04/12/2007-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING APRIL 12, 2007 PRESENT: Chairpenon Jerry Jenkins, Paul Edleman, Brian Hutchenon, Gary Bilyeu, Thomas Muir, Jimmy Frazier, Russell Martin OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Engineer Rob Woods, Engineering Coordinator Samantha Renz, Steve Koch 1. Jerry Jenkins Called Meeting to Order. 2. Minutes: March 29, 2007 Correct Item #7 to show that Jimmy Frazier made the motion. Thomas Muir moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Gary Bilyeu seconded. Motion carried unanimously. J. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Request from Steve Koch to be able to Continue Phase 4 of Choctaw Ridge, Using the same Development Standards as the Original Phases. The Request is for Asphalt Roads and Bar Ditches built to County Specifications. Steve Koch, owner of S & T Custom Homes, 7152 Huntington Dr., currently working on Choctaw Ridge. He indicated there would are planning to develop lots over 1 acre he was looking at SFl. He gave the memben a handout and discussed it with them. Gary Bilyeu addressed concerns regarding the street. The .road in Choctaw .Ridge was discussed. Discussed location of Creekview. Jerry Jenkins indicated that when Indian Springs was built it was in the E.T.J., the developer never completed the development. It sat for six yean, and when it was built they did not have full time building inspecton and such. There was a lack of quality control. He indicated he was not penonally opposed to barrow ditches. Discussed the minimum square footage of the homes that were planning to be built. Steve Koch indicated most of the homes would be over 2500 square feet. He indicated he would request a minimum of 2200 square feet. Discussed features of the homes to be built. Thomas Muir asked city staff to comment on the -cost of roads. Rob woods, City Engineer, indicated the City recently received bids on asphalt and concrete roads. The concrete bids came in 15 to 20 percent higher than the asphalt. Discussion followed. Steve Koch addressed road layout and drainage. Discussion regarding asphalt roads venus concrete roads in other subdivisions. Discussed cost of roads in Indian Springs and the life of asphalt venus concrete streets. Mr. Koch indicated he wanted to put in a 24' street. Staff indicated current requirement is 36'. Commission continued to review layout and had multiple discussions regarding the proposed development. ,. · Thomas Muir indicated he would like to see a road connection left for future connectivity to the East. Discussed that Mr. Koch would not have to build the road at this time, but the Right of Way would need to be dedicated. Jerry Jenkins indicated there is nothing for the commission to recommend to the Couneil at this point, in bis penonal opinion he did not see. a problem with the developer proceeding toward asphalt. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Review of Zoning, Subdivision and Building Ordinances. Gary Bilyeu indicated be felt they should schedule another planning session by the end of the summer to come up with a draft of the new zoning ordinance. Discussed that a workshop would be scheduled. Jerry Jenkins indicated at the last meeting they had discussed the Sadau property. Be indicated if they do not make a recommendation to the Council,.the ordinance will not get changed. Discussion regarding the differences in the City's ordinance and the County's ordinanee. Carl Sadau indicated he would do anything he could to help. He started this project 7 months ago, and has asked for a variance from 3.5 acre lots to 2 acre lots. He has met the Lake Ray Roberts regulations regarding a private road. Discussion followed. 5. Meeting Adjourned.