05/03/2007-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING MAY3,2007 PRESENT: Paul Edleman, Brian Hutcbenon, Gary Bilyeu, Thomas Muir, Russell Martin OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Engineer Rob Woods,EngineeringCoordinator Samantha Renz, Thomas Bojanczyk, Carl Sadau, Dennis Morrow, Edsel Sapian 1. Gary Bilyeu Called Meeting to Order. 2. Minutes: April 12, 2N7 Thomas Muir indicated the wording in the second paragraph of page 3 should be corrected. Gary Bilyeu indicated that on Item #3 it should be noted that all of the committee memben were in agreement with Mr. Jenkins. Committee memben indicated they were. Russell Martin moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Brian Hutcbenon seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consider and Possible Action Regarding the Nature and Described Pert:ormance of a Proposed Use, being "Outside Display and Sales of Storage Buildings, Carports, and Playground Equipment", and its Compatibility with the Uses Permitted in the Various Districts, and Determining the Zoning District or Districts Within Which Such Use Should be Permitted. Tom Bojanczyk, REJ Land LLC, indicated be would answer any questions they bad. Gary Bilyeu indicated if they change the ordinance for this request, there is nothing to prevent someone, in the future, creating a business at this location that may not be handled the same way. He asked staff if this could be done under a planned development. Staff indicated it could, but it would be better to specify it under the 82 zoning classification and require a Specific Use Permit. Discussion followed. City Manager indicated this would add a category to the zoning ordinance, then they would stipulate which zoning districts this category would be allowed in. Discussion followed regarding what items/issues can be addressed within the Specific Use Permit. 4. Staff indicated any stipulations can be made. City Manager indicated they are requesting to put an office in a storage shed, and City ordinance requires a masonry building. Discussed thatREJ Land LLC owns this land and they own Smokey's. They will share parking facilities and restroom facilities. Discussed access from the East. Discussion followed regarding a Specific Use Permit and the property. Gary Bilyeu indicated he would like to see an area for parking, fencing around the playground equipment, exact number of finished displays, and the layout be place in the Specific Use Permit. Mr~ Bojanczyk indicated they are planning on doing a gravel parking area. Cecile Canon indicated the ordinance states that all parking must be on a paved asphalt or concrete parking space. Paul Edleman indicated he would like to see it be a separate business than Smokey's. He did not like the idea of them sharing facilities. He would rather see them build an office, and put in a restroom and parking facilities. Discussed masonry requirements of office building. Discussed the best category to place this business in. Commission agreed it appeared B2 was the best category. Discussed if this item is passed, REJ Land will still have to come back for a Specific Use Permit. Brian Hutcbenon moved to recommend Council add a category for "outside display and sales" under "retail and service type uses" with required approval of an SUP in the zoning category of 82. Russell Martin seconded. Motion carried 4 in ~avor and 1 abstention. Thomas Muir abstained. j Consider and Possible Action on Review of Zoning, Subdivision and Building Ordinances. City Manager indicated the County bas an ordinance that allows for a private road when six or less lots are using the road. The ordinance he had given them was amended to line up with the County. This ordinance will also change the minimum lot . size from 3.S acres to 1 acre. Discussed the layout of Carl Sadau's proposed development. Discussed proposed ordinance. Paul Edleman moved to send Ordinance #05-06-07 to the City Council for approval. Brian Hutchenon seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Gary Bilyeu indicated there was still work to be done on the zoning ordinance, and he would like to take a hard look at Specific Use Permits. Discussed appointment of Chair and Vice Chair once new memben are appointed. City Manager asked if they had any recommendations for the board. Gary Bilyeu indicated be had an idea, but would need to follow up with the gentleman. Gary Bilyeu indicated they need to push forward with re-writing the ordinances. He indicated he will take over the Single Family portion. Russell Martin indicated he will take over Mobile Homes. Paul Edleman indicated he will take over Industrial Brief discussion followed. 5. Meeting Adjourned.