10/04/2007-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: PLANNING AND WNING October 4, 2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: Gary Bilyeu, Glenn Jensen, Brian Hutcherson, Russell Martin, Shelley Ruland, ·Paul Edelman ABSENT: Kay Van Haven OTHERS PRESENT: Engineering Coordinator Samantha Renz 1. Gary Bilyeu Called Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes: Sept 6, 2007 Sept13,2007 Sept20,2007 Russell Martin mentioned the typo on the 2INI line of the Sept. 13 minutes. It should read "Glenn Jensen" not "Glenn Ervin". Russell Martin moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Shelley Ruland seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consider and Possible Action on Review of Zoning, Subdivision and Building Ordinances. Gary Bilyeu expected to have opinion back on the SUP ordinance form the City Attorney. This is not back yet, if there is nothing to discuss, they can hold off until the next meeting. Discussed the-next meeting to be scheduled for October 18, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. 4. Meetini; adjourned.