01/30/2003-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION JANUARY 30, 2003 PRESENT: Jack Richardson, Ginger Burt, Ralph Cain, Gail Goodner, Ken Perry OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack S.mith, City Secretary Rose Chavez 1. Jack Richardson called the meeting to order. 2. Approve Minutes: January 16, 2003 Shelley Ruland moved to accept the minutes as presented, Ken Perry seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding a Zoning Change Request from B2 (Business 2) to SFSE (Single Family SE) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 71, Tract 23. Property is Located at 2004 Stemmons Rd., Sanger, Texas. Public Hearing opened. Tina Hoops, daughter of Faye and Jack Gheen, indicated her parents were senior citizens, and have applied for a home improvement loan so they can have money to survive on. They are requesting the property be taken back to Single Family so they can get a loan. The Finance institution will not give them a home improvement loan because it is zoned commercial. Public Hearing dosed. 4. Consider and Possible Action a Zoning Change Request from 82 (Business 2) to SFSE (Single Family SE) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 71, Tract 23. Property is Located at 2004 Stemmons Rd., Sanger, Texas. Shelley Ruland asked if they had approached another lender. Ms. Hoops indicated the lenders in Sanger have too high of interest rates. Ms. Hoops indicated as long as there's a one way street no one will be interested in the property zoned as 82. Shelley Ruland indicated until someo-.e co.-es in and puts together a number of these properties, business will not be feasible here, at that time they could request a change back to business. Discussion regarding the surrounding zoning. Polly Dwyer expressed eoocems regarding spot zoning. Ginger Burt asked what would be considered spot zoning. City Manager indicated the issue with spot zoning is possibly de-valuing the adjoining property. Discussion. City Secretary indicated if they re-zoned the surrounding property it wouldn't be spot zoning. Discussion regarding the surrounding properties. Ms. Hoops indicated her parents would be willing to request a change to Single Family on the surrounding properties that they owned. Polly moved to change the zoning from B2 to SFS on property legally described as Abstract 71, Tract 23, contingent upon them requesting a zoning change to Single Family on tract 22, Shelley Ruland seconded, Motion carried unanimously. S. Meeting Adjourned.