03/29/2007-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: PLANNING AND WNING March 29, 2N7 PRESENT: Chairpenon Jerry Jenkins, Paul Edleman, Brian Hutchenon, Gary Bilyeu, Thomas Muir, Jimmy Frazier, Russell Martin OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Engineer Rob Woods, Engineering CNrdinator Samantha Renz 1. Jerry Jenkins Called Meeting to Order. 2. Minutes: March 15, 2N7 Russel Martin moved to approve the minutes as presented. Thomas Muir seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding a Specific Use Permit .for the Construction of the Elementary SchMI in an AG (Agriculture) Zoning District. Property is Legally Described as a portion of Abstract 29 Lots 61,62 and 65A. Property is Located between Indian Lane and Sable Creek Subdivision. Public Hearing Opened. No Discussion. Public Hearing Closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Specific Use Permit for the Construction of the Elementary School in an AG (Agriculture) Zoning District. Property is Legally Described as a portion of Abstract 29 Lots 61,62 and 65A. Property is Located between Indian Lane and Sable Creek Subdivision. City Manager indicated the SchNI had requested we pull the item because they could not be here, but he advised they would proceed, and that he did not see an issue with this item. Jerry Jenkins asked if they were going to try to remedy the street width with this new development. ·City Manager indicated the area is wide enough to put in the 4 lanes. Paul Edleman asked about the construction of the West half of the road. Is the school going to build it? Discussion followed. City Manager indicated it is already City Right of Way. Discussion regarding the Right of Way for Indian Lane, and possibility of tum lanes in the future. Brian Hutchenon asked if the plans for the school are similar to the High School Rob Woods, City Engineer, indicated the school has elected to go with more of a Texas look, only a preliminary has been submitted. Gary Bilyeu indicated at the last meeting they addressed Specific Use Permits, when they come ask for a permit, we have no requirements in place for them to follow. Discussion Thomas Muir moved to approve the Specific Use Permit, Gary Bilyeu seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Specific Use Permit for a Municipal Fire Station to be located on Property Legally described as Abstract 1241, H. Tierwester Survey, Tract 299, Being 3.212 Acres to be known as Fire Station Addition. Property is Located on McReynolds Road. ' . . ~-.• )4~ Public Hearing Opened. No Discussion. · · · Public Hearing Closed. 7. Consider and Possible Action on a Specific Use Permit for a Municip~I Fire Station to be located on Property Legally described as Abstract 1241, H. Tierwester Survey, Tract 299, Being 3.212 Acres to be known as Fire Station Addition. Property is Located on McReynolds Road. Jimmy Evans m;ved to approve the Specific Use Permit, Russell Martin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. ,,,, , 8.-Conduct Publjc ·Hearing ta Consider Ordinance #04-08-07 :-· Amending the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance by Amending Section 42.2 Special Defmitions and Amending_ 30.2 Schedule of Uses; Amending the Code of Ordinances b)! Amending Section 3.104 Sign Regulations. Public Hearing Opened. No Discussion. Public Hearing Closed. 9. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #04-08-07 -Amending the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance by Amending Section 42.2 Special Definitions and Amending 30.2 Schedule of Uses; Amending the Code of Ordinances by Amending Section 3.104 Sign Regulations. Brief Discussion. Jimmy Fnzier moved to recommend approval of Ordinance #04-08-07, Brian Hutcherson seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Conduct Public Hearing on Amendments to Chapter 10 of the Sanger Code of Ordinances, Section S General Plat Requirements, Article 5.01 -Streets. Public Hearing Opened. No Discussion. Public Hearing Closed. 11. Consider and Possible Action Recommendation of Ordinance 04-10-07 -Amendments to Chapter 10 of the Sanger Code of Ordinances, Section S General Plat Requirements, Article 5.01 -Streets. Rob Woods, City Engineer, indicated this was changed to match the thoroughfare map. Gary Bilyeu indicated the chart does not match the table. City Engineer indicated the chart is correct and the table should be changed to match. Discussion regarding the right of way widths. Discussion regarding some of the language in the current ordinance. Gary Bilyeu moved to approve ordinance with proposed corrections to make the table match the chart in reference to the right of way widths. Russell Martin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 12. Consider and Possible Action on Review of Zoning, Subdivision and Building Ordinances. A) Jerry Jenkins indicated there is a situation, it has to do with ETJ subdivisions of more than 6 lots without building a paved road. There is a conflict with County guidelines and City guidelines. The attorney has advised that we caa no longer grant a variance according to the current ordinance. Jerry Jenkins indicated he will call Denton County tomorrow and. set up a meeting with Kathy Allcorn to discuss this. Lake Ray Roberts Planning and Zoning does not have a problem with the 2 acre lots, the City of Sanger requires the lots to be 3.5 acres for a private road to be allowed. Commission looked at a map of the Lake Ray Roberts Zoning district. City Manager indicated in the past, any developer would have had to build a 31' concrete street. We had some requests, and the Council developed these regulations with. strict guidelines. The variance is for a private road, this could be gravel or whatever. He asked them to keep in mind that someone bas to maintain that road. Ifwe start messing with that ordinance, it could possible cause problems. Continued discussion regarding the ordinance. Jerry Jenkins indicated a variance request on the street requirements will be coming before the commission soon. Discussion regarding the proposed development. B) City Manager indicated the Commission bas requested an ordinaace prohibiting outside sales or storage of packaged beverages. He explained that we currently have an ordinance prohibiting sales and storage in loading zones. Currently the police department does not enforce this ordinance in regards to ice, coke machines, newspaper stands, etc. If we push to do one specific thing, the police cannot do selective enforcement. The City Attorney felt it was already in place, but that we would not have a problem with beer and wine being sold on the sidewalks. We could enforce the ordinance right now ifwe wanted to. Discussion regarding outside sales and contacting T ABC for their guidelines in this area. 13. Meeting Adjourned.