07/15/2002-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION JULY 15, 2002 PRESENT: Jack Richardson, Shelley Ruland, Polly Dwyer, Gail Goodner, Ralph Cain, ken Perry ABSENT: Ginger Burt OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/ Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Code ·Enforcement Officer Ken Wilson, Streets/Parks Superintendent Jolan Hendenon, John Parramore, Steve Koch, Trisa Koch, Carroll McNeill, Niels LuForte, Janan Kline, Debbie Conley, Pat Miller, J.C. Miller, Mike Dobrovolsky, Elizabeth Higgs 1. Jack Richardson Called Meeting to Order. 2. Consider and Possible Action on a Concept Plan for Steve Koch on Property located at 600 Denton St. Shelley Ruland asked what exactly he was requesting. Steve Koch, 6415 Stags Leap Rd., Sanger, indicated he would like to take the existing piece of property at 600 Denton St. and along Denton St., put four lots. He indicated the two lots to the North were more then 6000 square feet but the width of the lot did not meet the 60 foot requirement. He also wanted to put three lots at the back of the property, and extend Oak Street with a cull-de-sac. Shelley Ruland asked what the radius of the proposed cull-de-sac was. Steve Koch indicated about 50 feet. Discussion regarding the street and the zoning. It is the old Single Family 3 zoning. Discussion regarding the building requirements for the specified zoning. Discussion regarding the lot sizes. Citizens in the area expressed concerns regarding the fire truck being able to tum around in the cull-de-sac, and the fact that it will be too crowded with all of these homes. Discussion regarding the street and drainage. Carroll McNeill, 701 Denton, presented a sketch showing a possible way to develop the property to take the traffic off of Oak Street, and expressed that he would like them to put in a concrete street. Shelley Ruland indicated she was concerned about the R.O. W. width and the concerns of the citizens in that area. She felt it should be researched as to what the R.O.W. width is, and what the drainage situation is. Polly Dwyer expressed concerns regarding the density and the dninage situation. Discussion continued. Shelley Ruland felt the street should be adequately improved with drainage considerations before this is approved. Steve Koch indicated be could come in off of the proposed access and drain it all towards Denton St. SheUey indicated she was still concerned about the impact on Oak Street. Discussion continued. Jack Richardson asked for staff recommendations. City Manager indicated the City Engineer would review the plat, and he would have to go before the Board of Adjustments to get his variances. This is for them to look at it and pass it on. Polly Dwyer moved to deny the concept plan based upon lack of information regarding Oak St. and the R.O.W. and how much the City can do at this time. Ken Perry seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Meeting Adjourned.