04/11/2002-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: PLANNING AND WNING APRIL 11, 2002 PRESENT: Jack Richardson, PoUy Dwyer, Mark Bulger, Ralph Cain, SheUey Ruland, Ken Perry, Joe Falls OTHERS PRESENT: City Manger Jack Smith, Assistant City Secretary Samantha Renz, Tod Tieszen, Robert Valenzuela, Steve Pace, Christen Clensay 1. Jack Richardson called meeting to order. 2. Approve Minutes: March 14, 2002 Shelley Ruland moved to accept as written, Ken Perry seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Specific Use Permit for Travel Trailer and Recreational Vehicle Sales on property legally described as Abstract 1241, Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 224. Property is located at 1305 S. Stemmons Rd. Public Hearing opened. No Discussion. Public Hearing closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Specific Use Permit for Travel Trailer and Recreational Vehicle Sales on property legally described as Abstract 1241, Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 224. Property is located at 1305 S. Stemmons Rd. Polly Dwyer asked why they moved. Steve Pace indicated the drive never came through or the fence that was part of the agreement. This lot came available and be had a chance to get out of his lease. Brief Discussion regarding the property. Shelley moved to approve the Special Use Permit for Travel Trailer and Recreational Vehicle Sales on property legally described as Abstract 1241, Henry TierwesterSurvey, Tract 224. Polly Dwyer seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Consider and Possible Action on a Preliminary Plat for Quail Run, Being 359 Residential Lots. Property is Located off of Cowling Road. Shelley asked on the motion if there was a way to better send the information from them to City CounciL Staff will write memo and put in front of Council. Discussion regarding the lift station and the sewer Jines. The Engineer for the project indicated they would have to put in a lift station. Discussed drainage plan. Ralph Cain asked what phase would open up the two streets to the North. The Engineer for the project indicated they haven't gotten that far yet, but would start with Phase I. Discussed the rave (5) foot setback variance request. The Engineer for the project indicated they were seeing S foot in most locations, and felt that would get a better variation if they went with the S foot setbacks. Polly Dwyer indicated this fell under the old SF3 zoning. Joe Falls indicated be had suggested to Council that some subdivisions have a different setback on one side of the lot than the other side of the lot. Discussion continued regarding the setback. Discussi~n regarding drainage calculations. Discussed that drainage can and will flow into a natural low spot. They have spoken to Mr. Raisler and are working out the details. Shelley Ruland indicated she was concerned about the rave (S) foot setbacks because it limits the ability of vehicles to get to the back yard area. Discussion regarding the plat. Discussion regarding the R.O.W. City Engineer in his letter had asked for a 60' R.O. W. however the City ordinance only requires a SO foot R.O.W. The Engineer for the project indicated they will give additional easements in the front of the lots if the City requests it. ., Discussed landscape medium. Jack Richardson asked if the staff bad ever suggested any round-abouts to slow down traffic. The Engineer for the project indicated they were very flexible and would be willing to work with the city if they wanted any type of calming devices. Polly Dwyer asked if they would put in sidewalks. The Engineer for the project indicated they would put in whatever the ordinance requires with the only variance being the 5 foot setbacks. Polly asked what style of home were they planning to put in. The Engineer for the project indicated they do not have confirmed builder but had numerous people interested. It would probably be two different builders. Polly indicated if it was a garden style home she would not be adverse to the rave foot setback, if not she would stick with the 8 foot setbacks Joe Falls asked if the only problem would be with sewer and not water also. The Engineer for the project indicated they would be very creative with the sewer and find a way to make it work. Joe Falls indicated be would stipulate that the sewer be explored in detail to find the best way for the City. Ken Perry asked if the funds were available to complete the project. The Engineer for the project indicated there was definitely enough to complete phase I, and from there it will be market driven. Discussion regarding their project in Justin, Texas. Joe Falls moved to approve the Preliminary Plat and dissapprc,ve the variance on the side setbacks and design the sewer to utilize as much gravity flow as possible on the lift station as possible and that they work toward as much gravity feed as possible. Shelley Ruland seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Polly asked about eoming in from previous zoning is it necessarily grand fathered. Discussion. 6. Meeting Adjourned.