08/15/2002-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: PLANNING AND WNING COMMISSION AUGUST 15, 2002 PRESENT: Jack Richardson, Polly Dwyer, Ginger Burt, Gail Goodner, Ralph Cain, Ken Perry, Shelley Ruland OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, Assistant City Secretary/Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Steve Koch, Trisa Koch, Ms. Miller, Rick E7.zell 1. Jack Richardson Called Meeting to Order • . 2. Approve Minutes: July 11, 2002 August 1, 2002 Ralph Cain moved to approve the minutes as presented, Shelley Ruland seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consider and Possible Action on a Preliminary Plat for Tiffany's Addition. Property is Located at 600 Denton. Discussion regarding number of lots. Discussed that the City Engineer requested a tum around at the end of Oak St. Steve Koch indicated he would be willing to donate the land for the tum around if the city will put it in. Jack Richardson indicated any developer has to put in his own street. Steve Koch indicated this was an existing lot on a street, and that he already bad access to Oak St. Jack Richardson asked for Staff recommendation. City Manager indicated that the Engineer recommended the tum around. He also indicated that if this was one piece of property, and Mr. Koch could put a drive way off of Oak St. if be wanted to. Shelley Ruland asked Mr. Koch if he felt there would be a problem accessing the garage on the existing house, with the current proposal. Steve Koch indicated he felt the garage would become unusable. He was considering closing it in. Discussed drainage. Ken Perry suggested putting a road at the back of the-properties on Denton and having rear entry ganges. Shelley Ruland indicated she felt the proposal was reasonable. The SF8 zoning was established knowing that there would be some e:1ceptions in the old part of town. Discussion regarding the water line. City Manager indicated there are two different types of improvements that will be done under the capital improvement plan. Some areas will be where the lines will need to be replaced, the other type will be the areas where lines do not have to be replaced. In this area the lines will probably be replaced. Polly Dwyer asked what type of structure would go on theses lots. Steve indicated 1200 square foot homes with two car garages. Polly Dwyer indicated she felt the 56 foot lot width was acceptable due to the lot size. She agreed that he did decrease the density as requested. Shelley Ruland moved to accept the Preliminary Plat for Tiffany Addition. Polly Dwyer seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Consider and Possible Action on a Preliminary Plat for Chisam Road Estates. Property is Genenlly Located North of Sanger along 1-35 in the Northern Portion of the City's E.T.J. Brief Discussion regarding the development. Rick Ezzell indicated this is a two year old project, he did have it at the County, but pulled it and brought it to the City for approval. Discussed the road requirements. Rick Ezzel indicated the road that he puts in will be asphalt. Ginger Burt asked if the road will have to be built to County Specifications. Rick indicated it would be. Ginger Burt asked if the plat was passed, will he have to go through any other procedures before he can develop the property. Mr. Ezzell indicated ·be had to put in the road before he can sale the lots on that road. Discussed the size of the lots. City Manager explained the legislation that was -passed requiring the Counties and cities to agree on who was going to control the E.T.J. subdivisions. Ralph Cain asked how far this was outside the City limits. Discussed not more than 500 yards -in some areas. Rick indicated they have worked extensively trying to get city services to this subdivision. Currently, they are in Bolivar Water's CCN. Discussion regarding the water service. Briefly discussed drainage. Rick indicated they were putting in a retention pond and doing a drainage easement to the creek that will take it on out. There are drainage issues, but they are being taken care of. Discussion regarding the road. Polly Dwyer asked about the size and type of homes. Rick indicated he did not build homes, but they will be selling to builders who will build the same type home that is there. They will be in the $200,000 range. Discussed that everything fits the County specifications. Shelley Ruland moved to approve the Preliminary Plat for Chisam Road Estates, Ralph Cain seconded, motion carried unanimously. S. Consider and Possible Action on a Final Plat for Chisam Road Estates. Property is Generally Located North of Sanger along 1-35 in the Northern Portion of the City's E.T.J. Shelley asked if be needed cross sections on the final plat. Discussed the Final Plat and the County responsibilities. Polly moved to approve the Final Plat of Chisam Road Estates, Ginger Burt seconded. Motion carried unanimously 6. Meeting Adjourned.