02/17/2005-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: PLANNING AND WNING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 17, 2005 PRESENT: Jerry Jenkins, Shelley Ruland, Ralph Cain, Gail Goodner, Mike James, Polly Dwyer ABSENT: Ken Perry OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, Councilman Joe Higgs, Earl Herrington, Michael S. Davis 1. Jerry Jenkins called Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes: December 30, 2004 Mike James moved to approve the minutes. Motion was seconded by Shelley Ruland. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a zoning request change from Old Single Family 3 (Old SF-3) to Two-Family (2F) Zoning. The Property is Legally Described as OT Sanger, Block 49, Lot 1. Property is Located at 604 Plum Street. Earl Herrington, 512 Plum, addressed the board in favor of the zoning change. He suggests the improvements would be good for the neighborhood. 4. Consider and Possible Action to Consider a zoning request change from Old Single Family 3 (Old SF-3) to Two-Family (2F) Zoning. The Property is Legally Described as OT Sanger, Block 49, Lot 1. Property is Located at 604 Plum Street. Jerry Jenkins indicated he needed to see plats and square footage on the property. He indicated that he would not make a change of this nature without a plat. Shelley Ruland indicated that the owner was wanting a zoning change, not a plat change. Discussion. (Map found) Jerry Jenkins indicated the home does not qualify to be a duplex and asked if it was ever zoned for two-family. City Manager indicated the property was never zoned for a duplex • ., Polly Dwyer asked if the owner was converting a single family home into a duplex. Shelly Ruland expressed concerns regarding the property and that she did not feel it met the requirements for single family or two family zoning. Discussion regarding the current use of the property. City Manager indicted the property was a duplex at one time. The structure is grand- fathered and should not be altered without this zoning change. Discussion possibly issuing a Specific Use Permit. Shelley Ruland discussed the plat will never conform to single family or duplex; however, the better use of the property would be as a duplex. Shelley Ruland moved to accept the zoning request change from Old Single Family 3 (Old SF-3) to Two-Family (2F) Zoning at Property is Legally Described as OT Sanger, Block 49, Lot 1. Property is Located at 604 Plum Street. S. Meeting Adjourned.