02/15/2007-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING February IS, 2007 PRESENT: Jerry Jenkins, Gary Bilyeu, Paul Edleman, Jimmy Frazier, Thomas Muir, Russell Martin, Brain Hutcherson OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, Economic Development Director Cecile Carson, Engineering Coordinator Samantha Renz, JT Thompson, Robert Patton 1. Chairperson Jerry Jenkins called meeting to order. 2. Approve Minutes: November 16, 2006 December 28, 2006 January 11, 2007 January 18, 2007 Thomas Muir indicated that "Brian Hutcheson" should be corrected to show "Brian Hutcherson" on all minutes. Item #Son December 28th, should show that Thomas Muir seconded, not Russell Martin. Jerry Jenkins indicated that on Item #Son the November 16th minutes the word "all" should be changed to "allow". Cecile Carson indicated that on same meeting the commission discussed "no drive thru sales". Thomas Muir indicated that on the November 16th meeting, on Item #4 "fro" should be change to "for", and that on the January 11 th minutes "12" should be changed to "120". He also indicated that on the January 18th meeting, the item regarding the First Baptist Church that is should show that Brian Hutcherson made the motion. Jimmy Frazier indicated he was present at January 11 th meeting. Discussed the language of the City of Coppell's Beer and Wine Sales ordinance. Jerry Jenkins indicated the ordinance was going back to the City Council. City Manager indicated the Council will consider an ordinance that will require that Beer and Wine Sales would be considered under a Specific Use Permit in all zoning categories. Discussion continued regarding the Beer and Wine Sales ordinance. Discussed drive thru sales of beer and wine. Paul Edleman indicated he thought the intention of the new sign regulations was to not allow outside signs that advertised beer and wine. He did not think it out-lawed a sign visible from the road. Cecile Carson indicated the wording is from the Coppell ordinance. Jerry Jenkins asked if the entire ordinance can be put back on the Planning and Zoning Commission's agenda. Cecile Carson indicated it has to come back to the Planning and Zoning if there is a change. Discussion continued regarding neon signs and advertising. Jerry Jenkins directed staff to put the ordinance back on the next agenda, he asked that they also include a copy of T ABC regulations on signs and advertising. Thomas Muir moved to approve the November 16, 2006 minutes as corrected. Russell Martin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Paul Edleman moved to post-pone the December 28th minutes as corrected, Gary Bilyeu seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Thomas Muir moved to approve the January 11 th minutes as corrected, Russell Martin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Thomas Muir moved to approve the January 18th minutes as corrected, Jimmy Frazier seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consider and Possible Action on the Final plat for Bubba's Ranch, Being S.501 Acres in the R. Bebee Survey, Abstract #29, in the E.T .J. of the City of Sanger. Paul Edleman moved to approve the Final Plat ofBubba's Ranch as presented. Jimmy Frazier seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 4. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding a Specific Use Permit for the Purpose of Building a Municipal Fire Station on property legally Described as Abstract 1241 H. Tierwester Survey, Tract 299, Being 1.923 Acres to be Known as Fire Station Addition. Public Hearing Opened. No Discussion. Public Hearing Closed. S. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Specific Use Permit for the Purpose of Building a Municipal Fire Station on property legally Described as Abstract 1241 H. Tierwester Survey, Tract 299, Being 1.923 (corrected as 3.212) Acres to be Known as Fire Station Addition. Discussed the location of the lot and the Rood plain. Paul Edleman asked if this was the best use for this land. City Manager indicated the land was purchased by the Sanger Volunteer fire association for the purpose of a fll'e station. Jerry Jenkins asked if any city building is required to have a specific use permit. Discussed zoning locations. Discussed the acreage is incorrect on the legal description. Paul Edleman moved to approve the Specific Use Permit for the Purpose of Building a Municipal Fire Station on property legally Described as Abstract 1241 H. Tierwester Survey, Tract 299, Being 3.212 Acres to be Known as Fire Station Addition. Jerry Jenkins seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consider and Possible Action on the Preliminary Plat for Fire Station Addition, Being 1.923 (corrected as 3.212) Acres in the City of Sanger. Property is Located on Willow Street (McReynolds Road). Jerry Jenkins read agenda briefmg from the City Engineer. Jerry Jenkins indicated in a conversation he had with a representative from the Tomlin Group they indicated that they plan to re-build their half of that entire street from the railroad track passed Sable Creek Addition. Discussion followed regarding the street. Discussion that the water service should show that it is provided by the City of Sanger, and not Bolivar Water. Staff indicated this bas been noted for correction on the final plat. Gary Bilyeu moved to approve the Preliminary Plat for Fire Station Addition, being 3.212 acres in the City of Sanger, with the correction to the acreage and general notes. Russell Martin seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding the Thoroughfare Plan Map for the City of Sanger. Cecil Carson gave the members a proposed thoroughfare plan map. Jerry Jenkins indicated in the steering committee for the planning group this was their main discussion. They are asking the commission to make any changes or suggestions on that map. Cecile Carson indicated that MPRG took the previous map and looked at it. The goal that they had was to have primary roadways with one mile in between. She discussed the distance between each main road and the different types of roads. Discussion regarding location, size and type of roads. Discussed collector and primary roads, including function and construction •• Ms. Carson asked the Commission to look at the maps and add any suggestions that they have. Discussed the future expansion of the Toll Road. Discussed FM 45S and the future widening, as well as the need to divert traffic elsewhere. Ms. Carson indicated she would like to bring this back tot he Commission on March 1st with any changes that have been submitted, then the Steering committee will look at it on March 15th, they will then lay the land study use over this and decide where to put what categories. Discussion followed regarding the thoroughfare plan. Ms. Carson requested they make any changes and get them back to her no later than close of business on Tuesday. Discussion continued regarding the thoroughfare plan, the future widening of FM 45S and the current progress of the TxDOT bridges. 8. Consider and Possible Action on Review of Zoning, Subdivision and Building Ordinances. Cecile Carson gave the commission information on Single family as requested from the workshop. Ms. Carson discussed the proposed single family chart and the other two hand outs. Discussion followed regarding zoning categories. City Manger reminded Commission that a developer can come in with a PD to build something other than what would fit into one of these categories. Gary Bilyeu asked Ms. Carson if she had ever heard of on a time limit on developing under a current code. Ms. Carson indicated that there are some communities that have put in stipulations. I Discussion regarding adding stipulations to the code. City manager indicated that staff had taken a request to the Council in the past requesting a time limit be put on a plat, the Council denied the request. Discussion continued regarding time frames on development. Discussion followed regarding Planned Developments and Master Planned Communities in reference to current and future development standards. Discussion regarding possible workshops and/or discussion of these items in future meetings. 9. Meeting Adjourned.