06/03/2004-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION JUNE3,2004 PRESENT: Shelley Ruland, Gail Goodner, Polly Dwyer, Katharine Wordell, Ralph Cain ABSENT: Ken Perry OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/ Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Assistant City Secretary/Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Allen Bussen, Jerry Jenkins, Teri Voss, Don Jost, Dale Keith Roberts, Carol Martin Roberts 1. Shelley Ruland Called Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes: April 29, 2004 Polly moved, Katharine second, Motion carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Request Change to the PD (Planned Development) Zoning on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tienvester Survey, Tract 87 & 88. Public Hearing opened. Allen Bussell, revised to build Single Family, old plan was good for long term, not for short term. He went over the proposal on the layout. The limit of commercial area is shown on the plan and written in the write up. Discussed assisted living area. Discussed single family area. Change homes to 2000 square foot living area, would like smaller front yard -20 feet. like side yard on row to be 1S. They are proposing to line the street up with Laney Drive. Showing a courtyard street as a very private, very short street. He continued to go through the planned development proposal Hotel motel restaurant not closer than 800 feet, buffering will be per city standards, fence, and large trees every fifty feet with canopy trees in between. Sidewalks will be .constructed per code. Parking lot will have treet every 12 spaces maximum, Island every twelve, two out of three will have a large tree. Everything will have automatic irrigation system No signs on Keaton. Discussed landscaping, and irrigation. Maximum two story on assisted living. maximum 80 units on assisted living. Don Jost, 102 Holt Street, had some questions. indicated the office and small retail -is it two story or one story. Mr, Bussell indicated that would be in Bl area -that would possibly be two story. Mr. Jost indciated there was parking in the residnetial area and asked if it was for the assisted living. Mr. Bussell indciated it was not for the assisted living it was for the homes on that street. Jst something different., A court yard street. Mr. Jost asked aboutthe width of the street. He indicated originall they hAD A BOULEVARD, WILL THEY STILL HA VE IT. Mr. Bussell indicated they did away with the boulevard. Discussed the street and drainage. Mr. Jost continuied to express concerns regarding the proposed development. He felt it should be changed best for the city. Had a lot of questions, are these low income? Mr. N=Bussell indciated they were not. ·Mr. Jost asked if they were going toput in the doctor ofice and medical facility. . Mr. Bussell indciasted they will nto have the offices in that area, it will all be in the B2 area. Mr., Jost expressed concerns regarding the mainte~eace ofhte property. Mr. Jost asked aboutthe cost of the homes. i ,. Mr. Bussell indicated they will be 140-160 and up. ·', Mr. Jost indicated he was only opposed to some of the thinp he wanted clarified. " Dale Keith Roberts, 600 Keaton Rd., he is adjacent on the South side. He is for the assisted living, he felt it was a positive thing for the community • .The original plan had the road meeting Brtooke!Lane, This new plan will have the road at his bedroom window. Felt it will be to the betterment of the community. The detention ponds he has seen are mosquito breeding grounds. If you have a 100 year Rood you just store water to breed mosquitos. He has done a alot of lansd=sk=caping around his home to keep the water from settling to keep the mosquitos away. Many things, a lot of questions, would like a controlled intenection. Not just a four way stop. Expressed concerns regardign the speed on Keaton, felt more traffic control, with school and children in the area. prefer road come out on Brooke Lane, the layout looks good. Nicer than fint conception. plenty of unsanswered questions. Indicated value of home increased $10,000.00. large increase for one year. Felt they would be most heavily inapcated by \~ this development. All for assisted living, but also bad concerns abouttbe docton offices, .-__. like to see more attention paid to the assisted living, like to see them have a garden. \· .I, .,: I ~t 't :•Ht. ,\ ,,, : I \'~ t ,._,.,_; r . ,. .. , , ... , .. Teri Voss, 1803 Duck Creek, expressed concerns that at oneof the eetings they said• the area from the service road to Indian Springs would au be commercial anyway. Wondered what happened to the hotel and restaurant that was proposed before. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change to the PD (Planned Development) Zoning on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tienvester Survey, Tract 87 & 88. Polly Dwyer asked why they went from 8 foot to 6 foot. Mr. Bussen indicated the 8 foot wa The North side. the commercial area before had the eioght foot, and now it has been changed to single fai=mily so he put ina six foot. Polly asked if they would be willing to put in an 8 foot all the way. Ali indicated they would, Allen indicated it would most likely be six foot in residential Shelley Ruland indicated there is no park area. Polly Dyer asked aboutthe roof pitch. Mr. Bussell indicated about 12 pitch, consistent with the homes ont eh North. Mr. Bussell indciated he would be comfortable putting aminimum 6-12 pitch. City Secretgary indciated she was pleased they were building bigger homes. She had no objection to his concept plan. She suggested they build a igger home. Discussion. City Secretary indicated the only concern she had was the drainage issues. Polly Dwyer asked if on the Single Family -is this the time they would talk about elevations. Discussion -can put in varying elevations. Polly asked if these would be front entry garages. Mr. Bussell indicated they will be front or J-entry. Poly Dwyer asked about the 20 feet front building line. Mr. Bussell indicted he did not like to posh it back more than that, get larger back yatd, liked it closer to the street. rear yard is minimum 25 feet. Poly asked if they will have 2 car garages. Mr. Bussell indciated they will. Shelley ruland indciated one of the variance was on the side yard adjacent to street, what is the reason for the city· requiring a 20 foot side yard. City Manager indciated visibilty is normally the reason. Mr. Bussell indciated if it was a huge deal he would move it back to 20 feet. Discussed visibility. City Manager -pretty thouroughfare, but need to stop •••• Discussed traffic on the main street. curve will slow traffic. City Manager indciated there will be no parking on that street. Shelley Rualnd indicated she liked that it will take traffic off of Keaton. Polly Dwyer asked if there will be a garden plan in the assisted living area. Mr. Bussell indcited it is not in the plan but they will have garden areas. Discussion. I Polly Dwyer.asked if there was any type of government.assistance for this development. Mr. Bussell and Ali indicated there was not. Polly would like to put in PD that a garden area adequate for residents. Discussed traffic lights. Mr. Bussell indciated he felt they should require traffic control devices. They need to have traffic combing devices that narrow intenections, or raise the street in the intersections. Have boulevard areas. Would recommednd they put that in the sub rep. Speed bumps don;t work well Polly Dwyer indciated she really liked this plan, didn't know that they needed a median. Don Jost indicated the reason they wanted a boulevard was to take the big trucks and keep them from being congested inthe residential street. Discussion. Shelley Ruland indicated when they start dealing with water flow the detention situation will really have to be addressed. As they get into this, they do not want to seee a detention pond, they want to see water flow adressed. Ralph cain indciated that drainage was also bis primary concern. He would hate to see the people disappointed on something they approve where the draiangewas inadequate. He aske dif they bad full intention of taking care of the draiange. Mr. Bussell indciated they would Polly moved to approve the PD with changes as discusse dint the meeting: 200 sq feet dwelling, no parking on main street, 8 foot buffer between commercial and residential, elevation will vary with ten different plans, 2 car garages, 6/12 pitch on homes, garden area adequarte for assisted living, park areas as requoired by subdivision regualitons, and all subdivision regulations be met, and all drainage studies be approved. Katharine Wordell seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 1S. Meeting Adjourned.