01/05/2004-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION JANUARY S, 2004 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Jimmy Evans, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Glenn Ervin OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant/ Assistant City Secretary Samantha Renz, Kim Hall, Charles Freeman, Dorothy Nubine, Rhonda Eakman, Erroll Perdue, Kathy Perdue, Margaret Ware, Ruby Davis, Peggy Haskins, Bonnie Logan, Reginald Logan, Chanse Slater, Rachel Green, Arlene Thomas, Taisy Jones, Sam Jones Sr., Donald Jones, Mae Jones, Georgia Royal, Shannon Haskins, Franklin Haskins, Ashley Haskins, Faye Roberson, Stephanie Roberson, J.P. Haskins, Bea Chambers, Angela McDade 1. Shelley Ruland Called Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes -December 15, 2003 Polly Dwyer moved to approve the minutes as presented. Ralph Cain seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Consider and Possible Action on a Preliminary and a Final Plat for Slater Addition. Property is Located within the City of Sanger's E. T .J. Polly Dwyer asked if this was just for residential purposes. Mr. Slater indicated it would be. Polly asked if drainage was an issue. City Engineer indicated they will have to deal with TXDOT on the drainage, culverts and permits. Ken Perry asked about drainage. City Engineer indicated there was drainage that fed the pond, he would recommend that when he develops the two lots that they are graded so they do not drain onto each other, he recommended the water is retained on the individual lots. Polly Dwyer moved to approve the Preliminary and Final plat for the Slater Addition. Ken Perry seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding a Zoning Change from Old Single Family 3 (SFJ) to Industrial 1( 1-1) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241, Tract 325. Property is Located on Railroad Avenue. Public Hearing opened. Rhonda Eackman, P.O. Box 443,600 Houston, indicated she needs a place to park a truck or two. They will be one ton and 3/4 ton, and skid steer loaders. They also need a place for an office. It will not be ugly, they want it to be pretty. Polly asked if they were storing things there. Ms. Eackman .indicated there will be water hoses and sprinklers. Shelley Ruland asked what kind of a building they would build. Rhonda indicated it would be at least a 20 x 20. Mainly an office and small storage. Ken Perry asked if it will be finished. Rhonda indicted it would be finished with what ever type of finish they required. Dorothy Nubine, indicated she was against the request, they want houses not commercial buildings. They have a church there and they don't want additional noise, etc. Peggy Haskins, 305 E. Willow St., indicated the concern is that once the door is opened to spot zoning and to light industrial or commercial it will change the neighborhood. They want to continue to build it up as a residential community. They do not want a commercial building in front of or beside their homes. The neighborhood is residential and should remain that way. Reginald Logan, pastor of Galilee Baptist church, indicated that once the door is opened it will multiply. He wants members in his congregation, and industrial business will not build his congregation. He indicated they are for growth and believed that residential growth is positive growth Charles Freeman, 7204 Coach light, Dallas, owner of the property. His property was zoned light industrial and was changed without his being aware. In the area right up against the tracks, there are four lots where homes used to be and they have been vacant since the homes were torn down. Directly across the street there is light industrial. His property has been on the market for a year and a half. Three individuals have looked at the property for residential use and they decided against it because of its proximity to the tracks. He requested they zone the property back to its previous zoning of light industrial. He indicated he felt what they were trying to do would blend in well with the neighborhood. Angela McDade, 216 Railroad Avenue, indicated she was against the zoning change. She indicated they will not be able to get home improvement loans if there property is changed to industrial. Georgia Royal, Railroad Avenue, indicated that the property was always residential until the 80's and it was zoned industrial, she came to the city and requested her property be changed back to residential, it was changed at that time. She wanted it to remain residential. Don Jones, 210 Railroad Ave, spoke in opposition of the request. He expressed concerns regarding children in the area. Mae Jones, 208 Railroad A venue, indicated they have a problem as it is with speeding cars, they have small kids playing, and she expressed concerns for their safety. Ms. Eackman indicated they will not disturb the church service, and that very seldom would there be anyone come during church times. They will be pulling a trailer and making that turn from the tracks, she did not feel speed would be an issue, they will be going slower than the individuals traveling to and from the ball field. Shelley Ruland asked about the business. Ms. Eackman indicated they do sod installation for new construction. She orders grass, and the grass is delivered to the job sites, if there is grass on tthe property it will be carry over from previous jobs. Gail Goodner asked if there was any other location they had looked at for the business. Ms. Eackman indicated they looked at two lots and they liked this one better. She indicated they will not junk up the property. Dorothy Nubine indicated they were not trying to binder business, they do not want it in their residential neighborhood. Ruby Davis, 203 Jones Street, indicated she was against putting anything industrial on that street. Beatrice Chambers spoke in opposition and indicated she did not want the zoning changed. She does not want to see a metal building when she looks outside. Tacey Jones, 210 Railroad Ave., indicated she would like for it to stay residential. As it is she can't hardly sleep with the traffic and noise from the ball games. They've been happy there and want it to stay peaceful. Franklin Haskins, 215 Railroad, spoke against the zoning change and asked how they would like a warehouse built next to their house. Margaret Ware, 511 N •• 5th, spoke in opposition to the request. Kim Hall, 5956 Milam Ridge Road, indicated Mr. Freeman came to her in May of 2002. She marketed the property as residential; as his agent she has called builders, investors, etc. The people who have looked at it for residential purposes were not interested because of it's proximity to the railroad tracks. Public Hearing closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action on a Zoning Change from Old Single Family 3 (SF3) to Industrial 1( 1-1) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241, Tract 325. Property is Located on Railroad Avenue. Polly Dwyer indicated the property was changed back to Residential in 1991, the property on the North, South and East are residential. The property on the West is zoned Industrial. If we consider it Industrial, we are not providing a buffer between the industrial and the residential area. If they zone it light industrial and the property is sold, it could cause problems for the residents if a more industrial type business moved to the property in the future. Discussion. Polly dwyer moved to disapprove the zoning change from OSF3 to 1-1 on the property Legally Described as Abstract 1241, Tract 325. Ralph Cain seconded. Motion carried 5 to 1. Shelley Ruland opposed. 6. Adjourn.