwyer. Discussed zoning, and setbacks. Board agreed to schedule a workshop with the City Council to discuss possible changes in the ordinances. 6. Adjourn.