11/14/2002-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: PLANNING AND WNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 14, 2002 PRESENT: Jack Richardson, Shelley Ruland, Gail Goodner, Ralph Cain, Ginger Burt, Polly Dwyer, Ken Perry OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, Assistant City Secretary Samantha Renz, Rose Chavez, Fidencio Chavez, Curtis Amyx, Brenda Amyx, Janell Shelton, Joyce Herzog, Don Jost, Judy Jost, Ralph Amyx, Curtis Amyx, Paul Purvis, Rhonda Winchester, James Elliot, Manly Brown, John Voss, Teri Voss, Carol Roberts, Dale Keith Roberts, Tod Teiszen, Gerald Bridges, David & Sundquist, Ryan McDaniel, Lealand Hanleman, Tasneem Agha, Maisam · Turabi, Reva Box, Norma J. Matney, Marci Parrott, Candace Murphree, Alisha Perrier, Sharon Miller, Ronnie Bussey 1. Jack Richanlson called meeting to order. 2. Approve Minutes: October 17, 2002 Ginger Burt moved to approve the minutes as presented, Ralph Cain seconded, Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing Reganling a Zoning Request Change from SF3 (Single Family 3) to PD (Planned Development) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 87 & 88. Public Hearing opened. Allen Bussell, with S.E.N.T., 1621 Amanda Court in Ponder, representing Dr. Turabi, spoke in favor of the request. He showed the location, between Keaton and 1-35. There is an existing house and a small ham. He showed the views from the property. Mr. Bussell discussed buffering. He indicated it was a good idea to buffer the existing homes. On the North side, he lowered the size of the offices, and put them next to the collector street to put more distance between the buildings and the existing homes. To the South, the homes are a little closer. They have the assisted living on that side. They are a maximum of 4 stories, the architect thought they may could get it in 3 stories. They are proposing a Cedar fence and landscaping on the outsides of the property. They will push as far away from the rear property lines as they can. On the West, they will put a detention area, and a park for the assisted living. They would have a fountain or something to keep the water moving to keep out mosquitos. Assisted living will have very little traffic and noise. The impact ·is very low except for the size of the buildings. He continued to go over the design layout. He would work with the City engineer to fmd the best solution for traffic control · Discussion regarding the number of units per building on the assisted living, and the square footage of the units. Discussion regarding the size and number of rooms in the hotel. Polly Dwyer asked if it would be possible to divert all of the service vehicles back to the service road. ~iscussi~~ regarding the traffic, service vehicles, and off-street loading. Ralph Amyx, indicated he owned 60 acres adjoining this property. He discussed issues regarding Keaton Rd. He then indicated he was in opposition to the zoning change. He did not want to look across the street and see 4 and ·5 story buildings. He indicated at one time he wanted to buy the property the school had on the comer of Keaton and Holt, to build a commercial building. A citizen told him that he would not be able to get the zoning change. James A. Elliot, lives west of the property at Laney and Keaton, indicated he moved in over three years ago, and put a window on the East side of his house, the property was zoned single family. The retention pond will be detrimental to the ~rea. The traffic has increased in the last three years. Since the high school moved, that school is now· a middle school, and more kids are walking on the street. Anyone w•nting to go North will use Keaton Rd. He indicated he would rather see it stay Single Family on the back side as currently zoned. · Paul Purvis, expressed concerns regarding traffic and the detention pond. He was in oppijsition to the request. · . \ Rose Chavez, 109 Holt, indicated she had bought a house,-and knew the AG Dam would be behind her, and knew what the surrounding zoning was. She and her husband bought the prop,rty with the thought that they · were surrounded by residential property. They could have bought in the country, but wanted _to stay in the City to pay City taxes. They were opposed to the changt. · ,., Ralph• Cain asked how long it had been zoned Single Family. ',f . ; ~ . Staff indicated since 1986. --~!:-· !,;• ,. • i ,,, f •• : • ~: ••• , Ryan McDaniel, comer of Brooke and Keaton, spoke in opposition. ~ asked the .. , developers-if they had-done any studies on the demographics of ihe, neigllborhood. . 1 \ -~·.•. :,;: .• Dr. Turabi indicated they had not. • ~' , , . ·-·1. •.( !,.i -; ... ,r· •r . '!l"!~~i • H· ..... ~ Mr. McDaniel expressed concerns regarding the traffic and smaU.chil,tren walking to schools. He indicated to the developers that they should-do traffic studiea;and research J _: the demographies. Joyce Herzog indicated she was against the change. She also expressed concerns regarding the traffic and the children. She indicated that she hoped it would be in Sanger, just not that area. Jack Richardson asked the audience if in summary they all felt the same way, basically, that the development was welcomed, just not in this area. Audience agreed. Reva Bos:, Brooke Dr., indicated she was for the assisted living, felt it was great for Sanger, but this is the wrong place. Public Hearing closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change from SF3 (Single Family 3) to PD (Planned Development) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tienvester Survey, Tract 87 & 88. Shelley Ruland expressed concerns regarding the density of the development. She felt that in a residential neighborhood, you couldn't ask for a better neighbor than assisted living. Shelley continued to explain that Multi Family dwellings, are limited to 15 units per acre. Even with that density you would only get 150 units. This proposal shows 160 units on this ten acres in addition to the commercial buildings. She felt there was room for change, and that they could change the proposal and bring it back to them with something that would be workable for the neighborhood. Dr. Turabi indicated they were not looking to go more than three stories high. The assisted living will only have 40 -units per building for a total of 80 units. Shelley indicated the plan shows 160 units. Dr. Turabi indicated they.changed it to three stories and 40 units in the building. Discussion regarding the developers re-working the proposal. Shelley Ruland indicated if the zoning stays as is, they can put the commer~ buildings up front, and put 35 to 40 homes on the back portion of the property. Discussion regarding the zoning. Lighting Issues discussed. Ralph Cain recommended they find a better location, and moved to deny the request. Motion died for lack of second. Polly Dwyer indicated they could defer for up to 90 days, suggest they have a neighborhood meeting, and come back. Shelley Ruland asked the developen if that would work for them. The developen indicated it would. Discussion continued. Ginger Burt moved to defer the request for not more than 90 days. Motion carried 5 to 2. Jack Richardson and Ralph Cain voted no. 5. Consider. and Possible Action on a Preliminary Plat for Quail Run, Being 367 Residential Lots out of 82.439 Acres, Located off of Cowling Road. Manly Brown, representing the developer, indicated be was bringing a revised plat at request of the City, the original plat was 380 lots, it bas now been reduced to 367 lots. Polly Dwyer expressed concerns regarding density. Mr. Brown indicated they were only coming back to add the park. They have reduced number of lots. Discussed street widths and parking. Discussed drainage. Polly Dwyer asked if the lift station is incompatible will they make it compatible. Mr. Brown indicated they would. Polly Dwyer moved to approve the Preliminary Plat for Quail Run. Shelley Ruland seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Meeting Adjourned.