02/23/2004-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 23, 2004 PRESENT: Shelley Ruland, Ken Perry, Mike Lawler, Polly Dwyer, Katharine Wordell, Ralph Cain ABSENT: Gail Goodner OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Streets/Parks Superintendent John Henderson, City Engineer Mark Owens, Joe Smith, Melvin January, Jerry Jenkins 1. Shelley Ruland Called Meeting to Order. 2. Consider and Possible Action on Preliminary Plat for Sable Creek, Being 392 Residential Lots and a Commercial Tract. Property is Located Between McReynolds Road and F.M. 455, West of the High School. Melvin January, consulting engineer in McKinney, Texas, representing Granite Industries, LLC, addressed the Commission and proceeded to address the comments from the City Engineer's letter. Be commented on the acres ofland dedicated for open space. Discussed park requirement. Mr. January addressed all items on the Engineer's letter and indicated they had been corrected. (Copy of letter is attached to be filed with minutes). Mr. January commented on the land dedicated for park area. Mr. January indicated after they get the topo's from their surveyor likely that the area will be raised 3 or 4 feet. In doing so, this will cause sanitary sewer to flow to the West. The details will come later when they complete their final grade. Mr. January indicated the preliminary plat was designed with 392 lots; however, with the changes in grading they may lose some lots due to a retention area possibly being necessary. Mr. January asked for a variance on the lot widths in accordance with the preliminary plat. Ralph Cain expressed concerns regarding the park area. Discussed location of the park areas and accessibility. Discussed access to the subdivision from FM 455 and from McReynolds Road, and the possibility of a road going to the downtown area. Discussed placement of street signs. Discussed possibility of rebuilding the bridge on McReynolds Road. Discussed low areas and possible build up. Discussed brick requirements. Discussed pedestrian access to the park area. Discussed possible 2nd access to 1st phase. Discussed that the majority of homes will be a minimum of 1350 square feet. Mike Lawler moved to approve the preliminary plat with designated pedestrian access to the park, pedestrian access to Indian Trail, an additional 5 foot of easement on the North side of McReynolds Rd for a future 60 foot R.O.W., and access on the West side of the property for future continuation of the street. Ken Perry seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Meeting Adjourned.