JUNE 28, 2001
PRESENT: Jack Richardson, Shelley Ruland, Polly Dwyer, Ralph-Cain, Mark Bulger
ABSENT: Charles Fenoglio, Joe Falls
PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez,
Roger Hebard
1. Jack Richardson, Acting Chairpenon, Called Meeting to Order.
2. Approve Minutes -May 31, 2001
Shelley Ruland moved to approve the minutes. Seconded by Polly Dwyer. Motion
carried unanimously.
3. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding a Zoning Request Change From AG (Agriculture)
to B-3 (Business 3), MF-2 (Multi-Family 2), 1-1 (Industrial 1) and SF-3 (Single Family
3) on property legally described as Abstract19, Rueben Bebee Survey, Tract 72, Being
291.9467 Acres to be known as Sanger Trails.
Public Hearing opened.
Discussion regarding the phases of the entire project.
Public Hearing elosed.
4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change From AG
(Agriculture) to B-3 (Business 3), MF-2 (Multi-Family 2), 1-1 (Industrial 1) and SF-3
(Single Family 3) on property legally described as Abstract 29, Rueben Bebee Survey,
Tract 72, Being 291.9467 Acres -to be known as Sanger Trails.
Discussion regarding a possible ordinance for development of a road prior to
construction and development of the Industrial zoned area.
Polly Dwyer moved to approve the zoning request change. Jack Richardson seconded.
Motion carried 3 to 2. Shelley Ruland and Mark Bulger voted no.
S. Any Other Such Matters.
Discussed issues and concerns regarding the travel trailers on the comer of Austin St.
and Stemmons.
6. Meeting Adjourned.