07/12/2001-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: PLANNING AND WNING COMMISSION JULY 12, 2001 PRESENT: Jack Richardson, Shelley Ruland, Ralph Cain, Polly Dwyer, Ken Perry, Joe Falls ABSENT: Mark Bulger OTHERS PRESENT: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Fred Gossett, Roger Hebard, ·Paul Cargill,Jerry Yensan, Katherine Wordell,Amy Sadeghian, Nicole and Dwayne Trower, J.O.J.L. Wheeler 1. Acting Chairpenon Jack Richardson Called Meeting to Order. 2. Appointment of Chairpenon and Co-Chairpenon. Shelley Ruland nominated Jack Richardson as Chairpenon. Ken Perry seconded the nomination. Motion carried unanimously. Jack Richardson nominated Shelley Ruland as Co-Chairpenon. Joe Falls seconded the nomination. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing Reprding a Zoning Request Change From 2-F (Duplex) to MF-1 (Multi-Family) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tienvester Survey, Tract 217, Being S.00 Acres. Property is located at 903 Keaton Rd. Public Hearing opened. Fred Gossett, 362S Serendipity Hills Trail in Corinth, spoke in favor of the request. He indicated that he would like to build four-plexes on the property. It would be a nice transition from the housing addition to the mobile home park. · He would like to request the zoning change, and answer any questions they may have. Shelley Ruland asked Mr. Gossett what his intentions were for the existing house. Mr. Gossett indicated they intend to demolish it. They plan to put one street down either the North or South side. He would plan to build a screen fence on the South, and possibly on the North. Polly Dwyer asked how many entrances would there be. Mr. Gossett indicated there would be only one. Polly indicated he would have to get variance, because the City ordinance requires two entrances. Discussion regarding the entrance. Mr. Gossett indicated he would have between sixteen and eighteen units, which would be sixty to seven individual units. They will be two story. Discussed parking spaces required. Mr. Gossett indicated ·he would follow the City's code on the required parking and landscaping. Polly Dwyer indicated the City ordinances only allowed ten (10) units per acre. Mr. Gossett indicated he wanted something that the community would be proud of. Mn. Khosrow Sadeghian, 629 Vernon Tree Ln. in Coppell, addressed the board and expressed opposition to the request. She was concerned about the traffic, and that they may use her private road. She requested that ifit is approved that a brick wall be put between the development and her property. Gerald Yensan, Landmark Surveyon in Denton, indicated he had done several plats and surveys for Mr. Gossett in Denton. He indicated Mr. Gossett does exceptional work, and he would like to emphasize that his properties are always very nice. Dwayne Trower, 1822 Melinda Myrl, indicated he was against the zoning change. He would like to see it go to Single family houses. He felt this was money driven rather than looking out fro the community. Katherine Wordell, 1824 Melinda Myrl, spoke in opposition of the request. She expressed concerns regarding the children's safety in that area, the traffic, and indicated she would like to keep the trees behind her home. Public Hearing closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change From 2-F (Duplex) to MF-1 (Multi-Family) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 217, Being 5.00 Acres. Property is located at 903 Keaton Rd. Jack Richardson asked for comments or a motion. Discussed the size of the property. Shelley Ruland indicated that the area is best suited for this type of development. Mr. Gossett indicated be normally does Single Family projects, but that cannot be done in this area. He knew there was a need for rental property in Sanger, and be wanted to provide that. He indicated it is only thirty more units than Single Family would be. Polly Dwyer asked if there was any considention of having people purchase the units instead of renting. Mr. Gossett indicated be would ·like to be able to control what the development will INk like, so lie would not consider selling the units. Discussion regarding the property. Polly asked if Mr. Gossett would consider putting in a brick walL Mr. Gossett indicated be would not; it would be too expensive and raise the rent amounts tN high. Discussion regarding the trees. Mr. Gossett indicated they will only remove the trees that are in the direct path of the site. Shelley Ruland indicated the property is not suited for any other zoning. Discussion continued regarding the request. Jack Richardson indicated there is not any other use for this property, and currently the property is not being maintained, with this development the property will at least .be maintained. Shelley Ruland indicated she felt it would be a benefit to the community. Polly Dwyer moved to accept the property for MF-1 on the condition that it maintain no greater than four units per building. Shelley Ruland seconded. Motion carried S to 1, Ralph Cain voted no. S. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Final Plat for Serendipity Place, Being 8.891 Acres in the H. Tierwester Sunrey, Abstnct 1241. Property is Located off of Keaton Rd. Discussed that the project will be done in two phases. Mr. Gossett indicated that when 60% of the lots are sold, they will then start on the second phase. Polly Dwyer moved to approve the Final Plat. Joe Falls seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Final Plat for Sanger Tnils , Being Legally Described as Abstnct 29, Rueben Bebee Survey, Tnct 72. Property is located off of Marion Rd. Polly Dwyer asked for Deed Restrictions in the Industrial area that it not be developed until something is done with Belz Rd. Mr. Hebard indicated he would be willing to either work something with that road, or put in a road from F.M. 455. They have increased their street width per the Council's request. Discussed the roads and parking. Joe Falls asked how the property would sewer. Mr. Hebard indicated it will sewer to the southwest part of the property. Discussion continued regarding the request. Shelley Ruland moved to accept the final plat on Sanger Tnils with the undentanding that all the plans meet the requirements of the engineer, and that deed restrictions be placed on the property restricting the flow of commercial tnffic through the residential area. Polly Dwyer seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 7. Any Other Such Matten. A) Dwayne Trower indicated the notice that was sent out regarding the zoning change at 903 Keaton had the wrong day on it. City Secretary explained the notice requirements, and that those requirements were met with the notice in the paper and the posting of the agenda on the door of City Hall. B) Discussion regarding the zoning at Serendipity Place. 8. Meeting Adjourned.