01/16/2003-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: PLANNING AND WNING COMMISSION JANUARY 16, 2003 PRESENT: Jack Richardson, Shelley Ruland, Polly Dwyer, Ken Perry, Ralph Cain ABSENT: Ginger Burt, Gail Goodner OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant/ Assistant City Secretary Samantha Renz, Rhonda Winchester, Allen Bussell, Dr. Turabi, -Don Jost, Teri Voss, Ralph Am~ Johanna Sorrells, Sharon & Jeff Miller 1. Jack Richardson Called Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes: December 12, 2002 Shelley Ruland moved to approve the minutes as presented, Polly Dwyer seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding a Zoning Request Change from SF3 (Single Family 3) to PD (Planned Development) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tienvester Survey, Tract 87 & 88. Allen Bussell, 1621 Amanda Court, Ponder, indicated they had chaged the plan based on the comments at the community meeting and the last planning and zoning meeting. They have taken out all of the retail and restricted the assisted living buildings to two- story, and the office buildings to one story. Mr. Bussell indicated he had provided the City Engineer with a drainage study. Jack Richardson asked who would be responsible for maintaining the pond. Mr. Bussell indicated it would be the responsibility if the assisted living facilities. Jack Richardson asked if the citizens were strongly against talking the road through to Keaton Rd. Mr. Bussell indicated they were. Discussion continued regarding the layout. Ralph Cain indicated he felt it would be a good project for the developers, but asked if there were any studies done on what impact it weald have on the City. Mr. Bussell indicated he was not sure what impact it would have on the city revenues, but felt it would have no impact on the school system -with the exception of the increased tax revenues. Shelley Ruland asked about the total number of units in the assisted living buildings. Mr. Bussell indicated there would be 80 total units. Discussion regarding the landscaping. Don Jost addressed the board and indicated be was opposed to the request. He indicated as a homeowner he did not have a problem witbthe project, he was opposed to the location of this proposal He felt it could be done many places in Sanger. He felt they should take a longer look at the back of this, and let them develop the front portion fint. He also indicated that if one story buildings were good for the North side, they should also be good for the South side. He felt the majority of the homeownen were against the project. Jeff Miller, 104 Holt Rd., indicated he was in opposition of the request. He indicated he had attended the community meeting, but that he did not get a clear answer on whether or not the fire department will be able to take care of these buildings. Terri Voss spoke in opposition of the request.. She indicated it should stay Single Family. She was concemed about the dninage, fire, tnflic and lights. Ralph Amyx indicated he felt the committee should have made their decision the rant time it came before them instead of waiting. Sharon Miller indicated she was opposed due to possible lights and sirens. She felt this could be done a lot of other places. Public Hearing closed. 4. · Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change from SFJ (Single Family 3) to PD (Planned Development) on Property Legally Described as Abstnct 1241 in the Henry Tienvester Survey, Tnct 87 & 88. Shelley Ruland·indicated that she felt thedevelopen have made reasonable concessions. She felt it looked neighborhood friendly, and there would be no tnffic diverted to Keaton Rd. Shelley Ruland moved to change the zoning from SF3 to PD as described in the Planned Development layout submitted by the developen on property Legally described as Abstnct 1241 in the Henry Tienvester Survey, Tnct 87 & 88. Polly Dwyer seconded. Motion carried 3 to 2. Ken Parry and Ralph Cain voted no. S. Meeting Adjourned.