10/02/2006-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING OCTOBER 2, 2006 PRESENT: Chairpenon Jerry Jenkins, Jimmy Frazier, Thomas Muir, Gary Bilyeu, Brian Hutcheson, Russell Martin ABSENT: Paul Eddleman OTHERS PRESENT: Jack Smith -City Manager, Candace Murphree -Administrative Secretary, Mary Forrest 1. Chairpenon Jerry Jenkins called meeting to order. 2. Approve Minutes: July 27, 2006 Brain Hutcheson moved to approve the minutes. Russell Martin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consider and Possible Action on Appointment of Chair and Co-Chair Penons. Thomas Muir nominated Jerry Jenkins as Chair Penon. Jimmy Frazier seconded. Jimmy Frazier nominated Gary Bilyeu as Vice-Chair Penon. Brian Hutcheson seconded. Jimmy Frazier moved to close the nominations. Thomas Muir seconded. All motions approved unanimously. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Preliminary/Final Plat for Forrest Addition, being a 3 lot subdivision in the E. T .J. of the City of Sanger. Property is Located on Mesquite Hill Road, North of FM 455 East. Jerry Jenkins indicated Paul Eddleman bad advised he would "ot be at this meeting. He welcomed the new members. Jerry Jenkins indicated there was a letter in the packet from the ownen explaining the situation on the plat, and a letter from the City engineer. When this started the intent was to sell 2.024 acres from a 6 plus acre tract. The property currently has a private drive. Lots 2 and 3 may never be sold, the lots had to be platted in order to sell the initial 2 acres. He indicated the -topography of the area shows that water will ftow as always into the pond in that area. Mary Forrest, -owner, indicated when she started this it was with the County. The County allows for a private drive with six lots or less and no sidewalks are required. She requested variances from City ordinances on these items. The other two tract were not originally intended to be platted. They are simply trying to sell two acres. Jerry Jenkins went over-the items in the Engineer's letter. He indicated this was pretty much a procedural process. Discussion as to why the additional 2 lots w,re required to be platted. This is a city requirement. Discussed variances. Jimmy Fnzier moved to approve the Preliminary/Final Plat for Forrest Addition. RusseU Martin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Consider and Possible Action on Review of Zoning, Subdivision and Building Ordinances. Jerry Jenkins indicated this item will be on every agenda from now on until the Commission requests that it be removed. This is for them to discuss the current ordinances and possibly make recommendations to Council on possible changes. He requested the memben look through the ordinances and get familiar with them. He explained that a firm has been retained to create a comprehensive plan for the City. In that plan an update of these ordinances is included. He requested from that company a zoning ordinance for a city the size of Sanger. They sent him an ordinance for the City of Royce City. He reviewed the ordinance and indicated they only have two zoning categories. The City of Sanger currently has 31 zoning categories. He felt if we could work with a smaller number of categories it would be better for the City. Mr. Jenkins briefly described the two zoning categories in the City of Royce City's zoning ordinance. Discussed differences in Royce City and Sanger's zoning ordinances. Jerry Jenkins indicated he would like the commission to get input from staff and work on some changes to our ordinance. Discussion regarding the comparison of Sanger's ordinances to other cities. Discussed density and zoning categories. Discussed getting input from other planning groups, and possible training for board memben. 6. Meeting Adjourned.