01/18/2007-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION January 18, 2007 PRESENT: Jerry Jenkins, Thomas Muir, Brian Hutcheson, Jimmy Frazier, Russell Martin ABSENT: Gary Bilyeu, Paul E<lleman OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, Engineering Coordinator Samantha Renz, Alan Nelson, JT Thompson 1. Jerry Jenkins called meeting to order. 2. Approve Minutes: December 14, 2006 No Action Taken. Corrected minutes will be presented at next meeting. 3. Consider and Possible Action on the Preliminary Plat for Bubba's Ranch. Property is Located on the comer of Lake Ray Roberts and Union Hill Roads. JT Thompson, All American Surveying, 114 W. Main in Gainesville, Texas indicated he was there to answer any questions. Jerry Jenkins indicated there is a letter from the engineer that addresses the plat. Drainage should not be an issue. On the left hand side of the preliminary plat there are 12 items of notes. The plat looks in total form and this has been confirmed by the City Engineer. City Manager indicated staff recommends approval. Brian Hutcheson indicated there are two owners and asked if they have joined together or if one owns one lot and one owns the other. Mr. Thompson indicated that Everett Newland purchased Lot 2, and Mr. Dickerson owns Lot 1. Thomas Muir asked the City Manager if there was anything in the thoroughfare plan that will join Union Hill to Lois Road. City Manager indicated there was not anything at this time. Discussion concerning the thoroughfare plan. Thomas Muir moved to approve the plat as presented. Brian Hutcheson seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Consider and Possible Action on the Final Plat of Lot 1 R, Block 1 -First Baptist Church of Sanger. Property is Located on the Comer of Fifth and Wayne Streets. Jerry Jenkins indicated they had a corrected review letter from the City Engineer. Alan Nelson, architect for the developer, indicated they originally had a design that was not accepted by the church. They are asking for a variance to provide a sidewalk that would end at the approach at the driveway and eventually pick it back up when they do the next phase. Brief Discussion followed. Jimmy Frazier moved to approve the plat as presented. Russell Martin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. S. Consider and Possible Action on Review of Zoning, Subdivision and Building Ordinances. Jerry Jenkins indicated he went to look at Lone Star Ranch in Frisco. They originally had 4000 acres, but they sold half of it. Selling a portion of it is not uncommon, they(The Tomlin Group) only develop the residential home sites. The development backs up close to Jerry Jones' subdivision. He expressed that it's worth a trip to go look at. The community center is well thought out and well laid out; very visible and secure. It is the only building that is available for public use, and for a fee you can rent the facility. It's huge and very well built. It has a work out room with all kinds of equipment. Assuming that if it gets through the negotiating committee, at some point it will probably come through the Planning and Zoning and they will get into some questions concerning side yards and lot dimensions; if they can get this new zoning ordinance updated or replaced with the new one, it's going to be a good test for Planning and Zoning and City Council. Thomas Muir indicated the demographics are different. They are able to sell houses for more in Frisco and they have enough people there to buy them. They are probably building a bigger house. He indicated he would be curious for them to compare and contrast with what they are going to do here. Jerry Jenkins indicated he had asked the same question. A $200,000 plus home in Sanger would be comparable to their lower end house there. They don't just put small houses all in one area. ·The size of homes is spread out. There is too much pressure to· put in a smaller house, so they started scaling up, when you get to the street to turn into community center it has a rolling landscape with water features. It's like looking at the old river bed, very attractive. They brought in a half million dollars worth of stones to put along the creek channel. The bridges required are very nice. We would still have problems with traffic flow and somewhere in negotiations that will have to be addressed. Our planning group will be one of the main players when it comes to talking about traffic laws, and the requirements will have to be negotiated. He has seen a map showing a four lane divided thoroughfare from the interstate to this development. Jimmy Frazier indicated he did not see anything Sanger is going to gain from this, he thinks it's going to cost us. Sanger will need more police, more fire protection, more schools, and traffic is going to flood our streets. The only thing they will increase is the traffic. Discussion regarding the impact on the school district. Discussion regarding the development. Russell Martin indicated this development will bring more tax dollars per home. Discussion regarding the sewer treatment plant and capacity. Discussed there will be school sites and municipal sites for fire station and for police station in the new development. City Manager indicated that Chili's is not coming to Sanger until we have more rooftops. Walmart will not come till there are 15,000 residents in a 5 mile radius. Both will pay school taxes and not impact the school. Discussed commercial areas in these developments. Discussed amenities and different areas of the development City Manager indicated the entry level home will be comparable to the homes in Sable Creek. Jerry Jenkins indicated the development is fantastic, and there is a home within the subdivision that is so energy efficient that they are selling energy back to CoServ. Discussion regarding the current City Limits and the Sanger's ETJ in proximity to Denton's ETJ. Thomas Muir indicated there were currently two zoning districts in the ordinance for mobile homes. He asked for direction from the board. Commission and staff agreed to bring it down to one category and keep it restricted. Discussion continued regarding mobile home zoning. 6. Meeting Adjourned.