09/02/2004-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 2, 2004 PRESENT: Polly Dwyer, Jerry Jenkins, Gail Goodner, Shelley Ruland, Ken Perry, Mike James, Ralph Cain 1. Ken Perry Called Meeting to Order. 2. Mike James made a motion to appoint Jerry Jenkins as Chairperson and Ken Perry as Co-Chairperson. Seconded by Ralph Cain. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Approve Minutes: July 1, 2004 Polly Dwyer made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Ralph Cain. Motion ~rried unanimously. I . ·"'• 4. Conduct P~J>lic J&aring on Ranger Creek Estates Phase Il(Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester~·sur,v.ey .being 17.24 Acres) to Consider Zoning Change Request from "A" (Agricultural District) to SF-6E (Single Family 6E). Property is located on the South Side of McReynolds Road. Declared Public Hearing Opened. No one spoke for or against. Declared Public Hearing Closed. 5. Consider and Possible Action on Zoning Change Request from "A" (Agricultural District) to SF-6E (Single Family 6E) pm Ranger Creek Estates Phase Il (Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester Survey being 17.24 Acres). Property is located on the South Side of McReynolds Road. Discussion. Motion was made by Mike James to approve Zoning Change Request from "A" (Agricultural District) to SF-6E (Single Family 6E) on Ranger Creek Estates Phase Il (Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester Survey being 17.24 Acres). Seconded by Ken Perry. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consider and Possible Action on the Final Plat for Ranger Creek Estates, Phase II Being 17.24 Acres in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is located on the South Side of McReynolds Road. City Secretary indicated that in the letter from Lee Allison, the plat was approved, contingent to the fact that no building permits will be issued in that area. The lots in question are Lots 5 and 6 of Block A in Ranger Creek Estates Phase IL Discussion continued. 7. Roger Otwell addressed the Planning and Zoning Commission in regards to further development in that area. He indicated that the next phases would be a Plan Development. Discussion Continued. Roger Otwell indicated that he would like to use side entry garages with a 10 foot and 6 foot setbacks. This would enhance the neighborhood in the fact that every driveway would be on the side of the house. No two houses would be connected together. This item was discussed and he was advised that this item would have to be considered by council, they would be the ones to grant the request. Motion was made by Polly Dwyer to approve the final plat of Ranger Creek Phase II being 17.24 Acres in the Henry Tierwester Survey to allow a variance of alleys and the exclusions of Lots S and 6, Block A, for residential construction as indicated in the genera, n~tes of the City Engineer's letter. Seconded by Mike James. Motion carried unanimously~ .J•• Adjournment.