04/29/2004-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION APRIL 29, 2004 PRESENT: Shelley Ruland, Polly Dwyer, Katharine Wordell, Mike Lawler, Ralph Cain, Gail Goodner, Ken Perry OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, Assistant City Secretary/Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Code Enforecement Officer Danny Cockrell, Stephen Koch, Trisa Koch, Helen Bounds, Bob Johns, Mary Margaret Tocquigny, Toni Volz, Terry Volz, Mrs. Bennie Schertz 1. Shelley Ruland Called Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes: April 15, 2004 Ken Perry moved to approve the minutes as presented. Polly Dwyer seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Request Change from SF8 (Single Family 8) to 2F (Duplex) on Property Legally described as Block 2, Lot lR, Sullivan West Addition. Property is located on Peach Street between 7th and 8th Street. Public Hearing opened. Tom Jester, spoke in favor of the request. He handed out brochures and indicated the first page is a plot of the lot, second is pictures of the vacant lot, and the duplex across the street. The next page shows where the property is that they are requesting to be re- zoned. The next page shows where all the duplexes are in the area. They also showed two potentials of what they are hoping to build on the property. They have a two story plan and a one story plan. They will have off street parking and comply with the building codes. Bob Johns, corner of Plum and 8th Street, indicated the reason he is against it, is that he would like to see single family homes continue in that neighborhood. He felt the proximity to the square was an important issue. Sanger is someplace special, and he felt it was important to leave single family around the square. He also felt parking may be an issue. The square footage of lot is also a concern. Mary Margaret Tocquigny, 8th Street, indicated she was concerned about having something other than single family. She did not want a duplex in the neighborhood she moved in to. She would like it to maintain the look and feel it has presently. Expressed concerns regarding the size of the lot and parking. Terry Volz, 902 Plum, expressed concerns regarding road conditions. Helen Bounds, Peach Street, expressed concerns regarding the size of the lot and increased traffic. Public Hearing closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action to Consider a Zoning Request Change from SF8 (Single Family 8) to 2F (Duplex) on Property Legally described as Block 2, Lot lR, Sullivan West Addition. Property is located on Peach Street between 7th and 8th Street. Ken Perry asked if this is spot zoning. Shelley Ruland indicated there is no 2F zoning abutting this lot. Shelley Ruland asked about the dimensions of the lot. Steve Koch indicated the lot was 103.85' x 68'. Discussed size of lot. Mike Lawler asked if they originally intended to build a house for the current property owner. Trisa Koch indicated they did, but they are getting a divorce, and do not wish to keep the lot. Polly Dwyer felt this was spot zoning, the other duplexes have been there a while and were grand-fathered in. She was concerned that this is single family environment, that is what the neighbors are expecting. She would rather see a single family home in that area. Trisa Koch indicated there are 8 duplexes within a four block area. Polly Dwyer indicated these people bought into a single family home area. Discussion. Polly Dwyer moved to deny the zoning request change from SF8 to 2F on property legally described as Block 2, Lot lR, Sullivan West Addition. Katharine Wordell seconded. Motion carried unanimously. S. Meeting adjourned.